5.a)1) September 15, 2009 Regular Meeting . J � / � � � September 15, 2009 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt. Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, City Engineer Paul Hornby, Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp,Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund, Fire Chief Jim Finnegan and Deputy Chris Majeski. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Seefeldt noted an addition to the agenda: 8)c) Discussion of the crack sealing project change order. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) August 18, 2009 Regular Meeting 2) August 25, 2009 Special Meeting 3) September 1, 2009 Meeting with Planning Commission b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance 08/O 1/09 $1,544,498.47 Receipts + 176,650.94 Expenditures 67,375.67 Payroll 19.954.55 - 87,330.22 Adjustments: Reverse Bank Charges + 80.39 Voided Check + 75.00 Ending Balance 08/31/09 $1,633,974.58 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the 201 Community Wastewater System with Washington County for 2010 & 2011 e) Set Special Event Permit Fee (Resolution 09-15-09-01) Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Alex Bildeaux, Park and Recreation Committee Chair, reported that the successful trail project in Wind in the Pines is mostly complete. A few remaining steps will be installed this fall. The Committee is making plans for the winter programs, including Vinterfest, scheduled for February 6, 2010. September 15,2009 � Scandia City Council Page 2 of 4 POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Chris Majeski reported on police activity within the last month. A burglary at a local business, a vandalism incident at the Cottages, a vehicle break-in at the Scandia Elementary school parking lot, and a stolen vehicle were among the incidents Deputy Majeski has been investigating. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported on the fire deparirnent's activity. Seventy-five runners participated in the department's first SK run this past Saturday at Taco Daze. The department is hosting the annual open house at the firehall on October 7 from 5 to 7 p.m. Plans are progressing for the Safe Halloween event to be held on October 31. Chief Finnegan is working with the County Public Health Department on H 1 N 1 flu preparation and response procedures. CITY ENGINEER 2009 Crack Sealing Project City Engineer Paul Hornby updated the council on the crack sealing project. All streets included in the base bid have been crack sealed. On September 1, the council approved a change order to add additional streets to the project. Hornby reported that the contractor, Astech, has declined to sign this change order and would like to negotiate a unit price for the additional streets. City Attorney Hebert advised that the unit price in the change order must be the same as that in the base contract. Council directed City Engineer Hornby to obtain quotes from Astech and two or three other companies for the additional work. The Council will meet in a special meeting on September 24 at 6:00 p.m. to review the quotes and determine if additional crack sealing should occur this year. BUILDING/CODE ENFORCEMENT Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp reported that one new house permit was issued in August. Thorp is working on documenting the uptown well and sewer maintenance procedures. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Fall City Newsletter City Administrator Hurlburt presented a draft copy of the Fall city newsletter. The newsletter will be mailed to all city residents by October 1. Council agreed that the copy looked great and may be sent to the printers. PROJECT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FOR ZAVORAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Council reviewed the process for selection of a Project Advisory Committee, as recommended by the Zavoral Mining and Reclamation EIS Project's consultant, AECOM. The committee would have up to 12 members: 1 Planning Commissioner, up to 6 agency representatives, and up to 5 interested citizens. These 5 citizen members would be selected by the City Council through an application and selection process. The PAC would be supported by a technical committee composed of the consultant team, staff and representatives of Tiller Corporation. It is proposed that the committee would meet four times through the project's completion in approximately 12 months. The PAC meetings will be open to the public. • September 15,2009 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 4 Bill Clapp, 19955 Quinnell Avenue, spoke on behalf of the St. Croix River Association by recommending two changes to the outline. The Association recommends not limiting the number of ineetings to four, but to allow for flexibility in the number of ineetings as the Committee sees necessary. City Administrator Hurlburt explained that the contract defined four meetings and any additional would add to the cost. Clapp also recommended the council consider adding more special interest groups to the technical advisory staff, in particular Randy Ferrin (St. Croix River Association president) who has experience with EIS projects. Administrator Hurlburt explained that the technical advisory staff is officially not part of the PAC, but will provide technical expertise and information regarding the project. Those designated as technical support are not advocates for the proj ect. Mayor Seefeldt stated that the purpose of the PAC is to provide communication and information regarding the environmental review process back to their constituencies. Kristen Tuenge commented that the EIS process is about information gathering and it is important to have community access. Judy Herbert, 15125 220`h Street, recommended that the number of agencies serving on the technical advisory group be expanded to more than six. Herbert asked how the agencies will be contacted. Administrator Hurlburt answered that those agencies already involved in the EAW process will be contacted regarding their interest in serving as technical support. If more than six are identified, the group may be expanded. The consultant recommended that including six agencies makes for a manageable sized group. Councilmember Lindell asked if the EQB maintains an active website with details regarding the EIS process. Administrator Hurlburt answered that as the EQB has designated the City of Scandia as the Regulating Government Unit, the EQB does not maintain progress updates but only posts official notice publications as required by the rules. The Scandia city website has extensive project documents which will be available for the duration of the project. City Administrator Hurlburt will consult with AECOM regarding the expansion of both the number of ineetings and the size of the technical advisory staff. Peterson, seconded by Seefeldt, moved to approve the preliminary description and appointment process for the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS Project Advisory Committee, pending a discussion with the consultant AECOM. Council further discussed the appointment process. Councilmember Crum asked if the technical advisory committee would meet in specific separate meetings. Administrator Hurlburt answered that no, they would not meet separately. The technical staff is available to provide information to the PAC according to their expertise. Councilmember Peterson foresees many citizen applicants and questioned how five will be selected. Administrator Hurlburt recommended that one councilmember, the City Administrator and Trudy Richter, a member of the AECOM consultant team and moderator for the PAC September 15,2009 ' Scandia City Council Page 4 of 4 meetings, interview candidates and make a recommendation to the Council for approval at the October 20 meeting. Lisa Schlingerman asked if there were any criteria of who would be accepted to serve on the PAC. Mayor Seefeldt replied that all interested applicants would be asked the same questions. Appointments will be made so that there is a balance of perspective, interests and goals on the PAC. Pam Arnold suggested that the notice for citizen applicants to serve on the PAC be included in the city newsletter which will be mailed to all residents on October 1. City Administrator Hurlburt will edit the newsletter article regarding the Zavoral project to include this information. The motion passed unanimously. LILLESKOGEN PARK WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE ACCEPT OUOTE At the September 1 meeting, the Council approved plans and authorized staff to obtain quotes for construction of the Lilleskogen Park water control structure. Two quotes were received, with the low quote from Scandia Trucking in the amount of$9,343.00. The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed has contributed $7,500 for the project. Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to accept the quote for construction of the Lilleskogen Park water control structure from Scandia Trucking and Excavating in the amount of$9,343.00. The motion passed unanimously. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Depury Clerk