8.f)1) Fall City Newsletter Meeting Date: 9/15/2009 Agenda Item: � � ��� C; City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (65l)433-2274 Action Requested: Review the draft of the Fall city newsletter. Deadline/Timeline: To printer: end of business on Thursday, September 17 Mailing: by Wednesday, September 30 Background: • The City's twice-yearly newsletter is sent to all Scandia mailing addresses on approximately April 1 and October 1. • Staff has drafted a newsletter for the Council's review. Recommendation: The Council should give feedback to staffon the newsletter. Attachments/ • Draft newsletter Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (fall newsletter) Page 1 of 1 09/02/09 A TWICE-YEARLY � PUBLICATION � ,/ FOR RESIDENTS / � � � � OF THE CTTY OF �,,-��" � �.� � � SCANDIA, � MINNESOTA � � �- � SC DIA /1 �� , ( / . . . � . � i . , `� ���` ti . Scandia's unique hutory shapes future vision— � � Design Guidelines to Preserve and Enhance Scandia Community Character A Design Standards Committee re- , cently explored how the vision of Scan- ; +4-� �,,,, . dia's new Comprehensive Plan could be -"""�-� �^ ---�,.., .�� carried out by ensuring that new com- � mercial buildings reflect the historic '� �""M�'"`� �'s,�:;-- character of Scandia.The committee, � �„� � �, � ��,:.:a , led by Planning Commissioner Susan "-+� ` . '" "r. e�'�y��^f• -'� Ro dsjo,has recommen de d a set o f de- _„�, '" F 1 ��- �'� .., �,;��`;,; sign guidelines that will be formally _�� � � "� adopted when the city revises iu devel- ;;- � opment codes in the coming year. � y ��:'" The purpose of the proposed design _ . , . � _. Inside this issue: guidelines is to sustain and improve the economic viability of the city by pre- _ �, , _ serving and enhancing historic charm - ��, .: -. ..: and allowing for compatible new devel- ' ' � '' "° -` 2010 Budget 2 opment.The city's desire is to increase Scandia Store(ako"the Mercantile')circa 1910-1915 the economic and financial benefiu to local businesses by enhancing commu- niq character,thus drawing new and Scandia's Vision EI$for Mining 3 repeat visitors to Scandia. Scandia is knoxm as a rural small toxm with a unique charucter and Project Underway Scandia was the home of Minnesota's history. The vrllage is the center ofsocia!community activities, while first Swedish settlers,dating back to the Gammelgarden attracts people to learn about Minn�sota history and mid-1800s.As the settlers and their enjoy a slice of Swedish culture.Rural buildings endowed with Scan- Have a Safe 3 descendenu prospered and Scandia dia's history and identity are preserved or incorporated into develop- Halloween grew,businesses emerged to serve ment and redevelopment,and family fa»ns can still be found within residenu.Although the overall number the city. Structures in the village(stose,old bank,and other store- of historic buildings in Scandia is small fronts)are recognizablejrom old photos,and rural commercia!nodes $hort Takes 3 compared with nearby cities such as ��h distinct community or historic character retain their uniqueness, Stillwater and Osceola,the$candia including Big Marine, Copas,and Otisville. ... Village Center and nearby rural com- mercial nodes(such as Copas and the -Excerpc from 2030 Vision Narradve Community 4 Big Marine Lake Store)are endowed Scandia's 2008 Comprehensive Plan Calendar with a varieq of unique architeaure influenced by the area's immigrant settlers.The buildings live on today with new owners making creative use of the space. The design guidelines include an overview of the historic building sqles present in Scandia today,and explain how the design of new or remodeled buildings should echo their architectural themes.The report uses pho- tographs to illustrate a menu of design choices.The guidelines call out some design elemenu that will be prohibited,such as"trademark architecture,"buildings that are identified with a particular chain restaurant or store and are built the same no matter the location. Design Guidelines,continued on page 2 2010 City Budget Drafted At their September