9.f) Wind-in-the-Pines Park Trail Improvements/Proposal to Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Meeting Date: 3/17/2009
Agenda Item: f; ,�
City Council Agenda Repart
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Authorize submission of a proposal to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix
Watershed District (CMSCWD) to fund improvements to Wind-in-
the-Pines Park.
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • Wind-in-the-Pines Park is a 44-acre nature park located east of
State Highway 95 at Pilar Road. The city-owned park includes a
section of Falls Creek, a high-quality tributary to the St. Croix
River, and is adjacent to the state-owned Falls Creek Scientific
and Natural Area (SNA.)
� In the last two years, the city has made some improvements to
park trails funded partly through a grant from Great River
Greening. 'I'he grant also funded preparation of a concept plan to
complete a gap in the trail that would traverse a steep slope.
• The Capital Improvement Plan includes a project to complete the
trail in 2010. However, there is unlikely to be sufficient funds in
the Parks Capital Improvement Fund to undertake the project.
• The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD)
has earmarked some funds in its 2009 budget for a project that
would benefit Falls Creek. An initial meeting between their
Administrator and Park Committee members concluded that
CMSCWD might be interested in funding a joint project with the
• Park Committee Vice Chair Karen Schik prepared the attached
proposal for submission to CMSCWD, outlining a $14,603
project. The city's contribution is proposed to an in-kind match of
volunteer labor.
Recommendation: The Park and Recreation Committee recommended making a proposal
to the CMSCWD.
Any grant agreement would require City Council approval before
work could begin.
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Attachments/ • Project Pro}�osal
Materials provided: . Concept Plans for Trail Development
Contact(s): Alex Bildeaux, Par-k and Recreation
(�'ommittee Chair (651 433-2121)
Karen Schik, Park and Recreation
Committee Vice Chair(651 433-5254)
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(wind in the pincs proposal to CMSCWD)
Page 2 of 2
f �
Project Proposal to the Carnelian-Marine-St Croix VVatershed District
March 2009
Submitted by the Scandia Park and Recreation Committee
PROJECT: Trash Removal and Completion of a Hiking Trail on a Hillside Adjacent to
Falls Creek at Wind in the Pines Park.
There are two parts to this proposal. One involves removing old debris from Wind in the
Pines Park, which was fonnerly the town dump and is now a park, owned and �nanaged
by the City of Scandia. The most proininent debris is some old machinery (snow-mobiles)
that lie near a trail. Other debris of all kinds is located at the head of a ravine.
The second part of this proposal is for assistance with developing a section of hiking trail
on a steep slope at the park. Wind in the Pines is an important natural area adjacent to
Falls Creek SNA. The park encompasses a section of Falls Creek, a high-quality
tributary to the St. Croix River. This park preserves many unique features, including rare
plants, animals, and high biodiversity and is largely unimpaired by non-native species.
The deep ravines, narrow ridges and steep slopes make the park an enthralling place to
visit, but also present significant challenges to prevent erosion from human traffic, which
would not only degrade the vegetation, but could significantly impair Falls Creek.
At present, there is an existing partial trail system at the park, but it is not continuous
within the park—it leads off park property onto state and private lands. The city would
like to complete the trail system within the city property to provide better public access to
this beautiful park and to keep foot traffic located in areas where it is not damaging. A
properly developed trail system would prevent degradation of the slopes.
The city has already completed trail improvements in the park by installing waterbars and
steps on steep trail sections, to repair existing damage and prevent potential erosion
problems. The final step to complete the trail system is to create a section of trail on a
slope, linking the ridgetop trail to the trail along the creek.
If this trail is not completed, park visitors will either continue as they, following a trail
onto private property, and exacerbating erosion of a deeply entrenched trail, or they will
strike out onto a steep slope that has no trail, potentially causing very serious erosion and
plant disturbances.
A study of the trail system and designs for the new trail section at the park was completed
in 2007 by Great River Greening. Dedicated and skilled volunteers from the Scandia
Park and Recreation committee are willing to contribute to this project, but additional
expertise is needed to ensure that building the trail does not result in damage or erosion of
the slope. Such a situation would be devastating for the condition of Falls Creek.
. ,
For these projects, the Scandia Park and Recreation Committee respectfully requests
assistance from the Canlelian-Marine-St Croix Watershed District. Preventing potential
erosion and de�;radation of Falls Creek is at least as important as repairing a problem
once it occurs. In addition, removing debris fi-om the park will improve the aesthetics
and will reduce �otential contaminants to the creek.
Trash debris: Financial assistance to facilitate relnoval of the debris.
Trail construction: Engineering assistance to review existing trail construction plans,
financial assistance to hire qualified contractors to complete the project.
Ideally, both the trash removal and the trail construction would conducted in fall, when
most native plants are donnant and when the soil is firm and dry. However, late spring
may also be a feasible time, if the ground is firm and disturbance to vegetation can be
minimized. The water bars and stairs were installed in May 2008 with no impacts to the
native vegetation. That work was conducted on existing trails so the chance of
disturbance was much less than for new trail construction. Nevertheless, with care, work
in the spring may be reasonable.
The City of Scandia is responsible for the long-term management of the park, including
the trail system and other maintenance. The Park and Recreation Cominittee is charged
with the specific tasks of assessing and conducting maintenance needs and is committed
to doing so. Committee members have spent numerous hours clearing trails of dozens of
fallen trees to prevent hikers from creating alternative trails in seepage areas and other
sensitive locations. The committee has also worked diligently to remove exotic brush
from the edges of the woodland, and to keep trails mowed and cleared. The committee
includes an ecologist, a logger, and a retired parks manager as well as other skilled
members. Once a trail system is installed, they will have the ability to ensure the
Debris Removal
The detailed budget for debris removal will need to be developed once the snow is gone
and the site can be assessed more completely. Rough estimates are provided below.
Disposal could be coordinated with Scandia's "Heavy Metal" day in Spring. Scandia
volunteers would help with removing trash that is easy to carry.
Contractor with "light on earth" equipment(20 hrs @ $50/hr) $1,000
Disposal costs $800
Total $1,800
Trail Construction
Cost estimate for the New Trail Connector at the east e»d of the site, on steep slope
descending to Falls Creek are sl�ow» below and the construction plans are attached. Costs
will vary dependi»g on the contractor. Hiring the Minnesota Conservation Corps, for
example, would likely reduce costs.
Trail with Stairs
Item Qty Unit cost/unit Materials Labor Labor In Kind Project
Cost Hrs Cost match Total
S75 ECB 7 rolls $45.00 $315.00 3.5 $175.00
U-Staples 2 box $30.00 $60.00 0.0 $-
#4 20' Rebar 28 each $10.00 $280.00 6.0 $300.00
8' Timbers (Harvest 25 each $1,875.00
24"Treads (Harvest 50 each 20.0 $1,000.00
& Transport)
Excavation 55.0 $2,750.00 $340.00
Timber Placement 20.0 $1,000.00 $204.00
Tread Placement 40.0 $2,000.00 $204.00
Final Grading 30.0 $1,500.00
Project 40.0 $2,600.00
$655.00 214.5 $11,325.00 $2,623.00
Total $11,980.00 $2,623.00 $14,603.00
� .
� F� -� �'� Trail Construction:
The new section of trail will begin approximately 60' from the last waterbar installed in the area that had
been previously repaired. The trail would consist of 3 stair sections connected by 2 stretches of trail.
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: Stepping Stones: ' '
The traif connection will re- ;� �
�fi quire a stream crossing. To 1 _�
� maintain the rustic char- 'i, :r,��y_. '
4� acter of the trail, large !
= : stones from the area can be ', �`
;' placed to create a stepping , �
stone crossing. �
: Outsloped Treads: " �� ;�
This steep section will re- ii �`��•� ``���
°,:' quire the use of treads to �, ��
:; prevent erosion on the slope '; '
`" and create stable footing.
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�;�: Tra�1 Bed I �
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�: � Shrub Plan#ings ' ����'�
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� Previous Trail Repa�r �
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Trail Overview
The connecting trail will descend approximately 50' from a trail along the ridgeline down to the
stream, where it will join with another existing trail. A series of 15 outsloped treads will bring
w�` the visitor to a 60' long trailbed that descends at a 15% slope to a second set of tread stairs.
Two grade dips will be built into this section to slow runoff flowing down the trail After de-
�r scending the second set of steps, a relatively gentle path will lead to the third set of steps which
will descend down to the stream edge.
! � Outsloped T,- A
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Cross Section A-A'
Native p�antings �
C125 ECE3 This section of trail will follow along the �nside
of a long section of existing deadfall. Soil from
i�� �;� � the slope will be removed and placed along the
„III=I1 � deadfall to create a gently sloped trailbed. The
���I i I�' f� cut slope will be stabilized with erosion contro!
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�'�!-i�i-1�i.-{_ blanket. A sli ht de ression will be made along
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Cross Section B-B'
A total of three stair sections will be constructed to descend
°* Native Plantings steep portions of hillside. 9-1 2" x 24" wide logs with the bark
C�25 ECB removed will be cut from on site and anchored in place with
��� rebar. The backside of the treads will be filled with soil and
�_ \
;�� I �� Cut Slope outsloped to allow for drainage. The upslope trailbed near
��;_i - the stair sections will be insloped to allow water to drain away
��� � `�,� from the stairs.
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Plan View B-B' ..
This plan view shows an overview o �''`,: � � Roin Garden
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� ' the steps. The path upslope of the ��° _\ ��oa \`�`''-��''----"—"-----'
e Dip Q �----------
� steps will change from an outsloped �
£;� trailbed to an insloped trailbed. A �;
� �anding
� vegetated swale/raingarden along
,�; the inside edge of the trail will carry
t��� water past the stair area and outlet �
� along the hillside. The path on the � �
�' downslo e end of the stair w' 12� �� � !
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Cross Section C-C'
This section of trail primarily follows an existing footpath. It's rel-
atively flat topography will allow widening of the trail bed while
creating only a small impact.
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