9.b) Apppointments to Project Advisorly Committee for Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project Meeting Date: 10/20/2009
Agenda Item: �
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Make appointments to the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS
(Environmental Impact Statement) Project Advisory Committee
Deadline/Timeline: • Applications for citizen members closed Tuesday, October 6 (4
pm); interviews held October 13
• First meeting of PAC will be scheduled after appointments are
made, tentatively during the first week of December
Background: • The PAC, as conceptually approved by the City Council on
September 15, would have up to 12 members: 1 Planning
Commissioner, 6 agency representatives, and up to 5 interested
citizens (who might be individuals or group representatives.) The
PAC will receive technical support from the consultant team, staff
and representatives of the proposer.
• Seven citizens applied for membership in the PAC. They were
interviewed by consultant Trudy Richter, Mayor Seefeldt and
Administrator Hurlburt, who recommended appointment of the
following five citizens:
Jed Chesnut 21830 Olinda Lane N.
Bill Clapp 19955 Quinnell Ave. N
Lisa Schlingerman 20661 Quint Ave. N.
Kristin Tuenge 20595 Quinnell Ave. N.
Mike White 13310 188`h St. N.
• They were recommended as the best candidates based on their
willingness to examine all the issues that will be a part of the EIS,
their ability to take a broad perspective, their diversity of
background and life experiences, and their connections to the
community that will help them communicate and share
information with those outside of the group.
• For the other members of the PAC, staff and consultants are
recommending that 7, not 6 agency representatives be appointed as
there was greater interest among the various agencies than
expected. This would expand the total membership to 13.
• The Planning Commission has selected Tom Krinke as its
Page 1 of 2
representative to the PAC.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council make appointments to the PAC as
shown on the attached roster.
Attachments/ • Recommended PAC roster
Materials provided: . PAC description
• Interview questions & schedule
• Applications
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(EIS PAC appoinhnents)
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City of Scandia
Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project EIS
Project Advisory Committee Roster
(Recommended 10/1 S/09)
Mr.Jim Shaver Mr.Thomas Krinke
Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Scandia Planning Commission
Scandia Plaza II,21150 Ozark Avenue 15510 215th St N.
P.O.Box 188 Scandia,MN 55073
Scandia,MN 55073 651.433.2155
651.433.2150 tkrinke(a�msn.com
i imshaverna,croscwd.org
Ms.Jill Medland Mr.Jed W.Chesnut
National Park Service, St. Croix National Scenic 31830 Olinda Lane N.
Riverway Scandia,MN 55073
401 Hamilton Street 651.315.3853
St. Croix Falls,WI 54024-0708 iedchesnutn,gmail.com
Jill medlandCcr�,nps.�ov
Ms.Jyneen Thatcher Mr.Bill Clapp
Washington Conservation District 19955 Quinnell Ave.N.
1380 Frontage RD Highway 36 Scandia,MN 55073
Stillwater,MN 55082 651 222-8137
651.275.1135,ext.25 Bill.clapp@me.com
Mr.Jim Larsen Ms.Lisa Schlingerman
Metropolitan Council 20661 Quint Ave.N.
390 Robert St.North Scandia,MN 55073
St.Paul,MN 55101-1805 651.433.5498
651.602.1159 L,c1333na,frontiernet.net
Mr.Dan Seemon Ms.Kristin Tuenge
U.S.Army Corps of Engineers 20595 Quinnell Ave.N.
190 Sth Street East Scandia,MN 55073
St.Paul,MN 55101 651 433-3763
651.290.5380(Office) ketuenQe(�a,frontiernet.net
612.770.6445 (Cell)
daniel.j.seemon(c�usace.armv mil
Mr.Gerald Johnson Mr.Michael White
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 13310 188`h St N.
1200 Warner Road Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047
St. Paul,MN 55105 651.433.3579
651.259.5770 Michaelwhite46nn,hotmail.com
(appointment to be confirmed)
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul,MN 55155-4194
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Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project
Environmental Impact Statement Project Advisory Committee
The Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Plan Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS") Project
Advisory Committee ("PAC") is being established by the Scandia City Council to facilitate
an open exchange of information and to obtain input on the EIS analyses and mitigation
measures as they are developed. The PAC will be advisory in nature and shall be
comprised of no more than 12 people. The PAC will include 1 Scandia City Planning
Commission representative; up to 6 agency representatives such as the Carnelian-
Marine-St. Croix Watershed District and National Park Service-St. Croix National Scenic
Riverway; and up to 5 interested property owners or representatives of interested
groups. These 5 members will be selected by the City Council pursuant to an application
and selection process that may include interviews.