I meeting,che City Council expenses for preparing an EIS(Environmental took the first steps in the process of adopting the Impact Sutement),the cosu for which will / budget and tax levy for 2010.The Council set a not be paid by taxpayers but by the project maximum,"not to exceed"tax levy at proposer.If the cost of the EIS were not in- $I,928,647. cluded,the city's draft operating budget for \ Scandia must comply with a state limit that holds 2010 would actually be I.99%less than the � the base levy to a maximum inflationary increase 2009 operating budget � of 0.08337%for most spending.The total levy, No new major initiatives are proposed for Public Meeting Which includes special levies for debt service and 2010.There will be no new road paving pro- police and fire personnel cosu,would increase by jecu,but the road repair budget would focus on up to 3.64%compared to the 2009 tax levy of on maintaining existing roads,as laid out in $I,860,893.The net increase to Scandia taxpay- the 2008 Pavement Management Plan.Re- 2010 Budget ers,after fiscal disparities(a regional tax base- placement of Fire Rescue Truck#5179 is Tuesday, sharing program)is considered,would be up to planned.The estimated$220,000 cost will be 2.36%. paid from the Equipment Replacement Fund December I Even though the levy will increase,the City tax and borrowing which will require a tax levy in rate is estimated to o down b a roximatel 201 I.The city would increase iu reserves for 6:30 p.m. g Y PP y future equipment replacemenu,as another 0.9%for taxes payable in 2010.Since the ciq's fire truck and a snow plow/dump truck will Community Center median change in property market value from �ome up for replacement in 2012. 2009 to 2010 was unchanged,the propercy tax � bill for 2010 would go down by about the same In November,each property owner will re- ,� percentage or more,for most homeowners. ceive a"Truth in Taxation"notice with their � When the governor"unalloted"paymenu to estimated 2010 property tax bill from each of cities for local aids in 2008&2009,Scandia lost the property taxing jurisdictions.Scandia will �'� $98,249,most from reimbursemenu to pay for hold a public meeting on iu 2010 budget and \ the sute's Market Value Homestead Credit pro- ��evy on Tuesday, December I at 6:30 p.m. � ._.___ � �' gram.In 2010 the city is expected to pay the full at the Community Center.The budget and �. � cost of the program,estimated at$76,I 46,from �levy will be finalized aher the adoption \ iu local levy. hearing scheduled for Tuesday,December I 5, 2009 The 2010 operating budget will be affected by Design Gnidelines, continned... ' The document provides guidance on general though some guidelines may not be applied to - building design including roof lines,building mate- industrial suuctures,qualiq architecture will rials,height,colors,setbacks,parking,and how be encouraged,and landscape guidelines will , renovations should be carried out Re-use of be applied to help screen less desirable as- ' x existing buildings,rather than tearing down build- pects of sites,such as parking lou. ings,will be encouraged.It also shows how de- Design review will take place concurrently sign deuils(such as windows,doors,awnings, „„�th review of any other planning,zoning,or signage and lightin�contribute and offers sugges- building permit applications required by the tions and options for designers. ��ty,Individuals,developers,and/or architecu The guidelines are not intended to curtail crea- will be encouraged to request an informal tive design;instead,they are intended to educate meeting with the Ciq before beginning formal builders on historic architeaure in Scandia and design work on cheir projecu. ,�_ - _ inspire creative design that reflects the historic In addition to Rodsjo(who authored the character of the community.The idea is not for guidelines)the following Scandia residenu and new consuuttion to look identical to historic business owners participated in the Commit- The historic patterns buildings,but rather to look new and unique while drawing upon historic design elemenu. tee:Connie Amos,Peter Curtis, Margie Dre- of windows & doors her,Sue Fit�gerald,Dave Hume,Jim"Moose" The design guidelines will be applied to new Malmquist, Dan Sandager,Wayne Schmitt and are details that can �ommercial,office,institutional,and multi-family Scott Westphal. residential construaion and renovation projecu A copy of the Proposed Architectural Guide- be repeated in new in Scandia.The guidelines will generally not apply lines is available for review at the city office or to industrial uses unless they are adjacent to may be downloaded from the website bUlldl►1gS. historic structures or front and/or are highly �„„h,h,.�i.scandia.mn.us). visible from arterial or collector roadways.AI- . EIS for Proposed Sand and Gravel Mine is Underway Work has surted on the Environ- proved a;315,000 contract with Alternative will evaluate Tiller's mental Impact Statement(EIS)for AECOM,an environmental con- proposed aggregate mining,proc- the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation sulting firm,to complete�e EIS. essing and reclamation activities.(2) Free E-mail Alerts Project. The proposed projett The proposer(filler Corpora- The No-Build Alternadve will evalu- includes operation of a gravel tion)must pay all costs. The ate impacu of the existing land on 7imely Topics mine and processing operation on Council will appoint a Projett uses.(3)Akernaave#3 will evalu- a I 14-acre,un-reclaimed former Advisory Committee(PAC)for ate proposed gravel washing,par- Including the EIS, City gravel mine site located along St. che EIS. Deuils will be posted to ticularly potential impacu to Croix Trail North(State TH 95) the Ciq's website as soon as they groundwater and groundwater- CounCil meeting agen- near iu intersection with Scandia are available. dependent resources. (4)Alterna- das and Park and Rec- Trail(State TH 97.) Environmental concerns to be tive#4 will evaluate the impacu of The EIS was ordered aker the addressed in the EI$include: processing activides,including tim- reation programs can Council found that the Environ- potential impacts to surface wa- ing and scheduling. mental Assessment Worksheet ters;groundwater;noise;dust; The Final Scoping Decision Docu- �delivered to your (EAV�did not provide sufficient vaffic volume&safety;visual ment(SDD)and many other docu- mailbox! Visit information to determine the impaccs to people on the St menu relating to the environmental potential for sign�cant environ- Croix,roads&surrounding prop- review are available for review at www.ti.scandia.mn.us menul effecu.Tiller s application erties;impacu of proposed proc- the Ciq of Scandia Office, 14727 for a CUP(Conditional Use Per- essing attivities;economic im- 209`"St.N.,during office hours and Clitk on "E-Mail mit)to mine the property is on pacts;and,the adequacy of the (9:00 a.m.to Noon and I:00 p.m.to Updates"to Slgn up. hold until the EIS is completed. reclamation plan. 4:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday) The EIS is expected to uke ap- The Scoping Decision identified and on the City's website.Conuct proximately one year. four projett altematives to be City Administrator Anne Hurlburt In August the Ciq Council ap- evaluated in the EIS.(I)The Build for more information. ,�►.�.�.���•���.u�u��.�������� ��Safe Halloween" at Fire Depart�ment : : : Attend the : On Saturday,Oaober 31,2009 hot chocolate.Co-sponsors are � Fire Department � from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM,the the Scandia Marine Lions Club, � , Scandia fire and Rescue Depart- Elim Lutheran Church and Helke : Open House � � � ment will hold a fun family event Tree Service.Location: Scandia ; Tuesday, OCtober 6 ; for all ages. Attivities will include Fire Hall, 15040 Scandia Trail � 5:00 pm to 7:00 p.m. ; ` � � a large bonfire,games,hot dogs& (Highway 97.) � � \r/ � 'L...........................: /, . Short Takes � Attention snowbirds— program at Scandia School, for licensed vehicles and recrea- � Leaving town for the wirtter? (January and Feburary)and tion equipment No more than � Make sure to contaa che Wash- Vinterfest(February b),The four passenger vehicles per ,.