9.b) Adoption of 2008 Comprehensive Plan Meeting Date: 03/17/09 Agenda Item: �. � City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`" St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Adopt the 2008 —2030 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Scandia. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The Metropolitan Council has completed its review of Scandia's Comprehensive Plan Update, and authorized the city to put the plan into effect without any modifications. • After the plan has been formally adopted, the city inust send the resolution and two copies of the final plan to the Metropolitan Council. • The city is also required to document that the watershed districts have approved the Local Water Management Plan portion of the plan. The Carnelian-Maine St. Croix Watershed District has already accepted the plan (see attached letter.) Staff of the other two watersheds (Comfort Lake/Forest Lake and Rice Creek) have indicated verbally that their approval should be expected shortly. • The Metropolitan Land Planning Act (Minnesota Statutes 473.865) requires that the city amend any official controls in conflict with the new plan within 9 months of its adoption, and submit copies to the Metropolitan Council. Recommendation: I recommend that the City Council adopt the resolution adopting the 2008- 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan requires a supermajority(2/3 or 4 votes of a 5 member City Council) for approval per Mn. Stat. 462.355 Subd. 3. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 03-17-09-01 Materials provided: . Metropolitan Council Review(February 26, 2009) • Letter from Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District (February 11, 2009) Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator (comprehensive plan adoption) Page 1 of 1 03/13/09 CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO. 03-17-09-01 RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2008—2030 SCANDIA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Scandia through the work of its Comprehensive Plan Committee and extensive input from citizens has prepared a 2008 — 2030 Comprehensive Plan, to guide the future of the com�nunity and to meet the requirements of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act; and WHEREAS, following duly noticed public hearings and with the recoinmendation of the Scandia Planning Coininission, the City Council approved the plan for submission to the Metropolitan Council for its review and comment on December 2, 2008; and WHEREAS, on February 25, 2009 the Metropolitan Council completed its review of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, and found that the plan meets all Metropolitan Land Planning Act Requirements, confonns to the regional system plans including transportation, aviation, water resources management, and parks, is consistent with the 2030 Regional Development Framework, and is compatible with the plans of adjacent jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has authorized the City of Scandia to put its 2030 Comprehensive Plan update into effect without any plan modifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does adopt the 2008—2030 Comprehensive Plan as submitted to and reviewed by the Metropolitan Council; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Scandia Comprehensive Plan adopted October 20, 1998 is hereby repealed. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 17th day of March, 2009. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk/Administrator �;` Metropolitan Co�ncil �� February 26, 2009 , � � _, � t;.. - , Ms. Anne Hurlburt � City Administrator � ' City of Scandia � � '��� '�� � � � � i 14727 209'h Street North { ! Scandia, Minnesota 55073-8503 i ;I i��. C;. , ,.,°��,�.�!`+�1 � RE: City of Scandia 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update Metropolitan Council Review File No. 20456-1 Metropolitan Council District 12, Sherry Broecker Dear Ms. Hurlburt: At its meeting on February 25, 2009 the Metropolitan Council completed its review of the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan(Update). The Council based its review on the staff's report and analysis(attached). The Council found that the City's Update meets all Metropolitan Land Planning Act requirements, conforms to the regional system plans including transportation, aviation, water resources management, and parks, is consistent with the 2030 Regional Develop»zent Framework, and is compatible with the plans of adjacent jurisdictions. The Council adopted the following recommendations: Recommendations of the Community Development Committee: 1. Authorize the City of Scandia to put its 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update into effect without any plan modifications. 