8.c)1) 2009 Crack Sealing Project, Award Bid Meeting Date: 7/21/09
Agenda Item: � � 1 �
City Council Agenda Report �
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Consider awarding a bid for the 2009 Crack Seal Project.
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A —
Background: • The Council approved advertisement for bids for the crack-sealing
project at the June 16 meeting.
• Bids will be opened at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, July 20. The City
Engineer will review the bids and make a recommendation to the
Council at the July 21 meeting.
• The Engineer has estimated construction costs to be in the amount
of$164,000. Additional streets could be added if actual costs are
less than the estimate.
• T'he streets recommended for this project total approximately 12.5
miles, 17.5% of the city's paved streets. They represent
approximately 45%of city streets with PASER ratings of 7 to 8.
Recommendation: I recommend that receive a report on the bids to be opened Monday,
and consider adopting the resolution(to be provided at the meeting)
awarding the bid to the lowest responsible bidder.
Attachments/ • Advertisement for Bids
Materials provided:
Contact(s): Paul Hornby, PE
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(2009 crack seal project award bids)
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Sealed bids will be received by the City of Scandia, Minnesota, in the City Hall at 14727 209ih
St. North, Scandia, MN 55073, until 10 A.M., C.D.S.T., Monday, July 20, 2009, at which time
they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and all else
necessary for the following:
2009 Crack Seal Proiect
In general, Work consists of repairing existing cracks in the bituminous pavement:
70,000 LBS Crack Seal Repair —
Together with traffic control and other related appurtenances.
Bidding Documents may be purchased by credit card at www.bonestroo.com (follow the Plan
Room link) for a fee of $45 (for a paper copy) or a fee of$20 (for a download digital copy).
Bidders may purchase a paper copy of the Bidding Documents from the Issuing Office of
Bonestroo, 2335 Highway 36 West, St. Paul, MN 55113, (651) 636-4600 with a check for a fee
of$45. Bidding Documents may be viewed at the office of the City of Scandia and at the Issuing
Direct inquiries to Engineer's Project Manager Ryan Goodman at (651) 967-4616.
Bid Security in the amount of 5 percent of the amount of the Bid must accompany each Bid in
accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
The Owner reserves the right to retain the deposits of the 3 lowest Bidders for a period not to
exceed 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. No Bids may be withdrawn
for a period of 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities
therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Owner.
Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
City of Scandia, Minnesota
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RESOLUTION NO. 07-21-09-02
WHEREAS, pursuant to a motion passed by the council on June 19, 2009 the city
consulting engineer retained for the purpose has prepared plans and specifications for the 2009
crack seal project and has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids, bids were received, opened and
tabulated according to law and the following bids were received complying with the
Contractor Total Base Bid
Astech Surface Technologies Corporation a/k/a ASTECH $86,800.00
Fehrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC $104,100.00
Asphalt Associates, Inc. $174,752.00
Park Construction Company $180,034.29
WHEREAS, it appears that Astech Surface Technologies Corporation a/k/a ASTECH
Corp. of St. Joseph, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder.
1. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved.
2. The Mayor and Clerk aze hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract
with Astech Surface Technologies Corporation a/Wa ASTECH Corp of St.
Joseph, Minnesota in the name of the City of Scandia for the 2009 crack seal
project according to the plans and specifications approved by the City Council.
Resolurion No.07-21-09-02
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3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders
the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder
and the next lower bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed.
Adopted by the Council this 21 S` day of July, 2009.
Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor
Anne Hurlburt, Clerk/Administrator
2�35 Hiqhway 36 W
St Paul.MN 5511;
Tel 657�636•460U
Fax 65 i�636 1311
�uiy zo, zoo9 .'j�Bonestroo
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Ciry of Scandia
14727 209`h Street North
Scandia, MN 55073-8503
Re: 2009 Crack Seal Projed
Project No. 000568-09139-0
Bid Results
Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council:
Bids were opened for the Project stated above on Monday, July 20, 2009 at 10 A.M. Transmitted
herewith is a copy of the Bid Tabulation for your information and file. Copies will also be distributed to
each Bidder once the Project has been awarded.
There were a total of four Bids. The following summarizes the results of the Bids received:
Co�tractor Tota/Base Bid
Low Astech Surface Technologies Corporation $86,800.00
a/k/a ASTECH Corp.
#2 Fehrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC $104,100.00
#3 Asphalt Associates, Inc. $174,752.00
#4 Park Construction Company $180,034.29
The low Bidder on the Project was Astech SurFace Technologies Corporation a/k/a ASTECH Corp. with a
Total Base Bid Amount of$86,800.00. These Bids have been reviewed and found to be in order.
