9.a) Certificate of Compliance, Upholstery Specialties, 21239 Olinda Trail N. .
Meeting Date: 6/16/09
Agenda Item. �( �-�
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Issuance of a Certificate of Compliance to Christine Kallem DBA
Upholstery Specialties for the building at 21239 Olinda Trail North.
Deadline/ Timeline: Application received June 4, 2009; review deadline is August 3, 2009.
Background: • The building, which is currently vacant, has been used as an auto
body repair shop with low volumes of customer traffic in the past.
The site is zoned "GB", General Business.
• Upholstery Specialties specializes in reupholstering dental chairs
and other similar furniture. Walk-in customers for upholstery
services are welcome; however this is not the bulk of the business.
They correspond with most of their customers via email or mail.
• The proposed business does not align itself exactly with the
definitions of uses described in the Zoning Ordinance. "Retail
Sales"requires a Certificate of Compliance (CC) whereas "Light
Manufacturing"requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP.)
• The Development Code: Chapter One, Section 2 includes the
following definitions;
Retail Business: Stores and shops selling personal services or goods over a
Light Manufacturing:A use engaged in the manufacture,predominantly from
previously prepared materials,of finished products or parts,including
processing, fabrication,assembly,treatment,packaging,incidental storage,
sales,and distributing of such products. Such uses include,but are not limited
to,the following: lumber yard,machine shops,product assembly,sheet metal
shops,plastics,electronics,motor vehicle repair,body work and painting,
contractor shops and storage yards,food and nonalcoholic beverages,signs and
displays,printing,clothing,textiles and used auto parts.
• The applicant will have 2 to 3 employees with customer parking
needed occasionally. There appears to be ample parking on the
site, however the parking area is not striped. I would estimate
parking availability at 6 to 8 spaces. A sign indicating accessible
parking is required.
• A sign will be placed on the front exterior of the building that will
be approximately 12 square feet. The Scandia sign ordinance
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allows for one square foot of sign per lineal foot of building and
this building is approximately 40 feet wide.
• No additional exterior lighting will be added.
� Business hours will be 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through Friday.
Recommendation: My recommendation is to issue the Certificate of Compliance for this
new business. The business does not manufacture goods but alters a
product and offers this service to customers which would more closely
resemble the definition of a retail business.
If the Council disagrees with this interpretation, the request should be
denied and the applicant should be reyuired to apply for a Conditional
Use Permit. A public hearing could be scheduled as early as at the
July 7 Planning Commission meeting.
Attachments/ • Draft Resolution
Materials provided: . Zoning Application
Contact(s): Christine Kallem, 651-433-3309 Upholstery
Theodore Harms, 6561-433-4502 Building
Prepared by: Steve Thorp Code Official
Upholstery Specialties Cert of Comp
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WHEREAS, a Certificate of Compliance is required for a new business to move into an
existing building in the General Business District; and
WHEREAS, the property is legally identified with a Washington County Parcel ID #14-
032-20-43-0006, Washington County, Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the request on June 16, 2009;
does approve the request of Christine Kallem DBA Upholstery Specialties for a Certificate of
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval shall be met:
1. Parking spaces shall be striped and a sign indicating one handicapped accessible space shall be
2. Signage shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance and the applicant shall apply for a sign permit
prior to installing any sign.
3. The applicant shall pay all costs associated with issuance of this permit.
Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 16th day of June, 2009.
Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor
City Clerk/Administrator
File No. � �,��J(.����-
City of Scandia, Minnesota
14727 209th Street North, Scandia, MN 55073
Phone 651/433-2274 Fax 651/433-51 12 Web http://www.ci.scandia.mn.us
Please ��ead befoi•e complefing: The City will not begin processing an application that is incomplete. Detailed submission
requirements may be found in the Scandia Development Code,available at the City office and website(www.ci.scandia.nm.us)and in
the checklist forn�s for the particular type of application. Application fees are due at the time of application and are not refundable.
l. Property Location: (street address, if applicable)
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2. Washington County Parcel ID: �
C I . G'r�'r -L� ; �v'C��
3. Complete Legal Description: (attach if necessary)
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4. Owner(s): Phone:
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Street Address: E-Mail�s j.���,.y�,�� ,f1 �.�«:�1, �-�,r�j
Z�D 2 y�lu�r�1�c� GG ��'�: ��= C � ,
City/State: Zip: �'�"G/-��1---
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5. Applicant/C ntact Person: Phone:
' �, r� S� � � � � �a�� ��� �-� ' (h) Ls� - 43�, -��z'c=� �
(b) c :,-1 - y >j ��``7
Street Address (Mailing): E-Mail:
� 7�. � �� ��_`� 5+ , �( U�I,�.l��,+F, .f �=;,�t,� �41 �,'r5 .�_:;
City/ State: Zip: `�-F">�� t. � �.�.�Y�
t--c�r�>S-� L�,�E. �ti'l� `���-C��-�
6. Requested Action(s): (check all that apply)
Variance Minor Subdivision
Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development
Interim Use Permit Preliminary PIaU Major Subdivision
Certificate of Compliance(Residential) Preliminary Plad Open Space Conservation Subdivision
Certificate of Compliance(Commercial) Final Plat
Map Amendment(Zoning or Comprehensive Plan) Pernvt Extension
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7. Brief Description of Request (attach sepa��ale slreet if necessa�y)
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8. Project Name:
I hereby apply for consideration of the above described request and declare that the information and materials submitted
with this application are complete and accurate. I understand that applicants are required to reimburse the city for all
out-of-pocket costs incurred for processing, reviewing and hearing the application. These costs shall include,but are not
limited to: publication and mailing of notices; review by the city's engineering, planning and other consultants; legal
costs, and recording fees. An escrow deposit to cover these costs will be collected by the city at the time of application.
Any balance remaining after review is complete will be refunded to the applicant. No interest is paid on escrow deposits.
PLEASE NOTE: If the fee owner is not the applicant, the applicant must provide written authorization by the fee
owner in order for this application to be considered complete.
Property Fee Owner Signature(s) Date:
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Applicant Signature(s) Date:
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For City Use Only
__--�____-- .. _ _ _._--,
Application Fees: 1 � V � UU � ��,�'�,��_� j
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Parcel Search Fee: ' '
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Escrow Deposit: