5.b) Nominations to Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Board of Managers Meeting Date: 4/7/2009 Agenda Item: � � � City Council Ager�da RepQrt City of Scandia 14727 209`�' St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider making a nomination to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD) board of managers. Deadline/ Timeline: The County requested nominations by April 24. Background: • Cities and townships may nominate individuals to serve on the board of managers of watershed districts. Appointments are made by the county board. • The county has requested nominations for a vacancy that will occur when the term of office for Steve Kronmiller expires on June 21, 2009. • In September of 2009 the City was asked to supply nominations for another pendin�vacancy. The Council nominated Michael White (13310 188t St. N.) but he was not appointed. He is still interested in serving. • The City also has an application on file from Gary Orlich(14777 197th St. N.) He remains interested in serving if the Council supports his nomination. Recommendation: The Council should consider whether to resubmit the nomination of Michael White, or consider nominating Gary Orlich. The Council could also postpone the matter to the April 21 meeting to see if there are others who may wish to apply. Attachments/ • Letter dated March 23, 2009 from Washington County Materials provided: . General information on Watershed Districts (from Washington County) • Application for appointment to watershed district from Michael White and Gary Orlich Contact(s): � Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (crosc wsd nominations) Page 1 of 1 04/O 1/09 � What are the advantages of having a Watershed District'? • A Watershed District provides a stable mechanism for dealing with water m�nagement problems that cross the boundaries of several local governmental jurisdictions. In many instances, the attitudes and approaches taken by local officials vary considerably depending upon their geographic position in the watershed. In many cases, upstream areas are reluctant to admit that their activities are contributing to problems downstream, or else they are reluctant to voluntarily join in efforts to downstream parties to solve water problems. The watershed district approach has been used in many instances to provide a mechanism for overcoming such upstream- downstream controversies. • Secondly, it provides a local organization that can concentrate its efforts solely on water management. Officials of general purpose local units of government have many other responsibilities to deal with, and therefore, water management often takes a back seat to other local concerns. Water management is also a controversial subject because it necessitates dealing with people's property and how that property is � used. It is often di�cult for local officials to find support in their own areas for watPr management activities, when the primary benefits are going to occur in a different area. It is easier for a watershed district board of mana�ers to have a watershed-wide perspective of the problems and solutions, and to devote more of their time to water management efforts. • Finallv, the �Vatershed Act itself is designed specifically as a tool for managing water, and contains procedures and authorities that can facilitate S \ solutions to water problems. For example, once a district�s Watershed Management Plan is in place, landowners can petition the board of managers for any type of project that conforms to the plan. This fle:cibilitv makes it possible for a district to become involved in just about any type of project that may be needed to alleviate a local water problem. It is important to remember that watershed districts are not the sole managers of water resources. Counties also have many authorities relating to water management and certainly are capable of doing what a watershed district can if they are motivated and � have the necessary support with adjoining counties. s:lwatershe.wpd B.W.S.R. lo Y�'as�gt�� Watershed Districts �"�-��O�n� Brown's Creek APPLICATiON FOR APPOINTMENT Carnelian-Marine TO WATERSHED DISTRICT ComfoA Lake-Forest Lake ��I�J(x Ramsey-Washington Co.�2:ve� t�e.ti- /�lc�cl�v tiz — � ,. nnet�o Watershed District Rice Creek South Washington INSTRUCTIONS: va��ey srancn 1. VVrite thc name of the Watershed District you are applying for in the space above. 2. All applicants�vill be interviewed by the County Board ot Commissioners. 3. Notice of Rights Identified on back. (Please Prin) �/y� NAME:��t�� !�l1 (�'1,l,7,�� L Las� F!iru �M ADDR6SS:__�,�.31 v �g c��' I h �� /�/ f//� QJ�J/1.�i �/,�/ �iydle Slreel Crh' Sfale Zp� TELEPHONE: �5 � — � ,�S•— 3 s 7 y Home Business FAX NO: E-MA1L ADDRESS: IF YOU RESIDE IN A TOWNSHIP,PLEASE LIST: WST EXPERIENCE EDUCA !ON OR SKILIS THAT YOU AVE THAT WOULD RELATE TO TF�RESPONSIBIL IFS OF A WATERSHED DISTRICT „, �.r. MANAGER: � l�.-- � . I -� Ol� � > . , �, . �. � � �a.�l�ce - � � . 0 : � e� ) - � _ -.-� ,-� c ,� `` / � ( , � AVAILABILITY:WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO ATTEND ULAR WATERSHED DISTRICT MEETINGS AND T AN ACTIVE LE ON THE BOARD OF MANAGERS? ' 1' �� ELIGIBILITY: DO YOU HOLD ANY ELECTED OFFICE,OR ANY A OINTED P L1CY-MAKING POSITION WITH THE COUNTY,STATE,OR FEDERAL GOVE MENT? IF SO,PLEASE DESCRIBE: • � jJ �, _ � , � l r� � �l, rJ �' � C� �,u Y v:, C � ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE: PLEASE DESCRIBE ANY EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE IN UPPORTING OR Dl CT1NG� COJIIMITTEE, ASSOCIATION,BOARD,COOPERATIVE,COMMIS lON CLUB,OR OTHER GROUP�1 � � . � D ✓' ZL � � ��i'4L��r� �,�n , �;1D�!/ � � r7�lr��e NATURAL RESOURCES BACKGROUND:PLEASE DESCRIBE ANY INVOLVE111ENTOR SPECIAL INTEREST YOU HAVE HAD I N'ATER, O1L,FISH A�D V1'ILDLIFE,RECREATION,OR OTHER NATURAL RESOURCES 1SSUES. T ��- ^� � � � � 1., � � � � - � 6 � PLF�SE DESCRIBE YOUR�DE,�UT WHAT D1ANAGEM NT ACTI V1TI ES NEEU,TO BE CARRIED O �17THIN. Wf1 RSHED DISTRICT: � r 7 �, _ � � � �-Li c: '� 4 lJu � �—� - - � (� -' , �1 :� e � , ; � . � ;. � � �'�' �_ � . 1%li.i.,( ,Y= �.. �'i..� - � �%t'�✓ � ' 1:1 � ::,L,��l.v i�j� � � ��,� (_:� ( � �-S'_ ' , N'Hl'�1'OULD YOU VVANT TO SERVE AS A WATERSHED D1STR CT MA 'AGER? . ' J � � � � . HAVE YOU EVER RECEIVED A VIOLATION NOTICE FROM A N'ATERSHED DISTRICT FOR ANY ACTIONS YOU HAVE TAKEN ON YOUR PROPERTY? YES ,�_NO DO YOU OWN ANY COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL OR DEVELOPABLE PROPERTY IN TH1S WATERSHED DISTRICT? !✓f') ARE YOU A WARE OF ANY CURRENT OR POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST THAT YOU WOULD EXPERIENCE IF YOU ARE APPOINTED AS A WATERSHED DISTRICT MANAGER? /�/{) NOTICE OF RIGHTS In accordance with the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act,Washington Counry is required to inform you of your rights as they pertain to private information collected from you. Private data is that information which is available to you, Washington County Administration and the department to which you are applying but not to the public. The purpose of the collected information is to determine your eligibility to participate on a commission or advisory board. Furnishing the requested information is voluntary,although refusal to supply the information may make you ineligible for an appointment. Names and home addresses of applicants for appointment to and members of an advisory board or commission are public,as are rank on eligibility list,job history,education,training and work availability. All other infonnation obtained from you is private. RETURIV THIS APPLICATION TO: WASHINGTON COUNTY Office of Administration Government Center 14949 62nd Street North P.O.Box 6 Stillwater,MN 55082-0006 (651)430-6014 lf��a�need assislonce due io disabilrN or language ban ie� plense call 651-430-6000(/7?'631-430-6146J AN EQUAL EMPLO}AfENT OPPORTUNI7)'/qFFIRMATIVE ACTlON EMPL03�R � VVashington Watershed Districts • _. �`-����`7 Brown's Creek `J v APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT Carnelian-Marine Comfort Lake-Forest TO WATERSHED DISTRICT Lake ,, ' Ramsey-Washington i i\��UC`�� � ►� ij ._.. �;}-)�,2ji�� Metro Watershed District Rice Creek South Washington INSTRUCTIONS: Valley Branch 1. Write the name of the Watershed District you are applying for in the space above. 2. All applicants will be interviewed by the Counry Board of Commissioners. 3. Notice of Rights Identified on back. (Please Print) ,�- � �' NAME: 1�C7(..l L H (n A��/ I�/�v L-- Last i �J First Middle ADDRESS:_ 1 � 7 7 �7 I � �� S t�t- N �'1 �a��ro�- o ,� S-i-: C�o�x ����% SS�n� 7 Slreel Ciry Stnle Zip TELEPNONE: (�S� ` �3 � ^�l C�� Home Busintss �1 FAX NO: E-MA1L ADDRESS:�.m�A IL��4 j.���v�"1 r� N�..�, �UC� IF YOU RESIDE IN A TOWNSHIP,PLEASE L1ST: LIST EXPERIENCE,EDUCATION OR SKILLS THAT YOU HA VE THAT WOLiLD RELATE TO THE RESPONSIBILITIES OFA WATERSHED D)STRICT MANAGER: Nc." i f`i�C v s '�'l L�� �.,.J � C" -} f„ c� �c y`r ..,;���� e .n Q � �� � _ ;�� r.��c;� ti �,4,v n ��c � 1'��.,Gf��.v -� ,Qa� �✓a-�,'� LF S(k c�'S r�� �2i:A./� C. �-yf y� r4 a.� �l �R+`�D ��'�e f o�'J i'Y�;,.�� _1_/vC � c. .�' � ni� :>ci :v � _� �l� i�l'�k � /� N i� (J� l)�rJ /�C l./�v 7-f A VAILABILITY:WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO ATTEND REGULAR WATERSHED DISTRICT MEETING�lAND TAKE AN ACI'IVE ROLE ON TI�BOARD OF MANAGERS? �C S .�-- �111 ,���1 I��' T QO i� A 1 �-�L-L —�i VI1� �rY�n 1 u�[rncn.�`� H-N_n �l R-�: ? �j m'Z -r'� �C� �1 F' �'za f�i � S' ����� ELIGIBILITY: DO YOU HOLD ANY ELECTED OFFICE,OR ANY APPOINTED POLICY-MAKING POSTI'ION WTI'H THE COUNTY,STATE,OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?�IF SO,PLEASE DESCRIBE: ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE: PLEASE DESCRIBE ANl' EXPERIENCE l'OU HAVE IN SUPPORTINC OR DIRECTING A C0119M1TTEE, ASSOC1ATlON,BOARD,COOPERATIVE,COMMISSION,CLLB,OR OTHER GROUP: � �- ' " c.l� ' �(� � � o - a��� . .� fi e �� ����� a v �'- L . c . >� � ') - �'.e � cx'c:,,✓T a -�"'l.� � i� ' ni i c: ;/; ., . 