9.a) Nomination to Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District Board of Managers Meeting Date: 7/21/2009 Agenda Item: �, l�� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`" St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider making a nomination to the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District (FLCLWD) Board of Managers. Deadline/ Timeline: The County requested nominations by July 24, 2009. Background: • Cities and townships may nominate individuals to serve on the board of managers of watershed districts. Appointments are made by the county board. • The county has requested nominations for a vacancy that will occur when the term of office for Wayne Moe expires on September 22, 2009. • Mr. Moe, who lives on Bone Lake, is currently the only Scandia resident on the CLFLWD Board of Managers. He wishes to be reappointed. • The County has received applications from two Forest Lake residents for the position. There are already two Forest Lake residents on the board. Recommendation: The Council could choose to support the reappointment of Mr. Moe, make a new nomination, or take no action Attachments/ • Letter dated June 26, 2009 from Washington County Materials provided: . E-mail Dated July 10, 2009 from Randy Anhorn, CLFLWD Administrator Contact(s): Wayne Moe (651 433-4968) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (CLFLWD Board Nominations) Page 1 of 1 07/13/09 �To-� Office of Administration �� �o� Washington �--�.;.�� c �.... ?��\ �3' `„� James R.Schug ����� ����"� County Administrator ��Opani.ianoa��'�1. Molly F.O'Rourke Deputy Administrator �---- ----___---_ ---- ---1 June 26, 2009 �������� i � . � I � TO: City Clerks: Forest Lake Scandia ! � � t'I�1 Y Of= �L/�NJIA � �--=—�__------=----� The term of office for Wayne Moe, Scandia, on the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake VVatershed District, will expire on September 22, 2009. _ State statute provides that the County Board may select watershed district managers from lists of nominees submitted by the municipalities that are wholly or partially in the watershed district. Such a list may be submitted to the County at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of office of a manager. If no list is submitted, the County Board will then proceed to appoint a manager through its open appointment process. In either event, the County Board shall make its appointment 30 days prior to the term expiration. If you wish to submit a list of nominees for consideration or wish the incumbent to be considered for reappointment, your joint or separate list should be sent to me prior to July 24, 2009. A copy of the County's advisory board application form is enclosed. Please duplicate it as necessary. Further information on the nature of duties involved is attached and may also be copied. Thank you for your assistance in filling this important watershed position. Sincerely, �Cr-�4' \ �. Patricia A. Raddatz Administrative Assistant pr c County Board of Commissioners Jim Schug, County Administrator Wayne Moe, Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District Randy Anhorn, Administrator, Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District Jessica L. Collin, Public Health and Environment Associate Planner Enclosures Government Center • 14949 62nd Street North—P.O. Box 6,Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-0006 Phone: 651-430-6001 • Fax: 651-430-6017 • TTY: 651-430-6246 www.co.washington.mn.us Eaual Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action � Page l of 1 Anne Hurlburt From: Randy Anhorn [randy@ci.forest-lake.mn.us] Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 11:21 AM To: Anne Hurlburt; dennis.hegberg@co.washington.mn.us; dhegberg@frandsenbank.com Subject: Comfort Lake- Forest Lake WD- Manager Wayne Moe Good moming Anne and Commission Hegberg, I recently received notice that Manager Moe's three-year term as a CLFLWD Manager was expiring on September 22, 2009. I spoke with Manager Moe yesterday to determine his desire to stay on the Board, and he indicated to me that he would like to be reappointed to the Board. Manager Moe will be contacting you both in the near future to personally state his desire to continue his representation on the Comfort Lake– Forest Lake WD Board. I believe that Manager Moe has done a very good job representing the eastern portions of our watershed. Manager Moe always asks questions and does research before making any decisions and is willing to state opposing opinions, which promotes needed debate in order to allow the Manager's to — make the most educated and fair decisions possible. Thank you and have a nice weekend. Randy Randy Anhorn, Administrator/Limnologist Comfort Lake- Forest Lake Watershed District 220 North Lake Street Forest Lake MN 55025 office(651)209-9753 cell (651)472-4061 fax (651)209-9752 randv.anhorn(c�clflwd.or4 www.clflwd.ora 7/1�/2O(19