6.a) Variance. Request by Tom and Ann Mattox for Approval of a Variance to Allow the Construction of a Garage, 18785 Layton Avenue Meeting Date: 11/03/09 Agenda Item: �� ��J Planning Commission/Cit Council ���� � �� y Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209ih St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Hold a public hearing on the application of Tom and Ann Mattox for variances from the OHW (Ordinary High Watemark), right-of-way setback, lot size and lot width requirements to allow construction of a garage for an existing home located at 18785 Layton Avenue North. Deadline/ Timeline: 60-day review period expires December 12, 2009 Background: The planner will present the attached report and recommendations at the meeting on November 3, 2009. Recommendation: The planner has recommended approval of the variances with findings and conditions which have been incorporated into a draft resolution for use by the Planning Commission and City Council. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 11-03-09-03 Approving Variance Request Materials provided: . TKDA Memorandum dated October 27, 2009. • Location Map • Application Materials Contact(s): Tom & Ann Mattox, 651-426-8643 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (Mattox Variance Cover) Page 1 of 1 10/27/09 CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 11-03-49-03 APPROVING VARIANCE FOR 18785 LAYTON AVENUE NORTH WHEREAS, Tom and Ann Mattox have made applicatian for variances from Ordinary High Water level (OHW) setback, right of way setback, lot size and lot width requirements for construction of a garage located at 18785 Layton Avenue North,City of Scandia; and WHEREAS, the property is legally desan�ed as Lot 4, Bloc�c 1, Holiday Beach, Washington County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed tl�e request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on November 3, 2009, and has recommended approval; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA,WASFIINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the variances to allow a right of way setback of 15 feet, Ordinary High Water level (OHW) setback of 53 feet, lot size of 6,090 square feet, and lot width of 64 feet for construcrion of a garage, based on the following findings: 1. A hardship exists because a garage is a typical, reasonable accessory use of residential property. The subject property is zoned for residential use. Because of the small size of the lot, there is no building site on the property that conforms to all setback requirements. 2. The small size and width of the lot were not created by the property owner, and the lot was created before the standards of the current Development Code. 3. The essential character of the locality is lakeshore, single family residences, similar in character to the request. The development will comply with the Development Code standards for lot coverage and building height, which are physical characteristics that help define the essential character of the locality. Resolution No.: 11-03-09-03 Page 2 of 2 4. The right of way setback provides space for off-street parking on the property and safe ingress/egress from the garage. The OHW setback allows for the garage to be attached to the west side of the existing house, away from the lake. 5. The request is in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies for Lakeshore Traditional Overlay Area and surface water quality policies. The Plan guides to maintain the pattern of small lakeshore lots while improving stormwater management and land stewardship, to preserve and protect surface water quality through cooperation with watersheds, and to encourage residents of developed areas to improve stormwater drainage. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. At the time of building permit application, t1�e Applicant shall provide a plan showing that the lot coverage does not exceed 25%. 2. The Applicant shall obtain a permit from the Carnelian Marine on St. Croix Watershed District. The Applicant shall work with the Watershed to identify stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and the Applicant shall implement the BMPs. 3. All fees shall be paid. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 3`�day of November, 2009. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/Clerk TKDA ��a�Str�t,S�,�e,�o Saint Paul,MN 55101 ,rne riq�t ame.,rye r�rt peop�a,i,ne r�a� (651)292-4400 (651)292-0083 Fax vwvw.tkda.com MEMORANDUM To: City Council and _ Reference: Mattox Variance Request Planning Commission Scandia File Number 2009011 Copies To: Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator Tom and Ann Mattox Proj. No.: 14305.003 From: Berry Farrington,AICP Routing: Date: October 27, 2009 SUBJECT: Mattox Variance Request MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009 LOCATION: Lot 4, Block 1, Holiday Beach 18785 Layton Avenue North Scandia, Minnesota APPLICANT: Tom and Ann Mattox ZONING: Agriculture District (AG), Shoreland Overlay District 60-DAY PERIOD: December 12, 2009 ITEMS REVIEWED: Application, Certificate of Survey dated October 13, 2009, aerial photo, garage plans dated October 21, 2009 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: The Applicant requests variances from Ordinary High Water level (OHW) setback,right of way setback, lot size and lot width requirements to allow for construction of a detached garage 528 square feet in size. The subject property is located at 18785 Layton Avenue North, with frontage on Big Marine Lake. Big Marine Lake is classified as a Recreational Development lake, and the OHW is 942.2 feet. The subject property is within the Agriculture District and Shoreland Overlay District. The land area above the OHW is approximately 6,090 square feet. There is currently an existing house and one shed on the property. BACKGROUND: Chapter 1, Section 6.4 of the Scandia Development Code describes the criteria for granting variances. It states that variances are permitted when they are in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Development Code, in cases where there are particular hardships, and when consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. An Employee Owned Company Promoting Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Mattox Variance Request Page 2 October 27, 2009 Scandia, Minnesota "Hardship" as used in connection with variances, means that the property cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under the conditions allowed by the Official Controls; that the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property, not created by the landowner; and that the variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. OVERVIEW OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION: The Planner finds that a garage is a reasonable accessory use for a residential property. The lot is an existing lot and is too small for a garage that meets all Ordinance requirements; therefore, a hardship exists. The Planner recommends that variances be granted to allow for construction of a garage. The variances granted should be the minimum needed to alleviate the hardship. The Applicant seeks to build a 528 square foot garage (2-car garage) that is 6.1 feet from the right of way. The Planner recommends that the garage be further distanced from the right of way than proposed to address safety issues. This longer driveway would increase the amount of impervious surface. The Planner recommends that the right of way setback be increased to 15 feet and the size of the garage be reduced to an estimated 441 square feet to meet the maximum lot coverage requirement. DETAILED EVALUATION OF THE REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Variance requests are evaluated for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is within the Lakeshore Traditional Overlay Area identified in Scandia's Comprehensive Plan, adopted March 2009. The Plan guides to maintain the pattern of small lakeshore lots while improving stormwater management and land stewardship, to preserve and protect surface water quality through cooperation with watersheds, and to encourage residents of developed areas to improve stormwater drainage. 'The Planner interprets the request to be in harmony with the Comnrehensive Plan Setbacks The Shoreland District setback requirements, the proposed setbacks, and the existing setbacks are summarized below: Setback Develo ment Code Pro osed Gara e Existin House OHW 100 feet 67 feet 21. 