1 Z N�' i'�J� � �'t' N�". NATURAL RESOURCES BACKGROLrND:PLEASE DESCRIBE ANY INVOLVEMENT OR SPECIAL INTEREST)'OU HAVE HAD IN WATER,SOIL,F1SH AND WILDLIFE,RECREATION,OR OTHER NATURAL RESOURCES ISSUES. U U L v n,�'�,✓Z��' O N yL��--�-�O;�A L � � �^c? — �� �. 1 c ;.� 5/i e,��;,, c w L,4 t� �' �. L �� �c� �r1 ,n i L���� )N/�� ��l� G �.J y G-r�- � � � �G "�'c b;� � �=c�C�._ A-�.�C�� l��/a,2 i��L �GJ i�� U ���v'����/=i� cln�_-����`�. �../�� 1�-i �"/�C c �, � %�-�,, � L.n /�� �}.SS �c. ,R-� �a,✓ ! PLEASE nESCR113E 1'OUR IDEAS A BOUT WHAT MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES NEED 1'O BE CARRIED OUT N'ITHINTHE WATERSHED DISTRICT; — /='c.f�u LrF IC. ""f���t t1� C �'r-. 1 C ���+'1 �_� /i n � t � -r�,� 1- , � � �-,�j �, �-- Ls���tfC� !-i i�a-L- � 7 , r..i L�+- �k=s 4- i i� � �-��� l�� � -– ,2 � u i L u..s ���£1-�' ,J �' <� l� -1'C .i r_ /�::� ��. -� n ' — �. � � •��C i � �. i/�` < <i .J C ► �;�i r�� �i � Fl-P�c•� C .=� n�.� �i�<=.;, e�.. :_1 ,v 7��20 �/.� ,, i r,,�. —7 !�-n.'O ��t%�. �O N. S"�.Qi.` �'(d tv '� .{., / /� , �P �c:,i'���1C:���' :):2 G_�c_,c=-I � f U !�2-L �u� i;4,f i2 L�/���� .�-iL�� ,���'C�..i�}l.�, r"'r r,� � h� -�k'C V �.. � �:4�.e C O,ti�-2�-L ��/l,•� �i � '`�� 1 �'l� i,�� 1�]i ti 7`�� cx( �1 . . �� �1C- WHl'N'OULD 1'011 N'ANT TO SERVE AS A WATERSHED DISTRICT MANAGER? ��% L (L ! C t��' 1'�/i=-�C. r�'•' L C= �J�!C' _ 'd - �-,ii,+L, � L c': � , },' I`-' ^ ' ) 2(L / Iv ��l i c� L.- n t' C,��" HAVE YOU EVER RECEIVED A V10LATION NOTICE FROM A WATERSHED DISTRICT FOR AN1' ACTIONS YOU HAVE TAKEN ON YOUR PROPERTY? YES �_NO DO YOII OV1'N ANY COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL OR DEVELOPABLE PROPERTY IN TH1S N'ATERSHED DiSTRICT? /v�O N� ARE YOU A WAR E OF ANY CLIRRENT OR POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST THAT YOU WOULD EXPERIENCE IF YOU ARE APPOINTED AS A WATERSHED DISTRICT MANAGER? �1 O N NOTICE OF RIGHTS In accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Washington County is required to inform you of your rights as they pertain to private information collected from you. Private data is that information which is available to you, Washington County Administration and the department to which you are applying but not to the public. The purpose ofthe collected information is to determine your eligibility to participate on a commission or advisory board. Fumishing the requested information is voluntary,although refusal to supply the information may make you ineligible for an appointment. Names and home addresses of applicants for appointment to and members of an advisory board or commission are public,as are rank on eligibility list,job history,education,training and work availability. All other information obtained from you is private. RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: WASHINGTON COUNTY Office of Administration Governmenl Center 14949 62nd Street North P.O.Box 6 Stillwater,MN 55082-0006 (651)430-6014 lf i�ov need oss�sroiice due in disab�litt�or larigunge hnrNrr pleasr call 6 5/-a30-6000(7'7'}'6 5/_a�1I-61 a6� ANb'O(/ALEMPLOYM6N7'OPPORTUN/77' AFFlRl21TlIEA('770NEA4P/,O)'L•K /� �;a���� ['. Orlicll 1477 i 147'�' Sireet Nt�rth n1�ri��e un the St. (~roix. M1�' 6�1-433-3191 Exper-ieiice Protile Experienced enginee�r serving the �Tr�nsprn�t�ti��n Indust►-�� i-c�r ��ver thirty years in various r�apacities. Previous experience invc�lves dirertin� a 14 n��ember design group in tlle areas ��t hi�h����ay preliminary and final desi�n_ includin� tl�e direct pr��ject mana�ement