6.a) Variance for Accessory Structure Exceeding the Allowable Size, James and Sandra Continenza, 19423 Oxboro Ave. N. Meeting Date: 05/05/2009 Agenda Item: f�=-�'� -� , � � 1 Planning Commission/ � � �=' �'! � � City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: The Planning Commission is requested to hold a public hearing on the application of James and Sandra Continenza for a variance to allow an addition to an existing accessory structure which will exceed the allowable square footage (3,888 vs. 3,500 sq. ft.) at 19423 Oxboro Avenue North. The Commission should make a recommendation to the City Council whether the variance should be approved, denied, or tabled to obtain additional information. If the application is recommended for denial, the Commission should recommend findings and reasons for denial. If the request is tabled, or additional time is needed to prepare findings, the City would need to invoke its right to extend the review period by an additional 60 days. Deadline/ Timeline: 60-day review period expires May 5, 2009 Background: • The site is zoned "AG", Agriculture and is in the Shoreland Overlay District for Sand Lake. The Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan designates the site as "GR", General Rural. • The property tax statement shows this parcel to be approximately 23 acres. At purchase, the applicant received a survey that showed the parcel to contain 20.004 acres above the estimated ordinary high water(OHW) level of Sand Lake. When this survey was completed the OHW was considered to be a point between aquatic and terrestrial vegetation. • At a later date, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) established the exact elevation for the ordinary high water (OHW) level of Sand Lake to be 963.2 ft. Using this OHW a new survey shows that the area of the parcel above the OHW is 19.946 acres. • With a parcel size less than 20 acres and greater than 10 acres, the zoning ordinance allows accessory buildings up to 3500 square feet. With a parcel greater than 20 acres the zoning ordinance allows accessory buildings up to a total size of 4500 square feet. � • The applicant proposes to construct a new agricultural building of 2,688 sq. ft., to be attached to an existing 1,200 sq. ft. structure for a total of 3,888 square feet. The building would be used for storage of equipment used in the growing of gapes and the making and processing c�f wine. • The proposed building is otherwise in conformance with all other requirements of the zoning ordinance. The proposed structure is located 240 feet from Oxboro Ave N. and is greater than 100 feet from either side yard. The proposed structure would be attached to the existing structure to limit the impact on the view from the road. • A variance is the modification or variation of the Zoning Regulations where it is determined that, by reason of exceptional circumstances, the strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause unnecessary hardship. The criteria for granting a variance are contained in Section 6.4 of Chapter 1 of the Scandia Development Code (see excerpt, attached.) Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the variance. A draft resolution with findings of fact and conditions of approval has been prepared for the Commission's and Council's use. The applicant purchased the property in reliance on a survey that indicated the parcel had sufficient size to allow construction of a building needed for his agricultural use of the property. A later survey showed the lot to be only about 2,350 square feet, or .054 acre smaller than the 20 acres required for their proposed building. A hardship exists because the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property, not created by the landowner. The hardship was created when the DNR changed its definition of the OHW for Sand Lake. The variance requested (an additiona1388 square feet of building area) seems to be reasonable and appears to be the minimum necessary to relieve the hardship. The design and use of the proposed accessory structure appear to be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. Attaching the structure to the existing building will help screen the structure from the road. The proposal will not alter the essential character of the area. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution OS-OS-09-01 Approving the Variance Materials provided: . Location map • Application for variance • Site drawing, legal description, building elevations and aerial view. • Area calculations: entire property, area above upland vegetation line and area above 963.2 elevation 2 • Excerpt of Scandia Development Code, Chapter I Section 6.4, Criteria far Granting Variances • League of Minnesota Cities Publication: variances, Frequently Asked Questiazs Contact: Mark Rossi, 651-433-4616 Prepared by: Steve Thorp, Code Official & Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator I 9423 Oxboro Ave Continenza variance 3 CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTtON NO. OS-05-09-01 APPROVING VARIANCE REQUEST FOR 19423 OXBORO AVENUE N. WHEREAS, James and Sandra Continenza have made application for a variance to construct a new accessory structure of 2,688 sq. ft. to be attached to an existing 1,200 sq. ft. structure, for a total area of 3,888 sq. ft., on property located at 19423 Oxboro Avenue North; and WHEREAS, the property is legally described as follows: Sect-26 Twp-032 Range-020 NWl/4-SEi/4 263220 EXC A STRIP 2 RDS WIDE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE &EXC:26. PT S 350 FT NW1/4-SE1/4 S26T32R20 LYING WLY OF GL OF OXBORO AVE N AS PRESENTLY TRAVEL&THT PT OF S 300FT OF SD NW1/4-SEl/4 LYING ELY OF SD GL&THAT PT OF N 100FT OF S 400FT OF SD NW1/4- SEI/4 LYING E OF W 1230FT OF SD NWl/4-SE1/4 & THE S 400FT OF NE1/4-SEI/4 OF SD SEC 26 & EXC: BEING PT NW1/4-SE1/4 S26T32R20-BEING TH AT PT OF N 250FT OF S 600FT OF SD NW1/4-SE1/4 SEC26 LYING WLY OF THE C/L OF OXBORO AVE N AS PRESENTLY TRAVELED &THAT PT OF N 300FT OF S 600FT OF W 1230FT OF SD NWi/4-SE1/4 LYING ELY OF SD GI. & EXC THAT PT OF N1/2-SE1/4 S26T32R20 DESC AS FOLL:COM @NW CORN OF S 600FT OF SD N1/2 THN ELY ALG THE N LN OF SD S 600FT A DIST 658.14 FT TO THE POB OF PARCEL TO BE DESC THN NELY DEFLECT TO LEFT 58DEG24'13" A DIST 66.35FT THN SELY DEFLECT TO RT 75DEG37'04"A DIST 190.96FT TO SD N LN OF S 600FT THN WLY ALG SD N LN A DIST OF 217.17FT TO POB&EXC: N 310FT OF NW1/4-SE1/4&THE N 351FT OF NE1/4-SE1/4 BOTH IN S26T32R20-SUBJ TO OXBORO AVE N, Washington County,Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on May 5, 2009, and has recommended approval of the variance; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the request of James and Sandra Continenza for a variance to allow an accessory structure exceeding the allowable square footage based on the following findings: 1. The property tax statement shows this parcel to be approximately 23 acres. 2. The applicant purchased the property in reliance upon a survey that showed the parcel to contain 20.004 acres above the estimated ordinary high water(OHW) level of Sand Lake. Resolution No.: OS-OS-09-01 Page 2 of 2 When this survey was completed the OHW was considered to be a point between aquatic and terrestrial vegetation. With a parcel greater than 20 acres, the zoning ordinance allows accessory buildings up to a total size of 4500 square feet. 3. At a later date the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources established the exact elevation for the ordinary high water(OH W) level of Sand Lake to be 963.2 ft. Using this OHW a new survey shows that the area of the parcel above the OHW is 19.946 acres. 4. With a parcel size less than 20 acres and greater than 10 acres, the zoning ordinance allows accessory buildings up to 3500 square feet. 5. The applicant needs an accessory structure of 3,888 sq. feet for an agricultural use of the property, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The proposed building is otherwise in conformance with all other reyuirements of the zoning ordinance. The proposed structure is located 240 feet from Oxboro Ave N. and is greater than 100 feet from either side yard. The proposed structure would be attached to the existing structure to limit the impact on the view from the road. 7. A hardship exists because the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property, not created by the landowner. The hardship was created when the DNR changed its definition of the OHW for Sand Lake. 8. The variance requested (an additional 388 square feet of building area) is reasonable and is the minimum necessary to relieve the hardship. 9. The proposed accessory structure is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 10. The variance will not alter the essential character of the area. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. That the accessory structure shall be built in conformance with the site plan and building plans received by the City and dated January 8, 2009. 2. That all fees are paid. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this Sth day of May, 2009. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/ Clerk ArcIMS Viewer Page 1 of 2 . -� ' ..'^v 3'? v 1� .. v v u .u ,iL..' _��a.�� ` ,���� f' ti� �► . � � � ����� � �� . .�'�<���t {a�+'_• ���:�3� , �,���� ,� ���-d' 't 4��Z "`�.,, ,r'` '',, � � ,-�' � , �, �,� � "'; �"���� — , �� ?��r� �. , �; '��}�iJ' � � {�f��� � .� ; t' �u�,� 4�� ' ��� • . ,¢� 1 � ..%-�� � 4�l:'�'il� . w 4��t� ,,__.�__._ ..__.�.� ���9t3 �`� � , � ;< ` � ; ,• .�-�'�''` ����?'� ;i • � J� t;� _�..,� �'���t� s ��,,., ,,�� '�3��3� '������ "�9�5� �a��,��� + '����� �9 r �3 `..yJ ---:' ,�"'� . i��"`�-� � � �`���3 rf� j-=�=w ��3�� ��� j1 � ��3�T�3 �R -y}� ,�f ���� � " , .3��� ����3 ���l�}fr� Zc � � ` '��`���� '��3�? \ '�3�7a ���� '��41 ���A' l `�.����"�� �-��';t� 4423 �x�3o(Zo�: A-�� �N �3�3� ��3��; y� l , - ..r' � ,}�� � ; r,� �� �C. �� +� ��� "�! +'��a� ���•� . . r G�J ! i '� ��,x � �� �L�R � r =-�, "�, �qr,,,�� ti. � � R� , j: ', � ��1, L � . ���. � ���.33 r„r� r ��5� f�� ��' • �j � � � �� � � C � File No. :�� L?`� � ���:� APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ZONING REQUEST City of Scandia, Minnesota 14727 209th Street North, PO Box 128, Scandia, MN 55073 651/433-2274 Facsimile Machine 651/433-51 12 Please read before conlpleting: The City will not begin processing an application that is incomplete. Detailed submission requirements may be found in the Scandia Development Code,available at the Ciry office and website(www.ci.scandia.mn.us)and in the checklist forms for the particular type of application. Application fees are due at the time of application and are not refundable. 1. Property Location: (street address, if applicable) � � � ��. :., ��-' X�� c � .t. /�� � l�c; . �')1c�1� i�r�e G�� `�1- C 1�U I X 2. Washington County Parcel ID: <�l:' (! �j .� -.� �_, `� �C G C--'�_ �tir�ol .3 l�• -' L`_3 �-� c�-i� ., y � _ L���(1� 3. Complete Legal Description: (attach if necessary) ��,. N�� < '���<l � 4. Owner(s): Phone: �J Lt1��C' �� �q.. �� �jtt.-r'�CCY �L ��.�..� �fi1(�i'.'v'�Lc,_-- `hl (b) Street Address: � - �.�1 I� I<, v�<�,k,„_, :,, �° ; , � t ;-- E-Mail: City/ State: �-_�..�k: �l � i1 �_�. , Yh �: Zip: �; _;��;�f c.` 5. Applican Contact Person: Phone: ,--___ ,1,v u.r i� f��, �s � �h) L:��1 - ��3-� - `-� (.: � � (b) ��� 1 - .��; S _ I�{ � `� Street Address (Mailing): E-Mail: t����i�t� k. �,:trz l . r����� c- �,r,���,1. 1 �k��i�� t:l�� I�1\c�,1�r.s:, l iz. ��. � Ct;,:�� City/ State: �����c�.������:: cr� St' �-r�i x � / Zi , ) ►-� ;v p� ���G�f � 6. Reguested Action(s): (check all that apply) �� Variance Minor Subdivision __ Conditional Use Permit _ __ Planned Unit Development Interim Use Permit __ Preliminary Plat/Major Subdivision __ Certificate of Compliance(Residential) __ Preliminary Plat/Open Space Conservation Subdivision __ Certificate of Compliance(Commercial) Final Plat _ Map Amendment(Zoning or Comprehensive Plan) Permit Extension _ Text Amendment(Zoning or Comprehensive Plan) Other -- - -------------_ — _-____—____. -------- 7. Gr�ef Description of Request: (attach separate sheet if necessary) . , �, � , .,_ f f-„_ x_ , C �� ���, r ���.�" �_ �—'`, , ;r�,� � c�,��_- cz t,l ca..'��-�t�,��r ti .._S<._��.��� c_� - L?r i�,� , �; � ---�------ -t"� � kr.� <.�-�- ; ;..�.� _ �_ x `1 �` v-�� tc�i � .i� . � � 1�_���..�C�{� v'����4tie�:.{�_, ��ctc�c� G��_�� �1.. -----j,L���,•a� l�i��_�,`: � �-C 4 ti�.c�:t r i`y" �'— ---- ---�.__(._r----- --------.—�----___ i 8. Project Name: A ����,,,.c ;ti� �����-� -1 c:� t 4�_�ti�. � ��- y J� a �'�<<� [���".l.cl l..-�-1��?'L..- I hereby apply for consideration of the above described request and declare that the information and materials submitted with this application are complete and accurate. I understand that applicants are required to reimburse the city for all out-of-pocket costs incurred for processing, reviewing and hearing the application. These costs shall include,but are not limited to: publication and mailing of notices; review by the city's engineering, planning and other consultants; legal costs, and recording fees. An escrow deposit to cover these costs will be collected by the city at the time of application. Any balance remaining after review is complete will be refunded to the applicant. No interest is paid on escrow deposits. PLEASE NOTE: If the fee owner is not the applicant, the applicant must provide written authorization by the fee owner in order for this application to be considered complete. Property Fee Owner Signature(s) Date• Applicant Signature(�) Date: � �-rrri.y`r�l<��� , ,� �7 �_�` ,�,2. .�� �� �� ���-��� For City Ose Only Application Fees: �J� ' �� �-----�����--���K {-----��i�� � � ; Parcel Search Fee: �� � �� � ��� �� � ! ---- a ; ` ��53 0� ' � ; �_ � ; . � �� Y ' ' ��;;, a' 'i;� i Escrow Deposit: � � � � �� � � � ,' _ �,,��� >.U�;� _.____ ��(� �j�.t .� Z:`�� ; � `; ( Ia�b`� �-' � L�il� '��"� . � .___ .. _-- --- _ .. � ____---- - --- _ _ ; --�--- � � ; -- —_ ___- - _. . .l - � � � i i--�'� � s„�,.. I 1 ' � � , : � ,___----i � � � s_—�'�!� ' - 1 � i � ' ' � �{., . � � �� '� � ;, ,, , + , � , aZ � j , , ,,...: _- ----__-__ -_..... � ; _ �'� � �� � � �I �:�� ,, �� �1 �� ��--��� �' i ^-� (� � � � / ��f j; � `l•1 � . i � ` . � ��l�"�C�`/ ��.