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9.e) Lilleskogen Park Improvements/ Proposal to Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District
Meeting Date: 3/17/2009 Agenda Item: � ��j ' ./ City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209th St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Authorize applications to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to help fund improvements to Lilleskogen Park. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Lilleskogen Park, formerly known as Old Lions Park, is located at the southeast corner of Highway 97 and Oakhill Rd. A plan for the restoration and development of the park was completed in early 2008 (see attached graphics.) • Development of this park has been the top priority of the Park and Recreation Committee. The park is seen as the gateway to the village center, with good connections to pedestrian access and to the Scandia�Elementary School. • The Capital Improvement Plan shows that development of the park, estimated at around $266,000, would be funded over the course of at least four years. The 2009 budget for the Parks Capital Improvement Fund shows up to $40,000 to be spent for the first phase of the plan, which includes the engineering and construction of a water control structure. The water control structure is essential to the restoration of the wetland and establishing the location of future trails. • The Parks Fund receives revenue from park dedication fees, which must be spent only for the acquisition and development of parks. The balance in the fund (as of 3/1/09) is $34,681. Revenue projections for the next several years are very low due to the lack of land subdivision activity. • The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District has been interested in the City's plans for Lilleskogen, particularly the wetland restoration efforts, and earmarked $7,500 in its 2009 budget to assist with the project. • A proposal was received from SRF (the firm that prepared the park plan) for the engineering work required to design the water control structure, and for subsequent tasks to prepare the wetland restoration plan and oversee construction of the water control Page 1 of 2 03/09/09 structure. Tlle Parks Cominittee has recommended that the city initially contract for tasks 1 through 3, and establish a budget of $15,000 for the engineering and design work. After the design work is completed, quotes can be sought for the construction work, which is estimated at about $]0,000. This project would be submitted to CMSCWD with a request for a $7,500 grant. • After the first phase of construction is complete, the next step would be the wetland restoration plan. Depending upon the cost of the water control structure and the watershed's participation, there may be funds remaining in the Park Capital Fund to proceed with this next task. A �natching DNR grant, and volunteer participation, could help stretch the city's dollars. • The DNR grant program (see attached description) can provide funding for restoration activities for sites within Metropolitan Conservation Corridors. The Lilleskogen project should meet the grant criteria as activities that establish or support native plant cominunities,based on sound ecological principles. The DNR requires an "expression of interest"by May I 5; funding is still subject to state legislative approval. Recommendation: The Park and Recreation Committee recommended making a proposal to the CMSCWD for their participation in the design and construction of the water control structure with a contribution of$7,500. I recommend that the Council also give approval to submit a letter of interest to the DNR for the Metro Greenway Restoration Grant. If the proposal is accepted by CMSCWD, City Council approval of a grant ageement