of iransporiati��n pt�ojects rangii�g fro��n minor rural roa�iways t�� major urban multi-lane fi�ee��-ays with complex interchanges. �-9ajor public clienis as a coi�siihant were� the Miru�es��ta DeUartment o1�Trausportation, cities and c���.iuties in the Miiu�eapolis-St. Paul Area, and privaie clients were the Mall of Amea-ica and the Childreu's Gran Pr•ia of _ Minnesota. Additional experie�ice includes i•ighi of���ay acquisitio�l. construction management, cost estimati»g. drainage, preparation oi�spe.cifications. agreements and special studies. Experience From ']�o 2005 ?008 ARM of Minnesota Instructor for Concrete Technolog�� RESPONSIBILITIFS: Classroom and Lab inSfruction for the testing and samplin� of concrete on transportation related co»struciion projects. �00� 2005 MN/I)OT Research Research Management Engineer RESPONSIBILITIES: Supervision of staff including engineers, teclinicia��s a»d managers in the management of contracts with uni��eisity research staff and private consultants. Directed projects utilizing federal. state and state-aid fundin�. Served on panels and conimittees ai the Universit�� of Minnesota and Local Road Research Board. 2000 2U0� Metro Transit Bus��-av Corridor Managcr RESPONSIBIL1TlES: I)rafiing of tasks for consultant cc�ntrac:ts. selection of consultants. project mana�ement of consultant tean� �m Rivervie��- C'orridor in St. Paui and design collslaltani for transit shelters and 1-elated facilities on the Nortliwest Corridor in Hemlepin County. This position involved participation on corridor ��ide desi�li team ��ith Count��. Cit� ai�d M��/DOT staff to co��rdinate tr�ansit i�l�pr����ements ��it1� other design impr�vements planned for the corridor. �� Ga�� P. Orlich k'ag�� 2 1�)�)% ?UUU I'�rsons Transp�irta�ion l;r��up Senior Associalc Res��onsibililies: Served as Civil Engineering Departn�ent Head directin� the design <�f inajor hi�h���ay projec:ts in I)epartments ol� ")�ransportatic�n for Minnesota_ Micl�igan and lowa. Other clients include C'ounty Highway Departments and Cities within the meiropolitan area. Other respoi�sibilities a»d experience include the� preparati��n of feasibility studies for proposed railroad grade separations. commuter rail studies frn� Anoka and He�mepin C'ounty pr�jects, and cost esiimating and design review of Hiawatha�,ight Rail Project plans prior to bidding on the Design-Bui1d Contract. 1986 1997 BRV1', 1NC. Senior Associate Responsibilities: A9unicipal llesign Directed the preliminary and tinal design of the following projects: 2l" Streel Railroad llnde�pass in the C'iiyo uf Moorhead, MN: Valley View Road in the City �f Eden Prairie. MN; Trunk Highway 7 and Louisiana Avenue in the City of St. Louis Park, MTI: De11 Road including a Railroad Overpass in the Cih� of Eden Prairie, MN. Also served as project manager and lead designer for two segments of 77r�, Street in the City of Richfield, MN. These projects involved the preparation of plans. specifications, and cost estimates involvin� special funding from the Te�deral De�inonstration cate�gory in the amouni of $30 million. Each project contained grading, concrete pavement, public and private uti]ity relocation involving agreements, sto�7n sewers, noise walls. signing, striping, ligl�ting. a»d coordination of signal design wilh city and 1�9N/DOT staff. �� (:,���• �'. t)rlicli I'a�e 3 Major Nr��,j��ct� 1)esi�?n Major projec:is inrlude the '1�H77/1-494 interchanges constructed tu serve the Mall of America in Blc���min�ton. 1 serveci as the proieci mana�er fur this $55 Million project thai involved all aspecis of highway and hridge design with extensive retaining wall systems. 1�l�is responsibility i�lvolved dire�cting t�vo additional desig�� const�itants' stafl�, soils consultantc_ a�1d right of���a�� c�>ordination with the City of Bloomin�ton siaff. Special design issues were tl�e requirement to maintain U�affic through the c�rridor in eacll stage oi�the pr�jeci and �naintain access to adiacei�t business sites including tl�e Mei Center and the construction site of the Mall of Americ�a. Right of VVay On the TH77/I-494 prAject. I had direcl involvei��ent in all aspects of the right of ���ay acquisition. 1 pariicipated as a tea»� member of tl�e C�it,y of Bluomington Acyuisition Group that acquired all parcels throu�h direct purcl�ase and condemnation proceedings for the t��ansportation improvea»ents to se�rve the Mall of America comple�. Tl�is required special aceess studies and direct testimonv to assist the appraisers and attorneys with each pa�•cel. On other projects_ I pruvided assistance to the State Attoi•ney General staff on the issues of access to parce]s during construction. loss of parking to adjacent business sites and related desi�n issues. ! � G�r�' P. Orlict� I'agc � C'onstruction "Tl�is ir�volved pi�o��idiiig c<�nst�ruclion ma�lagei��e�nt servic;es �n sever�i m��j��r ��rc�jects ���hich consist of coordination of activities ���ith r��nU�actors stafl�. suh-rontractots. geoteclu�irai staff, utilil�- com}�anies. Ic�cal residents. city. cc�unty. MN/D(�T staff and suppliers of materials on earh ��roject. This respe�nsihiliiv iricludes the preparation of all documents and reporis reyuired ��f the funding agenc��. (�n federal ftu�ded �rojects. this required participation in a fi»al atidit. 'This experience relate�s to tlle followi�lg pr�jects and their respeciive owners or clients: Valley Vie��� Road, Dell Road and Railroad Uilderpass. City of Eden Prairie: 21 s' Siree.l Railr•oad Underpass. City of Moorhead; T}�77/1-494 Interchange, Killebre��� Drive. 81�' Street Interchange and ?4°i Avei��ie� Interchange, City of}3loomingion: TH 169. MN/DOT District 1; 77`�' Stree.t, City of Richfield (t���o projects). 1969 1986 Minnesota Departmenl of Transportation Distr-ict 1�'oise Studies Engineer, Uistrict Noise and Air Qualit�� Enginee►-, and District Detail Uesign Engineer On ii�ise studies. n�ajdr.projects were 1-35W in Minneapolis. TH � in St. Paul and Th280-35W in Koseville. As I)etail Design Engineer. I supervised four design squads and coordinated with severa] consultant contracts. Projects ranged fi�oiii large- scale such as )-94 in Washington ('ounty, 1-494 in Dakota County and Cedar Avenue in Bloomington to smaller scale overlay and safety improvement projects within the District. � � l;.�r~v P Orlicl� i',+gf� 5 I�d�xcation Bachelor of Science in C'ivil _F.n�ineerinr Michi�au Technolo�ical lJni��ersity Licei�ces Minnesota -1O45; Wisc�msin - ?4;28 Meu�bersi�ips inst�iti�te of Tra�lsportatio» Engineers-Associate Miiu�esoia Surve.yc�rs and Engineers Sociei_y- Past Pi•esident. Scholarshi}� Con�mittee llniversity of MN L�ng Rau�e Plan��ing C'onunittee-Member Consulting Engineers Council- Past Member of Board and Legislative� C'ommittee ls