- ington County Sheriffs Deparc- popular learn-to-skate and after- dwelling unit are allowed,on�� ment(651 439-938I)for free school hockey programs will also parcels less than 10 acres in siig. � home-checks while you are away. be offered. Watch the ciq web- No more than 2 items of recrea- /// site for deuils. tional equipment(such as camp-e�� Do 1 really need a permit for ers,boau,uailers ecc.)may be that?—Protett your investment Burning Permits—A(no- stored in the side or rear yard in your home. Building Official charge)burning permit is required on any lot Steve Thorp is here to help you do for open buming when there is no the job right. It's a buyer's market, snow cover. In all cases,please Signs—Permiu are required for � so don't jeopardize a fucure sale or notify the Washington County all signs,including temporary '�� refinancing with improvemenu not Sheriffs Office (651 439-9381) signs for garage sales and com- ��., up to code. It's more costly to one hour before you burn. There munity events. There's no fee - - correct problems later. Call Steve may be restrictions depending on for temporary sign permiu. No at 651 433-2274,Ext 102 with any weather,dme-of-dar or air-quality signs may be placed in any public questions. issues. See the city office for righu-of-way,on any roof,or more information and for permiu. painted on walls or attached to Reminder. Winter Rec Programs utility poles. Planned—The Parks and Recrea- Exterior Storage—Scandia Permits are required tion Committee is planning a vari- requires that all personal propercy For more information on exto- eq of winter programs including be stored in a building or fully rior storaje ond si=ns see ihe for all signs. the Saturday morning open-gym screened,with a few exceptions ciry we6site under"FAQs." � (, � -. . •. . . . . 1 i-'� �-� �� � � '-� PRSRT STD SC�D� U.S.POSTAGE PAID i Scandia,MN 55073 PERMIT#6 City of Scandia Scandia Community/ Senior Center 14727 209th Sc N. Scandia, MN 55073 Household Scandia, MN 55073 (� i � �, � � "-� \ ` � ' `i \U �J Citp Council: COmmunity Calendar, October 2009—March, 2010 Dennis Seefeldt,Mayor 65 I 433-5999 Dolores Peterson October • Detember I 3,Lutia Dagen at 65 I 433-2229 Gammelgf rden Pece Crum • October 2,3&4,Traditions in the Trunk: 651 433-5034 Swedish Folk Dress,Quilu and Arc,Gam- • December I 5,7 p.m., Budget Adoption John Lindell melgarden&Community Center Hearing 651 433-2755 . October 6,5 p.m.to 7 p.m.,Fire Depart- • December 24,Christmas Eve—Office Connie Amos ment Open House Closed at Noon 65 I 433-5772 • October I I,Lion's Pancake Breakfast • December 25, Christmas Day—Office Regular Council Meeting: October 12,Columbus Da Office Closed Ctosed Third Tuesday,7:00 p.m. � Y January CounciUPlanning • October 31,6 p.m.to 9 p.m.,Safe Hallow- Commission Meeting: een at the Fire Hall • January I, New Years Day—Office Closed Firsc Tuesday,7:00/7:30 p.m. November • January 18,Martin Luther King Day—Of- fice Closed Citp Stafi: • November 3, Election Day(ISD 83 t) Anne Hurlburt,Administrator February Brenda Eklund,Depucy Clerk • November I I,Veteran's Day—Office Colleen Firkus,Treasurer Closed • February 6,Vinterfest john Morrison,Public Works Supv. • November I 9,Lutfisk&Meatball Dinner, • February 7,Lion's Pancake Breakfast Sceve Thorp, Building Official Elim Church • Februa 15,President's Da Office Jim Finnegan,Fire Chief rY Y— David Heberc,Accorney • November 20,Turkey Bingo Closed Heben&Wekh PA • November 26&27,Thanksgiving Holiday— • February 27, Fireball 2010 Paul Hornby,Engineer,Bonesvoo Qffi�e Closed Sherri Buss,Planner,TKDA,Inc For more information ond a city meeting calendar, December Citr O�ce• , see the website,http://www.a.scondio.mn.us. December I,6:30 p.m.Public Meeting, 2010 Phone: 651 433-2274 City Budget For Gammelgbrden events,see: Fax: 651 433-5112 htt //www. ammel ardenmuseum.hvn. E-mail: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us • December 12,Lion's Community Breakfast A� g g Hours:Monday through Friday 9 a.m.to Noon& Ip.m,to 4 p.m.