�,.--� / �t � � . � .. _"_____�._ _ _ /:� .l � /. i • _� �.,�...-..�--�^� � � �� I � t` i }n 1�1 � R '. � - ; X�� � � . C,� � � ., y �_1 /. . � r . _ _1_ ---F�_-1-.__.__..._.�- �. � 1 rq''� ; � _ ' �� 1 _ ��� � � � �, :y 1� l � Washington County Property Inforination Page 1 of 1 Close Window Tax Description for 2603220420004. Sect-26 Twp-032 Range-020 NW1/4-SE1/4 263220 EXC A STRIP 2 RDS WIDE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE &EXC:26. 03220.42.0003-BEING PT S 350 FT NW1/4-SE1/4 S26T32R20 LYING WLY OF C/L OF OXBORO AVE N AS PRESENTLY TRAVEL&THT PT OF S 300FT OF SD NW1/4-SE1/4 LYING ELY OF SD C/L&THAT PT OF N 100FT OF S 400FT OF SD NW1/4-SE1/4 LYING E OF W 1230FT OF SD NW1/4-SE1/4&THE S 400FT OF NE1/4- SE1/4 OF SD SEC 26& EXC:26.03220.42.0002 BEING PT NW1/4-SE1/4 S26T32R20-BEING TH AT PT OF N 250FT OF S 600FT OF SD NW1/4-SE1/4 SEC26 LYING WLY OF THE C/L OF OXBORO AVE N AS PRESENTLY TRAVELED&THAT PT OF N 300FT OF S 600FT OF W 1230FT OF SD NW1/4-SE1/4 LYING ELY OF SD C/L& EXC THAT PT OF N1/2-SE1/4 S26T32R20 DESC AS FOLL:COM @NW CORN OF S 600FT OF SD N1/2 THN ELY ALG THE N LN OF SD S 600FT A DIST 658.14 FT TO THE POB OF PARCEL TO BE DESC THN NELY DEFLECT TO LEFT 58DEG24'13"A DIST 66.35FT THN SELY DEFLECT TO RT 75DEG37'04"A DIST 190.96FT TO SD N LN OF S 600FT THN WLY ALG SD N LN A DIST OF 217.17FT TO POB & EXC: N 310FT OF NW1/4-SE1/4&THE N 351 FT OF NE1/4-SE1/4 BOTH IN S26T32R20-SUBJ TO OXBORO AVE N � q �{ �3 ox�o�o f��E N . S � A,�-� , �, , ��'1 �J a- �-- �J �oa _ � �'"���� -Steel Gabie Trim 4� 2 - �/�.� ' I ' ����� , , ; ; ��_ -Walters Steel Panel -�' i ' '' �1� ; � , � �/' I � � �" '� ' I ,�\�� ; ; ; � � -- -� ! ; � ��� 14" Heel � � i, � � ; i; ---r- �, � ; ✓ � �i I i ii � Steel Corner Trim -� ; ,- ( ; �i � �� Building Conn�ction ' � � 12 0 I ' I � ; � � j� '' f I � � i � ( 1 ' ' � , ,, � -- -- - — -- --- L- -- — -- -_ � �,' � �� � �( �EFT ELEVATION b � 12 �=�J�� -Steel Gabie Trim 4 ���� i \ � ; ! ! � ,--Walters Steel Panel �!�� i � j � , \� � , ' ' � I � ��� 14" Heel ,j ! i i � � � �i i I � I —� � I � � � �' I � I ; ji � ' i i , � ' Steel Corner Trim-� i , � ( I ii 12' 0" i; � , , � , i i � i i ; ; I � I I ; ! ii i i � ; ! !' 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I I � �� � i • _��� I ' I I Walters Steef Panel I i �!�- � � � i � � �- '' � ����� � ';._ _ � � i � � , , „ ';� � , �-----,, , 1 Z 0 '�� � ; � i ' � ,� ) Stee! Corner Trim� ',; , � ! I � � ; ��--��i ! �' - � I I ' i ' � ' � ; �- --- � � � ' ��i '; i i ; ; I ,, _� I 'i � � I I _-i '�- -� --� �--� �-�--•-_ - 1 O' O" X 1 Q' O" ` 3' 0" x 6' 8" Commercial White 3068 OHD Opening 10` O" X 1 O' O" OHD Opening FRONT ELEVATION ,�pprored 12:d,07 ('hap�erFi�'e t'Shorel:md��1:masement Reeulations (12) Imper��ious Surface. Tfie portion of the loi co��ered w��th buildings includin� all appurtenacices. dri�e��a�s and side�vall�s. (13) Intensi��e Ve�etation Clearin�. The compleie remo�°al of trees or shrubs in a contiguous patch.strip, row, or block. (l4) Lake— Nalural en�-ironnient. Generallv small. often shallo��� lakes �vith limited capacities for assimilating ihe impacts of de�elopmeni and recreaiional use. Thev ofien ha�e adjacent fa��ds �i�ith substv�tial consU�aints for de�elopment such as high �.vater tables. e�posed bedrock, and unsuitable soils. (l�) Lake — Recreational De�elopmenl. Generally medium-sized lakes oC van�ing depihs and shapes ���ith a ��ariet�� of land form, soil, and ground�vaier situations on the lakes around them. The�� often are characterized b}� moderate levels of recreation�il use and e�isting development. De�-elopmeni consists mainly of seasona] and vear-round residences and recreational oriented commercial uses. (1C) Lot Width. The horirontal disiance bet���een the side lot lines of a lot measured at the ordinan� high ���ater mark. setback line, a��d road right-of-��vav. � (17) Ordinan- Hi�h Water Level. The boundary of public ���aters and wetlands, and shall be an ele��ation delineating ihe highest ��ater level c��hich has been maintained for a suflicient period of time io leave e�idence upon the landscape, commonl�� that point where ihe natural vegetation chan�es from predominantl�� aquatic to predominantiv terrestrial. For u-ater courses, t e or man� ig ���ater le��el is the ele��ation of the top of the banl: of the channel. For resen�oirs and flo�3�age, the ordinarv high ���ater level is the operating elevation of ihe normal summer pool. On lades �iith an established ordinan' high ���ater level bv the Minnesota Departmenl of Natwal Resources that elevation shall be considered the ordinan� hi<�h ��ater le�e1. (18) Public Waters. An�� �e�aler as defined in Minnesota Slatutes, Section 103.G.005(15). (19) Riparian Loi. A lot�vith frontage on the lake. (2O) Sensiti��e Resources Mana�emeni. Tl�e preser�ation and managemenl of areas unsuitable for de�elopment in their natural slate due to constraints such as shallo�� soil orer ground�vater or bedrock, hi�hl�� erosive or expansive soils, steep slopes, susceptibilit}� to flooding, or occurrence of i7ora and fauna in need of special protection. (21) Shore lmpact Zone. Land located bet„een the ordinan� high ��-ater levei of a public ��ater and a line parallel to il at a setback of 50 percent of the required struciure setback. (22) Shoreland. Land located ��iihin the folio���ing disiances from the ordinary high ���ater elevation of public �vaters: (A)Land wiihin L000 feet from the normal high ��-atermark of a lake, pond or flo�a�age: or, Cih of ScanJia De�elopment CoJe 5,:_2 Par��� name:Area of e�tire property Norih: 276731.9992 East : 508731.5024 , Line Course: N 89-54-49 E Length: 1318.38 North: 276733.9870 East : 510049.8809 Line Course: S 00-04-40 W Length: 368.29 Norih: 2'763(>5.6974 East : S1Q049.38U9 Line Course: N 89-58-52 W Lengtl�: 173�A0 Norih: 27G366.2G90 East : 508315.3810 Line Course:N 72-4G-01 W Length: 190.96 North: 276422.8427 East : 508132.9937 Line Course: S 31-36-SS W Length: 66.35 North: 27G3663399 Eas1 : 508098.2121 Line Course: N 89-58-52 W Length: 177.99 North: 2763G6.3985 East : 507920.2222 Line Course: N 89-58-52 W Lengih: 507.15 North: 27G366.SG5'1 East : 507413.0722 Line Course: N 00-00-39 E Length: 40Q.44 North: 276771.0057 Eas1 : 507413.1�87 Line Course: N 89-54-49 E Length: 29�4.61 North: 276771,4499 East : 507707.7583 Linc Course: N 89-54-49 E Length: 1023.79 North: 276772.993b East : 508731.5472 Line Course: S 00-02-40 W Length: 41.00 North: 276731.9936 East : 508731.�154 Perinjeter:612696 At�ea: 1,012,528 sq.ft. 23.244 aeres Mapcheck Closure-(Uses listed courses and chordsl Error Closure: 0.0141 Cot�rse: S 66-30-44 E Error North: -0.0056� East : 0.01298 Precision 1: 434.536.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- P�r�e> >,�»>,e: Area above upland vegetation line Nonh: 277101.1729 East : �171-1�.�61�; Line Course: N 89-5-t--19 E Lengtl�: 1318.38 North: 277103.1607 Easi : S 18�t63.9d03 Line Course: S 00-04-d0 W Length: 368.29 North: 27673d.8710 Easl : �18-46�.-1-403 Line Coarse: N 89-�8-�2 W Lengtl�: 173-4.00 North: 276735.-1-�27 East : >16729.-4-4U-t Line Course: N 72-46-01 W Length: 190.96 Norih: 276792.0163 East : �16547.0>31 Li�ie Course: S 31-�6-55 W Lengtl�: 66.35 North: 2767�5_�135 Easi : �16�12.271� Line Course: N 89-�8-�2 W Length: 178.8� North: 276735.5725 East : �16333.-4�1� Line Course: N 25-04-1; W Lengtl�: 22.25 Norih: 276755.7263 East : 51632=4.0135 Line Course: N �17-25-39 W Length: �0.98 North: 276783_�502 East : 51629�.8��0 Line Course: N��-=46--��4 W Length: i0.1 1 Noril�: 276824.103-� East : 51626�1.5377 Line Coursc: N 55-36-20 W Length: -19.37 Norih: 276851.9919 East : �16223.7992 Line Course: N�7-39-53 W Length: 37.9( North: 276877.i5fi7 Eas1 : 51619�.7�8> Line Course: N 76-01-=17 W Length: ��4.27 North: 276890.6585 East : �16143.0735 Line Course: N 58-55-56 W Length: 32.83 North: 276907.6005 East : 51611�4.9�30 Line Course: N 54-11-33 W Lengtl�: 33.12 North: 276926.9778 East : �16088.0931 Line Course: N �8-1�)-l7 W Length: 27.33 North: 276941.1267 East : 51606-1.7107 Line Course: N 27-39-09 E Length: 11.09 Norih: 276950.9500 East : 516069.857C Line Course: N 54-37-16 E Length: 81.�G North: 276998.1138 East : S16136.27>3 Line Course: N �1-�9-29 E Length: 2;.-17 North: 277018.0193 East : 5161�48.7096 Line Course: N ]0-24-38 W Length: 93.13 North: 277109.6163 East : 516131.8809 Line Course: N 22-2�i-22 W Length: 33.5� Norlh: 2771�0_62�12 East : �161 19.096� Line Course: N 89-�-4--49 E Length: 2.72 No�1h: 2771d1).6283 East : �16121.81(�� Line Course: N 89-54--49 E Length: 1023.79 No►�th: 2771-42.171�) East : �171-t5.60�-4 Line Course: S 00-02--10 W Length: -�I.00 North: 277101.1719 East : 5171�i.573� Perimeter: �>I�.23 Area: 871,3fi8 sq. ft. ��.��4 aC1'eS Mapchcck Closiire-(Uses listed cow�ses alid cliords) Error Closure: 0.01 18 Course: S 8�-16-19 E Error Nortl�: -0.00098 East : 0.01 180 Precision 1: 467,392.37 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: Area of land above 963.2 feet North: 2767319992 East : 508731.502-1 Line Course: N 89-5-1--19 E Length: 1318.3R North: 276733.9870 East : �100-19.8R09 Line Course: S UO-04-�0 W Lengih: 368.29 North: 276365.697-1 East : 5100�9.�809 Line Course: N 89-�8-�2 W Lengtl�: 173-1.00 North: 276366.2690 East ; 508315,;810 Line Course: N 72-�6-01 W Length: 19096 Norih: 276422.8427 East : >08132.99�7 Line Course: S 31-36-55 W Lengll�: 6635 Nonh: 276�66.