6 feet (Planner recommends 53 feet, to allow for an attached ara e) Right of Way 40 feet 6.1 feet 43 feet (Planner recommends 15 feet) Side ard 10 feet 13 feet 3 feet The Applicant proposes to place the garage 6.1 feet from the right of way. It appears that this location was chosen to limit the amount of driveway surface needed, so that the total impervious surface would not exceed 25% of the lot with a two car garage, as proposed. The Planner's concern is that a 6.1 foot setback from the right of way is not adequate space for a driveway. As requested, the majority of driveway area needed for parking and backing safely out of the garage would Mattox Variance Request Page 3 October 27, 2009 Scandia, Minnesota be on the public right of way. Within the right of way, there is approximately 10 to 11 feet between the lot line and the edge of the paved street. The survey shows a 17 foot separation between the paved street and the proposed garage. A parking place is typically 18 feet in length. A short driveway could cause safety issues and interference with snowplowing. A fifteen foot setback from the right of way is the shortest distance allowed by a variance granted in the recent past for a small, lakeshore lot. The Planner recommends that the Applicant be allowed a 15 foot setback from the ri t of wav, consistent with recent precedent. The recommended setback will provide for a full car length separation between the travel lane and the garage. By distancing the garage a minimum of 15 feet from the right of way, the Applicant may wish to build an attached garage. Therefore, the Planner recommends a variance to allow a 53 foot setback from the OHW, the distance between the OHW and the back of the house. The proposed garage meets the side yard setback requirement. If the Applicant plans an attached garage, it would still be able to meet the 10 foot side yard requirement. Lot Coverage The maximum allowable lot coverage is 25% of the total lot area above the OHW. Twenty-five percent of the lot area is 1,522 square feet. The Applicant proposes to remove a shed and part of the house's deck to lessen the amount of impervious surface. As proposed, the request meets the lot coverage standard. However, the longer driveway, as recommended, would increase the lot coverage. The variances should be minimized while still allowing the applicant reasonable use. The Planner suggests that a smaller garage would be reasonable use. The Planner recommends that the covered area not exceed 25% of the total lot area. As an example, the Applicant could construct an attached garage large enough for one car plus storage space. If the existing deck and shed are removed as proposed, up to 661 square feet of impervious surface may be added. If the garage was 24 feet deep (the same depth as the proposed garage), the driveway might be 10 feet wide and 22 feet long. The garage could be 441 square feet (24 by 18 feet). Lot Size and Width The Shoreland District, minimum lot size is 2.5 acres. The existing lot is 6,090 square feet in area(.14 acre) above the OHW. A variance is requested to allow for the existing lot size of 6,090 square feet. The minimum lot width for a new lot is 150 feet. The existing lot is approximately 64 feet wide. A variance is requested to allow for the existin�lot width of 64 feet. Building Height The Shoreland Ordinance requires an accessory structure to be a single story. Theproposed detached gara�e is planned as a sin l�e story, and so conforms to the height standard. The Applicant is considering a second story addition to the existing home that would be allowable with a building permit. The addition would not exceed 35 feet in height, the maximum height allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Mattox Variance Request Page 4 October 27, 2009 Scandia, Minnesota Carnelian Marine on S� Croix Watershed District A permit will be required from the Carnelian Marine on St. Croix Watershed District. The Planner recommends as a condition of the variance, that the Applicant work with the Watershed to identify stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and that the Applicant implement the BMPs. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Plans were forwarded to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for comment. No comments were received as of October 27, 2009. Accessory Structure Standards The proposed detached eara�e conforms to the Accessorv Structure standards of the Zoning Re�ulations (Chapter 2. Part 3, Section 9.2� One accessory structure up to 720 square feet may be allowed for a lot less than one acre in size. The Applicant proposes one accessory structure of 528 square feet. ACTION REQUESTED: The Planning Commission can recommend/City Council can act to: 1. Approve the request. 2. Approve the request with conditions. 3. Deny the request with findings. 4. Table the request. PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planner recommends approval of variances to allow a right of way setback of 15 feet, Ordinary High Water level (OHV� setback of 53 feet, lot size of 6,090 square feet, and lot width of 64 feet for a garage located at 18785 Layton Avenue North, City of Scandia. The Planner's recommendation is based on the following findings: 1. A hardship exists because a garage is a typical, reasonable accessory use of residential property. The subject property is zoned for residential use. Because of the small size of the lot, there is no building site on the property that conforms to all setback requirements. 2. The small size and width of the lot were not created by the property owner, and the lot was created before the standards of the current Development Code. 3. The essential character of the locality is lakeshore, single family residences, similar in character to the request. The development will comply with the Development Code standards for lot coverage and building height, physical characteristics that help define the essential character of the locality. 4. The right of way setback provides space for off-street parking on the property and safe ingress/egress from the garage. The OHW setback allows for the garage to be attached to the west side of the existing house, away from the lake. Mattox Variance Request Page 5 October 27, 2009 Scandia, Minnesota 5. The request is in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies for Lakeshore Traditional Overlay Area and surface water quality policies. The Plan guides to maintain the pattern of small lakeshore lots while improving stormwater management and land stewardship, to preserve and protect surface water quality through cooperation with watersheds, and to encourage residents of developed areas to improve stormwater drainage. The Planner recommends the following conditions of approval: 1. At the time of building permit application, the Applicant shall provide a plan showing that the lot coverage does not exceed 25%. 2. The Applicant shall obtain a permit from the Carnelian Marine on St. Croix Watershed District. The Applicant shall work with the Watershed to identify stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and the Applicant shall implement the BMPs. 3. All fees shall be paid. i _ . .. ------_... .. _ . . _ ' � ""(0011) t 30-03 — - — __ _ —..- _ -_ __.. soao .� 2'20-43-0004 'IW�y/ `, .� 0 ... �� _ r%c. ism w w ��20 ' ]g ��.t �\{\\ 3-o �-�oSizWB� .,. .� , 06) J \�\c.� \ � ,^( " 07 8. I� I �;�j� aC�'4- b° � 2 �o a1 � .65 `' . � � ������ �# 's� ��i�'y� � M � �(oc� oa: 02 ' .a �o" �\�A A ��_���� ����/fj,, ���54 3 71 V A A � i� � 4 Oq � . 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OMRAqTEGiEDwER.WI � ^ �niw� rF-n -r ^' 9ro6M5UrM�RVOM6 — — OMRPNDTEGIEUW�RNfAlASE *.�aulw6 a w �:rnr�FNl.rn��� rv.�nnr- � v n. ��n F. . �..,.�.�,,� �.��.� NORTH ���i„�„T„� �,�. � � { .. ... .. .. � sn�+w�ee��-,�.ae,�..� vu�eou+ourv f 1 i-� 'a" ,m..�.....�. ^ �Ir u'°usriso.rro �..,,ra�.xm : -- scke�.�.�m.2so�x� �oiroiaiam�pL J SM' -� sIE — raa.nrm�uicw.nr,rslu�ecexr�rca+rrniawre � wrosr.r�nriimu M1FOFfQVfQ'.RS�4ti..'tl00 MIEOfAtlTOGFAPI/Y Apr y t File No. �C �� � � APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ZONING REQUEST City of Scandia, Minnesota 14727 209th Street North, PO Box 128, Scandia, MN 55073 Phone 651/433-2274 Fax 651/433-51 12 Web http://www.ci.scandia.mn.us P/ease read before completing: The City will not begin processing an application that is incomplete. Detailed submission requirements may be found in the Scandia Development Code,available at the City office and website(www.ci.scandia.mn.us)and in the checklist forms for the particular type of application. Application fees are due at the time of application and are not refundable. 