5.b)1) Design Standards and TDR Study Committees . ,
Meeting Date: 5/5/2009
Agenda Item:
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City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Make appointments to the Design Standards and TDR (Transfer of
Development Rights) Committees.
Deadline/ Timeline: The Design Standards Committee has been meeting. The TDR
Committee will hold its first meeting on May 21.
Background: • Planning Commissioner Susan Rodsjo chairs the Design Standards
Committee. A current roster is attached. She has recommended
the following additional appointment to the Committee: Sue
Fitzgerald (see attached application.)
• Planning Commissioner Christine Maefsky chairs the Transfer of
Development Rights (TDR) Study Committee, which will carry
out one of the implementation tasks identified by the new
Comprehensive Plan. She has recommended the following
➢ Christine Maefsky(chair)
➢ Mayor Dennis Seefeldt
➢ Council Member John Lindell
➢ Planning Commissioner Tom Krinke
➢ Bill Clapp
➢ Mark McGinley
➢ Ross Brunfelt
➢ City Administrator Anne Hurlburt
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council appoint Sue Fitzgerald to the Design
Standards Committee for the duration of the project. I further
recommend that the Council make the appointments to the TDR Study
Committee for the duration of the project.
Attachments/ • Design Standards Committee Roster
Materials provided: . Applications for Fitzgerald, McGinley, Krinke, Clapp & Brunfelt
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(Committee appointments)
Page 1 of 1
* Members Appointed February 17, 2009
** Members Appointed March 17, 2009
to serve through duration of project
Susan Rodsjo (Chair)* Dave Hume*
21450 Pomroy Ave. N. 14939 Old Marine Trail
Scandia, MN 55073 Marine on St. Croix, MN 55074
433-3917 433-4253
Susan.rodsjo(a�fontiernet.net Dave.hume(a�lb�ann.com
Scott T. Westphal* Connie Amos*
20685 Quinnell 21980 Parrish Rd N.
Scandia, MN 55072 Scandia, MN 55073
433-2722 433-5772
elimsw(�a,frontiernet.net te1e87201(�a,aol.com
Margie Dreher* Jim "Moose" Malmquist **
23497 Meadowbrook Ave. N. 14670 Scandia Tr. No.
Scandia, MN 55073 Scandia, MN 55073
433-5728 433-3782
scandiastore(a�frontiernet.net Mooseno8(�a,mvdo.com
Dan Sandager * Wayne Schmitt**
20021 St. Croix Trail 20769 Keewahtin Ave.
Scandia, MN 55073 Forest Lake, MN 55025
433-1488 433-3536
sp anda�(a�aol.com wschmitt�a,mvwobo.com
Wayne Brannum *
Sala Architects
Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator
14727 209`h Street
Scandia, MN 55073
a.hurlburt@c i.scandia.mn.us
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Application for Appointment
To Commission or Committee
c�c,cJ. ��" ��� 5 ��rrr� .
Committee/Area of Interest : �-
Home Phone:� �� � ��',
Name: � � �� "
i3��o� �" � z�P��-�
Home Address:
E-Mail Address: ���'` ��
�� ��� .� � ���
How long have you been a resident of Scandia?
Property owned in Scandia(other than residence):
,r,,, o�.�,� �- �j��� Worked There Since (mo/yr) � ��
Present Employer T�--{ ►s � —
� c Position Title � �`� �'�'��"�`T —
Work Phon��� ��� �
Commission/Committee Experience
Dates Served
5T � ��;���i`. � . .r- -�- c,.�; - \`l`�� =�nc-`.7
,-���i��a��--��5�..:�.��a-�o�y �-V',�"�, +ss ►��..: - 5� ��- ��
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S�«�;.�=-�`�--`�- F��-1����_ ����n�� 1T�:�= - 1G��9 - Z.��o- �
Educational Back�round
Highest Level Achieved (degree/major) /
�,�,��c,;��'�RCS'�-����` �1��;f�L'�.�' �
Other Exqerience
List any governmental, service organizations, or professional activities which you have been or
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currently are involved in: �� n -e i�Ch�s'
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In what volunteer activities have you participated? What was your role? � �{F L R� � � f � �s�2s
G�./� �s ; �,J i r�1 �: z�4,� ��-(�i�►-I ' U� �7' � y-
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In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd.2 we mustan�foa ri ou oou and assistin determin ng you su t bilty for he
information you give us about yourself is neede fY Y
positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we collect about you is classtfied as either Public or Private.