�399 East : �08098.2 l21 Linc Course: N 89-�8-�2 W Length: 177.99 Nortl�: 276366.3985 East : �07920.2222 Line Course: N 20-39-25 W Length: 1').-49 North: 276384.6355 East : �0791�.3-166 Line Course: N=31-57-2�i VV Length: 3U.9=4 Norlh: 276-407.6-1-�1 East : �07892.661 1 Li�ie Course: N 36-38-L2 W Lengtl�: ;0.3-4 North: 2764�1.9900 East : �0787-I.Si61 Line Course: N�32-54-19 W Lenglh: 34.27 North: 276457.0921 East : >078�1.225� Line Course: N >4-OS-37 W Lenglh: 39.13 North: 276480.0404 East : �07819.�311 Line Course: N�3-,>-08 W Length: -11.66 North: 276504.7706 East : >07786.00�S Line Course: N 69-32-14 W Length: -44.G5 North: 276520.3802 Easl : �077�1a.1729 Line Course: N 67-45-58 W Length: 2G.75 Nortli: 276>;0.>021 Easl : �07719.�1118 Line Course: N 5�-57-00 W Length: =41.90 North: 276553.9626 East : 50768-4.6956 Line Course: N 59-48-37 W Lengih: 31.67 North: 276569.8883 East : >076>7.3212 Line Course: N 10-56-57 W Length: 6.S�t North: 276�76.3093 East : ?07656.0790 Line Course: N 71-29-1)1 E Length: 1�.86 North: 276581.3460 East : 507671.1180 Line Course: N 66-35-42 E Length: 31.20 North: 276593.7395 East : >07699.7508 Line Course: N 51-16-01 E Lengtli: 25.72 North: 276609.8;2� Eas1 : 507719.81-42 Line Course: N 2U-27--1� E Length: 27.U2 North: 2�663�.1475 East : �07729.260U Line Course: N 16->>-06 E Length: 28.7-1 NoRh: 276G6?.691�I East : �077;7.-tb;i Line Course: N 12-�3-4-36 W Length: -14.80 North: 276706.388=1 East : �07727.5813 Line Course: N 02-�8-39 E Length: 21.91 North: 276728.2688 East : 507728.71 y-4 Line Course: N 30-��--31 W Lengtl�: 23.>9 Nortli: 2767�8.3-4U0 East : >07716.70�)� Line Course: N 21-10-�9 W Length: 2-1J8 North: 27677].-4-�61 East : �07707.7�6-1 Line Course: N 89-54-4y E Lengih: 1023.79 North: 276772.9897 East : �08731.5��3 Line Course: S 00-U2--t0 W Length: =11.00 Nortll: 27673 L9897 East : 5t18731.i 1;-t Perimeter: 5�1 1.52 Area: 868,8-1� Sn. r,. 19.946 aeres Mapcheck Closure-(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.01-46 Course: S-�9-2�4-1)8 E Error North: -0.009-49 East : 0.01 107 Precision 1: 377,j01.37 00 LEAGUEoF CONNECTING & INNOVATING MINNESOTA siNCE i�,3 CITIES VARIANCES Frequently Asked Questions What is a variance? A variance is a way that a city may allow an exception to part of a zoning ordinance. It is a permitted departure from strict enforcement of the ordinance as applied to a particular piece of properiy. A variance is generally for a dimensional standard (such as setbacks or height limits). A variance allows the landowner to break a dimensional zoning rule that would otherwise apply. Who grants a variance? Minnesota law provides that re.quests for variances are heard by a body called the board of adjustment and appeals; in many smaller communities, the planning commission or even the city council may serve that function. A variai�ce decision is generally appealable to the city council. For more information, see Minn. Stat. 5 462.357. When can a variance be granted? A variance should be granted if strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance as applied to a particular piece of property would cause the landowner "undue hardship." The landowner is generally entitled to the variance if and only if the applicant meets the statutory three-factor lest for undue hardship. If the applicant does not meet all three factors of the statutory test, then a variance should not be granted. For more information, see Minn. Stat. � 462.357. What kind of authority is the city exercising? A city exercises so-called "quasi-judicial" authority when considering a variance application. This means that the cit��'s role is limited to applying the legal standard of undue hardship to the facts presented by the application. The city acts like a judge in evaluating the facts against the legal standard. If khe applicant meets the standard, then the variance should be granted. In contrast, when the city writes the rules in a zoning ordinance, the city is exercising "legislative" authority and has much broader discretion. What is undue hardship? Undue hardship is a legal standard set forth in law that cities must apply when considering applications for variances. It is a three-factor test and applies to all reguests for variances. To constitute undue hardship, all three factors of the test must be satisfied. For more information, see Minn. Stat. 5 462.357. - ——------- ._ --. - This material is provided as general information and is not a substitute for legal advice. � _ _ Consult your attorney for advice concerning specific situations. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES ,asuNivERsirvnvE wEST r�HONE� (651Jzal-]zoo Fa�:(65]�281-1298 I N S U�N C E T RU S T ST-PAUL �1N SS103-2049 TOLL FRf E (HOO)�2S-��22 WEB-1N�NVJIMC.ORG Small Cilics Tr.�ck -?U09 What are the undue hardship factars? The first factor is that the property cannot be put to a reasonable use ���ithout the variance. This factor means thai the lando��vner would like t�� use the property in a pariicular reasonable way but cannot do so under the rules of the or�dinance. It does not mean that the (and cannot be put to any reasonable use whatsoever without the variai�ce. For example, if the variance application is for a building too close to a lot line, or does not meet the required setback, the focus of the first factor is whether the request to place a building there is reasonable. "I'he second factor is that the landowner's problem is due to circumstances unique to the� property not caused by the landowner. The uniqueness generally relates to the� physical characteristics of the particular piece of property, that is, to the land, and not personal characteristics or preferences of the landowner. When considering the variance for a building to encroach or intrude into a setback, the focus of this factor is whether there is anything physically unic�ue about the particular piece of property, such as sloping topography or other natural features like wetlands or trees. The third factor is that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under this factor consider whether the resulting structure will be out of scale, out of place, or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area. For example, when thinking about the variance for an encroachment into a setback, the focus is how the particular building will look closer to a lot line and if that fits in with the character of the area. What about economic considerations? Sometimes landowners insist that they deserve a variance because they have already incurred substantial costs or argue they will not receive expected revenue without the variance. State statute specifically notes that economic considerations alone cannot create an undue hardship. Rather, an undue hardship exists only when the three statutory factors are met. Can a city grant a use variance? Sometimes a landowner will seek a variance to allow a particular use of their property that would otherwise not be permissible under the zoning ordinance. Such variances are often termed "use variances" as opposed to "area variances" from dimensional standards. Use variances are not generally allowed in Minnesota—state law prohibits a city from permitting by variance any use that is not permitted under the ordinance for the zoning district where the property is located. For more information, see Minn. Stat. � 462.357. Is a public hearing required? Minnesota statute does not clearly require a public hearing before a variance is granted or denied, but many practitioners and attorneys agree that the best practice is to hold public hearings on all variance requests. A public hearing allows the city to establish a record and elicit facts to help determine if the application meets the undue hardship factors. What is the role of neighborhood opinion? Neighborhood opinion alone is not a valid basis for granting or denying a variance request. While city officials may feel their decision should reflect the overall will of the residents, the task in considering a variance request is limited to evaluating how the varianee application meets the 2 Small Cilies Trark-�009 statutory undue hardship factors. Residents can often provide important facts that may help the city in addressing these factors, but unsubstantiated opinions and reactions to a request do not form a legitimate basis for a variance decision. If�neighborhood opii�ion is a significant basis for the variance decision, the decision could be overturned by a court. What is the role of past practice? While past practice may be instructive, it cannot replace the need for analysis of all three of the undue hardship factors for each and every variance request. In evaluating a variance request, cities are not generally bound by decisions made for prior variance requests. If a city finds that it is issuing many variances to a particular zoning standard, the city should consider the possibility of amending the ordinance to change the standard. When should a variance decision be made? A written request for a variance is subject to Minnesota's 60-day rule and must be approved or denied within 60 days of the time it is submitted to the city. A city may extend the time period for an additional 60 days, but only if it does so in writing before expiration of the initial 60-day period. Under the 60-day rule; failure to approve or deny a request within the statutory time period is deemed an approval. For more information, see Minn. Stat. � 15.99. How should a city document