5.g) Appointment to the Design Standards Committee Meeting Date: 5/19/2009
Agenda Item: 5".91
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Make one appointment to the Design Standards Committee.
Deadline/ Timeline: None
Background: • The Planning Commission asked that the Council establish an ad-
hoc committee to work on design standards, an implementation
task identified by the new Comprehensive Plan. Planning
Commissioner Susan Rodsjo chairs the committee.
• Chair Rodsjo has recommended that the following additional
appointment be made to the committee:
➢ Peter Curtis
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council appoint Mr. Curtis to the Design
Standards Committee for the duration of the project.
Attachments/ • Application
Materials provided:
Prepared by: Brenda Eklund, Deputy Clerk
(committee appointments)
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Application for Appointment
To Commission or Committee
Committee/Area of Interest : ��L�`�(C� (� �,�������5
Name: ��... �����1,��.� Home Phone: �'�� � ���� �����(
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Home Address: ����� � I�'�(� �C.L. � � �� � �'��� ZIP �5�� � �]
E-Mail Address: �j�t ' �l�� G� �1 L' -- C C�P�'�
How long have you been a resident of Scandia?
Property owned in Scandia{other than residence):
Emnlovment I���I C-�U����� 1
�^ J
Present Employer__ �L�"`�����L��� l����(� `;� ( Worked There Since(mo/yr} �c�ZL C ���'1 f Z�1
Work Phone �.S � � �� � 1��� Position Title ��.��(�� �,�C��,��L(
Commission/Committee Exnerience
Commissionl Committee Dates Served
Educationai Back und
Highest Level Achieved(degree/major) _ ��� t��,�C� — �;r�I� J-� ,
Other Eanerience
List any�overnmental, service organizations, or professional activities which you have been or
cunently are invotved in:
In ��vhat volunteer activiries have you participated? What was your role?
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In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd.2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data. The
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Public means that it'rs avai(abie to anyane who asles to see it. Private rneans that the informarion is available onty to the
person the information is about and tfl the staffwho must use it in the normal course af conducting Ciry business and as
otherwise provided for by law.
As the person executing this applicatian,I aclrnowledge that an investigation may be conducted For use in determining my
qualifications. I hereby expressly authorize release of any and all information which any organization,company or person
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campany or person furnishing infannation to the City,as expressly autharized above,from any liability for damage which
may resutt from furnishing the information requested.
Si arure: �� � _ n ' �� � � � �:
�" j��, 1 L� � ���� Date. � ,� � �
You ma.y attach a resume if you desire. The selection process will vary according to the number of
applicants and vacancies and may include interviews. Your application wili be kept on file for one
year. Thanl�you for your interest in serving on a Commission or Committee.
Return compteted appiication to: City of Scandia
14727 209`�St. N.
Scandia,MN 55073
Phone: 551 433-2274 Fax: 651 433-5112
E-maii: mail@ci.scandia.mnus