4. Waste Water Committee Updates 7-12-18Waste Water Committee Updates: 7-12-18 5:30 pm meeting
Infiltration and Inflow:
- Melting days April 21st / 22nd Both AE and the Bliss system showed significant increase in flow over
those days. Graphs are in the attachments.
Graphs of systems flow rates: Attachments on other pages.
Updates / Maintenance on the systems
- New Sewer covers and casting to the Uptown system in town – Part of the Co. Rd. 52 Project
- Eco POD at the Uptown System – Media was replaced free of charge – Warranty item and the
new aerator pump was installed. Saved about $1500.00 on the motor.
- Regular monitoring and testing done weekly and quarterly
- Vegetation maintenance
- Switched over drain fields
- Annual testing of the wells
- Vegetation maintenance
- Lift station #2 – connection elbow in the valve tank came loose – temporary fix made –
something will have to be done in the near future
- Gopher(s) chewed through the power source to the lift station control box. The line was not in
conduit. It now is.
- Switched the sand filter valves
- Vegetation maintenance
- Monthly and quarterly testing – sewer, quarterly testing test wells
- Some home pump stations need to be raised to help minimize I&I – That will begin in August as
well as the sludge judge testing
- Three pumps in home tanks replaced, One control panel
Discussion Points:
Fees for the systems 2019:
The highlighted costs on the financial report show how the budget is impacted by system failures or
maintenance needs. Staff is suggesting an increase in the budget to cover these costs and future
improvements as needed.
- Ordinance:
Bliss System – MPCA report to Reissue a permit and submit a plan to deal with non-compliance issues:
- Nitrate level issues continue to exist at the site in test well W004
- A report of how the City plans to address these issues needs to be submitted to the MPCA by
September of 2019
- The engineering firm will need funds to conduct the studies and prepare the report
- Average daily use remains close to constant and below the 19,800 daily flow it was designed for
in 1986 with an average of around 7,200 gal. / day.
CIP 2019: Replacing Lift Station #1 and #2 panels – upgrade to SCADA
- $31,000 per station allocated using the numbers in the CIP previously provided
- Staff has received a quote of up to $51,000 per station
- Funding in the CIP is not adequate – request council for funding or discuss other options.
- Cost to drive to lift stations #1 / #2 - 3 times per week per year: $8,800.00 plus the opportunity
cost of other maintenance tasks staff could accomplish during this time.
AE increased use:
- There are were two homes added last year, two new houses being added this year and one next
year. The system has days where it close to capacity with the I&I occurring in the system. The
city will need funding at some time to expand the system. In 2022 there is $200,000 in the CIP
program for the construction of another mound to add capacity. By looking ahead at the
possible usage in the future, there is an opportunity to be more proactive in funding this project
and other CIP projects.