and of the SRF proposal would be required before work could begin. Any grant ageement with the DNR would also require Council approval. Attachments/ • Graphics from Lilleskogen Park Plan Mater'tals provided: . Capital Improvements Program Project Description, Lilleskogen Park Improvements • SRF Proposal dated 2/27/09 • Description of Metro Greenways Restoration Grant Contact(s): Alex Bildeaux, Park and Recreation Committee Chair(651 433-2121) Karen Schik, Park and Recreation Committee Vice Chair(651 433-5254) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (lilleskogen) Page 2 of 2 03/09/09 � COIVSULTII`' G GROUP , 1NC . ; ������^�'c'��` Fnkci� I_ � G I N E E R S � f' L A N N E R S � � E S I G N f R � � A1nUlti��� February 27,2009 Ms. Anne Hurlburt City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA 14727 209th Street N Scandia, MN 55073 Dear Ms. Hurlburt: SUBJECT: PROPOSAL OF ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR A WATER LEVEL CONTROL STRUCTURE IN LILLESKOGEN PARK,SCANDIA Based on your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide Professional Services for preparation of construction plans for a water level control structure and preparation of a wetland restoration and management plan for Lilleskogen Park. PROJECT BACKGROUND/UNDERSTANDING In March 2008, SRF Consulting Group and Critical Connections Ecological Services submitted a restoration and management plan for Lilleskogen Park in the City of Scandia. The report provided recommendations for restoring wetland and vegetation areas as well as implementing site improvements within the park. The master plan included a recommendation far partial hydrologic restoration of wetland systems within the park, which involves the installation of a water control structure. In addition, the plan recommended that reed canary grass should be aggressively treated and managed with herbicides and prescribed burning, followed by flooding and reseeding with natives. This proposal addresses the preliminary and final design of the water control structure and wedand restoration activities. We understand that this project may be jointly funded and implemented by the City of Scandia and the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD). With that in mind, design of the control structure and the wetland restoration plan will be coordinated with both agencies. In addition, the appropriate permit from the CMSCWD will need to be obtained. We have assumed that the City will need SRF Consulting Group, Inc's assistance to prepare final plans, specifications and contract documents far the water control structure. We have not included construction administration or in-construction services in this proposal, but we can assist the City with construction services on an as-needed basis. Scope and fees for this task can be negotiated with you once the project design phase is underway. THE SRF TEAM We have selected a design team for their specific experience in water resources and wetland restoration. Walter Eshenaur, P.E., an experienced water resources engineer, will manage this project with the assistance of Ryan Jones, P.E., who is specifically skilled in the design of water control structures. Jeff Olson, MnCWP, a Wetland Scientist/Botanist with over 18 years experience in wetland restoration will lead the wetland restoration and invasive species control effort. www.srfconsulting.com One Carlson Park���ay North, Suile 150 � 1linneapolic, ,\1N 5544?