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5.a Uptown System 2019 budget
UPTOWN SEWER SYSTEM (FUND 612) 2017 2018 2018 2019 Actual Projected Budget Proposed BUDGET NOTES AND HIGHLIGHTS Revenue 17,409$ 20,800$ 20,800$ 20,800$ 16% rate increase to provide for equipment replacement Expenditures 17,183$ 17,202$ 21,700$ 21,022$ Net Revenues (Expenditures)226$ 3,598$ (900)$ (222)$ Add Depreciation 4,877$ 4,877$ 5,000$ 4,877$ Less Loan repayment to Capital Imp Fund (2,639)$ (2,639)$ (2,639)$ (2,639)$ Less Capitalized expenditures -$ -$ (3,000)$ -$ Cash Flow 2,464$ 5,836$ (1,539)$ 2,016$ Balance January 1 162,809$ 162,809$ 167,736$ 174,481$ Balance December 31 167,736$ 174,481$ 164,658$ 178,513$ Cash balance 5,245$ 11,081$ 3,706$ 5,722$ Intergovernmental Revenues 33422 Other State grants 2$ Other Income 36210 Interest Income 36$ Total Other Income 36$ -$ -$ -$ Proprietary Fund Revenues 34401 Sewer Charges & Connection Fees 17,371$ 20,800$ 20,800$ 20,800$ 2018 rate and billing structure change Total Proprietary Fund 17,371$ 20,800$ 20,800$ 20,800$ Total Uptown Sewer Fund 612 17,409$ 20,800$ 20,800$ 20,800$ FUND BALANCE SUMMARY REVENUES UPTOWN SEWER SYSTEM (FUND 612) 2017 2018 2018 2019 Actual Projected Budget Proposed BUDGET NOTES AND HIGHLIGHTS FUND BALANCE SUMMARY Personnel Services 101 Regular Wages & Salaries 7,479$ 7,500$ 7,900$ 7,500$ PW director - 104 hours, PW staff - 156 hours 102 OT Reg. Wages -$ -$ 100$ 121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribution 561$ 600$ 600$ 600$ 122 FICA Employer Contribution 439$ 450$ 500$ 500$ 126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution 103$ 110$ 100$ 100$ 131 Health Insurance Employer Contribution -$ 100$ -$ -$ Paid by Public Works General Fund budget 133 Life Insurance Employer Paid -$ -$ -$ Paid by Public Works General Fund budget 151 Workers Comp Insurance Premium 200$ 300$ 200$ 325$ Total Personnel Services 8,128$ 9,060$ 9,300$ 9,125$ Materials & Supplies 200 Office Supplies 9$ 50$ 100$ 75$ 210 Operating Supplies & Equipment 5$ 100$ 200$ 150$ 240 Small Tools & Minor Equipment -$ 85$ Total Materials & Supplies 14$ 235$ 300$ 225$ Contractual Services 303 Engineering Services 120$ 309 Software Support & Maintenance 159$ 125$ 100$ 125$ BDS utility billing 317 Employee Training 86$ 150$ 700$ 200$ 322 Postage -$ 30$ 100$ 45$ 334 Licenses & Permits -$ 225$ 200$ 225$ Washington County permit 361 Liability/Property Insurance 217$ 250$ 300$ 300$ 381 Utilities 1,730$ 1,350$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 385 Sewer (Pumping)1,348$ -$ 1,500$ 600$ In 2018 - Eco POD media replaced, all tanks pumped by the contractor - no charge for repairs 386 Operation & Maintenance 192$ 400$ 1,200$ 600$ Pace analytical quarterly testing 404 Machinery & Equipment Repair 313$ 500$ 500$ 1,500$ To cover a motor cost 420 Depreciation Expense 4,877$ 4,877$ 5,000$ 4,877$ 438 Misc Contractual -$ 500$ 1,200$ Total Contractual Services 9,040$ 7,907$ 12,100$ 11,672$ Total Uptown Sewer (612)17,183$ 17,202$ 21,700$ 21,022$ Drainfield blower 3,000$ replacement scheduled for 2017, 2020, and 2022 Replace Uptown pump 1 replacement scheduled for 2022 Replace Uptown pump 2 replacement scheduled for 2022 Replace Drainfield pump 1 replacement scheduled for 2022 Replace Drainfield pump 2 replacement scheduled for 2022 -$ -$ 3,000$ -$ EXPENDITURES CAPITAL EXPENDITURES