9.b) Lilleskogen Park Water Control Structure, Accept Quote Meeting Date: 9/15/2009 Agenda Item: �, b 1 J City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`� St.North Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Accept quote for construction of Lilleskogen Park water control structure from Scandia Trucking and Excavating, LLC in the amount of$9,343.00. Deadline/Timeline: N/A Background: • At the September 1 meeting,the Council approved plans and authorized staff to obtain quotes for construction of the water control structure. • Lilleskogen Park, formerly known as Old Lions Park, is located at the southeast corner of Highway 97 and Oakhill Rd. A plan for the restoration and development of the park was completed in early 2008. In Apri12009,the city contracted with SRF Consulting Group, Inc for engineering of the water control structure,the first step in implementing the plan and restoring the wetlands on the site. • The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District(CMSCWD) contributed $7,500 for the project. The grant agreement requires that the city build the water control structure. • The engineer's cost estimate was$16,000. The planning-level cost estimate was $10,000. There are sufficient funds in the Park Capital Improvement Fund for the project. • Quotes were requested from four firms. Two were received: from Scandia Trucking LLC ($9,343.00)and from Peterson Excavating ($12,747.00), both Scandia businesses. • The project will be coordinated with weed control work funded by $1,000 from the Washington Conservation District. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council accept the quote from Scandia Trucking and Excavating, LLC in the amount of$9,343.00. Attachments/ • Quotes Materials provided: Contact(s): Steve Thorp, Building/Code Official Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (Lilleskogen water controi structure quotes) Page 1 of 1 09/10/09 Lilleskogen Park Water l.eve] Control Structure RECEIVE Document 00410 PROPOSAL FOR�i � _- SEP - 9 2009 TO: C1TY OF SCANDLA, MINNESOTA CITY OF SCANDIA PROJECT: I.ILLESKOGEN PARK: WATER LEVEL CONTROL STRUCTURE Scandia Trucking 8 Excavating L�C SUBMITTED BY: Name: , Rp��RTdee� (Type or Prin�) Address: ��10akgreen Avenue North � 651-433-5095 Contact: �d�t� . Telephone: ��Z '' ?��'s Z �9 Pax: OFFER Ttta undersigned, being fa*r►iliar with the local conditions affecting the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents and in accordance with the provisions thereof, hereby propose to perform all work for the consvuction of the above referenced project. The quantities indicated for "LJNIT PRICE" bid items are for bidding purposes on!y and for comparison to Contrac[or's quantities. Estimated quantities shown on the Bid Form aze not guaranteed. "LTNTT PRICE" bids shall include al! fabor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags, ete., necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents. Final pavment to the Contractor for "UNIT PRICE" bid items shall be based on the actual authoriud and installed Contractor's bid quantity. Each bidder must verify or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own satisfaction for "LUMP SUM" bid items, and submit a total bid sufficient to cover all the work outlined in the Concract Documents. "LUMP SUM" bids shall include all labor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags, etc., necessary to cover the work described in the Conuact Uocuments. Final �avment to the Convactor for "LliMP SiJM" bid items shail be based on the Contractor's bid price for completion of the work outlined in the Contract Documents. The Bidder is familiar with the General Conditions and u�iderstands the provisions thereof. The bidder is responsible for reviewing the site conditions (both su:face and subsoil) and Contract Documen�s to e.stablish a clear understanding of the wark within the scope of this project. The bidder shalt not re;y on verbal information obtained from employees of the Owner or Consultant. 'Cotal Bid line items shal{ be determined by multipiying the Estimated Bid Quan[ity column by the Unit Price colurt�n for each row. If there are mathematical errors, the unit price shall govem in Lilleskogen Park Water Level Convof Structure fignring the 'i'otai Bid. Ttze Teta�l Bid shall not he divi�ec� by the Estimated Bid Quantit,y to determ;ne the unit flrice. Aii appliczbie fede;a) and StatF of Alirnesola ;axes and construction/work permits shall he included fn the Bid Frices. ITEM ITEM D�SCRIPT{ON UNI�OUANTITY BID TOTAL NO. PRICE COST � 1 MOBILIZATION ` LS 1 $ QQ� $ D4'1 2 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 1 $3� - $ �p�r 3 SALVAGE E30ARDWALK EA 1 $ O d�" $ DD � 4 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 60 $ O `— $ ��': 5 CLAY BACKFfLL{CV) CY 60 $ f,s"� $ �'' 6 DfiAiNAGE P!F'ING AN�J �S 1 �/ 9�- "$ .��� APPURTENANC�S --�--- 7 WATER LEVEL CONTROL 5"RUCTURE ! LS 1 $ �J� $ �� 8 RANDOM RIPRAP,CLASS II ♦ CY 28 �+ $ 8 -- � 3� 9 ERCSI�N ANO SEQIMENT L�NTROI !.S 1 $ 70 $ 9��" �� TURF ESTABLISHMEfVT AND � L$ 1 �SSO� � S�n � RESTORATIQN ^ TOTAL COST $ 3 f�,� ADDENDA Thc following Adde.ncia have. bren received. The m�difieations to the Bid Doeuments noted therein have been considered and all costs are induded in the bid price. Addendum No. _ I7ated __ Addendum No. Dated Add�ndum No. , _�_ _ Date CON'tRACT TIME The undersigned agr�es to commence work under this Contract on or before tl�e date to be specified in a wtitten "Notice to Procee�" from the Owner and to fuliy complete the Project within fony-five (45)caiendzr clays. The contractor shall pr��vide a Certifieate of Insurance �cior to commencing work. V4'ITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL • It is understc�d and agrecd that this Proposal cannot be withdrawn within thirty (30)days without the � cunsent of[he �wner. Litleskogen Yark Water Leve! L:.ontrul Structure ARD OF COhTRACT The Contract for the work outtined in the Contract Documents and this $id F,�nn, wi+1 b�awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. Lowest bid will be determined by the TOTAL B�PRjCE for the acce t�ed hid items an�i Quat�t�pe�, including an�reductior.s in quantities and/or the elimination of individuaJ line items listed in the above bid schee�ule. BID FOIiM SIGNATIIRE(S) Respectfnli,y submitted: Bidd'er is (Corporation)(partnership) (IndiviuuaJ) Firm: �GLt/t ,�ti / %� C�Cin �'c�ar</1nQ � L`� �/ By' n � �P�c Tide: CS c,�,^ ./ Federa!Tax: � .