3.a) & b) Recognition of Retiring Volunteer Firefighter Walter LaRouche and Retiring Volunteer Fire Chief Steve Spence Meeting Date: 4/21/2009 Agenda Item: � Q j � �� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209�h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (65l) 433-2274 Action Requested: Recognize the retirements of Volunteer Firefighter Walter LaRoche and Volunteer Fire Chief Steve Spence. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Walter LaRoche and Steve Spence are retiring from the Fire Department. Per the city's employee recognition policy, framed certificates (copies attached) will be presented by the Mayor. • A coffee and cake reception will be held in the Community Center Hall. The Council may wish to temporarily suspend the meeting to take part�in the reception. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council present the certificates with the city's thanks and best wishes for their happy retirement. Attachments/ • Certificate Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (Recognition of firefighters) Page 1 of 1 04/16/09 • • • erti cacte o re��tzon �I'his cert�cate is award�ed�to ' � _ � �- t''� � ' ,�'� � � � � . �. �Nalter.Ga�che _ �-�, � _ � ,`, ��� ,,.���; ��"� ; e�. In recognition of dedicated ser�vice to tFie Scand'za F'ire and�,escue 1�epartment from Septem6er 1, 1988 to,�anuary 31, 2009 • . �`resented 6y tFie City CounciC, City of Scand'za, �l�linnesota �ennis�. Seefe(ft, �l�layor 1�ate Anne.�furC6urt, CityAdministrator �llate . � • • • erti cdte o rec��tion �I'Fiis cert�cate is award�ec�to ;� � t _ � � � � ; �\ \ �� �� �' � �� i Ste�t�en � S ence �--� �, . � � ,- f � , 4 .�'•�,,,. <, „�'�"�� �., In recognition of d�edicatedservice to tFie Scancfia �F'ire and r�,escue �epartment from ApriCl, 1983 toApriC27, 2009 ' � . ZVitFi gratitude for e.�ceptionaCservice as �F'ire C�ief from 1989 to 2009 I�ennis�. SeefeCdt, �layor �ate 1�''resented 6y tFie City CounciC, --- _ _— City of Scanrfia, �Kinnesota Anne.�furC6urt, CityAcfministrator 1�ate