a variance decision? Whatever the decision, a city should create a record that will support it. In the case of a variance denial, the 60-day rule requires that the reasons for the denial be put in writing. Even when the variance is approved, the city should create or direct a written statement explaining the decision. The written statement should explain the variance decision, address each of the three undue hardship factors and list the relevant facts and conclusions as to each factor. Can meeting minutes adequately document a variance decision? If a variance in denied, the 60-day rule requires a written statement of the reasons for denial be provided to the applicant within the statutory time period. While meeting minutes may document the reasons for denial, usually a separate written statement will need to be provided to the applicant in order to meet the statutory deadline. A separate written statement is advisable even for a variance approval, although meeting minutes could serve as adequate documentation, provided they include detail about the decision factors and not just a record indicating an approval motion passed. Can a city attach conditions to a variance? By law, a city may impose conditions when it grants variances to insure compliance and to protect adjacent properties. Any such conditions should relate back to the subject of the variance request. For instance, if a variance is granted to exceed an otherwise applicable height limit, any conditions attached should presumably relate to mitigating the affect of excess height. For more information, see Minn. Stat. & 462.357. What happens to the variance once granted? A variance once issued is a property right that "runs with the land" so it attaches to and benefits the land and is not limited to a particular landowner. A variance is typically filed with the county recorder. Even if the property is sold to another person, the variance applies. 3 Small Cities Track - 2009 M��i,l��� �„ � „„�i �,�:.n.-,r,,.,.,,,,,. _ i i ��.. v� j �� .� Mr. Dennis Seefeldt, Mayor April 30, 2009 Scandia City Council Office ;-��--�---�--�---------�----� � ����I�I�D 14727 209th Street North ; Scandia, MN 55073 � , � , i CITY QF SCANDIA L___ Dear Mr. Seefeldt, This letter is written in regards to James and Sandra Continenza's hearing May 5, 2009, seeking a variance to allow an addition to an existing accessory structure, which will exceed the allowable square footage at 19423 Oxboro Avenue North. We are neighbors of the Continenza's to the south and are in full support to grant them a variance allowing them to construct an out- building for storage on their property. Jim and Sandy offered to purchase land from both neighbors in order to meet the above water level acreage requirements, however we declined which left them with no other option but to seek a variance. Sandi and Jim Continenza take excellent care of their property. In our discussions, they plan to paint all exterior buildings to match and use this space to house equipment that would otherwise be on the lawn. They care about their property and also value the impact this has on their neighbors' property value as well. We ask that you grant this variance to the Continenza's in support of their effort to maintain their property. If the council disallows the variance, it would seem to be punitive and is counter productive in Scandia's effort to maintain it's natural, rural-beauty. Thank you for considering our opinion. Joyce and John Kramer 19355 Oxboro Avenue North Marine St. Croix, MN 55047 1V1C�P MAP PREPARED FOR � - '' `' PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TNE .1/1A�E5 6 5/1NDR/1 CONTq�l�1711 � SOUTI-IEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, 17715 Kingsbury Circle "�" �� ` , tf � ' �''-� TOWNSNIP 32 NORTN, RANGE 20 WEST, `�` � �' �� `-� CITY OF SCANDIA, lakeville, MN 55044 ` :. `� � ! "— " ' WASNINGTON GOUNTY, I"IINNESOTA ,` `� � . -— SITE ADRE56 � . _ --- ` - 19423 Oxboro A�enue Norfh " � ' � �` Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047 � ��,., �� � � � ! __ w;;� �,�- � � ' 1318.38 ..._41.pp 13I8.38 -- 29a.er ., l ,...,,k....�..,_M.....�.,_. � � PROPOSED � ACCE550RT ,�54 ..� BUILDtNG Meo o/ enttre parcd is 23.24 acreat �, 7.�s... . � �A � .:.. �.' ,�►eo �o�e tne o.►+.w. re 19.95 �t � # i � H 1 � -�-' so�.t5 --.. .� 9p'y���,� »_. 2_..�., �..�v„-.�....,,�_,., ���.,.«_.,,,�,�„e,�..,�.a....F.,.Qw..r�.A,,,.� ••- ,�n,,,.�.:..M..o,...,�.�..._.,.f�. w..N..._._.. .�._..,.,...�.<.._,..�., . � ; 1734.00 . 685.14 �� :, � < < , :. ...,.. �6� ,����-� . � � . . .¢_ a�a ��R� aa, �. '� �,N� ,�- � 4 ,_. : _ � _ _ _ - - -- - _ ___ �. � �, `_'�`�� `p # .X-� �,'°� � z��� _'ts . 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