8.b)1) Department of the Interior Rural Fire Assistance Grant Meeting Date: 8/18/2009
Agenda Item: � 6 ���
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274
Action Requested: Accept a$3,600 Department of the Interior Rural Fire Assistance
Deadline/ Timeline: Acceptance due by August 21, 2009
Background: • The Scandia Fire and Rescue Department has been selected to
receive a grant for purchase of firefighting equipment, specifically
the following: gated wye, 1" forestry fire hose, floating portable
pump, 1"nozzles, collapsible back pack pump and collapsible
• The grant will require a contribution of 10%of the cost of the
equipment purchase, which will be paid from the Fire Department
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council accept the grant and authorize the Fire
Chief to sign all required documents on behalf of the City.
Attachments/ • Letter dated August 6, 2009 from US Deparhnent of the Interior
Materials provided:
Contact(s): Bill Havener, Assistant Fire Chief
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(accept RFA grant)
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; rh�
,, United States Department of the Interior
601 Riverfront Drive
August 6, 2009
Bill Havener,
Scandia Fire and Rescue
15040 Scandia Trail N,
Scandia, MN 55703
I am pleased to inform you that Scandia Fire and Rescue has been selected to
receive a Department of the Interior Rural Fire Assistance (RFA) Grant this
fiscal year, 2009. The amount of your department's grant is $3600. These
grant funds can be used to purchase items listed below, only approved items
can be purchased:
Gatad Wye, 1" Forestry Fire hose, FloatiaQ yortable yu�, 1" aozzles,
Collapsable back pack puu�p, collapsible shovel
In order for your department to receive the RFA grant you must fill out, sign,
and return three forms; a 1511-1, a SF-424 (including form 424A and form
424B) , and DI-2010. Please be sure to fill out aad siQa all these forms in
the approDriate locatioas.
The completed forms must be returned prior to August 21, 2009. All three
forms must be sicmed and returned at this time and must be received prior to
August 21, 2009. You will be notified by email when your grant has been
processed. Once you receive email notification that your grant has been
processed you can purchase the items and request reimbursement. You will need
to fill out, sign and submit a SF-270 along with copies of all of your
receipts for RFA approved items in order to be reimbursed. Once your SF-270
form has been processed the RFA funds are directly deposited into your fire
department's bank account.
For the RFA graat to be processed your deyartment must be reQistered ia CCR
(see below) . Before an award can be processed, your department must be
registered and active in the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) , this must be
completed before August 21, 2009. All vendors doing business with the United
States have to be registered and active in CCR before receiving a new award
(as of October 1, 2003 for the NPS) . It is up to the fire department to
register as a vendor and maintain their own information through the CCR web
site: http://�.ccr.Qov. We will extract all necessary information from the
CCR data to complete the award process. If your departmeat reQistered ia CCR
before, you must reaew it every year because it expires oae year fro�n the laBt
renewal. Therefore please go to the CCR website and review your registration.
A search of the CCR data base revealed the following information about your
fire department: (Active ia CCR uatil 08/3/2010) .
Review, complete and sign the enclosed forms and return them immediately to:
Paul Mancuso, Natioaal Park Service, Midwest ReQioaal Office, Rural Fire
Assistaace, 601 Riverfront Drive, Omaha, NE 68102
phoae: 402-661-1758, fax: 402-661-1983.
OMAHA, NE 68102