6.a) Joe Ackerman. Variances to Construct a New Single Family Dwelling at 23271 Lofton Court North F ' � Meeting Date: 9/01/09 Agenda Item: `� � `i �cJ� / Planning Commission/City Council ('p,�� (��' Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`" St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Hold a public hearing on the application of Joe Ackerman for variances including lot size and setbacks to construct a new home on an existing lot located at 23271 Lofton Court. Deadline/ Timeline: 60-day review period expires October 13, 2009 Background: The planner will present the attached report and recommendations at the meeting on September 1, 2009. • Recommendation: The planner has recommended approval of the variances with findings and conditions which have been incorporated into a draft resolution for use by the Planning Commission and City Council. Attachments/ . Draft Resolution 09-01-09-02 Approving Variance Request Materials provided: . TKDA Memorandum dated August 13, 2009. • 3 surveys, aerial, elevation and floor plan of proposed home • Application Materials Contact(s): Joe Ackerman,651-464-1174 Prepared by: Steve Thorp, Code Official (23271 Lofton Court Ackerman Variance cover) • Page 1 of 1 08/28/09 ► TKDA444 Cedar Street,Suite 1500 Saint Paul,MN 55101 I TLe rlgLt qma The r1gM people.The rigbt om� (651)292-4400 • (651)292-0083 Fax www.ticda.can MEMORANDUM To: City Council and Reference: Ackerman Variance Request Planning Commission Scandia File Number 2009008 Copies To: Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator Joe Ackerman Proj. No.: 14305.002 From: Berry Farrington, AICP Routing: Date: August 27, 2009 SUBJECT: Ackerman Variance Request MEETING DATE: September 1, 2009 LOCATION: Sandgren Addition, Lot 4 23271 Lofton Court Scandia, Minnesota • APPLICANT: Joe Ackerman ZONING: Agriculture(AG), Shoreland Overlay District 60-DAY PERIOD: October 13, 2009 ITEMS REVIEWED: Certificate of Survey and proposed conditions site plan received August 7, 2009 (dated 2007), aerial photo, building plans. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: The Applicant requests variances from Ordinary High Water level (OHW) setback, bluff line setback, and lot size requirements to allow for construction of a new single family dwelling and attached garage. 'The subject property is located at 23271 Lofton C'ourt, with frontage on Bone Lake. Bone Lake is classified as a Recreational Development lake, and the OHW is 909.1 feet. The subject property is within the Agriculture and Shoreland Overlay Districts. The land area above the OHW is approximately 18,860 square feet (.43 acre). There is currently an existing house with a detached garage and two sheds, which are proposed to be removed. The existing well, septic system, and driveway access point to Lofton Court are planned to serve the new home. BACKGROUND: • Chapter 1, Section 6.4 of the Scandia Development Code describes the criteria for granting variances. It states that variances are permitted when they are in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the An Employee Owned Company Promoting Aflirmative Action and Equa/Opportunity / Ackerman Variance Request Page 2 August 27, 2009 Scandia, Minnesota • Development Code, in cases where there are particular hardships, and when consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. "Hardship" as used in connection with variances, means that the property cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under the conditions allowed by the Official Controls; that the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property, not created by the landowner; and that the variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. EVALUATION OF THE REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Variance requests are evaluated for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is within the Lakeshore Traditional Overlay Area identified in Scandia's Comprehensive Plan, adopted March 2009. The Plan guides to maintain the pattern of small lakeshore lots while