2. Remind the City to submit a copy of the City Council Resolution adopting its Update to the Council for its records. 3. Remind the City that Minnesota Statutes 473.864 require it to formally adopt the Comprehensive Plan after the Council's final action and require the City to submit two copies of the adopted Plan to the Council in a timely manner. 4. Remind the City that it is required to submit any updated ordinances and controls intended to help implement the Plan to the Council upon their adoption. 5. Advise the City to send to the Com�cil the dates that the watersheds approved the Local Water Management Plan (LWMP), the date the City adopts the final LWMP, and a copy of the final adopted LWNIP if it is different than the version reviewed as part of the Update. The Council requests the following: • A copy of the resolution of adoption by the local governing body indicating that tl�e Plan as reviewed by the Council is adopted. � One hard copy and one electronic copy of the City's final Update once it is revised to include all the information that was submitted. � A copy of any official local controls adopted to implement the comprehensive plan. www.metrocouncil.org / 390 Robert Street North • St. Paul, Iv1N 55101-1 S05 • (651)602-1000 • Fas(651)602-1550 • 'I"I�'(651)291-0904 An Equal Opponunil�EmployPr Anne Hurlburt ' February 26,2009 Page 2 Congratulations on completing your 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update. Sir�eer y, i ,� �/ �.�c�� GL_�. Phyllis nson, Manager Local anning Assistance Attachment cc: Sherry Broecker, Councilmember District 12 Lisa Barajas, Sector Representative Cheryl Olsen, Reviews Coordinator � .. ( ��i:;7!�;l)<.l �'� � ( _iiN/'!!liillr.l.��dlfiii„ �.t'!li'!'� ,A(ilil�/!C�l�1�� ( /'( ! fi`r,1�J( .�c'ifuN.ii(i; Business Item � Community Development Committee Item: 2009-48 Meeting date: February 17, 2009 � � • - • - • Date: November 21, 2008 Subject: City of Scandia Comprehensive Plan Update Review File No. 20456-1 District(s), Member(s): District 12, Councilmember Sherry Broecker, 651-486-0816 Policy/Legal Reference: Minnesota Statute Section 473.175 Staff Prepared/Presented: Lisa Barajas, Principal Reviewer, 651-602-1895 Phyllis Hanson, Local Planning Assistance Manager, 651-602-1566 Division/Department: Community Development/ Planning & Growth Management Proposed Action That the Metropolitan Council adopt the attached review record and take the following actions from the Community Development Committee: 1. Authorize the City of Scandia to put its 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update into effect without any plan modifications. 2. Remind the City to submit a copy of the City Council Resolution adopting its Update to the Council for its records. 3. Remind the City that Minnesota Statutes 473.864 require it to formally adopt the Comprehensive Plan after the Council's final action and require the City to submit two copies of the adopted Plan to the Council in a timely manner. 4. Remind the City that it is required to submit any updated ordinances and controls intended to help implement the Plan to the Council upon their adoption. 5. Advise the City to send to the Council the dates that the watersheds approved the Local Water Management Plan (LWMP), the date the City adopts the final LWMP, and a copy of the final adopted LWMP if it is different than the version reviewed as part of the Update. Background The City of Scandia(City) is located in northeastern Washington County,bounded by Chisago County on the north, Wisconsin on the east, May Township on the south,and Forest Lake on the west. (See Figure 1) The 2030 Regional Developme�tt Frm�iework(RDF), as adopted by the Metropolitan Council (Council)in January 2004, identified Scandia as a"Diversified Rural"community. Figure 2 shows the planning area designation and the regional systems in Scandia and the surrounding area. The City submitted its 2030 Conipreltensive Plan(Update)to the Council for review to meet the Metropolitan Land Planning Act requirements(Minn. Stat. 473.175)and the Council's 2005 Systems Statement requirements. Rationale — Standard of Review & Findings 1. Does the proposed Plan conform to Regional Systems Plans? 2. Is the Plan consistent with Metropolitan Council policies? N:ICornmDevILPAIComnu�nilieslScm�dinlReportslScnn�lin 2009 CPU20456-1.doc � 1 3. Is the Plan compatible with plans of adjacent governmental units and plans of affected special districts and school dish-icts? Conformance�vith 12egional Systems Plans: 1. Regional Parks Yes 2. Transportation including Aviation Yes 3. Water Resources Management Yes (Wastewater Services and Surface Water Management) Consiste��t with Council Policy Requirements: 1. Forecasts Yes 2. Housing Yes 3. 2030 Regional Development Frarnework and Land Use No, see Land Use section 4. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems (ISTS)Program Yes 5. Water Supply N/A Compatible�vith Plans of Adjacent Governmental Units and Plans of Affected Special Districts and School Districts 1. Compatible with other plans Yes Funding The City has received the first half of a$15,000 planning grant from the Council to facilitate the completion of the Update. , Known Support/ Opposition There is no known opposition. � N:IConrmDevILPAICommuni�ieslScnndinlReportslScnndia 2009 CPU20456-I.doc 2 REVIEW RECORD Review of the City of Scandia 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update STATUTORY AUTHORITY The Metropolitan Land Planning Act(MLPA)requires local units of government to submit comprehensive plans(plans)and plan amendments to the Council for review and comment(Minn. Stat. § 473.864, Subd. 2). The Council reviews plans to determine: ■ Conformance with metropolitan systerrt plans, ■ Consistency witl� otller adopted Plans of the Cou��cil, and ■ Con�patibiliry witlz the Plans of other local jurisdictions in the Metropolitan Ar�ea. The Council may require a local governmental unit to modify any plan or part thereof if, upon the adoption of findings and a resolution, the Council concludes that the Plan is more likely than not to have a substantial impact on or contain a substantial departure from metropolitan system plans(Minn. Stat. § 473.175, Subd. 1). Each local government unit shall adopt a policy plan for the collection, treatrnent and disposal of sewage for which the local government unit is responsible,coordinated with the Metropolitan Council's plan,and may revise the same as often as it deems necessary. Each such plan shall be submitted to the Council for review and shall be subject to the approval of the Council as to those features affecting the Council's responsibilities as determined by the Council. Any such features disapproved by the Council shall be modified in accordance with the Council's recommendations(Minn. Stat. § 473.513). CONFORMANCE WITH REGIONAL S�(STEMS Regional Parks Reviewer:Jan Youngquist, CD—Regional Parks System Planning, (651-602-1029) The Update is in conformance with the 2030 Regional Parks Policy Plan (RPPP). The Update acknowledges Big Marine Park Reserve and William O'Brien State Park, which are partially within the City. Transportation Roads a�id Transit Reviewer.•Ann Braden, MTS—Systems Planning, (651-602-1705) The Update is in conformance with the 2030 Transportation Policy Plan and addresses all the applicable transportation and transit requirements of a comprehensive plan. With regard to the functional classification of roads,the Update identifies a number of"Minor Collector" roadways that are not shown on the current Transportation Advisory Board(TAB)-adopted Functional Classification Map. To include these minor collectors on the TAB map, the City must formally request their inclusion through the TAC-Planning Committee as a separate process outside the Comprehensive Plan Update review process. Avintion Reviewer: Chauncey Case, MTS—Systems Planning(651-602-1724) The Update is in conformance with the Aviation System Plan and consistent with Council policy. � N:IConnnDevILPAICorrvramilieslScmrdinlReporJslScnndia 2009 CPU20456-I.doc 3 Water Resoin•ces Management 11'nstewater Ser►�ice Revzewer: RogerJanzrg, ES—E�agineeringSe�vices, (651-602-II19) The Update is in conformance with the 2030 Water Resoirrces Manage�ne�zt Policy Pla�i(WRMPP). The Update summarizes the City's vision to the year 2030.The Update includes growth forecasts that are consistent with the Council's forecasts for population, households and employment. The Metropolitan Council has no plans to provide wastewater services to the community within the 2030 planning period. Su�face Wnter Manageme��t Reviewer:Judy Sve�ltek, ES— Water Resources Assessme�zt, 651-602-1156 The Update is in conformance with the Council's WRMPP. Scandia lies within the Carnelian Marine St. Croix, Comfort Lake Forest Lake and Rice Creek watersheds. The Carnelian Marine Watershed District's latest watershed management plan was approved by the Board of Water and Soil Resources(BWSR)in 2000. Comfort Lake Forest Lake and Rice Creek Watershed District's plan updates were approved by BWSR in 2003 and 1997 respectively. Scandia prepared a Local Water Management Plan(LWMP)in 2008. The Council reviewed the Scandia LWMP under separate cover. The comprehensive plan update includes a revised LWMP that adequately addressed the Council's previous concerns. The City needs to send the Council the dates the watersheds approve the LWMP,the date the City adopts the final LWMP, and a copy of the final adopted LWMP if it is different than the version reviewed as part of the Update. CONSISTENCY WITH COUNCIL POLICY Forecasts Reviewer: Todd Graham, CD-Research, (651-602-1322) The Update includes forecasts for population, households and employment. The forecast-related material is consistent with Metropolitan Council system statement forecasts. Table 1: Met Council Forecasts Compared to the City's Update Forecasts III I I I I 1 I Met City Met City Met City Met City Council Council Council Council Population 3,692 3,692 4,370 4,370 5,000 5,000 5,400 5,400 _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Households 1,294 1,294 1,590 1,590 1,890 1,890 2,100 2,100 Employment 272 272 420 420 520 520 610 610 2030 Regional Development Framework and Land Use Reviewer:Lisa Barajas, CD—Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1895) The Update is consistent with the 2030 Regional Developme�zt Framework(RDF). The RDF designates Scandia as a Diversified Rural Area, which directs communities to plan for densities no greater than one housing unit per 10 acres.Typically, these communities include a mix of a limited amount of large-lot residential and clustered housing with agricultural and other uses. The City is largely rural with an historic Village Area, similar to other communities along the St. Croix River. With its many lakes and border with the St. Croix, the City also has had significant residential shoreland development. In both cases, development has been at densities more similar to urban densities, N:ICanmDevILPAICo»vmmitreslScnn�lialReporlslScnndin 2009 CPU10456-I.doc � 4 although the City does not have regional sewer service. The City does have several "201 sewage treatment systems,"two of which serve the Big Marine Lake area and one that serves the Village Area. Diversified Rural Areas are expected to accommodate forecasted growth without requiring the provision of regional urban services. In addition, these communities are expected to protect natural resources, to prevent scattered rural residential development, and to adopt conservation subdivision, cluster, or other environmental pr-otection provisions in their ordinances. The City has provided significant detail on existing natural resources in the community, along with goals and policies for the protection of those resources. These policies include prioritizing natural resource protection areas,the continued implementation of the City's Open Space Conservation Subdivision Ordinance and the investigation and development of other natural resource protection ordinances. The Future Land Use Plan directs future development toward the Village Area, where community wastewater facilities and water supply utilities are already in place, while maintaining lower densities in the remainder of the community. The Future Land Use Plan includes seven land use categories that allow residential development. These categories account for the existing development patterns along the St. Croix River, lakeshore development, and the patterns in the Village Area where higher densities already exist. Outside of the existing development patterns, the future land use designations limit densities to no more than one unit per 10 acres.This includes the land use designations of Agricultural Core Area and General Rural Area, which accounts for the majority of the land available for residential uses. In addition,properties enrolled in the Agricultural Preserves Program are guided under the community's Agricultural Preserves Overlay Area, which limits density to no more than one unit per 40 acres. The Update includes a detailed theoretical buildout analysis that shows total vacant acres,wetland acres,net buildable acres, maximum planned density, potential new homes without density bonuses, and potential new homes with bonuses.The City allows up to 75 percent bonuses for conservation developments, and recently significantly tightened the bonus process to�imit bonuses. Nevertheless, the analysis assumes the two possible extremes,either no bonuses or maximum bonuses. Using the Council's forecasted growth in households(806)with Scandia's 7,380 acres of vacant land,the Update provides sufficient land to accommodate their forecasted growth. The Update further analyzes a full buildout scenario. Full buildout is put at 856 housing units yielding a density of at least one unit per 8.6 acres. Buildout using maximum number of bonuses would yield 1,336 housing units at a density of one unit per 5.5 acres, while buildout excluding the village and assuming no bonuses would yield an average density of one unit per 9.0 acres. As discussed in the Update,the maximum buildout is unlikely to occur as every development would need to use conservation design at maximum density bonuses and would require a 66% increase in growth. Table 2: Theoretical Buildout � N:IConvnDevILPAIConnnunilieslScm�dinlReporlslScnndin 2009 CPU20456-1.doc 5 City of Scandia Comprehensive Plan 2008,page I 18 ,. aG C .i,�i� �i,`a' .i.���J 14.0 .i� �C°� _1c,�� .1J' . GR :,909 aia' ?,SSS l0.� 199 '�`� :�S _^E:- ST CP.Cil' '.�1� �i;�x' 1�� 10.� 1= : 1= 1?'� �:\ :�1= lfl 1=E ?.> >G 6`.c i'=5 9'.� IST'.� :i�S -- 33 ?.� Fa1lrBnlr' 6�: Fc•.11rbnlr Q''� I.ST 5 _S 13 ;� �.G Fnllc Bu:lr' l)°: Fcllr&�ti:lr �??'� LSC t,�6= ;C�3 ",_bl 5.0 2;� ,9°� 2=� iS°:; .irg-8.6 Tot:1s 'r,396 �09 6,923 acres 8�6 100=.: 1,3�6 1W"o � �E��1�3f1Ei:t�El!nQ:t�C)t10Ed{l�?IYi]3:.d 11f E CELFeTJ:J85 T tIl�O-ltlE p:2CL1E�CIE:il-. IC�1:.'E IJ[S F1�P:1:I��C_E::t�s ia_tx tc actanutuodate bcflt r•e:lx::d�aud i burld3b;�six. ' �T�•7t5,bczl�t xc�n a:,d dE+.vJ��Ff�.ut fit�n3':SL:b53J]dEPL��J'r,$Cdt!A171Y]I.Ud SC3!]d11E5. T]1E C1TCCl]SICE25:liE uea[C FE III.I^(�R:'E:O'JEC�. LT aC1Ei 3IE Q]MIS�EL IIOII][ilE tOC1�C�t 11Et DlL'ICi.i.b:E 3C1YS Given the Council's household forecast increase(806)and given the amount of vacant developable land remaining in Scandia, if the City is to meet the forecast, the resulting density will be greater than the required one unit per 10 acres at one unit per 9.2 acres. Existing development patterns and the City's goal of efficient use of existing municipal utilities pushes the overall density to be greater than one unit per 10 acres. While residential development density in the community could surpass the Council's policy of 1 unit per 10 acres,this does not represent a system impact. 'The Council is not planning for regional wastewater services in the City and the City's policies are otherwise consistent with those identified for Diversified Rural communities. Housing , Reviewer:Linda Milashius, CD—Livable Communities, (651-602-1541) The Update fulfills the affordable housing planning requirements of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. As a community without regional sanitary sewer service,the City does not have a numerical share of the regional need for affordable housing. The Update does provide an assessment of the housing stock,and provides goals,policies and implementation strategies the City will use to address its local affordable and life cycle housing needs. T'he Update states the City will support Washington County programs that are available to assist local residents with their housing needs.These programs include,but are not limited to bond financing, low-income housing tax credits and the Grow Fund, which assists developers with gap financing for affordable housing development. In addition to providing financial resources,the City will work in cooperation with Washington County to continue to monitor the general condition of the housing stock, with a special focus on the tenure characteristics of older housing, and will encourage residential buildings to be designed for accessibility in order to meet the needs of current and future owners.The City will also explore creating opportunities to develop housing on smaller lots and to develop two-family and multi-family housing within the Village Center, when community wastewater systems are available. Community and Individual Se�vage Treatment Systems (ISTS) Reviewer:Jim Larsen, CD—Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1159) The Update is consistent with Council policies with regard to ISTS. The Update indicates that there are an estimated 1,394 ISTS in operation in the City. The City requires adherence to MPCA Chapter 7080 Rules and Washington County Ordinance 128,which are consistent with Council policies. T'he City has delegated responsibility for inspections and maintenance management tracking to Washington County. d N:ICornrnDevILPAICannninilieslScm�dinlReporlslScnnrlia 1009 CPU20956-I.doc 6 There are three public "201" wastewater collection and treatment systems in