The PAC will be moderated by Trudy Richter of Richardson, Richter and Associates,
Inc., a member of the AECOM consultant team retained by the City to prepare the EIS.
The PAC will be supported by a technical committee including representatives of the
Tiller Corporation, Sunde Engineering (Tiller's technical consultant), the AECOM
consultant team, and City staff. The PAC will engage in open, purposeful, and
transparent discussions so that there is a shared understanding of the environmental
review process and the information developed or used as part of that process. �
The PAC will meet 4 times during the EIS process, which is estimated to take
approximately 12 months. The City plans to hold the first meeting during the work week
in late October or early November from 4:00-6:00 pm. The agenda for the first meeting is
to provide introductions, discuss roles and responsibilities, provide an overview of the
EIS process, and provide an historical perspective as well as general background
information on the proposed mining activities. This first meeting will be followed by two
meetings focused on technical issues as information is developed during the preparation
of the EIS, inc�uding hydrogeology, water resources, other environmental, economic,
and social issues, and potential mitigation measures. The fourth meeting will be for the
Committee to review and comment on the draft EIS.
If you want to be on the PAC, you are invited for to attend a site visit that is being held
on September 30, 2009 at 4:00 pm. We will meet at Scandia City Hall. Applications for
participating on the Committee are due in the City offices by 4:00 pm October 6, 2009.
The application can be downloaded from the City's website at www.ci.scandia.mn.us
and are available at City Hall. Appointments will be made by the City Council, tentatively
at its October 20, 2009 meeting.
Name: Interviewer:
1) Since we can only pick a few residents to sit on the PAC, please explain why you should
be one of the people selected.
2) Will you reach out to get other residents' input during the process? How?
3) If you met someone in 10 years/20 years, and you were asked to describe Scandia, what
_ do you hope to be able to say?
4) When considering issues, what influences your opinion? Others'views? Scientific
information? Expert advice? Reading and research?
5) How have you kept up to date on the Zavoral Mine issue? Have you done additional
research—where and what did you learn?
Interview Schedule for Appointment to the Zavoral Project
EIS Public Advisory Committee
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Interview Time Applicant Phone Number
4:00 Mike White 433-3579
4:15 Anton (Tony) Roggemann 433-2163
4:30 Lisa Schlingerman 433-5498
4:45 Cliff Guggisberg 433-5260
5:00 Bill Clapp 651 222-8137
5:15 Kristin Tuenge 433-3763
(phone interview)
5:30 Jed Chestnut 651 315-3853
SEP 2 3 2009
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Application for Appointment to the
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Pro'lect EIS Public Advisory Committee
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Name: ��( �-/�✓jCa,� � � �1,l. � Phone: 5 � — .�7�'- � � �'
Applying as individual or representative of the following interest group:
� � � � �' �J�1 �
Home Address: /.���C= /c�� �'Z �(. �� Zip: ���� ����
E-Mail Address: �G��w� I,�J�ti��P_ `�� � I���yJc-��� • �v � '"
How long have you been a resident of Scandia: ���C/�
Property that you own in Scandia (other than a residence): iliv •-��
Other committee ex erience: . L c�� --�`�`��� Da rv . � '—" '"�"'��
r L'� tes se er �
� ,
Environmental or other technical background or interests: �e� -/��<�1-���
In 50 words or less, please state why you are interested in participating on the
Committee for the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS.
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By submitting this application, I agree to attend and participate in all scheduled
Committee meetings. I understand that the goal of the City Council is to select
individuals for the Committee that will represent the needs and interests of all residents
of the City of Scandia and I agree to do so. Furthermore, I understand that the
Committee is advisory in nature.
The following paragraphs inform you of your rights as a subject of govemment data that
are part of this application process and Committee participation.
In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd. 2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data.
The information you give us about yourself is needed to identify you and assist in determining your
suitabiliry for the positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we collect about you is
classified as either Public or Private. Public means that it is available to anyone who asks to see it.