-4a43 � 7�3.475.UU1O fax:7�3.A75.2429 Ait Eq���rl O��purtuuitU Fmylnyrr Meh-o Gree�Iways,Restoration Grants: Mi�Inesota DNR Page 1 of� ����� Restoratian G�rants �� � 1''S,� '� �:�,�:` `�,��''t z. -.y- o -:��� 'ee�����a��s ', � L:...,:� • � ,.. . � ' � ... ._ . '.. W p�„., � r"�� PRDTEGT • CONNECT • ENNANCE • EtJJOY ��{3 A, �.. Eligible Applicants Cities, counties, townships, and special purpose districts (watershed districts, watershed management organizations, and soil and water conservation districts) within the 12 county greater metro region. ' Project Eligibility Requirements I ■ Restoration activities within the Metropolitan Conseryation Corridors Area (map) ' . Restoration activities that establish or support native plant and animal communities i � . Restoration activities based on sound ecological principals � . Restoration activities that buffer or connect significant ecological areas (see Regionally I Significant Ecological Areas Map or the Interactive Green Infrastructure Map) ': ; ; Program Funding � ; Metro Greenways grants provide 50% of the total project costs. Local in-kind (or cash) � match is required. Costs must be incur'red and paid for before reimbursement can be made. i To Apply ! i � j Please submit an Expre_ss.ion of Interest of Fo_rm and a GIS shapefile or hard copy map ! ; showing the boundaries of the proposed site to Marybeth Block, DNR Central Region. i iElectronic submissions are preferred but not required. This form must be received by 4:30 '; i pm on May 15, 2009. ; � ; Grant Awards � Funding for this program component is subject to approval by the 2009 Minnesota Legislature ` � ($90,000 requested.) When funding becomes available eligible applicants who submitted and Expression of Interest form by the May 15, 2009 deadline will be asked to submit a complete � application. The DNR Central Region will convene a review panel to rank applications and � ' make funding recommendations. ; ; � Project Period ' !� Projects cannot begin until all requested final documentation has been submitted and an agreement between the applicant and the state has been signed. Funded projects must begin ,' promptly after an agreement has been signed and all work must be completed no later than 'i June 30, 2011. i ' ' ( http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/greenways/restoration_grants.htinl 3/4/2009 Metro Greenways Restoiation Grants: Minnesota DNR . . ' Page 2 of; For more information contact: Marybeth Block Community Assistance Specialist tel. (651) 259-5835 e-maii Marybeth._B_lock@dn_r.state.mn.us ! � �___ ��____—--,------------� � _._.�-----._. --_. _ . _-----.__--________---- http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/greenways/restoration_grants.html 3/4/2005 ,i";y(C���t ��//i'i�"��j���ti ��%i f �%i�'�'l ; APPENDIX A FIGURES Figure 1. Pre-settlement Vegetation (circa 1850) Figure 2. Washington County Soil Survey (1980) Figure 3. Existing Conditions (Winter 2008) Figure 4. Proposed Restoration and Management Target Conditions Figure 5. Preliminary Site Plan Figure 6. Park Entrance / Butterfly Garden ' , _;�' ------ ���+�•:�, . --- �� k � � ' k P.( '., r�_ f� f J-� � O 0 �4s 7 '��� > . ':FM*'' �' � � z,r +.�a�"?z r, �df����{ij,•u P� ��`f� .� eP°y.�s�''.:�f,� 'i.. 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'�'� ,. - - - •��r--�rr _ Lilleskogen (Approximate Boundary) ��' � �G��;;� :; -.:� .,; . ' `" , � ~ �,;�•- ���,►.,�,,1, , - - f � �� � Degraded Herbaceous Wetland ` � � ` � r -`'--' i'!� �'�� � , ' "- _ � " ',�I' . 'l �. .•b,,,C, _...�'.� :.+,.�J, ..1. � .v � Disturbed Lowland Hardwood Forest � � �;.,��; �M �'" ` `�� � ,'` 'F��� � �,�. 'O� . � a;, � ,�=-� �f �"�t` . .�� '. � � � ' . ��� . � �� � � Excavated Open Water �` ' ' :y� �4' -� �-� �'' ' �t'��7�-` .,� +"'� , • ..� _ ,.� . ��, _ � 4 . E �u �w X �, � Mixed Coniferous / Deciduous Woodland '�`�..:.,` , � �,�'�V~�' ,��� ,�;��'� t' :���"'•'�,'�e�yf � � .•`�' k � '�--_ , -'-�; �;�����*.��,r: • , - .y1c. ��� Oak/Aspen Woodland �� � �' -���'' ;, '�`�� � . t ,e,.' , t C� �ri:�. -�' :, �=� ` � . � Planted Conifer Stand '' 'i ,,+�.��i �� �, � �;�Y�� � � `�`� �t '�'� .� ti � . ,,, ' ,� ,, �!'