1. Property Location: (street address, rf applicable) �g� 8� �-t� +o n ►�v � �1 2. Washington Cou ty Parcel ID: 31 - 032 - Zo -- i � - ooS3 3. Complete Legal Description: (allach if necessary) L�� �, �I o C l� I , I� �? l, �,( 1 13 F . � y � ��, 4. Owner(s): Phone: To�,,,� � ��, W(� '}�tnx (h) b5 1 �Z6 8E 4-3 (e) 65 t �� �s b 6 8� Street Address: �J`�-�� L-Uf����. �CV""L- E-Mail: City/ State: � � ���"Q 4�Jr�c�r � �1/t r� Z�P� J�J � �Q 5. Applicant/Contact Person: Phone: To w� I'1/l a-�- �-o�c (h) � 5 � �2 6 8 6 4 3 (b) 6 5 i - l-�S � 68� Street Address (Mailing): E-Mail: City/ State: Z� P� 6. Requested Action(s): (check all that apply) � Variance Minor Subdivision Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development Interim Use Permit Preliminary Plad Major Subdivision Certificate of Compliance(Residential) Preliminary PIaU Open Space Conservation Subdivision Certificate of Compliance(Commercial) Final Plat Map Amendment(Zoning or Comprehensive Plan) Permit Extension 1/5/2007 7. Brief Description of Request: (attach separate sheel if necessary) �G�- � � �S� � oT �-�- �o .��� (,l-�'L z c2.��.a--. �c►�-�.v� l/�tk� I C"�C� � .,�.v� �Ol.t.� (?Z. 0 � ;►� /�.�.�t.�. �zh.cSl �u�� � 8. Project Name: I hereby apply for consideration of the above described request and declare that the information and materials submitted with this application are complete and accurate. I understand that applicants are required to reimburse the city for all out-of-pocket costs incurred for processing, reviewing and hearing the application. These costs shall include, but are not limited to: publication and mailing of notices; review by the city's engineering, planning and other consultants; legal costs, and recording fees. An escrow deposit to cover these costs will be collected by the city at the time of application. Any balance remaining after review is complete will be refunded to the applicant. No interest is paid on escrow deposits. PLEASE NOTE: If the fee owner is not the applicant, the applicant must provide written authorization by the fee owner in order for this application to be considered complete. Property Fee Owner Signature(s) Date: / � �.- �� �f �� �� ;�����.�-_ j'!�;;�=�� � � /� - i3 _ Applicant Signature(s) Date: For City Use Only Application Fees: � ���� PAID Parcel Search Fee: �3� OCT 13 2009 �`� 53 � 2� � CITY OF SCANDIA Escrow Deposit: 1/5/2007 ���.�':����� �CI � � 1��� Hardship Letter The hardship is we would like to build a garage on a lot that is not 2. ��TY oF sC.qNDIA does not meet the setback requirements of 100 feet from the shoreline of Big Marine Lake and the requirement from the road. There also is a hardship being without a garage in Minnesota . Please consider allowing the needed variance's to construct a garage . Thank you, Thomas Mattox On a personal note: We originally had plans drawn for the garage to be attached using a combination of pervious pavers and a living driveway. With the Oct. 2009 survey we had to redraw our plans after we learned Pervious pavers were not being accepted. With the help of Steve Thorpe and Landmark Survey we have come up with a plan to not use more than 25% of our lot. We can remove the shed and the uncovered deck to come up with the pervious surface needed to fit the garage and driveway in. The deck would be raised to the second story. The driveway will be pervious pavers. We would like this size garage for winter storage of our boat and auto. If you have any questions please ca.11. 651-298-6684 work 651-426-8643 home 1 �N OI t�'n 1 1 - �r.i i i � �_� ~ ❑❑�❑❑❑❑❑ � � ❑������❑ � ❑oao�oo❑ �������� � ti � � � � � �9 LI � � ��"� ` 1.�(,� .��-�.