9.a) Project Advisory Committee for Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project Meeting Date: 9/15/2009
Agenda Item: G}� � l
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City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`'' St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274
Action Requested: Review and approve the description and appointment process for the
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS (Environmental Impact
Statement) Project Advisory Committee(PAC).
Deadline/Timeline: Proposed timeline:
• Site tour: Wednesday, September 30 (4-6_pm)
• Application deadline: Tuesday, October 6 (4 pm)
• Interviews: October 13 to October 15
• Council appointments: October 20 meeting
Background: • The consultant team has recommended a process for selection of
the PAC that will be advisory in nature and will provide for a
shared understanding of the environmental review process and the
information developed or used as part of that process.
• A description of the PAC, its mission and its role in the EIS has
been prepared for the Council's review.
• An application form, modeled on the application form used for
other Scandia boards and committees, has also been prepared.
• The PAC would have up to 12 members: 1 Planning
Commissioner,up to 6 agency representatives, and up to 5
interested citizens (who might be individuals or group
representatives.) The PAC would be supported by a technical
committee composed of the consultant team, staff and
representatives of the proposer.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council review and approve the committee
description and appointment process. You may also wish to appoint a
Council representative(s)who would work with staff to interview
committee applicants and make recommendations for appointments.
Attachments/ • PAC Description
Materials provided: . Application Form
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
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Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project
Environmental Impact Statement Project Advisory Committee
The Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Plan Environmental Impact Stat�ment("EIS") Project
Advisory Committee ("PAC") is being established by the Scar�dia City Council to facilitate
an open exchange of information and to obtain input on t�i� EIS analyses and mitigation
measures as they are developed. The PAC will be aa�ivisory �:n nature and shalf be
comprised of no more than 12 people. The PAC w!t��ll int�ude 1 �candia City Planning
Commission representative; up to 6 agency represen'Natives such �s the Carnelian-
Marine-St. Croix Watershed District and Natior�l Park Service-St. Croix �ational Scenic
Riverway; and up to 5 interested properky t�ners or;�epresentative� ,�f interested
groups. These 5 members will be selected by the�Ci� C�un�il.pursuant to<�n application
and selection process that may include interviews.
The PAC will be moderated by Truc�jr Richter of Richa�s� o�n, Richter and Associates,
Inc., a member of the AECOM consulf�nt t� retained b�� +�ity to prepare the EIS.
The PAC will be supported by a techrii�al crn�amit#ee inclu,,�ling representatives of the
Tiller Corpo�ation, Sunde Engineering z�Tiller's technical consultant), the AECOM
consultant team, and, ��ty �aff. The P�C will engage in open, purposeful, and
transparent discussic�s so t�i there is a shared understanding of the environmental
review process an�t�,e inform�n develope�or used as part of that process.
The PAC will meet 4 � c�utir� �he-�1� process, which is estimated to take
approximaxely�2 rr�onths. T�as City pT�n�� hold the first meeting during the work week
in late Q�'tober or e�►�I�ovemb�+-from 4:00-6:00 pm. The agenda for the first meeting is
to pr�le introductior�^s, discus�,��s and responsibilities, provide an overview of the
EIS' pr�ss, and provrd� an hi�rical perspective as well as general background
informatio��n the propos� mini�g activities. This first meeting will be followed by finro
meetings fo�ea,�d on techr�i�l issues as information is developed during the preparation
of the EIS, in�i�ding hydtc�geology, water resources, other environmental, economic,
and social issues;���i p�otential mitigation measures. The fourth meeting will be for the
Committee to review ar�d comment on the draft EIS.
If you want to be on the PAC, you are invited for to attend a site visit that is being held
on September 30, 2009 at 4:00 pm. We will meet at Scandia City Hall. Applications for
participating on the Committee are due in the City offices by 4:00 pm October 6, 2009.
The application can be downloaded from the City's website at www.ci.scandia.mn.us
and are available at City Hall. Appointments will be made by the City Council, tentatively
at its October 20, 2009 meeting.
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Application for Appointment to the
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS Pubiic Advisory Committee
Name: Phone:
Applying as individual or representative of the following interest group:
Home Address: Zip;
E-Mail Address:
How long have you been a resident of Scandia:
Property that you own in Scandia (other than a residence):
Other committee experience: Dates served:
Environmental or other technical background or interests:
In 50 words or less, please state why you are interested in participating on the
Committee for the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS.
By submitting this application, I agree to attend and participate in all scheduled
Committee meetings. I understand that the goal of the City Council is to select
individuals for the Committee that will represent the needs and interests of all residents
of the City of Scandia and I agree to do so. Furthermore, I understand that the
Committee is advisory in nature.
The following paragraphs inform you of your rights as a subject of government data that
are part of this application process and Committee participation.
In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd. 2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data.
The injormation you give us about yourself is needed to ident� you and assist in determining your
suitability for the positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we collect about you is
classified as either Public or Private. Public means that it is available to anyone who asks to see it.
Private means that the information is available only to the person the information is about and to the staff
who must use it in the normal course of conducting City business and as otherwise provided for by law.
As the person executing this application, I acknowledge that an investigation may be conducted for use in
determining my qualifications. I hereby expressly authorize release of any and all information which any
organization, company or person may have, including information of a confidential or privileged nature. I
hereby release the Ciry and any organization, company or person furnishing information to the Ciry, as
expressly authorized above,from any liability for damage which may result from furnishing the information
You may attach a resume if you desire. Thank you for your interest in serving on the
Signature: Date:
Return completed application to: City of Scandia
14727 209"' St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: (651)433-2274 Fax: (651)433-5112
Email: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us