improving stormwater management and land stewardship, to preserve and protect surface water quality through cooperation with watersheds, and to encourage residents of developed areas to improve stormwater drainage. The Planner interprets the request to be in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan. Setbacks The setback variances requested are to allow a setback from the OHW of 58 feet and a bluff line setback of • zero (0) feet. The Scandia Development Code, Chapter 5, Section 8, requires OHW setback of 100 feet and bluff line setback of 30 feet. The proposed structure conforms to the side yard and right-of-way setback requirements. The existing garage is five feet from the east lot line, and the proposed structure would increase this distance to ten feet, thereby removing a nonconforming situation. The plans also show that existing sheds that do not conform to the OWH and side yard setback standards will be removed. The Scandia Development Code setback requirements, the proposed setbacks, and the existing setbacks are summarized below: Setback Develo ment Code Pro osed structure Existin structures OHW 100 feet 58 feet House: 82 feet (Planner recommends 78 feet) Gara e: 67 feet Bluff line 30 feet -2 feet House: 22 feet (Planner recommends 18 feet) Gara e: - 18 feet Ri ht of Wa 40 feet 83 feet House: 76 feet Side yard 10 feet 10 feet House: 31 and 33 feet Garage: 5 feet The OHW setback of 58 feet was proposed in order to allow sufficient space in the yard area between the •home and the existing septic mound for a secondary/back-up septic area. The Washington County Department of Health and Environment was consulted about the space needed for the future septic area. Staff indicated that there would still be adequate space for the future septic area if the setback/ yard area (adjacent to Lofton Court) were to be reduced by 20 feet. Therefore, the Planner recommends that the Ackerman Variance Request Page 3 August 27, 2009 Scandia, Minnesota • proposed house location be changed to show a structure setback of 18 feet from the bluff and a structure setback of 78 feet from the OHW. See the attached sketch plan labeled OHW Setback of 78 Feet. Lot Size and Width The Development Code, Chapter 5, Section 7, addresses lot size and width requirements in the Shoreland District. The minimum lot size is 2.5 acres. The existing lot is 18,860 square feet in area (.43 acres) above the OHW. A variance is reauested to allow for the existing lot size of 18 860 square feet. The minimum lot width for a new lot is 150 feet. The existing lot is 100 feet wide. Chapter l, Section 12, addresses nonconforming lots. It allows that a variance is not needed for nonconforming lots with 60%the frontage requirement. The lot exceeds 60%(90 feet), and so a variance for lot width is not needed. Building Height Chapter 5, Section 8.3, establishes a maximum building height of 35 feet. The proposed structure is approximatelv 19 feet in height and so conforms to the height standard. Lot Coverage 'The maximum allowable lot coverage is 25%of the total lot area above the OHW. The area of the subject property above the OHW is 18,860 square feet. The proposed house, garage, and porch is an area of 2,078 square feet (house: 1,398 sf, garage: 480 sf, porch 200 s fl. If the house location is revised as recommended, the driveway area would be approximately 1,072 square feet. The total covered area would be 3,150 sguare • feets_16.7%of the lot area, and so would meet the lot coverage standard. Wastewater Treatment T'he Site Plan of proposed conditions shows the existing wastewater treatment system and secondary/backup septic treatment area. _A_�ermit will be required from the Washin�ton County Department of Health and Environment to make the svstem code compliant. Landscaping and Screening Existing trees along Lofton Court North and the east property line are shown to be preserved with the exception of one pine to be removed for the driveway. In similar requests, the City has included as a condition of the variance that the property owner install landscaping for stormwater management. Stormwater management will be addressed as part of the Watershed's permit requirements and recommendations, including plantings and landscaping. Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District A permit will be required from the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District. The Planner recommends as a condition of the variance, that the Applicant work with the Watershed to identify stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and that the Applicant implement the BMPs. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources • Plans were forwarded to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for comment. The DNR questioned why the proposed house would need to be located closer to the OHW than the existing house, or closer than the neighboring houses (email dated August 19, 2009). The future septic area creates a hardship for the � Ackerman Variance Request Page 4 August 27, 2009 Scandia, Minnesota • applicant restricting the distance the house can be located from the OHW. With the recommended OHW setback of 78 feet the Planner believes the DNR comment is addressed. ACTION REQUESTED: The Planning Commission can recommend/City Council can act to: 1. Approve the request. 2. Approve the request with conditions. 3. Deny the request with findings. 4. Table the request. PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planner recommends that the proposed house location be moved further from the lake as shown in the sketch, OHW Setback of 78 Feet. The Planner recommends approval of variances to allow lot size of 18,860 square feet, bluff setback of 18 feet, and Ordinary High Water level (OHV� setback of 78 feet, for construction of a single family dwelling located at 23271 Lofton Court, City of Scandia. The Planner's recommendation is based on the following findings: • 1. A hardship exists because a single family home is an allowed use in the Agriculture, Shoreland Overlay Districts, and the existing lot was not created to allow for septic requirements coupled with the dimensional standards of the Scandia Development Code for a home. 2. T'he small size of the lot was not created by the property owner. 3. T'he essential character of the locality is lakeshore, single family residences, similar in character to the request. The request meets the Development Code standards for lot coverage and building height, physical characteristics that help define the essential character of the locality. Best Management Practices will be implemented to protect water quality of Bone Lake. 4. The recommended building site minimizes the degree of nonconformity with setback standards, and limits impacts to views from the lake. The location maximizes the distance between the dwelling and lake while leaving adequate space for wastewater treatment. The proposed setback from the lake approximates the setback of the existing house. The proposed dwelling is distanced farther from the lake than the existing garage. All existing accessory structures will be removed to bring the lot into further conformity. 5. The request is in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies for Lakeshore Traditional Overlay Area and surface water quality policies. The Plan guides to maintain the pattern of small lakeshore lots while improving stormwater management and land stewardship, to preserve • and protect surface water quality through cooperation with watersheds, and to encourage residents of developed areas to improve stormwater drainage. Ackerman Variance Request Page 5 August 27, 2009 Scandia, Minnesota • The Planner recommends the following conditions of approval: 1. Improvements to the lot shall generally conform to the plan titled Applicant Proposed Conditions, except that the OHW setback shall be increased to 78 feet. The single family dwelling shall generally conform to the building plans received by the City August 7, 2009. 2. The existing accessory structures, one garage and two sheds, shall be removed. 