Private means that the information is available only to the person the information is about and to the staff
who must use it in the normal course of conducting City business and as otherwise provided for by law. �
As the person executing this application, I acknowledge that an investigation may be conducted jor use in
determining my gualifications. I hereby expressly authorize release of any and all information which any
organization, company or person may have, including information of a confidential or privileged nature. I
hereby release the City and any organization, company or person furnishing information to the City, as
expressly authorized above,from any liability for damage which may result from furnishing the information
You may attach a resume if you desire. Thank you for your interest in serving on the
G� � '
� � �� J
Signature: � , Date: �
Return completed application to: City of Scandia
14727 209th St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: (651)433-2274 Fax: (651)433-5112
Email: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us
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Application for Appointment to the
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS Public Advisory Committee
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Name: ��t,/ oM,G_��,£m���►(N Phone: y3 3-a i�3
Applying as individual or representative of the following interest group:
��v�c�2c,s-{�a� C i f r'z,e.S/
Home Address: L�O��+�' `��,r/�i z ��,,J N�Q7�( Zip: ,��6 7,�
E-Mail Address: "Yiu��
How long have you been a resident of Scandia: h�� /e.� �.S
Property that you own in Scandia (other than a residence):
,�a/nP qf- .� �G R � S
Other committee experience: Dates served: �
Environmental or other technical background or interests: �q7��'I/�c
W � � � /L Shea� i /1/ �iel � S
In 50 words or less, please state why you are interested in participating on the
Committee for the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS.
�S,q ft�i a f T'�7-�-f'� � , �'P e e d ,��ss� �' �-�p'►
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�/l.tr»'� � 3 f'c� S i 9�`o h��/4���/ � � L/D !i-I.P.hF (over)
By submitting this application, I agree to attend and participate in all scheduled
Committee meetings. I understand that the goal of the City Council is to select
individuals for the Committee that will represent the needs and interests of all residents
of the City of Scandia and I agree to do so. Furthermore, I understand that the
Committee is advisory in nature.
The following paragraphs inform you of your rights as a subject of government data that
are part of this application process and Committee participation.
In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd. 2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data.
The information you give us about yourselj is needed to identifv you and assist in determining your
suitability for the positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we collect about you is
classified as either Public or Private. Public means that it is available to anyone who asks to see it.
Private means that the information is available only to the person the information is about and to the staff
who must use it in the normal course of conducting City business and as otherwise provided jor by law.
As the person executing this application, 1 acknowledge that an investigation may be conducted jor use in
determining my qualiftcations. I hereby expressly authorize release of any and all information which any
organization, company or person may have, including information of a confidentia!or privileged nature. I
hereby release the City and any organization, company or person furnishing injormation to the City, as
expressly authorized above,from any liability for damage which may result from furnishing the information
You may attach a resume if you desire. Thank you for your interest in serving on the
Signature: C. Date: /U o
Return completed application to: City of Scandia
14727 209th St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: (651)433-2274 Fax: (651)433-5112
Email: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us
SEP 2 9 2009
+� '4 CITY OF
4 �, � SCANDIA
, �
Application for Appointment to the
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS Public Advisory Committee
Name: L«'� ��L�I�(,���y�I�►l/ Phone: �SI''i7�'S�'�,yj
Applying as individual or representative of the following interest group:
I (?G( I l�lG�(,�C��
Home Address: ���� � �u( � r1 l� ry- Zip; SSC��"3
E-Mail Address: �—C� 3 3,3 �-`�--'( I� �� I��
How long have you been a resident of Scandia: (.1� ' 4Z �O / 7 Z�
Property that you own in Scandia (other than a residence): ---
r���� p���« �Q�� � L Dates served: 1rY�/(�( �- �C� S
Other committee ex erience: '� 'P
S C���. �P.�c�c �(,(,u.P (f ��(
Environmental or other technical background or interests: ���PJ(�i l 11t'l�� J� •���
� 6�I��o. o�c� -D �n CYI� 19--CD� c.,���
In 50 words or less, please state why you are interested in participating on the
Committee for the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS.
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�I,U�.�t-� c�(�e.�j S�' ai� ( ��7f Ul�1�� �i�PJI� r L�-�'� � ���
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-�( e� `f�'lQ ���MD'1��1U�/1�S'(,(1� ��
By submitting this application, I agree to attend and participate in all scheduled
Committee meetings. I understand that the goal of the City Council is to select
individuals for the Committee that will represent the needs and interests of all residents
of the City of Scandia and I agree to do so. Furthermore, I understand that the
Committee is advisory in nature.