�: � Planted Herbaceous (Parking Area) •��`;, '�,� . �'� , '� - � '_f; '� , ". - .. • t ..� � / i- '� ��., �- -��',� .'� '� - Y K� �E Existing Ecological Conditions 0 62.5 �25 250 375 500 �' Lilleskogen Park Feet � � Criticnl[onnections City of Scandia, Minnesota Ecological Services,rn�. Figure 3 .:v,'�. �. . - p�p -���s . �� �y,,�.� R�- � �Y'4�i �. . ..` t t � gr. 4 ��� �. _sr�' `�``��r f�j��Al�� � � , } PT � �I� M 1 � � � w �u r ��� � .•� �( �,�� ! � �� �.. � . . _ � ���` �`i1F r.. ��` �f � �...�. .� �� � I ` .� � r •°,, � �. � �„t ..�..f.'I � `��..-'�s i`� �i� -� y— � �,+�y� - �`. , ., a,. :�`•.y� ` � -�t s � ' ' ♦ w . �� ' �j �� «� � • �..��� •. Y' .. . * r '���,�� � _ .��` - � �.��� , . W- > �' � . , " � .- � t �� fi " ���• � � �►��_'� y�. � � � . � . , r �8.� p,�. �_. I .1�y . • • �•E . � E t y � 'r�l�pri i.�.,:' \ r � . a � s�'�s (j q'4s ' �I '.9P �. �A �7� . � �t. � k ._. -.W a� ! rt#�� "�� ��d 1C � �i .. ! d���� u, . `.� '-sz' �'•�' , p v M.� •.,. . � � "..+ � ,. y'P��` ` $ � �s��,M,•48 ar . ��.+1�,. . � . . ; � . . ' ' i T-_ A �,. • ., `*!�`� � ? _ V • '� "Y� g - ...L�,r►. - ...�'"�� ���,,�5"+..�`�� ,�` s h � . �1"" ::.�',� -�'Y'�`�►,'�"' . .' ,«. � • ` � � z y�,�� .,N � A r�� ��� , � . . . y � �. � . ,� , . 9� ... 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',, t '�" � : � �. �e� 6� � ., ,:� ,.., � Mixed Coniferous /Deciduous Woodlan�! � , ,.- ' � ��r — , ; - � �� � � x � � � • ,� � � i � � Native Butterfly Garden ��__��; '� ti��� �;�� ,r�, � � � Oak Woo I ��..�� ��'�.'�`� a*.""���` �', ''��,��!"',,f + �}, <��. � d and � ^.y ,�� `� . - . . . .. `� { � �::, y ,� �� ��� ' a � � Open Water �i � � � �� '�� .+���Y °:� .� � 's��' Y�-�f � � r, � "'"r ���'• �' . ��" ` +� `�) � Planted Conifer Stand "' ''_�� � Y � � � s i, !�� � � s ; :��= �1� • '.�� '• �`"� �, ,-0i►_-� . � . 'Z -`*'. , � Native Wet/ Sedge Meadow . �� '�F;•�:� �. .' ti •ti; ` ��� , j.. ! .; � . s.-.�: -*s t , v �• r k � Proposed Ecological Conditions 0 62.5 �2s 250 375 500 � � Feet � Lilleskogen Park , Crincat Connect�ons City of Scandia, Minnesota Froloyica/Services,Inc. Figure 4 , --, _ ''�-` . Wildflower - .. .. _ ` � - _ -� _ ```'� Entrance Feature � - � - � � � ��` ^ '����1VC - �V � `` � • Trail Connection �� ��r,• � � - ��1[J�� � \ _ � - and Crosswalk �.� ,� .i�,.�� v l�.r .;� . .n'_ . a Trd// �-' � ` � To School � '� ��� � � _ ' , ,W,,, {y�, A .�•., h/onh� �.� l 'Y�1 t i�)�..��J• ~ . .�f�\, \ \ �\ \ � � 1 �J I Butter/ly Garden - �_ � r° .� :a .•�, � ,_ _ , Parking Lot ��� . � �., •� ���• �\ ��_ `-,��.�--__.___-..—J�/ �__.. (10-12 Cars) `�\. � •s J -- . ° j,� . �-� �_� -�. • . • . . TimberPicnic ' �.�.. �� ..��� ��.; �•1 � ' � . , � ` ' --- , '�� ..� . . , • . ,..�. ` -- - , Shelter . �. , ''- _{ j .,. . � ..�`. ... _ _ _. �--- - - _ _ _ -- . , . �•��_ • d, • '-`, • ' '�."' �� ___--_ _ - --- - - � _ .. • : � . ,r , . • � _ � SPoil Habitat .�� � � _• ' . .�, ,• �- .� � � � �� .�C,.. - . _..__.. •k , ....� Outdoor Classroom/ / �"�\ � s r \ ;t� � '�y /r NaWralPlayArea i " � �` ) \ / � �� '� 1`;�� y � �' , � Existing Sidewalk `�` . � . � �"�. / \` / \\.� t�• + ��L -ti.,,� � � �) '\ Property Line Exlsting Drainage �, �! • . ��' � Way � �`'� � • � /� � ' Specimen Tree Boarawalk � ��.~. 'f ��,. .. �...`� � . / (Cottonwood) , Crossing ���,j�` � . � � ` 1:`°� "'" \,\ .\ \�, ' � , . . i Y Boardwalk Crossing/ KeY � � +t h'r / � `1 � �,� j Viewing Platform � �\� . . ' i � � , . i Interpretive Sign `,. ^,�,J � /� i�, C .r / �;� �." ^ Open Water-4ft.nepth � �A:� • ���• - ��'\ ' ,'�� /� � �Open Water � , , � y, � � � � (�✓'��>;� Boardwalk Crossing � �•� � ��1• ��1.�� � \ 1 � \���, t. . �� •.�♦ / / \�c. .• � �,,�.��. � � �/ � Boartlwalk ❑ Mixed Emergent Marsh � r • , i i� Wetland Control ���`� .° '.�� r.... /� /� Structure !� \; • � � �� /��.�' �/ el.1027.5 � I NativeWetlSedgeMeadow �\� /i / �i: %� �� �'� Trail Connection to Park ? � ��:r � � ''' � ; ., ,, '. � �� { >�% ,j • / �J � Lowland Hardwood Forest � '� �"\ \'� • /� / , ��j�,a� � � Steep Slopes � , �r �/ � �\ �/ �/ \� ,//�� /f � % > d� �• � � 4 � i i ; 0 /, I Lowland Woodland ` / ' i v l "_' `1 v //� � �/ n�, \ � ./ �/, !��� \ `�� � � /� <�,, :� ' • � Oak Woodland \ � � L�1 , �\ �.,/, �,, . ; � �� �Planted Conifer Stand \ � Native Butterfly Garden �' � \ ' �� � �-. � � Preliminary Sife Plan F�9u�e 5 Lilleskogen Park March,2008 �•��.�,��,���;,�,•,..�.� Scandia,Minnesota �' � i Picnic Table Area � Existing Red Pines i Concrete Paving Tmber Picnic Shelter BitUminOus or Interpretrve/Ofientation Wood Chip Trail ��� Kiosk wood Chip or Stepping . Parking Lot Stone Trail (10-12 Cars) � .�_- . '�' r.- . ' r � � � Security Light i+f� ,.:.. ..� I •. � .. � Tall Height Plants �' __ � Parking Entrance Sign � -Compass Plan[ -�- � 2-Big Bluestem --- ..� • i � p �R�' ' '�.»� r ! ' � � `��.: j 3-Helopsis . . �� � "'� a �. s r';,. . � -�'"4 ..: 1-Joe Pye Weed a_New England Aster ._ �`" � ��. ��f�` �� � •s;p� 2-Swamp Milkweed 5-Golden Alexander ,.-��-�-" "�"' � , �� ..�..� : . �.. , .__�• . �� . 3-Switch Grass . � -L` � ��.� 6-Indian Grass ' Y.. � ' �� • ...�... j� «...`}` ; \ > � (, .�L��,� I � � Medium Height Plants a , ' y�.�.�, � •"� • 7_d �}~ ,. � ,! I Low Height Plants �-Monarda ��� � -.../; � � �.:� - _ ��� I __- � .,� �� ti.r1,�- � '. Lf� -_-,,,..- ,.� ,. 2-812ck Eyed Susan ��� � ��j 4 • \ - / / __ � �•�" l�,� � 2-June Gress 3-Swltchgrass i �� , ,%�� p �' i - .L � ' 4-Agastache Foeniculum � ,��'� 1' . .^�`J' '.� , -� 3-Butterfly Weed � ^a. � b / '� ., :�� aT�. �+,,?�� ,' 4-WPine 5-Purpie ConeFlower � , - � ��r ;� .�� � 5-Prairie Dropseed 6-Little Bluestem � �e�_ � �� �> ✓y.-� � � ' �+ �••✓ � `- / 6-Skyblue Aster 7-Blazing Star . � •' L•_;�►"r .+ a )�.- �� �N / 7 8-Side Oats Grama � _ ''� ��.I�� � a4 I 9-Prairie Phlox � � �`� . � � w� � .� , �� - 9� y�. � � � , �� •~ / .i—r-�— �'��, +�j'"•r � � � � � Park Entrance/Butterfl y Garden Figure 6 Lilleskogen Park March,2('�08 ���,»�����.�,�.,,.�.� Scandia,Minnesota M , Capital Improvement Ptvgram 2009 r��,�u 2013 Contact Park and Rcc('��nuniticr Cl� Of SCiIIlCllil� M1I1lleS0� Depariment Parks and Rccir�uiun Projcct# PR-OOl T�pc Imrrovcment Project Namc us�r��i►.�r� 20 ycars Lilleskogen Park Improvements Catcgory Park Improvcmcnt Priority B: High priorily,as funding is Total Project Cost $266,575 Description Preliminary Cost Estimate from Lilleskogen Park Plan,January 2007&estimates fi-om SRF Inc.,April 2008 Phase I,2009 ($40,000) 1. Site surveying and engineering for water control structure: $I5,000 2. Construction/earthwork: $25,000 Phase 2,2010[143,075] 3. Site utilities: $8,000 4. Bituminous and concrete pavement and boardwalk: $130,075 5. Electrical(parking lot security lighting) $5,000 Phase 3,2010($47,500) 6. Vegetation removals($21,500) 7. Landscaping/vegetation restorations($26,000) Phase 3,2011 ($36,000) 8. Site furnishin s( icnic shelter,tables,benches,si na e etc.) Justification #1 priority of Park and Recreation Committee Park is gateway to village center;connection to pedestrian trails,accessible to school. Expenditures 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Planning/Design 15,000 15,000 Construction/Maintenance 25,000 143,075 47,500 15,000 230,575 EquipNehicles/Furnishings 21,000 21,000 TOt81 40,000 143,075 47,500 36,000 266,575 Funding Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Other/TBD 15,000 15,000 Park Improvement Fund 25,000 143,075 47,500 36,000 251,575 TOtal 40,000 143,075 47,500 36,000 266,575 Opentional Impact/Ot�er Increased maintenance cost for parking lot,h-ash removal,trail mainmenance,boardwalk inspection/maintenance,etc.not yet determined. For Arloption by�he Ciry Council 12/l6/08 Thursdav, March O5, 1009