3. A permit for wastewater treatment shall be obtained from the Washington County Department of Health and Environment. 4. The Applicant shall obtain a permit from the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District. The Applicant shall work with the Watershed to identify stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and the Applicant shall implement the BMPs. 5. All fees shall be paid. • • • CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 09-01-09-02 APPROVING VARIANCE FOR 23271 LOFTON COURT WHEREAS, Joe Ackerman has made applicativn for vari�n�ces to allow lot size of 18,860 square feet, bluff setback of 18 feet, and Ordinary Hig� Water level (OHW) setback of 78 feet, for construction of a single family d�elling located at 23�71 Lofton Court, City of Scandia; and WHEREAS, the property is legally described � L�ot 4, Sandgren Addition, Washington • County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission �eviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on Septembet 1,2009, and has recommended approval; and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA,WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the request of Joe Ackerman for variances to allow lot size of 18,860 square feet,bluff setback of 18 feet, and Ordinary High Water level (OHW) setback of 78 feet, for construction of a single family dwelling, based on the following findings: 1. A hardship exists because a single family home is an allowed use in the Agriculture, Shoreland Overlay Districts, and the existing lot was not created to allow for septic requirements coupled with the dimensional standards of the Scandia Development Code for a home. 2. The small size of the lot was not created by the property owner. 3. The essential character of the locality is lakeshore, single family residences, similar in character to the request. The request meets the Development Code standards for lot coverage and building height, physical characteristics that help define the essential • character of the locality. Best Management Practices will be implemented to protect water quality of Bone Lake. Resolution No.: ' Page 2 of 2 . 4. The recommended building site minimizes the degree of nonconformity with setback standards, and limits impacts to views from the lake. The location maximizes the distance between the dwelling and lake while leaving adequate space for wastewater treatment. The proposed setback from the lake approximates the setback of the existing house. The proposed dwelling is distanced farther from the lake than the existing garage. All existing accessory structures will be removed to bring the lot into further conformity. 5. The request is in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan's goal$at�policies for Lakeshore Traditional Overlay Area and surface water quality policies. The Plan guides to maintain the pattern of small lakeshore lots while improving stormwater management and land stewardship, to preserve and protect surface water quality through cooperation with watersheds, and to encourage residents of developed areas to improve stormwater drainage. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approv�l �all be met: 1. Improvements to the lot shall generally conform to the plan titled Applicant Proposed Conditions except that the OHW setback shall be increased to 78 feet. The single family dwelling shall generally conform fq t�e building plans received by the City August 7, 2009. • 2. The existing accessory structures, one garag�and two s�eds, shall be removed. 3. A permit for wastewater treatment shall lx obtained from the Washington County Department af Health and Environment. 4. The applicant shall obtain a permit from the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District. The applicant shall work with the Watershed to identify stormwater best management practices (BMPs) and the applicant shall implement the BMPs. 5. Ail fees shall be paid. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 1 S` day of September, 2009. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/Clerk • • • ! " �X I ST► �I c� �N�D�T�o�1 S C'��R�-�J�Irg'�IrCJP����E' OF°� �'U1��V�;yr P.o. eox a� HULT & ASSOCIAIES, INC. D�IE r HE8Ei5[rv Forest loke. MN 55025 Surveyors, Engineers M�nn. Lic. No. 13590 & �4'etland Specialists i hereby certTy lhot this survey, plon or repart was preparea Phonc: 651.464.3130 by me or undcr my Airecl supervision ond thot 1 om o duly Fcx: 651.a6?.a822 ���ensed Lantl 5urveyor under the iaws o! tne Sto ot Minnesolo. E-moil: hult�ihnfro,com /f DA��p7� I-IULT & ASSOCIATES, INC. by� �� � ""� D LE F. HEBE�SEN, Minnesola �icenseG Lontl Surveyor SUft dEY FOIt: JOE ACKERMAN LOZ'4.SAi�II)GRLN ADDTTION. WASI-11NG7'ON COiINTY,MINNESOTA. ` \ � � ' � \ �� �, 1 � �y - �� . 9 ,�] \ � � \ � rf` Y 92dJ �820.6 \.� \ �\ � . �SG �A� I�f1 I�1�?IU1 �. \\ \\\ ��OC� 938.0�' \ Ryrf`6�� U�JOlnS IJ (rLI � \ \ �6� � � � F( �' �. ., �p,�G�'` � �`�e,\ ;� \ `-SiyO FI'q/ � GRAPHIC SCALE \ �� � � �\ � 9� .pf, 0,�,` � SCnLf IN FcET \ � \, � \ HEDc' �� �\/i\ Ci 9 ./t' � \ �`X8.5j� \�J2` "�c � �'F �g2 d� 0 �5 30 60 90 \ `� \� � \ �� ��� 9�9�\�Y�y�y� � �525,\s�,p` 1 INCH = 30 fEET � r a.$� �:,'\9�6� ,�99�`3`p � osJ 2S \ �j O � ��\� 6�9`06` O�\ \\\ b� 9�8 'r� ;��9��.6�9 ���� �sJ 9�3�,.a \ ,�19' �.\ � � � �s �,' �. � ''` . � � a \ a � � LEGEND • \ �. �9�2A.2 � 'S \922�9 ��0� \� :� \ �� \ \ �C \ �\ �\ � � x92��1` �oA�,,�"� ��:' \,.,� � �\ �\ \-� o DCNOTES tOUND IRON MONUMENT PORCH-� 925.7 -BENCH MARK: � \ SHED-' I �� � ���,y � � � �Ya � �� TOP I�ROAb SPiKE��� � (4.1SX4.5 ; �, c � \1 � � , 5. ea � •' � \\ \ \��`O \ � 1 ,`} 3B'� \ �' DENOT�S WEIL i ELEv,=9cfi.29�T � �� '� (h�c v.D.�929)�� '•l�935.� � ` � �° \°' �.' 92��Q �.' �i � �' x9Zs o DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION � 46.0'\ OS� ' 1; � � \927�7 HOUSE o DECK � 92�.6,' p�P i --� � '. a I c+ '�� � v% � �,��`. �_ ,� 5'4 0�o I ��`� —914—DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR ,�i� .� `.,` `>.=— �� ,\;\`\\ �\� 1 i \9 S ry°� � n&HGE � P��� ? 925.t �' � �946.7 949.3 �942.4 Ap,P�X. 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JOROAN Fax: 651.46a.4822 Uce�sed Lond Surveyor under ihe Ivws o! tne Stcte o� Mfnnzsota. Minn. Lic. No. 42648 E-mol; hultCvm(ro.com D�,/?b/20� � ^ hIULT & ASSOCIATES. INC. by�X � __� �(jOrl��'L_f� DALE F. HEBtISEN. Mfnnesota Licensed Lond Surveyor �1\=-I Ir�S lJ—LJ �+ pn�+ /��JJ�+ l,� A� GRAPHIC SCALE SURVGY FOR: ✓�/G �l.A£.RAl�Io SCALE IN FFET � � � � � � � � LO"f 4.51NDGRFN Allll11'tOA1. o�,s sa eo 90 �''ASI'TI�TGT�N LUUN�l�Y.M�NN]',SUTA. 1 INCH S 30 FEET CO �IDITl01� � � ' � ' \ �� � ' � � � � ` 1\ `i'y � � � � 'F LEGEND 92 d.7\„ `'� � \�� � �L �SG�� 'Q �X 206 � �,\ � 938.0�' � '�A a DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT � \ � � a�`'��� � 9�''�� ��� � ��� �V�. �.c�G�.� �� �VA'� . –�-'`py��Fb_ l, (�+ DENOTES WELL � �� � ', � ` � 9.� °aF 'O�.�;� � `��\ �\\ �\ �� � �� ��?\°� <,,�� so� 1t-� =9z�o D�NOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATiON b � \ \� � � � \ \�� 9'4�\���sy�� �� ��as�s�s� —91y�DENOTES EXIS7ING CONTOUR �24.B� /\ ��' 9�6, �9\�?S.\�. 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Phone 651.464,3130 Dy me ar under my dkecl superviston ond lhot 1 om a duly KELLY L JOROAN Fox 651.461.4fi22 Lieenead Lond Surveyor under the laws o! the Stote ol Minneeolo. �'^^� Lic. No. 42648 . E-moll: hult�mhu,com D /$/2007 /�� // �� �//// NULT de ASSOCIAlES, INC. by /X � liC/l, � �'���'��7�'7 � E.--- � — ��:;J.t�i'=;��rii IJ L`I i DALE F. HEBEISEN, Minnesota Lkenaed Lond Surveyor SURVEY FOR: JOE ACI�ERAdAN GRAPHtr, _;:":A1.F" PROP � � ED S.�A,.:_ .� �:�_r LOT4,SANCX;RBNADDITION, ° �S �a �n eo .. � �__�--_.._. � C O N D I T I O N 3 � � � � wASfTit���`jVr.rnUNTY,MINNESOTA. i iNCN - =o tr`Er �\ \ \ \ \ � �, � y, __—_ —_ _______------ qp y ....__� �'2d.7� \� •� �...� �:.� P,P,p 6J LEGEND Y\ � X`@20.6 � v:3�l.j`1- . . � �'A� O � ��� ,� � ` �� ;�. 9���� • (E�lOTE,; FOtI!Jl.) IRON MGNUrAE:�!I I � \ � \•,���� � r.�.-. ., f� � \ , .p�c�., /.� �� � � \ •�-•Sy F�'l � � DEN�TE� ,:v;i.�.. 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