The following paragraphs inform you of your rights as a subject of govemment data that
are part of this application process and Committee participation.
In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd. 2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data.
The injormation you give us about yourself is needed to ident�you and assist in determining your
suitability for the positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we co/lect about you is
classified as either Public or Private. Public means that it is available to arryone who asks to see it.
Private means that the information is available only to the person the information is about and to the staff
who must use it in the normal course of conducting City business and as otherwise provided for by law.
As the person executing this application, 1 acknowledge that an investigation may be conducted for use in
determining my qual�cations. 1 hereby expressly authorize release of any and all information which arry
organization, company or person may have, including information of a confidential or privileged nature. I
hereby release the City and any organization, company or person furnishing information to the City, as
expressly authorized above,from any liabi/ity for damage which may result from furnishing the information
You may attach a resume if you desire. Thank you for your interest in serving on the
Signature: Date: � � (�'�
— 1
Return completed application to: City of Scandia
14727 209th St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: (651)433-2274 Fax: (651)433-5112
Email: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us
UCT - 5 2009
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Application for Appointment to the
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS Public Advisory Committee
Name: �,�i�/`J" ��/�'U �S,l�E/�lr' Phone: S/-y��-5'�60
Applying a individua r representative of the following interest group:
Home Address: 1a�780 /��,r��,5'T /yARiNa a'T G��oi,Y Zip: d�D,��
E-Mail Address: ��.V�
How long have you been a resident of Scandia: w�n y/�s
Property that you own in Scandia (other than a residence): �/O//�
Other committee experience: ltZiN�t/ /°/Po/��`�.� e� �s,v Dates served: �
–/�i,s/�f/ /°.r TfTo�L�cr�1 ,✓��s`S,�/ /qY�—/9�0
Environmental or other technical background or interests: �vi('/��rJ �1.J��%ff
/-� .l�. %d P�iT l�<l,G�� �a��"T�t�� �o �,E'TjPo�Li_��ly ..Z��O��P�'f�
In 50 words or less, please state why you are interested in participating on the
Committee for the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS.
-Z� h��vE' �r/�i G� �=� T.�!i�s Fd�' � �v���,�� ��v�
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� �/� o P�y T� ��� ��,o���
By submitting this application, I agree to attend and participate in all scheduled
Committee meetings. I understand that the goal of the City Council is to select
individuals for the Committee that will represent the needs and interests of al� residents
of the City of Scandia and I agree to do so. Furthermore, I understand that the
Committee is advisory in nature.
The following paragraphs inform you of your rights as a subject of government data that
are part of this application process and Committee participation.
In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd. 2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data.
The information you give us about yourself is needed to ident� you and assist in determining your
suitability for the positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we collect about you is
classifted as either Public or Private. Public means that it is available to anyone who asks to see it.
Private means that the information is available only to the person the information is about and to the staff
who must use it in the normal course ojconducting City business and as otherwise provided for by law.
As the person executing this application, I acknowledge that an investigation may be conducted for use in
determining my qualifications. 1 hereby expressly authorize release of any and all information which any
organization, company or person may have, including information of a confidentia!or privi[eged nature. I
hereby release the City and any organization, company or person furnishing information to the Ciry, as
expressly authorized above,from any liability for damage which may result jrom furnishing the information
You may attach a resume if you desire. Thank you for your interest in seroing on the
Signature: Date: /C� —��`���9
Retum completed application to: City of Scandia
14727 209ih St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: (651)433-2274 Fax: (651)433-5112
Email: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us
Application for Appointment to the
Znvoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS Public Advisory Committee
1. + �`�
Name: ,%. � ' C.l�G` ��,� Phone: �.' .�i 2:;'-.,; `;�i =��
Applying as individua�or representative of the foliowing interesi group:
� �/ �
�� , �'7�= I i' 'l � �r�- 7�'-=�:G c_. ("�C?..