operation in the City. The locations of these facilitics are identified on Maps 16 and 17 of the Update. These facilities are operated and maintained by the City in accordance with Ordinance No. 108, accessible online through the City's website. Water Supply Reviewer: Snra Bertelsen, ES- T�Yater Supply Planning, (651-602-1035) The Update indicates that the City does not own and operate a water supply system and therefore is not required to have a water supply plan. Resource Protection Historic Preseivntion Reviewer:Jini Uttley, CD-Local Planni�ig Assistance, (651-602-1319) The Update is complete for Historic Preservation.The Update includes a description of historic settlements and a listing of properties on the National Register of Historic Places. It includes policies to encourage historic preservation: The City will "explore the feasibility of initiating historic preservation efforts that would encourage tl�e preservation of historic buildings, such as a revolving grant or loan program for fa�ade improvements." It also proposes that this policy will be implemented in the next 10 years. Solar Access Protection Reviewer:Jim Uuley, CD-Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-/3/9) The Update addresses solar access protection on page 139 and therefore meets Land Planning Act requirements. It includes policies to require subdivisions to identify lots with good solar access and to consider solar easements. Aggregate Resources Protection Reviewer:Jim Lmsen, CD-Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1159) T'he Update identifies, consistent with Minnesota Geological Survey h formation Ci�-cular 46,the presence of viable aggregate resources in the City.Table 3 and Map 6 identify the extent and location of the resources and the City's Aggregate Resources Ordinance governs the relationship between mining operations and existing and proposed developments. Planning goals and policy statements call for preservation of sensitive resource areas, extraction prior to development of other lrnown resources, and restoration following mining to pre-extraction natural vegetation. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Reviewer:Lisa Barajas, CD-Local Planning Assistance, (651-602-1895) The Update includes a description of and schedule for any necessary changes to: ■ Capital Improvement Program Yes ■ Zoning Code Yes ■ Subdivision Code Yes ■ ISTS Code Yes ■ Housing Implementation Program Yes The Update contains a description of the possible future changes to the capital improvement program, zoning code, and subdivision code, including a proposed zoning map and implementation strategies for intergovernmental cooperation. The City is reminded that it must submit copies to the Council of any changes made to any of the above noted documents within 30 days of their adoption. COMPATIBILITY WITH PLANS OF ADJACENT GOVERNMENTAL UNITS AND PLANS OF AFFECTED SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS N:ICornmDevILPAIConummilieslScnndinlReportslScnndin 2009 CPU20456-/.doc � � The City submitted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update to adjacent local units of government, school districts, counties and special districts for comment in July, 2008. The City received responses from all review bodies and incorporated suggested changes in the final draft Update that was submitted to the Council. There do not appear to be any compatibility issues with plans of adjacent governmental units and plans of affected special disficts and school districts. DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW ■ Cover Letter from Anne Hurlburt to the Metropolitan Council dated December 30, 2008; ■ 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Transmittal Form ■ City of Scandia 2030 Comprel�ensive Plan; ■ An e-mail from Anne Hurlburt to the Council dated January 13, 2009 with the following attachments: ❑ Zoning Map ❑ An excerpt from the City's Development Code that includes a detailed description of allowed uses in zoning districts; ❑ An inventory of properties on the National Register of Historic Sites ATTACHMENTS Figure 1: Location Map with Regional Systems Figure 2: 2030 Regional Development Framework Planning Areas Figure 3: Existing Land Use Map Figure 4: 2030 Land Use Plan Figure 5: Existing and Planned Land Use Table �� N:IConnnDevILPAICommunilieslScnndinlReportslScnn�3in 1009 CPU20456-1.doc 8 FIGURE 1: LOCATION MAP WITH REGIONAL SYSTEMS City of Scandia •---_----�j---- -==-= �---=��-=z==-•--.:�-:==_-__-•------�---�--__-=-----•--•----_•-----•-----��:_�=--•- •-� ,�.�`` �,,� ; .�-=- 4 '�� , ;�. � �1 � ( � IA I ��z __ �. 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County Roads `___I_i' TLG Street CeMedires,2007 N.•ICommDevILPAICornnuurilieslScnndinlReporrslScnirdin 2009 CPU104S6-I.doc I J 9 FIGURE 2: 2030 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLANNING AREAS City of Scandia __.� --- __.__�_. -_:_ =_ -�: :_:--==---=- z_= :__ -•---- - =-_-- --- -:-r_ � ., �_"" . _ . ... .. �.+�1: , _ - , . .' _�,Y�'� : i l , � - ; �" � �� ` i � � �9-- } �'�,� �� - -'!--------- --' j-- , ���. � ����i � ' ,, , . . , , i ; ,--_—_—_ � '�'�'" --� i„� ' �� �� ! - l T _ �� ,�,, . � 7 �''a; f ; c�; i ! �� �" � y�- � - ; 1 ,,��:. r- , �.,� "•�, ��_� �� I � ,l__ _�� � �: � , . �� .y'4 � � �. I � � � � . _: ... "-. , .� . I . i _- . , ( - � � . i �. ._ I� 1 ! '� L,- � � � � I - _- �-r�--r---- -'�—�-� �-� � -i .-�— `i Fniesl LaMe� -,--- -- �- r' ''� Sc.irnlio �� � ' � � t; � a.. � �'..t � . l.'_ I. .I �'', ��� �, -� - � B. 4.:-rc{+� ' ' . �. 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Road S Single Family Residentiai � Industrial Utility �;; Multi-Family Residential Instibutional and Civic Other ° 1 �� Seasonal � Parks and Open Space Miles Commercial � Extractive ca.a _,��,«;: btei!cpofitan C:ounr�i, R1N GNP„ l���ashinakcn �cunty Land use derived frcm SVashir.gtcn County Assesscr'�tax classificaticns. A.u'ditianal dassification oroupane done by Cuningham Group. t�lay i7, 20Ut N:IComnrDevILPAIConnnunilieslScandialReportslScan�lia 2009 CPU20456-I.doc � 11 / FIGURE 4: 2030 LAND USE PLAN City of Scandia 11I�p 27 - Fuiure L:�ncl C:!se �•eas City t�f SCandia 2008-�030 Compreherrsiwe Plan ,��' st...�1vvIA � -- �� F2�C f't ra ,RfC Frc � ... __._.___ .:..�..._.. . � ...f ._.�_.. . 2LO�,�N_R�yypp pplM�rtXw.�_ _ ..__..._ 7a117i SI N .,,._...._.......__ � I ,�":,, ,. �M1MI�OfWGOUMTI�j'�I „ .�. ... .....�� _ _ <� , �� d .'i ,...- � ' �' ;:q � � / � (�` J ��� v�' { � _ __ 0.1n1W �..(�� i� t _ Z . �✓ ._._.. � 5 r. /'� fi � �� 'C� ; 'ir'laia 4�� l�rt '''+ �' i_ � R . , .. k< � � i S .� + y t + � � � '� , �anseN G� ' i � ' �� ;. . �`a._���N .1 ; ��1• � t' � qy�N�r- �. .� =µ G R �. � � ���' ii�:��" _ ,,.,,' "" �s-�' ,�,`..,..�._ i Af9. 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ST CROIX � LSC �'�- Open Water : Rural = Recreation Area r_ Miles Commencial Protected `�--- Streams Nodes Data �curre�: Mt+t C�Nk., r�;;, Recrea6onArea r.+rt�o��ut2nc���n�.a, Planned +:ity cf�can•�ia [�,_.�F�,-�E, 1�, �Cnn N:IConunDevILPAIConvnunilieslScnndinlReportslScnndia 2009 CPU20456-1.doc 12 l / FIGURE 5: EXISTING AND PLANNED LAND USE TABLES City of Scandia Tab1E 1S—Cturent l;i�ad use, 200? _ �• .. , :��c��l:,ue �-�� 4,��-.3 39_,a.� - �:r:r e-Fuiu?.-P.s�:dec:�:�l '.C•5- 5,�-9.$ .i6=°e i:.i�!�-Fan:il�Pues_ce�:cal a ;��.� ��.1''a 5eascna! 16S ^1�.1 �.S'.<o Corn:�ecc�al .ii i 19.�- ��.1'.'D Co.m.mecr�?P�ec_extc�t: � �2.� G..i'o Ir_dn..t::al S =-�.: C�.L°'a =�zacc:�e i1 �14.5 1.�'?�o i�:s:i;�itioiL�l:u:d C:*.=c ^: .i00.'? 1.'_" %D �_��5�.Q,?7TJCF!0'�?75?- �dl'k5 n.7G����8f��F.iCe iJ.7 I�Fl��J. .?�'o F?7itf::HOt'.r:i'.^.iC7'.:'Si[ �dil S_� :�?1.�J (1,'7D:'p f�4'PtifJ�.�•n�iTlr,�tSH'i:i;G L,G�t; t? 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N:ICommDevILPAIConununilieslScnndrnlReporlslSenndin 2009 CPU20456-1.doe /� 13 � � •: , � , �Y�. �, �* ���^:; xj � �. � ����'' _. . � �� .��: � ��.�^�.': �� �¢,�K � ��� .�; Carsietiasz-Ma:"ssie-St. Cro'sx Waters�ed �istrict Scandia Plaza II•21150 Ozark Avenue •P.O. Box 188 •Scandia, MN 550?3 •Te1651.433.2150 February 11, 2009 �------�—�-ti��4-�A---. !I ���,��w �E��.� � City Cowlcil I I City of Scandia l � �� �� ; t. '�;�",'.`= � 14727 209`�' St. N I i Scandia, MN 55073 �Glll' OF S:;ANDIA _� Re: Scandia WRMP Dear City Council Members: The Board of the Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District would like to acknowledge receipt of the City's Water Resource Management Plan. At its meeting on February 2"d,the Board moved to accept the plan as submitted with any comments previously noted in the review of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Board commends the City for its desire to protect and improve not only its water resources but also the natural environment of City. It looks forward to working together in the future to achieve these goals. Thanlc you for the opportunity to comment on this plan and do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. S�cerely, , .��,1- " � �- J m Shaver � JAdministrator � � Cc; Sherri Buss, TKDA Engineering Dan Fabian, Emmons & Olivier Resources File _ . _ _ _ _- _ __ e-mail JimShaver�?GMSCWD.org website CMSCWD.org - _ - -----_-— - /w