Public means that it is availabut and to he aff who must use Pin the normaltcourse of oTndu t ng City bus ness andtas
person the information is abo
otherwise provided for by law.
As the person executing this appli authorize rel aseeo gany and all info�rmation which anydorgan zationecompanry or�pe on
qualifications. I hereby expres y
may have,including informntionformationto the City,as e pre sly author zed aboveafromeany liablity forrdamage which
company or person furn�sh� g
may result from furnishing the information requested.
c� Date: o��' ��'� a2`��`)
Signature: ���,���� � �`=����""•
You may attach a resume if you desire. The selpcitews pYour applicat'onawill be kept ton file�for one
applicants and vacancies and may mclude inte
year. Thank you for your interest in serving on a Commission or Corrunittee.
Return completed application to: 14727 209`h St N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: 651 433-2274 Fax: 651 433-5112
E-mail: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us
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Application for Appointment
To Commission or Committee
._ �
Committee/Area of Interest : `� � rvs':..:-1 c�.' ,).: �'�� ,..,;,,;.,,•�� `� i�'�-(.Y
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Name: .L� t � � � ; r:_ fi�>
Home Phone: �_��!! ` 1 '��1 �-;'':�-i Y
G`C -;_ �
- Home Address: � 1 1.! c;:�;;•�.v:� (( �; ,,, , i��. �:�•�,.�;4 Hr� ZIP ti� �.i"�; 1 :%
E-Mail Address: � . (I . = �� i.>�':`� j�'r : �� �;uf
: _
How long have youu been a resident of Scandia? a-t;�.; ��• �� .�v,c � f`i�L', ���r���� `:��n;� = ( �j i'`
Property owned in Scandia(other than residence): — �
, Emnlovment
Present Employer '��'" f' --`�
Worked There Since(mo/yr)
Work Phone Position Tide
Commission/Committee Exnerience
Commission/Committee Dates Served
-�1� 1 i irP i, 1 � . ,4' '+i _- �_:. '-T�;3?�t4 + S..t�?,.� .�,.�., � �� �_I , �..`:.:..� L�' � •-�7 . A-Yi'r�
�-. , ��! �! 1
Educational Back�round
Highest Level Achieved (degree/major) � ��� ; � Cz:.� �
Other Ex�erience
List any governmental,service organizations,or professional activities which you have been or
currently arc involved in: �
`�� - .-z �„� r .
-�� r� ,
In what volunteer activities have you participatcd? What was your role?
In accordanee�vith M.S. i 3.04 Subd.2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of govemment data. The
information you give us about yourself is needed to id�ntify you and assist in determining your suitability for the
positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we collect about you is classified as either Public ot Private.
Public means that it is available to anyone who acks to see it. Private means that the information is available only to the
person the inforn�alion is about and to ihe staff who must use it in the normal course of conducting City business and as
otherwise provided for by 1aw.
As the person execuUng this application,l acknowledge that an inves6gation may be conducted ior use in determining my
qualifications. I hereby expressly authorize release of any and all information which any organization,company or person
may have,including information of a confidential or privileged nature. 1 hereby release the City and any organization,
company or person furnishing information to the City,as expressly authorized above,from any liability for damage which
may result from furnishing the information requested.