Home Address: �`i`' r.�"� (;� ��f.,,vc(! �- y• ,;� �:�,vd<<._ Z�: ,�'� ��
E-Mail Address: ��?, El� �_i�t.�r`�-` �'�i�° _t!,+�_..__�--
, �
How long have you been a resident oi Scandia: -����.1'�'� � L���r�
Property that you own in Sca�dia(other than a residence):
.�'. --� �/
Other committee sxpe�ience'' :'��. �� .•����r �1�-,- Dates served: ���--��•�f�%
r� ��
Environmental or o#her technicai background or interests: r'�_�_�-c-�� ['���4';? �;J�'��r;' ,; %;�';.,�;::�
.� r
�=Z^'_ .,' :�t i y 5
In 50 words or less,piease state why you are inierested in participating on the
Committee for the Zavorai Mine and Reclamation Project EIS.
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' ` (oVer)
By submitting this application, I agree to attend and pariicipate in ai1 scheduled
Committee meetings. I understand thai the goaf of the City Council is to select
individuals for the Committee that will represent the needs and interests of a}! residents
o# the City of Scandia and I agree to do so. Furthermore, I understand that the
Committee is acivisory in nature.
The following paragraphs inform you ot your rights as a subject of government data that
are part of this application process and Comrnsttee participation.
Irs uccorrlance witl�M.S.l3.04 5iilxl.2 n�e inr�,st i.nform you of your rights vs u subject of goverrtmerzr data.
The in�ormation �•uu Rivc r�s abour yuurself is ireeded to identijv ��ots nnd nssist in determrning ��a�r
Stt[IUh��t1y fOr d7E positiUlU(��/f0�k•hrcl��r�u are appl��ing. The inforntntion dvit i,�e collect abottt tou is
classrfTed ex.c errher Puhlic or Priv�te. Public means nc�u it is �availuble tn anyone who nsks Io see it.
Privnre means thnf t1:e ir�nr+ation rs uvailable onl_y to the perron rhe infornwtioa is abo�t ar+d to the stajJ
�rhn must l�se it in dte nnrninl cnurse��f conducnng City brrsiness uru!as otheiwise provided for by lmu.
As the persnr.esecutrng dris application,I ucknowled�e thal an investigatiat ntar be conducted for rese in
determining�m•yreulrJicruions. I herehy e.cpressly uurhorize r-elease af nny nruf a!1 inforruntiar�wh(ch tury
organizarion,c��mpa�p or persor�nu�y lueve,inclt�Ctng infonnntlon of a co»,j:dentinl or privileged nu[tae. !
her-eby release the Cih�and aNy or�ar.i�aliun, company or person furnishing infonnnrron to !hr Cit��, us
expressl}•authori;ed ubovr,frmm�ny liahilip�jor�l�unu�e�t,hrch rnuy result front jurnishing rhr injr�rmatinn
You may attach a resume if you desire. Thank you for your interest in serving on the
/ i
Signattsre: � �i�. U-" �'.��=,-� ' ' `' �::r'
l�f �' --- � � --- Date: 1 �l .
Retum completed application to: City o�Scandia
14727 209`"St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone:(651)433-2274 Fax: (651)433-5112
Emaii: mailCci.scandia.mn.us
/ �
4 OCT -5 2009
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Application for Appointment to the
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Pr " ct EIS Public Advisory Committee
Name: , �� 5 � � t�% ( � Phone:lJ���" ����c���
Applyin s indiv,idual or presentative�f the following interest group:
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Home Address: c ' / � i � ip: �r ' �
E-Mail Address: e ����� � � /C`��--
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How long have you been a resid�rjt of Scandia: �
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Property that you own in Scandia (other than a residence):
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Other committee ex rie e: � .-� � ��) ates s ed:
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In 50 words or less, ple se state why you are i ' ed in participati on the ,,
C mittee for.the Zavoral Mine and Reclamati� ject EIS. � '`
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By submitting this application, I agree to attend and participate in all scheduled
Committee meetings. I understand that the goal of the City Council is to select
individuals for the Committee that will represent the needs and interests of all residents
of the Cit�r of Scandia and I agree to do so. Furthermore, I understand that the
Committee is advisory in nature.
The following paragraphs inform you of your rights as a subject of govemment data that
are part of this application process and Committee participation.
In accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd. 2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data.
The rnformation you give us about yourself is needed to ident�you and assist in determining your
suitabiliry for the positions(s)for which you are applying. The information that we collect about you is
classifted as either Public or Private. Public means that it is available to anyone who asks to see it.
Private means that the information is available only to the person the information is about and to the staff
who must use it in the normal course of conducting City business and as otherwise provided for by/aw.
As the person executing this application, I acknowledge that an irrvestigation may be conducted for use in
determining my qualificatiorrs. I hereby express/y authori�e release of any and all information which any
organiaation, company or person may have, including information of a confidential or privileged nature. !
hereby release the City and arry organi<ation, comparry or person furnishing information to the City, as
express/y authorized above,from arry liability for damage which may result from furnishing the information
You may attach a resume if you desire. Thank you for your interest in serving on the
L� .
' ' iQ �
Signature: � � � '��� ��� Date:
; !
�` ,
Return completed application to: City o�Scandia
14727 209th St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: (651)433-2274 Fax: (651)433-5112
Email: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us
20595 Quinnell Avenue N
Scandia, Minnesota 55073
Phone: 651-430-6986
Post Career Objective: To be a good steward of our natural resources and the St. Croix
Valley. To be informed and active in my community in order to advocate for wise decisions and
management of changes that impact the whole community. Treat people with dignity and respect.
➢ Over 35 years experience working in Washington County Government
➢ Over 17 years experience as a direct line staff supervisor and manger
➢ Knowledge of human development, evaluation, hiring, discipline and
termination processes
➢ Effective collaborator with a network of cross-disciplinary connections
➢ Program development: PLACE II, Community Options, Multi-systemic
➢ Knowledge and skill in using personal computer and software systems
➢ Extensive knowledge of Education systems, Mental Health and
Community Social Services mandates and services
➢ Interim Director of Washington County Court Services 5/1/02 -8/02
➢ Broad Knowledge of Corrections and respected in the field
Professional Experience
12/20/06 to 4/30/09
Deputy Director,
Washingt5on County Community Corrections
Grant writing and management develop reports and presentations for County Boazd actions,
budget management, represent the department in interdepartmental projects in including
continuity planning, communication strategies, budget planning, policies and procedures etc.
1/15/97 to present.
Supervisor Juvenile Probation and Parole, Washington County Community Corrections
♦ Supervise 9-12 Juvenile Probation staff including manager of PLACE day treatment
♦ Program(s), In-house Supervisor for MST Team, Member of Leadership Team.
♦ Contract Manager, Program Development, Management of Placement Budget
♦ Write Policy and Procedures
6/93 to 1/15/97
Supervisor Washington County Office and PLACE day treatment program, Washington County
Court Services
♦ Supervise Juvenile and Adult Probation and Parole staff: Program Development
� /
♦ Direct individual contributions toward organizational objectives and common vision
♦ Write Policy and Procedures, Co-chair of South Washington County Violence Prevention
5/88 to 6/93
Supervisor Juvenile Probation and Parole, Washington County Court Services
♦ Supervise 10 Juvenile Probation staff.
♦ Responsible for day-to-day operations of juvenile probation including Program
Development, Policy and Procedure, and training.
9/84 to 5/88
Adult Probation and Parole Officer
♦ Supervise Adult felony caseload of 80 to100 clients.
♦ Provide investigations including restitution, Write reports for the Court and give
♦ Facilitate Women's Group for women convicted of Felony-Introduction of Contraband
1/75 to 4/84
Juvenile Probation and Parole Officer
♦ Supervise juvenile caseload of 30 to 40 juvenile offenders
♦ Conduct investigations, including pre-dispositional reports to court and restitution
♦ Provide recommendations and testimony.
♦ Provide crisis intervention, individual and family counselling.
♦ Guide Wilderness Adventures with juveniles on probation.
7/73 to 1/75
Probation Aide,Juvenile Unit
♦ Recruit foster families to work with youth on probation.
♦ Assist Juvenile Probation Officers.
♦ Facilitate detention hearings and make recommendations to Court.
Mini Masters in Business Administration, University of St. Thomas, 1994
M.A. Counselling Psychology, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. March, 1990
B.A. Psychology/Sociology, University of Minnesota, Mpls., MN. 1973
Attended at least 1,500 hours of corrections related training during past 30 years.
Advisory Boards
Member of Red Wing and Department of Corrections Juvenile Advisory Committee
Member of ECRJC Advisory Committee and Operations Committee
Co-chair Minnesota Corrections Association Juvenile Issues and Legislative Committee
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Application for Appointment to the
Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS Public Advisory Committee
Name: Jed W Chesnut PhOne: 651-315-3853
------------------------------------- -----------
Applying as individual or representative of the following interest group:
Applying as individual
Home Address: ?laso Olinda Lane N,_Scandia _________________ Z�p: 55073___
E-Mal�Add�@SS: 7 edchesnut�gmail.com
How long have you been a resident of Scandia: ? month_ however, I have had ties through family,
work, and recreation for almost a decade. It just
Property that you own in Scandia (other than a residence): __ t°ok_tnac long co be able co move here.
Other committee experience: _________________________ Dates served: _______
Environmental or other technical background or interests: ?have_technical experience
relating to wetlands, natural resources, the Wetland Conservation Act, threatened
and endangered species, environmental permitting, land cover classification, habitat
assessments, native plants.
In 50 words or less, please state why you are interested in participating on the
Committee for the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project EIS.
I understand the need for natural resource utilization, however it must be guided
by well-informed decisions, public consideration, and environmental stewardship.
I will bring all three components to the PAC to ensure that the Zavoral Mine
Project is accurately assessed on behalf of the residents of Scandia.
By submitting this application, I agree to attend and participate in ail scheduled
Committee meetings. I understand that the goal of the City Council is to select
; individuals for the Committee that will represent the needs and interests of all residents
of the City of Scandia and I agree to do so. Furthermore, I understand that the
Committee is advisory in nature.
' The following paragraphs inform you of your rights as a subject of govemment data that
' are part of this application process and Committee participation.
I�accordance with M.S. 13.04 Subd. 2 we must inform you of your rights as a subject of government data.
The information you give us about yourself is needed to identify you and assist in determining your
suitability for the positions(s)for which you are applying. The information lhat we collect about you is
class�ed as either Public or Private. Public �neans that it is available to arryone who asks to see it.
I Private means that the in,formation is available only to the person the information is about and to the stcr„�`'
� who must use it in the normal course of conducting City business and as othenvise provided for by law.
As the person executing this application,I acknowledge that an imestigation may be conducted for use in
determining my qual�cations. I hereby expressly authorize release of arry and all information which cmy
organizcrtion,company or person may have, including information of a confidential or privileged nature. I
hereby release the City and cmy organization, comparry or person furnishing information to the City, as
expressly authorized above,from cmy Irability for damage which may result from furnishing the information
You may attach a resume if you desire. Thank you for your interest in serving on the
Signa Date���
Retum completed application to: City of Scandia
14727 209"'St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: (651�33-2274 Fax: (651�33-5112
Email: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us
Jed W. Chesnut
Related Professional Experience
Education: WSB&Associates, Minneapolis,MN
Master of Science in
Advanced Methods in 2008-present: Wetland/Natural Resource Specialist
Taxonomy and • Environmental permitting.
Biodiversity, Diploma of . Wetland delineation.
Imperial College, . Natural resource inventories.
University of London, . Natural resource assessment.
Imperial College of . Local Government Unit res onsibilities for Wetland
Science, Medicine and P
Technology, 2004 Conservation Act
• Wetland assessment and management.
Bachelor of Arts in . Geographic Information Services (GIS)
Biology, Carroll College, . Wetland restoration.
• Rare plant survey
Certifications: Critical Connections Ecological Services, Inc.;Scandia,MN
Certified Wetland 2006-2008: Biologist
Delineator#1168 . Wetland delineation.
Certified in Design of . Wetland restoration.
Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plans • Rare plant surveys
• Land-cover classification.
Memberships: . Habitat assessment.
Minnesota Wetland . Invasive species removal.
Professionals Association
Montana Department of Environmental Quality;Helena,MT
Society of Wetland 1999-2000: Water Quality Specialist
Scientists • Researched and analyzed biological, habitat and water
chemistry data.
Native Plant Society . Evaluated data to assess overall stream and habitat quality with
respect to relevant conservation efforts and programs.
Other Related Experience
Carroll College, Biology and Chemistry Department;Helena,MT
1998: Research Assistant for Dr. Grant Hokit, Ph.D.
• Conducted wildlife census(amphibians, reptiles, birds, and
insects)and surveys of habitat condition; riparian, wetland and
forest. Recorded geographic positions of sample sites using
1997-1999: Laboratory/Teacher Assistant
• Set up labs, assisted and guided students (including brief
lectures), organized and maintained lab equipment and
materials,prepared solutions and growth media, corrected lab
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