5.a)2) June 2, 2009 Meeting with Planning Commission r, �
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�une 2, 2009 �
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. The following council members were present: Council
members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt.
Staffpresent: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Deputy Clerk Brenda
Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
passed unanimously.
The Washington Conservation District has identified the Lilleskogen Park wetland restoration
project as a deserving project to receive funding from a state allocation for weed management.
The grant funds of$1,000 must be used by the end of 2009, to apply towards expenses related to
mechanical removal, herbicide application and revegetaion practices. Crum, seconded by
Peterson, moved to accept the Cooperative Weed Management Grant from the Washington
Conservation District for Lilleskogen Park. The motion passed unanimously.
The existing civil defense siren located near the intersection of Olinda Trail and Oakhill Road is
aging and lacks battery back-up to sound in case of a power outage. Due to outdated technology,
the siren is not capable of being reprogrammed to meet mandatory FCC requirements by the year
2013. The City had budgeted $23,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund to replace the siren
this year. Replacement also gives the City the opportunity to relocate the siren from its current
location in the uptown area to the Public Works/Fire Hall facility. The Fire Department has
obtained quotes totaling $19,230.82 for the project, including installation and electrical work.
There may be some incidental costs, such as pavement repair and removal of the old siren.
Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the replacement and relocation of the city's
civil defense siren at a cost not to exceed $23,000. The motion passed unanimously.
David Thimsen, on behalf of the National Sports Center Velo bicycle racing club, has submitted
requests for park permits for two bicycle races which will have their starting lines in Scandia.
The bicycle club has reserved the warming house for their use on the event dates July 25 and
August 8. Because each event is expected to draw over 100 people, Council approval is required.
Mr. Thimsen was present to provide details concerning logistics of the events. Staff
recommended conditions be attached to the permits, including that adequate portable toilet
facilities be provided, traffic control be coordinated with the Washington County Sheriff's
Department, locations of tents, stakes and signs be approved by the Public Works Supervisor,
and all trash be collected and disposed of properly. Seefeldt, seconded by Peterson, moved to
approve the Park User Permits for two events to be held by the National Sports Center
Velo Bicycle Club on July 25 and August 8 with conditions as recommended by staff. The
motion passed unanimously.
John Schultz, president of U-Reka Broadband Ventures, was present to discuss a proposal for St.
Croix Fiber Networks, a fiber optic network which would provide high-speed internet and
telephone services to the community. The business proposes to install 223 miles of underground
June 2, 2009
Scandia City Council
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fiber optics cable within the communities of Scandia, May Township, Marine and Stillwater
Township. All lines would be installed within the public right-of-way. Mr. Schultz is applying
for federal funding for installation and requested a letter of support and endorsement from the
city. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to direct staff to prepare a letter of endorsement
to U-Reka Broadband Ventures for their proposed St. Croix Fiber Networks. The motion
passed unanimously.
At the May 19 meeting, the City Council directed staff to begin researching an outdoor events
ordinance. Administrator Hurlburt identified possible issues and topics that could be included in
an ordinance. Council directed staff to prepare a draft ordinance which would be comprehensive
in the regulation of outdoor events.
The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. The following were
present: Commission Clzair Chris Ness, Commissioners Tom Krinke, Susan Rodsjo and Peter
Schwarz. Absent: Commissioner Christine Maefsky.
One of the implementation strategies in the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan was to develop
Design Standards to ensure that new commercial buildings reflect the historic character of the
community. Commissioner Susan Rodsjo, chair of the Design Standards Committee, presented a
draft of design standards for review by the Planning Commission and Council. Commissioner
Rodsjo explained that one of the goals identified by the committee was to maintain and enhance
the small town feel that is associated with Scandia. Examples of historic architecture styles were
studied and incorporated into a design guideline document. Design elements and construction
materials, signage, lighting, landscaping and parking were among the factors identified in the
document. These guidelines are intended to educate builders on the design elements that are an
important part of the heritage of Scandia and will contribute to the preservation of rural character
as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. By providing design guidelines to builders at the early
stage of planning, it is anticipated that this will lead to a more effective application and approval
process to save the builders time and money.
The final Design Standards, a stand-alone document that will describe policies and provide
resources to guide design of new commercial buildings, will be presented at a future Planning
Commission meeting. This will be publicized as an informational meeting to present an overview
of the design standards guide to the public.
Administrator Hurlburt reported that the Transfer of Development Rights Committee is meeting
regularly and will provide an update at the next meeting.
Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund,Deputy Clerk