5.g) Statement of Interest, Update of Multi-Jurisdictional Washington County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan Meeting Date: 7/21/2009
Agenda Item:
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City Councii Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Approve a Statement of Interest for the update of the Multi-
Jurisdictional Washington County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Deadline/ Timeline: Requested by August 21,2009
Background: • Scandia has participated with Washington County in the past to
prepare a multi jurisdictional all-hazards mitigation plan. The
plan is now in need of review and updating and approval by
• As part of a grant application for funds to help pay for the plan
update, each jurisdiction must submit a written Statement of
Recommendation: Participation in the County effort,rather than preparation of a plan
covering only Scandia seems to be in the city's interest. I recommend
that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Statement of Interest.
Attachments/ • Letter from Washington County dated July 17, 2009 (with
Materials provided: attachment)
Contact(s): Patrick Waletzko, Washington County(651
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(All Hazard Mitigation Plan Statement of Interest)
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• Department of Public
Washuigton Health and Environment
'�^■��0�� s' ��-�` Lowell Johnson
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i Deputy Director
July 17, 2009 ,:���; . ;�F _. :.=�.!ii;f;'�, i
Anne Hurlburt
Scandia City Administrator
14727 209`" St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Subject: Updating the Multi-Jurisdictional Washington County All-Hazard Mitiga�tion Plan
Dear Anne Hurlburt:
Starting November 1, 2004, FEMA required that all communities have mitigation plans in place prior
to receiving funds under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). FEMA approved
Washington County's original plan in March of 2007. Now it is in need of review, updating, and
approval by FEMA.
Grant funds are available through the HMGP for jurisdictions to partner with their county to review
and update the existing All-Hazards Mitigation Plan. Washington County will submit an application
for this grant on behalf of all cities and townships, to be used in assisting the county and its
jurisdictions through the revision process.
As part of the application, the state is requiring that we have a Statement of Interest from each
jurisdiction expressing its desire to assist in the revision process and would like to continue be
covered under the countywide plan. All jurisdictions passed resolutions of support for the original
plan in 2003, and we are hoping that you will again show your support for its update.
In order that we might comply with the state's grant application requirements, we are asking for
Statements of Interest to be in our office no later than August 21, 2009. We have included a sample
Sta:ernent of:nterest for cities and townships with this letter for your consideration.
Updating the plan will be an extensive project that will require local participation. Passing a Statement of
interest in support and participation of the plan is the first step. In the future, we will also ask for your
assistance to:
• Determine your hazard mitigation status
• Conduct a self-assessment of hazards and vulnerabilities
• Develop a list of potential mitigation projects
• Facilitate resident and business input
Please know that we are willing to support your resolution process and your participation in this
Government Center • 14949 62nd Street North—P.O. Box 6, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-0006
Phone: 651-430-6655 • Fax: 651-430-6730 • TTY: 651-430-6246
Service Centers also located in Cottage Grove and Forest Lake
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
project in any way necessary. We understand this is shori notice, and welcome your phone calls if
you would like further information.
Patrick Waletzko
Emergency Management Specialist
Washington County Emergency Management
14949 62°d Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082 -
Cc: Deb Paige, Washington County Emergency Manager;
Lowell Johnson, Director, Public Health & Environment
Statement of Interest in Ali-Hazard Mitigation Planning
City of Scandia
As a potential participant in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program, the City of Scandia,
Minnesota hereby states their interest in participating i» tl�e multi-jurisdictional Washin ton
Countv's All-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
After FEMA funding approval and during the planning irnplementation, the City of Scandia,
Minnesota agrees to participate in the hazard mitigation planning process.
As signed, we understand this is a voluntary program and out participation may benefit our
jurisdiction by identifying hazards and prioritizing potential projects to mitigate the et�cts of
natural hazards. —
Signature of Authorized Representative Date