5.f) Approve Certificate of Compliance for Timothy & Julina Hosler, 22300 Olinda Trail . , Meeting Date: 5/19/09 Agenda Item: r -� , � '� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider issuance of a Certificate of Compliance to Timothy and Julina Hosler at 22300 Olinda Trail N. to allow the cutting of trees in the Shoreland Management District. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • During a wind storm last fall many of the large oaks on the site lost limbs and large branches. The applicant would like to trim or remove these as well as the large dead oaks. Live oaks would remain. The applicant is attempting to restore this area as oak savannah. • Most of the understory trees are either dead or an invasive species, like buckthorn, that they would like to remove. After the land is cleared a mix of sun and shade alfalfa would be planted to establish vegetative cover with a root system that will filter groundwater and stop erosion. Recommendation: My recommendation is to issue the Certificate of Compliance for removal and cutting of the dead and diseased trees. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution OS-19-09-04 Materials provided: . Zoning application • Site map and survey � Picture Contact(s): Julina Hosler, 651 433-4565 Prepared by: Steve Thorp Code Official 22300 Olinda Tr cert of comp Page 1 of 1 OS/08/09 R � CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO. OS-19-09-04 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR 22300 OLINDA TRA�L WHEREAS, a Certificate of Compliance is required for the cutting of trees in the Shoreland Management District; and WHEREAS, the property is legally identified with a Washington County Parcel ID #11- 032-20-42-0006, Washington County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the request on May 19, 2009; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the request of Timothy and Julina Hosler for a Certificate of Compliance. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. The area described on the survey shall be the only area where trees may be cut unless another Certificate of Compliance is obtained first. 2. The Certificate of Compliance shall expire 5/19/2010. 3. The applicant shall pay all costs associated with issuance of this permit. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 19th day of May, 2009. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk/Administrator 0?/11/2068 10:12 16514828961 C�VEUSSCICIATES P�GE �2 . , File No. �D 0�0 C�,.�j APPLICA�'�ON FOR PLAN,�T�TG AND ZONING REQUEST C'ity of Scandia, Minnesota 14727 204th Street North, PO Box i28, Scendia,MN 55073 Phone 65l/433-2274 Fax 651/433-S112 Web http:l/www.ci.sca di�a.mn.�s Please read before complet�rtg: T'he City wil!not begin procossing an applicatian that is incompletc. Dctailed submission requirernents may 6e found in the Scandia Development Code,available at the Gity o�ce and website(www.ci.scandia.mn.usl and in tF�e ch�ecklist fo�r�n�s for the�articxilar type of application• Application fees are due at tbe time of app.lication and are not refundable. 1. Property L,ocation: (street address, if applicvble� ���O U C>1 � ��c.`�C N . �= ' , ��r "� Z. Washiagton Coan�ty Pnrcel �p: 3. Complete Le�a!Description: (attach ifnecessary) Sec:t-11 Twp-032 Rar�ge-020 TriAT PT OF THE NW1/4-SE1/4 DESC aS�c7L�:COM AT THE NW COR OF SD Nw�/a. SE114$EC 11 TiiN S02DEG16'37"E BF2G ORIENTED TO WACO C SY5 NAO 83 ALG W LN OF SD NW1/4-SE1/4 DIST 855.18FT TO POB THN N43D�G18'06"E DIST 388.89FT THN N89DEG18'26"E D�ST 259.3FT TO C/L OF OLINDA TRL N THN SLY ALG SD C/L DIS�'740.21 F7 TO INTER WITH S LN OF NW1l4-SE114'CHN S89DEG40'22"W ALO SD S LN OF SC NW1/4�.SE1/4 DiST 518.T5FT TO SW COR OF SD NW1/4-SE1/4 THN NO2DEG18'37"W ALG SD W LN OF NW1/4-SE1/4 4. Owne DIBT 457,4Ft 1'0 POB SUBJ 70�ASE �'l-.