5.a)1) July 21, 2009 Regular Meeting � � �: a �
July 21, 2009
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Council
members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Absent: Council
member polores Peterson. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave
Hebert, City Engineer Paul Homby, City Planner Sherri Buss, Treasurer Colleen Firkus and
Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Bob Gemuenden and Todd Rachel, representatives of Scandia Elementary PTO, expressed their
appreciation to the Council for supporting the Scandia PTO Fun Run/Walk held on May 16.
Plans are underway to repeat the fundraising event on May 22, 2010 and Mr. Gemuenden
requested that the rental fee for use of the warming house be waived. In addition, the committee
is requesting additional resources from the City be provided. Mayor Seefeldt stated that a
discussion on these requests will be on the August 18 Council agenda if more details are
provided to the City Administrator.
Mayor Seefeldt noted two changes to the agenda: S.c) Remove Check No. 28756 from the
Payment of Vouchers list; 8.b)2)Add a discussion of the City's 2009 contribution to the Scandia
Fire Relief Association and move this item to the Fire Department's report. Crum, seconded by
Amos, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
� The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) June 16, 2009 Regular Meeting
2) July 14, 2009 Special Meeting
b) Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance 06/O1/09 $ 979,559.91
Receipts + 47,775.58
Expenditures 52,013.08
Payroll 24,051.12 - 76,064.20
Adjushnents: Safe Deposit Box Debit - 35.00
Ending Balance 06/30/09 $ 951,236.29
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Park User Permit, Frontier Communications (July 29, 2009)
e) Excluded Raffle Permit, Scandia Elementary Enrichment Foundation
� Certificate of Compliance for Northern Arborists, Tree Cutting at 23223 St. Croix Trail
N. (Resolution No. 07-21-09-01)
g) Statement of Interest, Update of Multi-Jurisdictional Washington County All-Hazard
Mitigation Plan
h) Park User Permit, Scandia Marine Lions (Taco Daze)
i) Park User Permit, Scandia Fire Relief Association (Taco Daze SK Race)
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Scandia City Council
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Lindell, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion passed unanimously.
Placement of Donated Picnic Tables
In May, six picnic tables were accepted as a donation to the City from the LaRive Condominium
Association. Karen Schik, Park Committee Vice Chair, presented the Committee's
recommendation that four of the picnic tables be placed at the Lighted Ballfield, one at the
Community Center and one at the Log House Landing.
Council member Lindell stated his opposition to placement of a picnic table at the Log House
Landing, as this is a small azea and there is no need to encourage additional congestion at this
location. Mayor Seefeldt was in agreement with this, stating that this is intended as a boat launch
area and there may be safety concerns in having people gather for picnics nearby. Council
member Crum, council representative to the Parks Committee, stated that there was much
discussion among the Committee and they had identified a location near the old chimney away
from the parking area.
Lindell, seconded by Seefeldt, moved to deny the Park Committee's recommendation of
placement of a picnic table at the Log House Landing and designate four tables at the
Lighted Ballfield and two tables at the Community Center grounds. A roll call vote was
taken: Lindell—yes, Crum—yes,Amos—yes, Seefeldt—yes.The motion passed
Grant from Carnelian Marine�S'� Croix Watershed District for Wind in the Pines Erosion
Control Project
Following authorization from the Council at their Mazch 17, 2009 meeting, the Parks Committee
submitted a proposal to the CMSCWD for funding assistance to complete a portion of the trail on
a steep slope within Wind in the Pines Park. The initial cost proposal for the erosion control
project was $14,603. The CMSCWD tentatively agreed to fund a smaller project and asked that
the Committee prepare a new proposal. The Parks Committee worked with Tim Wegner,
TrailSource, Inc., to redesign the project. Using in-kind contributions of materials and labor
valued at $1,520, the out-of-pocket cost for the revised project is $780. CMSCWD has agreed to
contribute$780 to this project, which is expected to begin in late September 2009. Crum,
seconded by Amos, moved to authorize acceptance of a $780 grant from the Camelian-
Marine-St. Croix Waters6ed District for the Wind in the Pines Trail Project. The motion
passed unanimously.
Deputy Chris Majeski reported on police activity within the past month. Deputy Majeski was
investigating a number of attempted burglaries on the west end of Scandia and theft of
machinery from a residence on Lofton. The portable speed trailer which was used at several
locations in June was well received and Deputy Majeski plans to operate it again later this
summer. Plans are in place for the National Night Out event to be held on the Community Center
grounds on August 4 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Council member Lindell asked if the number
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of violations was excessively numerous in the past month. Deputy Majeski stated that many of
the violations were due to driving around the construction barricade on Highway 95, but in all,
the number of violations appears to be average for the summer months.
Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that there were 15 emergency runs in June. The Department is
researching costs for replacement of Rescue Truck 5179, which is 20 years old. Fire Chief
Finnegan announced the retirement of Volunteer Firefighter Paul Kendrick effective September
Request Council Approval of Fire Chiefs Travel to State Fire School
Per the City's Expense Reimbursement Policy, Fire Chief Finnegan has requested travel for
attendance at a state fire school to be held in St. Cloud on August 15 and 16. Assistant Chief
Havener will also attend. Crum,seconded by Seefeldt, moved to approve travel by the Fire
Chief to a state fire school in St. Cloud on August 15-16,2009. The motion passed
2009 and 2010 Contributions to the Fire Relief Association
Council discussed the municipal contribution to the Scandia Fire Relief Association for the year
2009. The minimum municipal contribution is $44,546. The city's budget included a $75,000
amount. Mayor Seefeldt stated that he would like to settle on an amount somewhere between
these figures. The 2009 contribution must be determined before the 2010 rates can be
established. The Fire Department officers will meet with the Council at the upcoming special
budget meeting in August to deteimine the level of funding necessary to meet the needs of the
pension fund and budget.
2009 Crack Sealing Project,Award of Bid(Resolution No. 07-21-09-02)
City Engineer Paul Hornby presented the bid results for the crack sealing project which were
opened on July 20. Mr. Hornby recommended awarding the bid to Astech Corporation, the
lowest responsible bidder with the low base bid of$86,800.00. As this was well below the
estimated construction cost of$164,000, Mr. Hornby recommended adding streets to the crack
sealing project to take advantage of the low pricing. The Pavement Management Plan has rated
streets using a PASER system. A number of additional streets with ratings of 7 and 8 will be
included in this preventative maintenance project which will significantly extend the life of the
Lindell, seconded by Seefeldt, moved to adopt Resolution No. 07-21-09-02, Approving Plans
and SpecificaHons and Accepting Bid from Astech Corporadon for t6e 2009 Crack Sealing
Project and pursuing a change order to the project for the inclusion of additional streets.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Hornby also noted that the requested additional stop sign at the Oakhill Road/TH 97
intersection had recently been installed by Mn/DOT.
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Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp submitted a written report on building and
zoning activity within the past month. Mayor Seefeldt noted that the dangerous dog issue which
Yvonne Miller brought before the Council last month had been settled. The dog was euthanized
by the owner.
Consulting Service Proposals, Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project Environmental
Impact Statement(EIS)
City Planner Sherri Buss presented a report on the evaluation process for the preparation of the
EIS for the Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project. Four proposals were received and
evaluated. Two of the consultant teams were interviewed by staff and Mayor Seefeldt. It was a
unanimous decision to recommend that the City enter into a contract with AECOM to complete
the EIS. AECOM showed a very high level of understanding the project issues and the
importance of public involvement, along with experience in several critical areas.
Council member Lindell noted that it will be important in this study to keep Tiller Corporation's
involvement separate and ensure that they have no influence in managing the process. City
Administrator Hurlburt stated that Tiller will have no authority or direction in this study, but can
provide technical input. All costs regarding the EIS study are the responsibility of Tiller
Judy Herbert, 15125 220`h Street, asked if Tiller Corporation was involved in any of the
consultant evaluations. Planner Buss replied that the proposals were made available to Tiller for
the purpose of reviewing the proposed studies, in particular the well pumping study, as Tiller
needs to provide the technical aspects of this review. Tiller had no input into the selection
Lisa Schlingerman, 20661 Quint Avenue, asked for more information regarding the Project
Advisory Committee which AECOM proposes to establish for the purpose of public
involvement. City Administrator stated that the committee structure is not yet finalized but will
include City representatives, public agencies, interest groups and members of the public. A sub-
consultant would manage the PAC and public involvement. AECOM has a strong understanding
of the City's goals for the Zavoral process, and may ask for applications and interviews of
interested applicants, who will then be recommended to the Council for appointment. More
information regarding the PAC will be available once the contract with AECOM is in place.
Council member Lindell asked if revisions to the EIS can be made along the way. Planner Buss
stated that it is common for a change order to be issued as the study progresses. The entire study
is done at Tiller's cost.
Mayor Seefeldt stated that he is confident AECOM will do a thorough study and has a great
understanding of the emotions and concerns involved. It is an advantage to have public
involvement right from the start.
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Crum, seconded by Seefeldt, moved to direct staff to negotiate a contract with AECOM for
the preparation of the Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project Environmental Impact
Study. The motion passed unanimously.
A contract with AECOM is expected for presentation to the Council at its August 18 meeting and
the project could begin immediately after approval. It is anticipated the EIS would be ready for
public comments next spring and a final study presented to the Council by July 2010.
The term for Wayne Moe, the only Scandia resident on the CLFLWD Board of Managers,
expires on September 22, 2009. Mr. Moe is interested in being reappointed. Crum,seconded by
Lindell, moved to recommend to the Washington County Board the reappointment of
Wayne Moe to serve on the Board of Managers of the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake
Watershed District. The motion passed unanimously.
Greg Ochs and Gayle Mohr, representatives of Lakes Area Community Television, presented a
report on changes and goals of the public access cable service. The station broadcasts on cable
access Channel 10 and provides viewings of public meetings of the communities involved in the
Joint Powers Agreement (Scandia, Forest Lake and Columbus) along with special interest
programming. In an effort to fund capital improvements, the station is proposing a broad push to
expand services and asking for a one-year waiver of the collection of the city's portion of
franchise fees.
Crum, seconded by Lindell, moved to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk