9.b) Presentation from Lakes Area Community Television-Gayle Mohr Meeting Date: 7/21/2009 Agenda item: � �� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: None—information only. Hear a report from Lakes Area Community Television. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • Gail Mohr, Public Access Coordinator, Forest Lake Cable Television Commission,has asked to address the City Council. • Scandia is part of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the cities of Forest Lake and Columbus that created the Forest Lake Cable Commission. The purpose of the JPA is to establish an organization to monitor, administer and enforce the cable television franchise for the three communities. Lakes Area Community Television is the arm of the Commission that operates public access cable services, including the televising of public meetings. • The JPA provides that each city have two directors on the commission, one of whom must be a city council member. Scandia's current representatives are Council,member polores Peterson and citizen member Michael White. Their two-year terms expire December 31, 2009. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council receive the report. Attachments/ • None Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (LATV report 2) Page 1 of 1 07/13/09