5.a)1) March 17, 2009 Regular Meeting . . . � � �--� /J March 17, 2009 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.�n. The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Pete Cru�n, John Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM Mike Harnetty, 21720 Pomroy Avenue, addressed the council with a response to recent complaints regarding the city's administration. Mr. Harnetty feels the city is very well run and that it is a small number of residents voicing their complaints. The majority of voters are pleased with the city's policies and the council needs to be mindful of this. Mike White, 13310 188`h Street, expressed his agreement with Mr. Harnetty's comments. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) February 17, 2009 Special Meeting 2) February 17,2009 Regular Meeting 3) March 3, 2009 Meeting with Planning Commission b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance 02/O1/09 $1,358,179.17 Receipts + 9,579.61 Expenditures $105,458.26 Payroll 22,671.86 - 128,130.12 Ending Balance 02/28/09 $1,239,628.76 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Appointments to Design Standards Committee Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Parks Committee Chair Alex Bildeaux reported on progress the committee has made in developing a parks rules ordinance, establishing a reservation policy for park shelters and finalizing the summer recreation program schedule. . . March 17,2009 Scandia City Counci] Page 2 of 5 POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Chris Majeski reported on the past �nonth's police activity. A stolen ice fishing house was recently recovered on Bone Lake. Deputy Majeski is following leads on the suspects. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that the 800 MHz radio switchover, implemented in early March, is working well. Department pagers will be re-programmed at the end of the month to finalize the new radio syste�n. Firefighters continue to attend training regarding this radio implementation. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Prior enrollment in the state's cooperative purchasing program has expired. City Administrator Hurlburt recommended the City sign a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota to allow the City to have access to state contract prices. Contract prices can offer a significant savings on various goods. Once executed, the agreement will be renewable for five years. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to authorize a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota to allow purchases using state contract prices. The motion passed unanimously. Spring 2009 Newsletter A draft version of the spring newsletter was reviewed. The 2009 summer recreation program brochure will be included as an insert. It is anticipated that the newsletter will be mailed out to all Scandia residents by April 1 St Park and Recreation Programs for 2009 Recreation Program Coordinator Marty McKelvey has prepared the summer rec program offerings. The Parks Committee reviewed the schedule at their February and March meetings. Camp Lakamaga has agreed to continue to partner with the City to provide program activities. New programs and events are being offered, such as a bird-watching hike, a sports equipment swap and an adult co-ed softball league. MINNESOTA STATE SENATOR RAY VANDEVEER Minnesota State Senator Ray Vandeveer, representing legislative District 52, was present to update the council on the 20091egislative session. Among the issues Senator Vandeveer addressed were Market Value Homestead Credits, Green Acres legislation, levy limits for cities and watershed oversight. ASSISTANT VOLUNTEER FIRE CHIEFS With the appointment of Jim Finnegan to Fire Chief, the department has nominated Mike Hinz to fill the vacant position of Assistant Fire Chief. The committee working on new governing documents for the Fire Department has recommended that the assistant chiefs be appointed by the City Council for two-year terms. Steve Yehle has served as an Assistant Chief since 2005. Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to approve the Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief Position Description. The motion passed unanimously. , . March 17,2009 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 5 Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the appointment of Mike Hinz as Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief for a term ending March 1, 2011. The motion passed unanimously. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to confirm the appointment of Steve Yehle as Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief for a term ending March 1, 2011. The motion passed unanimously. ADOPTION OF 2008-2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (RESOLUTION 03-17-09-01) The Metropolitan Council has completed its review of Scandia's Comprehensive Plan Update and has authorized the city to put the plan into effect with no modifications. The city is required to document that the watershed districts have approved the Local Water Management portion of the plan. The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed has accepted the plan, while the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake and Rice Creek Watersheds have indicated that their approvals will be forthcoming. State statute requires that the city approve ordinance amendments to conform to the new plan within nine months of adoption. Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to approve the adoption of the 2008-2030 Comprehensive Plan. Council member Lindell voiced his opposition to approve the plan for a number of reasons. Although Lindell served as a member of the Comprehensive Plan Committee, he felt the process did not fully reflect the wants of the community. Too many major changes were made which he felt were not satisfactory to residents' needs. Lindell also calculated the overall density to be 1 lot per 8.6 acres, rather than the 1 per 10 required by the Met Council. He felt the budgeted amount of$50,000 to implement the ordinance changes to be a poor use of money, and that the city should look at ways to change the plan to reduce the cost of implementation. Lindell suggested a"phase-in"of ordinance changes as a way of cost savings. Mayor Seefeldt stated that the two year process of developing the Comprehensive Plan was done in a democratic manner and the majority of residents find the plan to be acceptable. Compromises were done along the way to result in an end product that found approval by the Met Council. Starting over at this point would not be right. Administrator Hurlburt explained that ordinance updates have been necessary for some time and delayed until adoption of this plan. T'he funding for ordinance updates is part of the 2009 budget. It would not be feasible to start the process over, as the grant funds would be lost. Only a small percentage of the plan will be implemented the first year. Staff plans to economize on the process as much as possible. Council member Crum stated that adoption of the plan update is mandatory and re-doing the plan at this point would be costly. Council members Peterson and Amos did not find reasons to delay adoption. r . March 17,2009 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 5 A roll call vote to adopt Resolution No. 03-17-09-01 Adopting the 2008-2030 Scandia Comprehensive Plan was taken. Lindell—no; Amos—yes; Peterson—yes; Crum—yes; Seefeldt—yes. Motion adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 115 ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF SCANDIA PUBLIC PARKS Council reviewed a draft ordinance recommended by the Parks Committee which would establish enforceable rules for all types of public parks. Scandia's current Ordinance No. 15 sets park hours only(4 a.m. to 10 p.m.). The draft ordinance continues these same hours for all parks. An existing sign at Wind in the Pines prohibits dogs,but some members of the committee felt that dogs should be allowed. Parks Committee Vice Chair Karen Schik stated her concerns about the presence of dogs within this park, and supported the DNR's position to restrict domestic animals at this site. Wind in the Pines borders the Falls Creek Scientific and Natural Area, where dogs are not permitted. Ed Ruf, Parks Committee member, also spoke in favor of the "no dogs" policy, feeling it is the city's duty to preserve the park from any degradation caused by domestic pets. Council discussed the situations which may be in conflict with the draft rules, such as ball games that extend past 10 p.m. This will be resolved by issuing an administrative permit to established leagues to extend games past the closing time of 10 p.m. It was consensus of the council to remove "lake access" from the parks definition so that those using the boat launches at Goose Lake and the Loghouse Landing between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. would not be in violation. The council supported the policy of no dogs at Wind in the Pines Park. Council member Crum felt the community may be best served by continuing the original rules of the park. Council member Lindell also supported this position by stating that there are enough alternate parks in the area for those who wish to walk with their dogs. Crum, seconded by Lindell, moved to adopt Ordinance 115 Establishing Rules and Regulations for use of Scandia Public Parks,with a modification to remove "lake access" from Section 1 in the parks definition. The motion passed unanimously. PARK SHELTER RESERVATION POLICY Council reviewed the draft reservation policy for the Hay Lake picnic shelter and the warming house(outside the winter season) as recommended by the Parks Committee. Mayor Seefeldt suggested the warming house rental rates be reduced to $50 (resident)/$100 (non-resident) as the groups requesting use are generally non-profit and setting the rates too high may be a burden for their fundraising efforts. Seefeldt, seconded by Peterson, moved to adopt the Park Shelter Reservation Policy, with a change to the warming house rental rates of$50 (resident)/$100 (non-resident). The motion passed unanimously. LILLESKOGEN PARK IMPROVEMENTS Development of Lilleskogen Park, at the southeast corner of Highway 97 and Oakhill Road,has been a top priority of the Parks Committee. The first phase of the development plan is the engineering and construction of a water control structure to restore the wetland and establish the location of future trails. The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District has allotted $7,500 March 17,2009 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 5 in its 2009 budget to assist with this project. SRF, the finn that prepared the park plan, has submitted a proposal for the engineering work required to design the water control structure. The 2009 Capital Improvement Fund allows up to $40,000 to be spent for the first phase of the plan. Park dedication fees provide the revenue towards park development, which currently has a balance of$34,681. It is also possible that a DNR grant could be secured for this project. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to 1) authorize application to the Carnelian-Marine- St. Croix Watershed District for contribution of funds towards the design and construction of the water control structure; and 2) submit a letter of interest to the DNR for the Metro Greenway Restoration Grant. The motion passed unanimously. WIND IN THE PINES PARK TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS The Parks Committee has prepared a proposal for submission to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District to request funds for trail improvements at Wind in the Pines Park. The Watershed has earmarked some funds from its 2009 budget for a project that would benefit Falls Creek, a high quality tributary to the St. Croix River. It is necessary to complete a section of the trail which lies on a steep slope. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to authorize submission of a proposal to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District to fund improvements to Wind in the Pines Park. The motion passed unanimously. SUPPORT OF THE 4-H PROGRAM IN WASHINGTON COUNTY (RESOLUTION 03- 17_09_02) Washington County is proposing to discontinue funding the 4-H youth program. Mayor Seefeldt asked that the Council consider adopting a resolution which requests that the Washington County Board support funding of the 4-H program through 2009. Peterson, seconded by Seefeldt, moved to adopt Resolution 03-17-09-02 Requesting Washington County Continue Funding the 4-H Program through 2009. The motion passed unanimously. The resolution will be transmitted to the Washington County Board. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk