11-03-2009 Agenda CITY OF SCANDIA
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
8:00 P.M.
(Note change in start time due to school board election.)
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Public Hearings
a) Certification of Unpaid Charges for 201 Sewer System for Collection with Property
Taxes (Resolution No. I1-03-09-01)
b) Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement, Lot 1, Block 1,the Sanctuary (Resolution
No. 11-03-09-02)
5. General Business
6. Recommendations from the Planning Commission
a) Variance. Request by Tom and Ann Mattox for approval of a variance to allow the
construction of a garage, 18785 Layton Avenue (Resolution No. 11-03-09-03)
b) Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Capital Improvement Program(CIP)Update, 2010-
2014(Resolution No. 11-03-09-04)
c) Report from TDR(Transfer of Development Rights)Committee
d) Development Code Update—Set Date for Work Session
e) Update on Tower Barn (Commissioner Rodsjo)
7. Adjournment