9.a) Request to Allow Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District to Construct Fish Barrier in Bone Lake Park � � Meeting Date: 10/20/2009 Agenda Item: �� �� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`�' St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider allowing t11e Comfort Lake- Focest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWll) to constrlict a fish barrier at the north inlet to Bone Lake, in Bone Lake Park. Deadline/ Timeline: CLFLWD will be applying for state fi�nds in November Background: • The District is proposing to insta(1 a fish barrier at the north inlet to Bone Lake, on the Bone Lake Park property located north of ��8`�, St. N and east of the DNR"s boat launch parking lot. • The fish barrier would help prevent the reestablishment of rough fish populations in Moody and Bone Lakes after they are removed as planned. • The District would be responsible for maintenance of the fish barrier. • CLFLWD Administrator Randy Anhorn will be present at the City Council meeting to answer any questions that the Council may have concerning the project. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council review the request, and consider approving it with any conditions you deem appropriate. Attachments/ . Lettei• from CLFLWD dated October 7, 2009 Materials provided: . Location Map Contact(s): Randy Anliorn, CLFLWD Administrator 651 209-9753 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (tish barrier bone lake) Page 1 of 1 10/08/09 J � COMFORT LAKE Randy Anhorn 1 • - ■ • - AdllllfllSLr'dCOf/LIt11f10IOgISL FOREST LAKE 220 North Lake Street 651.209.9753 Forest Lake, MN 55025 randy.anhornCc�clflwd.or� Protect[r�Yor.ar Weater Reqoiarced October 7, 2009 Anne Hurlburt Scandia Community Center 14727 209`�Str N Scandia, MN 55073 RE: Request to allow Comfort Lake – Farest Lake Watershed District to construct a fish barrier on City property at the north inlet to Bone Lake Dear Ms. Hurlburt: The Comfort Lake – Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) recently adopted a 15-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to manage its water resources and remediate its impaired lakes. As part of the CIP, the District is currently undertaking a wetland restoration/cattle exclusion project to the north of Moody Lake that is modeled to reduce phosphorus loading to the lake by roughly 100 pounds per year (Moody Lake drains directly to into Bone Lake). Both Moody and Bone lakes are listed by the MPCA as impaired due to excessive nutrients. Additional projects the District will be undertaking to help improve the water quality of Moody and Bone lakes include rough fish removal on each lake, and the construction of fish barriers at the upstream inlet to Moody Lake, the northern inlet to Bone Lake, and the Bone Lake outlet. Rough fish such as carp and bullhead are known to cause significant internal loading to lake by their disturbance of lake sediments. Once the rough fish removal is complete, the barriers will prevent the reestablishment of the lakes' rough fish populations. The CLFLWD, in partnership with the MDNR is considering applying for Lessard - Sams Legacy Grant monies to construct the barriers. The proposed site for the north inlet to Bone Lake barrier is located on City owned property just north of 238�' Street North and east of the public boat launch on the north end of the lake. While there are a wide variety of �sh barrier designs, many (including electric barriers) are expensive and require excessive maintenance. The proposed �sh barriers for the Moody and Bone lake sites are a low maintenance (electric free) barrier designed by the MDNR, and what little maintenance that may be needed will be handled by CLFLWD. Because the proposed site is on City property, the CLFLWD is requesting that the City of Scandia support the District's efforts to improve the water quality of Bone Lake by allowing the construction of the fish barrier on its property. Please let me know if you think this is something the Council could support. Sincerely, Comfort Lake–Forest Lake Watershed District � 1 �J��R� : t � Randy Anhorn,Administrator/Limnologist Board of Managers Richard P. Damchik—President Jackie A.Anderson—Vice President Wayne S. Moe—Secreury John T. Lynch—Treasurer )on W.Spence—Manager ! � Washington County, MN 10/8/2009 Washington County, MN ���� �.1� 4�c�--�I` 239TH � , ` 238TH ,i I i /' / � �235TH % m O L, D � � O Z Bon�e Lake � m o 2N D i $ � �-�------���=-� �,,, m . � � j � � r \ Nielsen Lake � � � � _ ,\ . ( i G �.rtrs Q � Q J' J � � / /.i a -1��4—nerh— / ���� feet I !._-----r Property Information PropertylD 0503220120002 Location w1S � '~ 011rit'y � MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT This drawing is a result ot the compilatlon antl reproduction of land records as they appear in various Washington County offices.The drawing Shoula De used fa reference purposes only.Washington County is not responsible for any inaccuracies.