5.f) Utility Permit, Frontier Communications Meeting Date: 10/6/09 Agenda Item: � � City Councii Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209t" St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve a utility permit for Frontier Communications to bury a telephone service line at 10434 230`h St N. The line will be bored under 230`h Street to minimize the disturbance. Deadline/ Timeline: NA Background: • Ordinance #39, as amended by ordinance #42, requires utility companies to secure a permit from the City prior to installation of utilities in public rights-of-way. • Utilities shall be installed to the City of Scandia's Utility/ROW requirements. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Council approve the permit with the condition that Frontier Communications complies with the City of Scandia's Utility/ROW requirements and pays the required permit fees. Attachments/ . Application from Frontier Communications Materials provided: . Scandia Utility/ROW requirements Contact(s): Prepared by: Steve Thorp, Code Official (utility permit Frontier 10434 230th St) Page 1 of 1 09/30/09 c.��.o��9���� UTILITY PERMIT �0100�, APPLICATION �e CITY OF SCANDIA 14727 209th Street North, PO Box 128, Scandia, MN 55073 651/433-2274 Facsinule Machine 651/433-5112 Application is hereby made for permission to place, construct and thereafter inaintain the following: FEE: $50.00 Project Address(ifknown) �U � J �� Z 3�7 '��-1 S.i Legal Description(attach if necessary) Pro ert ID Number Typc of Utility—General Description $c.r2iCi) 7CL6%'s�o��� 5�2✓scC•' �"/t.L��;,�-�i�ti c z.�,.,,v�v�c.a yic.,/ S �/�Sg�G L..�f r.:2.7'9 L s� CNi S�G c� �i'�"'! .�N r�-� S 5 t?/� Contractor Name Address City State Zip Phone i;�-+'�G!f-�f � 2 c��Z c..�N z y� 5� w;Gt-a�..r r2„�rr'rt ,,,�,,J Z:ry-3�2_ *-33 2 GfN'i- �tL SS79g— `� C b�"✓7rt+x Yi.+�'G Describe Work and Submit Two(2) Copies of all Plans: �C,� Lr" 5E� S�z L Z - E��/Z3 - Z3/� �)rl�,"� �C/L.�'i S t 3 d?N S� Start date: Completion date: 'nJ�LI-iy `� �t.-3,_� � I hcrcby ccrtify that I have read and will comply with all of requirements of the Scandia Development Code that apply to the activity for which I am secking pennit approval. The granting of this permit in no way permits acts wh�ch may be prohibited by other govcrnmcntal agencies. ,-/�, �2-z� �� ��......_,,,� 9 z-�,� Signature of Applicant Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fce Paid: Approvcd by: Date: BURIED DROP DATA SHEET Faxed to Contractor .;rvisor- Ron Winebarger(651)257-1100 .�aneral Information: To be completed By Originator Date Customers Telephone# Customer Name Exch#/Name S � 7 �� �.��3 " S��O L����/� �,��-.s��� /,3itl�k Street# Street Name Clty Appointment/Arrangements %,��� .2�30 '� �S�- S� ������y �/,� New Dr�op/ Rebury Replace`Ae�r'I Temp D op Placed Need Ease nt P rmit Required _Y )C N �Y _N _Y �CN �� _N _Y � � _N ���� -�� Bore Bore Footage Bore Type �Y _N �-\ � _Dnroy �Townroad _Hwy _Sidewalk �J Estimated Length Lead# Term# SO#/DOR#/TT PairY agge�.Term �6 � 1 � ' `�3 — — Technician Name: / Technician Telephone Number: �7-�- ��/a �/ PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION Nearest Intersecting Road Name: �"[�hn i�S �� � Distance and Direction from Nearest Intersecting Road: 1� �� �"�- Street Names: County: �aS�'1��,�.� ��� Circle One: � Village Township Unincorporated Townshtp: >:L Range: 2fl Section: � City: ��^e .�- L a t�N Known Utilittes: Buried Power: XY _N Cable N: �Y _N Natural Gas:�Y _N Other:_Y _N Specify: Location Sketch Drawing a q� � ,o� e �� -�r�r� S� � �vy�y bef� � S ` c�s�y`�'er < �h J y � ��- �-� �f �' , C� �ny � � • � • - ' - � -_ � � �� � 3� t� �= � -1� C : -` � � � � � � TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR/BURIER Date 8 Time Received Estimated Bury Date Date Buried Placing Time Quantity Actual Footage Bore Footage Placed By Cutover Comp Cutover By DroplCutover Not Placed or Completed State Why Y N r "`► ���� , r �_ . � y � ����..��_ �� � � t UTILITY/RIGHT OF WAY Requirements 1) Utilities shall be installed per City of Scandia Permit requirements. 2) No driveway or roadway shall be disturbed by any installation without prior approval. Specifics of roadway repairs shall be given at the time of application. All repairs shall be done to an equal or better than MNDOT specifications for the specific roadway being disturbed. 3) Crossing of existing paved areas or permanent erosion items shall be by directional boring. Utility locates must be called in to Gopher State One Call. Any and all damage done will be required to be repaired. 4) All disturbed turf areas shall be back-filled, compacted and restored to an equal or better condition within one week of their disturbance. All existing lawn areas shall be restored with quality lawn sod. New sod shall be maintained by the utility company for 30 days, and then it becomes the responsibility of the homeowner. No seeding of existing lawn areas will be allowed. 5) All mailboxes disturbed by the utility installation must be temporarily relocated without interruption of U. S. Mail services. All temporary relocations shall be coordinated with the postmaster and affected residents prior to commencement of construction activities. 6) Any settlements that occur after restoration is completed shall be corrected by the applicant. Trenching or boring under a roadway that causes settlement will be the responsibility of the applicant to correct. 7) Traffic Control and Devices and other protective measures shall conform to MMUTCD. 8) City of Scandia may have additional requirements beyond these stated. This permit may be revoked or have additional requirements added if determined at the time of installation. Scandia utility-row requirements I _,; .��,. ,., . ��li'� ti '.(�.` I i -i�. _ -, ..._ r!�,` � _ " i ,_. ' i`t;. ��u , . ... . ..!l�:�i,. 11'ti II`