If the City Council wishes to award the Projed to the low Bidder, then Astech Surface Technologies
Corporation a/k/a ASTECH Corp. should be awarded the Project on the Total Base Bid Amount of
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(651) 967-4616.
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Ryan J. Goodman, P.E.
St Paul
St C�oud
� ProJect Name:200!Crstk Sesl 7eolsct !hereq'ayt�y tl�at[hes a'an dact
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R�enJ.C'ioaolnsry P.E.
Regatr�fbrr Ma IG664
Bldder No.1 Bidder No.2 didder No.3 Bidder No.4
Astsdi Su�f�ce Te[hndopl�s Falxnar Aqihalt Sselars LLC Asphak Assodates Inc PaAc C,o�structlon CanP�Y
a/k/a ILS7lCH Corp
�^� IEem Units Unit Prkt Tohl U�it Ma Tatal UMt Prlot Tobl UrNt Mc� Tolal
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z R011TE AND SEAL LBS 70000 S1•23 100. S1.13 100 100.00 52.48 173 600. 52.25 157 500.
TOTAL dASE sID: �6,l00.00 1104,100.00 5171�752.00 =1e0,034.2!
Co�wactor Name and AAdress:Astech Safa�e Technobgies Fahrrier Asphak S�krs LLC I�SpFWt A�ociates Inc Park Conshuctlm Comparty
Cqporatlon 6615 US Hwy l2 West 671 Grupe Street 500 73rd Avernie NE+t123
a�/k/a IISiE�I Corp Eau OeNe W[ 54703 Roberts WI 5�023 FrWley MN 55432
8348 Ridgewo0d ROSG
5[)oseph MN 56374
Phone: 320-363-8500 715-874607C1 715-749-3717 763-786-9900
F�32I�363-8700 715-8746717 715749-3310 763-786-2952
SlgneG 9Y:Dale R.Strandberg Grtg Tdarber Bren[Weis Ver1�m Schoep
Title:wa vreswent w owner/rreslae„t Pres+aenr/cEo
81d SecwkY�Bfd Bond Bfd Bord Bld Borb Bk1 Bond
1lddenda Ikknowledged:p� One One One
00056809t390BT.xis -
�Bonestroo g id de rs List
Bid Date and Time: Monday, July 20, 2009 at 10 A.M.
Project Name: 2009 Crack Seal Project
Project No.: 000568-09139-0
Client: City of Scandia
For further information call: Ryan Goodman
Contractor's Name Bid Bond Addendum 1 Total Base Bid
Allied Blacktop Compan
Asphalt Associates Inc � � 1 � ���� � ��'"
Astech Surface Technol ies � � �f OO •od
Fahmer As halt Sealers LLC � 0 y l�O . o0
Pa�lc Construction Com an � ��� 0 3� , a 1
� City of Scandia
2009 Crack Seal Project
Bonestroo File No. 000568-09139-0
Additional Streets
Street Name Location Street Pavement Year PASER
Len th Width Paved Ratin
202nd Street N Mannin Trl to West End 1,700 18 2002 7
207th Street N Mannin Trl to Kirby Ave N 400 20 2002 7
218th Street Ct N 218th St N to North to End 750 20 2004 7
220th St. N Mannin Tr to Kirk Ave 800 24 1993 7
238th Street N Melanie Trl to Mor an Ave 2,450 24 2004 7
Kirb Ave N H 97 to South to End 2,750 22 2002 7
Kirk Ave. 220th St. to North End 1,300 22 1993 7
Lofton Ct N Lofton Ave to East End 1,700 24 1993 7
Mannin Circle N Mannin Lane to NW to End 500 18 2002 7
Meadowbrook Ave N Melanie Trl to 238th St 4,150 22 2004 7
Meadowbrook Ave N Melanie Trl N to 228th St N 600 24 1992 7
180th St Lane 180th St N to north and west 1,400 18 2002 8
185th Street N CSAH 3 to Norell Ave N 600 26 2002 8
190th St N Lan le Ave N to Larks ur Ave N 600 20 1999 8
191st Street N Mannin Trl N to 190th St 1,500 24 1997 8
202nd St. N. CSAH 3 to West End 900 24 2003 8
215th Street Parrish Rd to East End 1,900 22 2004 8
218th Street N Lofton Ave to 218th St Ct 3,900 20 2004 8
Kirk Court Kirk Ave to West End 300 24 2003 8
Kirk Court Kirk Ave to East End 550 Z4 2003 8
Lan le Ave. 187th St N to 189th St N 1,300 20 1999 8
Larks ur Ave N 190th St N to La on Ave N 1,500 20 1999 8
La on Court N 187th St N to South 400 18 1999 8
Pickett Ave 240th St to South End 1 400 20 2004 8
TH 97 Frontage Road TH 97 to Olinda Trail 400 20 2006 8