3.a) Recognition of Retiring Firefighters (Steven Yehle, Gary O'Neill and Paul Kendrick) Meeting Date: 10/20/2009
Agenda Item: J Q.,
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Recognize the retirements of Volunteer Firefighters Steve Yehle, Gary
O'Neill and Paul Kendrick.
Deadline/Timeline: N/A
Background: • Volunteer Firefighters Steve Yehle, Gary O'Neill and Paul
Kendrick are retiring from the Fire Department. Per the city's
employee recognition policy, framed certificates (copies attached)
will be presented by the Mayor.
• A coffee and cake reception will be held in the Community Center
Hall. The Council may wish to temporarily suspend the meeting
to take part in the reception.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council present the certificates with the city's
thanks and best wishes for their happy retirement. �
Attachments/ • Certificates
Materials provided:
Contact(s): Fire Chief Jim Finnegan (651 433-2225)
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(Recognition of firefighters)
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�Zlriis cert�cate is award�ed�to , _
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St�even C. �Yehle , _ ,---�,, �-- , �
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In recognition of outstanding service to
the Scand'za �'ire an�f�,escue �epartment
from �lay 1, 1999 to,�une 30, 2009
' � .
ZVitFi gratitude forded�'uatedservice
asAssistant �F'ire CFiief
fy'om �larch 2006 to JKay 2009 <Dennis�. SeefeCcft, 9Kayor �Date
�'resented 6y tFie City CounciC,
City of Scandta, �linnesota Anne xurC6urt, CityAdministrator �Date
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In recognition of outstan�fing service to tFie �
Scand'za F'ire ancf�,escue 1�epartment from
,�anuary 1, 1988 to Septem6er 1, 2009
• .
�Nith gratitude for twenty-two years
of cfed catecf serUice
�Dennis�D. SeefeCdt, 91�fayor �Date
�'resentecfdy tFie City CounciC,
City ofScand�ia, �linnesota Anne.7f'urC6urt, CityAcCministrator �ate
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In recognition of outstanding se�vice to tFie
Scancf'ia �Fire and�,escue 1�epartment from
Septem6er 1, 1988 to Septem6er 30, 2009
• .
�Vith gratitude for twenty-one years of
�Dennis�D. SeefeCdt, �l�fayor <Date
�resented�6y the City CounciC,
C'Zty of Scan�a, ,�linnesota Anne.�furC6urt, CityAdministrator �Date