8.b) Fire Department �� �/ Scandia Fire and Rescu�, Jepartment April 2009 Activity �eport Operations and Administration . There were twelve emergency runs in April, YTD 53. . O&M expenditures are favorable to the planned O&M budget. . Zero injuries YTD. Fire Drills Rescue Drills, and Medical Traininq . Reviewed proposed SOP for emergencies at the Big Marine county park . Medical review of run reports and practical skills . Low angle rescue and the use of straps for rescue operations . Scene size up — radio communications . Tested well operation at Tiller asphalt pit . Live burn - interior attack and exterior attack training Fire Chief's contact information Fire Chief Jim Finnegan cell: 651-746-4485 scandiafire5191@frontiernet.net Assistant Chief Mike Hinz cell: 651-303-4611 scandiafire5192@frontiernet.net Assistant Chief Steve Yehle cell: 651-403-0358 scandiafire5193(a�frontiernet.net Steve Yehle C:�Documents and Settings�Amie\Local Settings\Temporary Internet �`�.,������ _�-�t�-P_.<i�r Meeting Date: 5/19/2009 Agenda Item: �� '} �, � '�J/ City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve the following personnel changes for the Fire Department: 1) Accept the resignation of Steve Yehle from the position of Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief effective June 1, 2009, and from the Department effective July 1, 2009. 2) Appoint Bill Havener as Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief, effective June l, 2009 for a term ending March 1, 2011. 3) Confirm the appointment of Jeff Biebl to fill the Fire Captain position vacated by Bill Havener, effective June 1, 2009. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Steve Yehle has submitted his resignation from his position as Assistant Fire Chief and from the Department due to medical reasons. • Ordinance 117 (recommended for adoption at the May 19, 2009 meeting) provides for Council approval of the Assistant Chiefs, after a recommendation by the Chief. The ordinance provides for the Fire Chief to appoint other officers as needed (such as the Captains) subject to approval by the City Council. Recommendation: The Council should accept the resignation, and make the appointments as recommended by Fire Chief Jim Finnegan. Attachments/ • None Materials provided: Contact(s): Jim Finnegan, Fire Chief Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (FD Personnel Changes) Page 1 of 1 OS/18/09