Signature: :�) , �i.- . ����G.'S�' Dat "f - l y. �.�
e: �'
You may attach a resume if you desire.The selection process will vary according to the number of
applicants and vacancies and may include interviews. Your application will be kept on file for one
yeaz.Thank you for your interest in serving on a Commission or Committee.
Return completed application to: City of Scandia
14727 209"'St.N.
Scandia,MN 55073
Phone: 65l 433-2274 Fax: 65] 433-S112
E-mail: maiJ@ci.scandia.mn.us
accompanying my application for the TDR committee.
I am a retired lawyer. I am reasonably knowledgeabie about TDR and PDR systems,
having studied them during my participation in the Green Corridor �roject in Washington
and Chisago counties during the early 2000s.
When I commented on the developing Comprehensive Plan for Scandia, I
recommended TDR and PDR as ways to limit development densities beyond what the
City is comfortable doing with zoning limitations.
I appears to me that either or both systems might be useful in limiting densities in those
areas originally proposed as the least dense areas of the City, but which areas were
withdrawn before the final plan was adopted. Also, they might be useful in protecting
viewsheds of our scenic roads.
The main chailenge to setting up a TDR system is identifying the receiving areas. 1 have
no preconceptions as to where they might be.
I am a retired lawyer, having been for 20 years an assistant attorney general in the
Minnesota attorney generat's office, where t represented the DNR and the Board of
Water and Soil Resources in water related matters, including public waters protection,
shoreland zoning, and wetland regulation.
Since retirement I have done pro bono work for Minnesota Audubon and the Minnesota
Center for Environmental Advocacy. I currently focus my conservationist bent within the
St. Croix watershed. I am a board member and past chair of the Standing Cedars Land
Conservancy, a land trust focused in Farmington township south of Osceola. I am a
past board member of the St. Croix Scenic Coalition, and present board member and
past chair of he St. Croix River Association.
I am pleased with the city's new Comprehensive Plan. I think the TDR committee is a
good fit for my desire to help in developing the ordinances needed to bring the plan into
full effect.
Bill Clapp �j � ' f'
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Application for Appointment
To Commission or Committee
Committee/Area of Interest : �-��/f?'l��S�-u—
Name: �G����,C�a�� Home Phone/ l � ���JS
Home Address: /�r.-��G ��j'r� /G� ZIP��J-` )
E-Mail Address: ��2//�/%��/�S/1,�� LL�/�'�
How long have you been a resident of Scandia? � l
Property owned in Scandia(other than residence): �
Present Employer�����/��(p/ � Worked There Since (mo/yr) ���
Work Phone���� ��� - ���� Position Title �
Commission/Committee Experience
Commission/Committee � ��21YL �l � l�ates Served �C._Q— ����
Educational Background
Highest Level Achieved (degree/inajor) ���'� �T,����.�-'17/i� .
Other Experience
List any governmental, service organizations, or professional activities which you have been or
currently are involved in:
In what volunteer activities have you participated? What was your role?
In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd. 2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data. The
information you give us about yourself is needed to identify you and assist in determining your suitability for the
positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we collect about you is classified as either Public or Private.
Public means that it is available to anyone who asks to see it. Private means that the information is available only to the
person the information is about and to the staff who must use it in the normal course of conducting City business and as
otherwise provided for by law.
As the person executing this application,I acknowledge that an investigation may be conducted for use in determining my
qualifications. I hereby expressly authorize release of any and all information which any organization,company or person
may have,induding information of a confidential or privileged nature. I hereby release the City and any organization,
company or person furnishing information to the City,as expressly authorized above,from any liability for damage which
may result from furnishing the information requested.
'/, �
Signature: ��'��/�C'�f/� ,��- //J��� Date: `f �
You may attach a resume if you desire. The selection process will vary according to the number of
applicants and vacancies and may include interviews. Your application will be kept on file for one
year. Thank you for your interest in serving on a Commission or Committee.
Return completed application to: City of Scandia
14727 209`'' St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: 651 433-2274 Fax: 651 433-5112
E-mail: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us