__._._, ID Number: _ �f'�J y_�y--�'-_L!-,L.__._ -- Date� , q—y_Q� � Lilleskogen Park � . Water Level Controi Strueture Document 00410 PROPOSAL FORM R��E��FD ' SEP - 9 2Q09 � TO: CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA C17Y pF S�ANDIq PROJECT: LII_.LESKOGEN PARK: WATER LEVEL CONTROL STRUCTURE r SUBMITTED BY: Name: (�`����� _ � `� �- ,n t -Y< <-� t�t � � (Type or Print) ft:- �, , � �' Address: ���� �� ��� ��'� � � ' t ! `t�L'l� »` � � �� �����1� Contacr. � `���(�� _-�'�;��� � � (�� �J� `"��. ?-7 Telephone: ,7 � '—�t, —1 Fax: _ �.� "�j--'�, � / � r ( OFFER The undersigned, being familiar with the local conditions affecting the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents and in accordance with the provisions thereof, hereby propose to perform all ( work for the construction of the above referenced project. The quantities indicated for "LTNIT PRICE" bid items are for bidding purposes only and for Icomparison to Contractor's quantities. Estimated quantities shown on the Bid Form aze not , Quaranteed. "UNIT PRICE" bids shall include all labor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags, etc., necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents. Final i a ment to the Contractor for "UNTT PRICE" bid items shall be based on the actual authorized and installed Contractor's bid quantity. Each bidder must verify or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own sa[isfaction for "LUMP SUM" bid items, and submit a total bid sufficient to cover all the work ou[lined in [he Contract Documents. "LUMP SUM" bids shall include al] labor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags, etc., necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documen[s. Final pavment to the Contractor for "LUMP SUM" bid items shall be based on the Contractor's bid price for completion of the work outlined in the Contract Documents. The Bidder is familiar with the General Conditions and understands the provisions thereof. The bidder is responsible for reviewing the site conditions (both surface and subsoil) and Contract Documen[s to estab(ish a clear understanding of the work within the scope of[his project. The bidder shall not rely on verbal information obtained from employees of the Owner or Consultant. Total Bid line items shall be determined by multiplying the Estimated Bid Quantity column by the Unit Price column for each row. If there are mathematical errors, the unit price shall govern in Lilleskogen Park - Water Level Control Structure + figuring the Total Bid. The Total Bid shall not be divided by the Estimated Bid Quantiry to � determine the unit price. All applicable federal and State of Minnesota taxes and construction/work permits shall be included in the ' Bid Prices. ITEM • NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS QUANTITY B�� TOTAL , PRICE COST : 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 � t�� 2 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 1 ' � °L $ ��` � $ � , �� ��, 3 SALVAGE BOARDWALK Eq 1 $� �^�`'�= $��.�}�, 4 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 60 $ � �=' $ �� 5 CLAY BACKFILL (CV) CY 60 $ (���' $ �,��- 6 DRAINAGE PIPING AND APPURTENANCES �S 1 $r� ff �] 7 WATER LEVEL CONTROL STRUCTURE � 'CJ m $���`�'�� s � g (�-��-� $ , � 8 RANDOM RIPRAP, CLASS II Cy 28 $�.j"� $ l "� 9 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL �S � $ ���� $ �.,,7�,�L, � TURF ESTABLISHMENT AND 10 RESTORATION �S 1 `� �� $��c� $ bC`_� TOTAL COST $��'�.C�"7�-- ADDENDA The following Addenda have been received. The modifications to the Bid Documents noted therein have been co�sidered and all costs are included in the bid price. ' Addendum No. Dated ;; Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Date CONTRACT TIME The undersigned agrees to commence work under this Contract on or before the date to be specified in a written "Notice [o Proceed" from the Owner and to fully complete the Project within forty-five I � (45)calendar days. The contractor shall provide a Certificate of Insurance prior to commencing work. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL It is understood and agreed that this Proposal cannot be withdrawn within thirty (30)days without the consent of the Owner. � a Lilleskogen Park Water Level Control Structure AWARD OF CONTRACT The Contract for the work outlined in the Contract Documents and this Bid Form, will be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. Lowest bid will be determined by the TOTAL BID PRICE for the accepted bid items and quantities, including any reductions in quantities and/or the elimination of individual line items listed in the above bid schedule. BID FORM SIGNATURE(S) f Respectfully submitted: Bidd'er is (Corporation)(Partnership) (Individual) Firm: .:�C->I'� � CC��l�\ �.��C�_ �;�. ,n � By� 1�f`l�l�r%�' ��fi,�L�'�C'.p� Title: �-�f. ���;�,� Federa] Tax: �}-I L���-�j �Z� ID Number. Date: _ �i� `l .. 1��j� �� F ';i k�r