5.a)1) June 16, 2009 Regular Meeting . � �� �� June 16, 2009 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administratar Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Engineer Paul Hornby, Building Official Steve Thorp, Treasurer Colleen Firkus and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM Yvonne Miller, 10311 209'h Street, Forest Lake, informed the council of a dog bite incident that occurred on April 16, 2009. Ms. Miller was bitten by a pit bull owned by a Scandia resident. She has incurred over$6,500 in medical bills due to a series of rabies shots she needed and— complications from the treatments. Ms. Miller believes that the dog has been relocated to St. Paul and is requesting that an order to destroy the pit bull should be mandated as the dog has a history of attacks and has the potential to attack again. Building/Code Enforcement Official Thorp noted that the dog no longer resides at the Scandia residence. City Attorney Hebert stated that, although it can be a lengthy process, the case is going through the proper legal channels and a court date involving the owner of the dog has been scheduled. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Two additions to the agenda were noted: 8c) discussion of a letter to Mn/DOT for review of the Oakhill Road/TH 97 intersection; 8fl)update on the MVHC unallotments. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) May 19, 2009 Regular Meeting 2) June 2, 2009 Meeting with Planning Commission b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance OS/O1/09 $1,060,779.17 Receipts + 17,149.11 Expenditures $79,710.01 Payroll 18,658.36 - 98,368.37 Ending Balance OS/31/09 $ 979,559.91 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Approve Revised Agreement with Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District for Lilleskogen Park Improvements Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. June 16, 2009 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 4 PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Karen Schik, Park Committee Vice Chair, reported that six donated picnic tables were recently delivered by Friends of Scandia Parks volunteers to the Community Center and lighted ballfield grounds. Committee members have installed trail markers at Wind in the Pines Park. A DNR Metro Greenways grant request is in the works to be used towards wetland restoration at Lilleskogen Park. POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Chris Majeski reported on the past month's police activity. Many citations have been issued to drivers entering the construction zone on Highway 95. A speed trailer will be on loan next week and Deputy Majeski plans to have it in place at various locations within Scandia. FIRE DEPARTMENT — Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that 21 emergency calls were responded to in May, with eleven of those being grass fires. Jeff Beibl, Fire Captain, is coordinating a fun run event on September 12, the morning of Taco Daze. Proceeds will benefit the Relief Association. A Park User Permit will be reviewed at the next council meeting. BUILDING/CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp reported on the building and code enforcement activity within the past month. The mining operation inspection program has begun at both mines now that they have opened for the season. Proposed Washington County Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems(SSTS) Ordinance Washington County is updating their SSTS regulations in response to new Minnesota Pollution Control Agency rules. Code Official Thorp has reviewed the draft ordinance and highlighted the changes which may affect Scandia. The Uptown system would be classified as mid-sized and a pretreatment system of some kind may be required. It is recommended that a waste strength test be done to so that these expenses can be budgeted for if necessary. A public hearing on the proposed ordinance is scheduled for June 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center. CITY ENGINEER 2009 Crack Sealing Project City Engineer Paul Hornby presented a list of streets to be included in the 2009 Crack Sealing Project, a preventative strategy to maintain and extend the life of the pavement. These streets have a PASER (Pavement Surface Evaluation Rating) of 7 and 8, which is consistent with the Pavement Management Plan to maintain streets that are in good condition. The streets included in the project total approximately 12.5 miles. Staff recommended allocating $165,000 for crack sealing. Peterson, seconded by Lindell, moved to authorize the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the 2009 Crack Seal Project,with a total budget of$165,000. The motion passed unanimously. Letter to MNDepartment of Transportation Concerning Dakhill Road/TH 977ntersection City Engineer Hornby presented a draft letter to Mn/DOT requesting a review of the Oakhill Road/TH 97 intersection. There have been instances of vehicles running through this June 16,2009 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 4 intersection. An additional stop sign on the northbound side of Oakhill Road facing southbound traffic may improve motorist sightlines of the stop location. Peterson, seconded by Mayor Seefeldt, moved to send a letter to Mn/DOT requesting a review of the Oakhill Road/TH 97 intersection. The motion passed unanimously. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Agreement with MN Department of Public Safety for Access to DVS Records Administrator Hurlburt reported that due to recent statutory changes, driver's license checks for new employees and background checks for licensing purposes will no longer be conducted by the Sheriff's office. The police department will have access to driving records for law enforcement purposes only. The Department of Public Safety/Driver and Vehicle Services Division (DVS) offers cities the option of entering into a "business partner records access agreement". Cities will be able to obtain driving records on-line without charge. In adc�ition, the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust recently recommended that the city begin checking driving records on a periodic basis for all employees that may be driving for the city on a routine basis to verify their records are in good standing. Access to record information can also be used to check vehicle records to determine ownership of junk or abandoned vehicles to enforce city parking or nuisance laws. Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to approve a"DVS Business Partner Records Access Agreement" with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety/Driver and Vehicle Services Division. The motion passed unanimously. Unallotment of Market Value Homestead Credits Administrator Hurlburt presented the final figures of the state's unallotments, a procedure that allows the governor to reduce the state budget in case of revenue shortfalls. In 2009, Scandia will lose $61,647 of an expected $62,894 in Market Value Homestead Credits. In 2010,the city will lose all MVHC reimbursement, estimated at $76,146. Council and staff have anticipated these cuts, and have made plans to reduce spending in 2009 to absorb the revenue loss. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, UPHOLSTERY SPECIALTIES AT 21239 OLINDA TRAIL (RESOL UTION NO. 06-16-09-01) Christine Kallem, 9767 219` Street, Forest Lake, has applied for a Certificate of Compliance to operate a business which specializes in commercial re-upholstery, particularly of dental chairs and similar furniture. The building, owned by Theodore and Jennifer Harms, 2908 Marine Circle, Stillwater, is zoned General Business. The business will employ 2 or 3 people with customer parking needed occasionally. Code Official Thorp recommended approval of issuing a certificate of compliance, as the business aligns itself more closely to a retail business,rather than light manufacturing, which would require a Conditional Use Permit. A condition of approval will require striping of the parking spaces with one stall reserved for accessible parking. Council member Peterson noted this is a good fit for the building and pleased that it will be occupied. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to adopt Resolution 06-16-09-01, Certificate of Compliance for 21239 Olinda Trail. The motion passed unanimously. REPLACEMENT OF JOHN DEERE TRACTOR MOWER Maintenance Supervisor John Morrison has recommended replacement of the John Deere tractor/mower, which is used for seasonal mowing and snow removal. The tractor has 1,380 June 16,2009 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 4 hours of use. The 2009 budget for the Equipment Replacement Fund includes $25,000 for this purchase. Two quotes were received using the state contract pricing. Staff recommended the purchase of a John Deere 1445 31 HP with mower and snowblower attachments from Greene Implement, Osceola, WI. A trade-in value of$8,550 was offered, bringing the final price to $19,034.39. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the purchase of the John Deere tractor/mower from Greene Implement, Osceola, WI, at a net cost of$19,034.39. The motion passed unanimously. Lindell, seconded by Peterson, moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Depury Clerk