- 1 ,n-,ak'r-,�1 �_ , �, � �,.:���.r ��'� �S I- �`-r 4,� _ �t ��i-j �.��v.,1 ;,--,c��(� . 1--�ca:��� (b) Stre�t Address: E-Mail; dc�'z��o �1�,--,��, ��- 1� • Ci�t,y/State: Zip: ��{� �� �� � 5. Applicant/Contact Per�an: Fhone: t- - (h) r�,:C7r`-�� �`.� �,�U� (b) Street Address(Mailing): E-Mai1: City/State: Zip: 6. Requested Aetion(s): (check all thdt a,pply) Varia�ce Minor Subdivis+on Gonditional L1se permi� Plannod Unit Develop�nen[ �terim Use P�rmit Prelimi�nary PIsU Major Subdivision ertifioate of Complienco(Rasidentiel) s�roliminary Plab Open Spacx Canservation Subdiv�sion. Certificate o�'Coxnpliance(Commercial) Final Plat Map Arx�e�dn�ent(Zoning o�Carnprehensive Plan) Permit Extension 1/5/2U07 T • 7. Brief Description of Request: (attach separate sheet if necessary) �e��k(��c:.�� �-� <���G\< ��C'�.�;C'.c1 c1�'.\-� �:�<'C�. 2���<�. ;� <\�� �\ �,c���(���(' '� �(� �C'P�� �'c��r ���;�'� �� \��fC`�<< ;� C?,c—���, r�-�h ��-;f-'C%L� �a` � �-� �': ��^,G,,,�--��_`�.� �t-�:� ,`� �� � � 8. Project Name: � � Y- �� (� � {1� I hereby apply for consideration of the above described request and declare that the information and materials submitted with this application are complete and accurate. I understand that applicants are required to reimburse the city for all out-of-pocket costs incurred for processing,reviewing and hearing the application. These costs shall include,but are not limited to: publication and mailing of notices; review by the city's engineering, planning and other consultants; legai costs, and recording fees. An escrow deposit to cover these costs will be collected by the city at the time of application. Any balance remaining after review is complete will be refunded to the applicant. No interest is paid on escrow deposits. PLEASE NOTE: If the fee owner is not the applicant,the applicant must provide written authorization by the fee owner in order for this application to be considered complete. Property Fee Owner Signature(s) Date: � % �/� /c�� Applic nt Signature(s) Date: For City Use Only __--, Application Fees: � ��' �p ��!D � i �,'` ✓! �i ;'(�?ri k� Parcel Search Fee: � �_ CiTY OF SCANqlA Escrow Deposit: 3/24/2009 _ 2�1980 Parrish rd n scandia mn - Google Maps Page 1 of 1 Address 21980 Parrish Rd N Get Google Maps on your phone �� ' j�, �� Scandia, MN 55073 `" Texttheword��GMAPS��to466453 �,9<jps +[,,� �� ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . , i�x� r����F-,:; � � I ; ���' .r i ' " ���� � � � �� I - ,; . � 'Kn• ` ` I ;, � . i �"•q I i � � z � = ,�;� i � ,:. � � { � C` I � � � �� � ,� 1 . .;:�, -��a;,�� � ; �� O ' i . _ 2Z3o � i - nL�N�A'�tl;� � ( � . ?��Se L3nc i • � i . - i � i � n� . � � � . ; � _ _��e sr��d .2c+.h 3t t, i � I . �yr's.:. � ( .. � �,c.? ^m'��, `}" � � . 4i.�'- .jja I :1 �� ,i 4 ' ^ � f y � 'Ay = ��i�; 's� i i , � � I �''� ; y - I c; " ; � 02009 Google-Map data 002009 Tele Atlas-T�erms of Use; �------ . � ---- _. _ -- >... _ _ __ -- — - �--- - �- —-- I1ttU://1T1aDS.gO���e.C�m/man�?f=nRr.�rnirr.P=c nR�h1=PnR�aPnrnrlP=Rrn='�1QR(l�-Parrich�rrl�„ �i�i�nno �w� � ....i/� - JLI/♦ \` � ri ; � . �� � � v a� �ti� :o c� . ��o f 'D'� �� � �oj,F _�` j'qL � ;�/ - �g , � '. �-' ,,\` `� ��9 --- - ��ql ,y� , , y^' ' S \ � .......,.. � , � N"t . 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