� z 7 `� " �'�� � � •(— `�' � � � � — � ��������� � V � - � � � ' _� � . � ooa0000: _- V. . ❑o❑ ❑oo❑ � �oo� ❑ ❑o � � � .. __ __. _ o ' ! '�OV�GG� � � , S �c,��� s-�� G-� � � �� � � � � ��0 �/� (�OIrG� TO SOUT � ��d Vl� a U . ra D a� ro _ a� � � u_ 0 2 . -. C ERTIF ICA TE O� s URVEY SURVEY PR�PARED FOR VICINITY MAP THOMAS M. and ANN M. MA7TOX sE�r�oN 3,, LOT 4, BLOCK 1, 54g0 Cottage Avenue TOWNSHIP 32 NORTH, RANGF ?0 WEST ; NOLIDAY BEACN� PARCEL DESCRlPT/ON White Bear Lake, MN 55i10 r �° � � r C I TY OF SC A N D I A� (Certificate ofTrtleNo.2SS38) s SITE ADDRESS � �� "" �' k WASNINGTON COUNTY� MINNESOTA LotFour(4),BlockOQe(1),HOLIDAYBEr1CH, 18785 Layton Avenue North � 3 accordiug to tlreplat ov file aod of�eco�d in tbe rb1 o�in e on St. Cro(x, MN 5504 i' �� ' i � Z � o�ce ofthe Registr�r ofTitles in�nd for � �r � a � Washington CouQh;Mrvnesota. _�,... � � o Shea , LEGEND 1 - --- ------ - � n � C —__ � Orienfotim ol this beoiing�tem.'cs bosed --- �� � - -- � on the Woshingtan County Cooidinote System, /'�/ � North Zone, 19D od�'vstmeot. O� Conlours a'e bosed rn Nofiona/Ceodetic �ertrca/Ootum 1929 ad,'vs[ment. � , Orstarces are»/eet ond deceno/s of o foof. " �l - � `` � � o�otas a ro�„�d i/2 Mm�,sde 6��ELM � � dianeter irm pipe mmument. � mwketl by v ptastk caD Insalbed ia��w���ow — —N8�1°30'52"E �i5.52-- -- - �s�z66a�������h�.,,.��p��. � chainlink fence /03 3s concrete wall near line \ ` � near line --- 16 --- pyW oeootes o.dr�a.y nrqn,.ote.. " , f _ sewer ___ 75 g�___ lattice fence -' � ', e.�a g i � ��r�za�sa'zo'w m_ � controls � �Zz , 9. ', 6' MAPLE � : � oc,o��.ou� ' �v-�v manhole w � , c - O pvc deanout RDIO�ED Sf7CC/ ry e -__. = �j , �. � O ra i ^ �¢2 2��J m `� o x g39.9 Denotes qrwnd de tion. W x 943 6 j� � a � m w I 74.0 N � ._____n �'� + [`�OVCI"CO� ^. °�': x 939.9 0 � ___.__ o '� O a ' � n9asrat• Deck � . O a� a � � � � y U r.� connection �X/Sting xsa3.5 Z .£ ' � o � N � o L Proposed o � �-louse � � o 0 O v � � �q e Gara ge � E�ewtim o�finished flow � ^m � is 945.8 feel above sea fevet ^. � � SG�LE IN FEEf -- m o "� 4.RO � 4. m �� m ,-'N20"02'04�' ,y `_ I W e: . . � � '17 O 5 � � � 9 W 74.0 ' a 71 � I'�N�3��S�W Ol N r PRE-CONSTRUCTION a-- `� � � IMPERVIOUS AREA I � electric 4 � � W � � -."- � mete� '�� "" O (V 10"LOCUST gq3.7x �- �^�t� in square feet � ����� � z �P�iric�ine -- i �- ' HOUSE................................724 x 943.6 ' oyert,ead � COVERED DECK...................125 � DECK...................................125 � SHED.....................................33 4"MAPLE 4"MAPLE STEPS.._............. . __-109.90 -- ................12 _ 3— " TOTAL IMPFRVIOUS AREA......1,079 ¢ , � � Na,op�'18"E 130.2 IP�W er P��e - - ' — = AFTER CONSTRUCTION I � — AREA �� square feet IMPERVIOUS AREA R�������� _ (above OHW) _ in square feet J��7BG� _" LOT.........................6.09 0 L-IOUSE H OUSE......-----.__..................724 O(�T � �] �oOQ 25% OF LOT.......____...1.52? COVERED DECK.....................125 l�� a ,7 __ _____ GARAGE.................................528 __' DRIVEWAY...............................124 � STEPS (irom covered deck)...12 �_i CITY OF SCANDIA �/ !_!�- TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA......1,513 SURVE'( PREPARED BY� Official copies of this map are crimp sealed. Ne 8� �11C. I heraby cslity that Nie eurvey,pim w re�wrt wae prepared by me w $ 21150 Ozark Avenue North -P.O. Box 65 �"""^"d"�'��-�-'k21 ���my directQaupavism a�a wa�i om a a,q u�,ee�a�e s�,.Ry� under Me lare f l�e 5}ata of Minneeota. .r Fst rwmba:651-133-178! October 13, 2009 � Scondia, Minnesoto 55073 E-mad adhus•hfhef�sWetrmfieneLxt ,we i.n,�« Ynnmta licmx Nw ians o,�� Job Number 2009-45 �� � � ..�_ i�% c C. � , � � ����Iv�� October 26,2009 0�� ! � 100q Honora.ble Mayor and City Council CITY OF SCANC�IA City Of Scandia 14727 209� St.N. Scandia, MN. 55073 Re: Vaziance Request 18785 Layton Avenue Marine on St. Croix, MN Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members; We are the owners of the property 18773 Layton Avenue which lies unmediately south of the above referenced property. We are writing to express our support of the variance request of Tom and Ann Mattox for the construction of a garage on their property located at 18785 Layton Ave. If we may provide further information regarding our support of the variance,please feel free to contact us at Telephone No. 651-439-0859. Thank you for your positive response to the variance request. Sincerely, �� ,-- �� �, . , � ` � ����' David and Judith up 4787 Northbrook Blvd.N. Stillwater,MN. 55082