05-05-2009 Agenda CITY OF SCANDIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA May 5, 2009 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. Public Hearings (None) 5. General Business a) Amendments to Ordinance No. 115 Establishing Rules and Regulations for Scandia Parks b) Appointments 1) Design Standards and TDR (Transfer of Development Rights) Study Committees 2) Capital Improvements Committee c) 2009 League of Minnesota Cities Annual Conference d) Set Work Session on 2008 Audit and Financial Statements e) Purchase of Pothole Patching Equipment � Approve Sale of Radio Gang Charger g) Purchase of Skate Park Equipment h) Utility Permits for Connexus Energy 1) Replace Undergound Distribution Line at 12123 Mayberry Trail N. 2) Replace Underground Distribution Line at 12740 Mayberry Trail N. 6. Recommendations from the Planning Commission a) James and Sandra Continenza. Variance for Accessory Structure Exceeding the Allowable Size, 19423 Oxboro Avenue North 7. Adjournment