4.a) 2010 Budget and Tax Levy Meeting Date: 12/1/2009 Agenda Item: �� �� City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Hold a public hearing on the 2010 Budget and Tax Levy. Deadline/Timeline: The location and date of the hearing was included on proposed property tax statements. The city must certify its final 2010 tax levy to the County Auditor by December 28, 2009. Background: • The draft budget prepared for the hearing incorporates direction received during the Council's budget work sessions in August and from the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) adopted on November 3. • The draft has also been revised to reflect new information received since the preliminary levy was adopted in September, including updated year-to-date 2009 information and actual rates or prices for some services, such as insurance. • Staff analysis of the 2009 data indicates that the city will end the year with revenues approximately$175,000 less than budget. Spending reductions and delays during the year have more than offset the loss of revenue. We expect that the city will add approximately$90,000 to fund balances. This will help move the city toward the goal of increasing fund balances to cover cash flow and unexpected expenses, as recommended by the auditors. Recommendation: Staff will present an overview of the draft 2010 budget, after which the Council should take any questions or comments from citizens. The Council should discuss any changes you may wish to make before final approval. The Council should announce the date of final budget and levy adoption (7:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 15, 2009) at the conclusion of the hearing. Attachments/ • Draft 2010 Budget for December 1, 2009 Public Meeting Materials provided: . Handouts for Budget Presentation • CIP Adopted November 3, 2009 (Appendix F, Comprehensive Plan) Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (2010 Budget and Tax Levy Hearing) Page 1 of 1 11/24/09 • ��� � K /' � �� S V.L���l � City of Scandia 2010 Budget � Draft for December� 1, 2009 Public Meeting � • CONTENTS Budget Overview Budget Process and Timeline ..............................................................................1 2010 Revenues: Levy Limits..............................................................................2 BudgetFormat.....................................................................................................4 Budget Assumptions: Expenses...........................................................................5 Budget Assumptions: Revenues..........................................................................6 Budget Assumptions: Capital Projects ...............................................................6 Overview, General Fund......................................................................................6 Overview, Other Funds........................................................................................7 SummaryTables..................................................................................................8-11 General Fund Department Budgets • Administration & Finance...................................................................................13 CityCouncil.........................................................................................................14 Elections ..............................................................................................................15 Planning& Building............................................................................................16 Police...................................................................................................................17 Fire.......................................................................................................................18 PublicWorks .......................................................................................................19 Uptown Sewer and Water....................................................................................20 Parksand Recreation...........................................................................................21 CommunityCenter...............................................................................................22 Debt Service and Capital Fund Budgets DebtService Funds..............................................................................................23 Capital Improvements..........................................................................................24 Park Capital Improvements .................................................................................25 Equipment Replacement Fund.............................................................................26 201 Project Sewer Fund Budget...................................................................................27 • • BUDGET OVERVIEW Budget Process and Timeline This document contains a draft budget for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2010 for the City of Scandia. The preliminary budget was discussed by the City Council at work sessions in August, and was the basis for establishing the preliminary maximum tax levy approved on September l, 2009. This draft incorporates changes consistent with the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) adopted by the Council on November 3, 2009. It also reflects new information, such as actual rates for health insurance and contract prices for certain services received since the August work sessions. The timeline for developing the 2010 City budget is shown below. The City was required to certify its proposed maximum property tax levy to the county auditor not later than September 15, 2009. The city may continue to refine the budget, but after that date the levy cannot be increased. Truth in Taxation notices to property owners, mailed in late November, were based on the maximum levy. In 2009, the state legislature replaced the requirements for special Truth-in-Taxation public hearings with a required public meeting to be held between November 25 and December 26 (after 6:00 p.m.) The date and time were included on the property tax notices sent in November. • Dates Action July/August City Council budget workshops (July 14, August 25) Tuesday, September 1 Council adopted proposed budget by resolution and certify proposed levy to county auditor; set date for public meeting on levy and budget Tuesday, September 15 Last date to certify proposed(maximum)tax levy to county auditor October Include information on proposed budget in City Newsletter Tuesday,November 3 Planning Commission hearing on Capital Improvement Program (CIP) November Washington County mails property tax statements Tuesday, December 1 Public meeting on budget and tax levy (replaces Truth-in- Taxation hearin� Tuesday, December 15 Budget hearing/adopt fmal property tax levy and budget (regular Council meetin� December 28 Last date to certify final tax levy to county auditor • January, 2010 Publish summary budget in legal newspaper 1 11/24/2009 • 2010 Revenues: Levy Limits For 2010 (as for 2009 and will be in 2011) Minnesota cities over 2,500 population are subject to property tax levy limits established by the state legislature. The property tax levy for 2010 is limited to a 0.8337% inflationary adjustment (based on the Implicit Price Deflator for State and Local Governments) plus adjustments for household and new commercial/industrial construction (which for Scandia, are expected to be zero.) Certain expenditures are not subject to the limit (debt service, personnel costs for police and fire services and pension cost increases) and are added as "special levies" to determine the maximum property tax levy. For 2010, cities are also allowed special levies for LGA (Local Government Aid) and MVHC (Market Value Homestead Credit Aid) unalloted by the Governor in December of 2008 and July of 2009. Based on the draft budget as of the date of this memo and subject to final determination by the Minnesota Deparhnent of Revenue (by December 10, 2009) Scandia's maximum property tax revenue for 2010 will be: Base Levy 2010 2009 Adjusted levy limit base for pay 2009 $1,293,722 Inflation Adjustment(.8337%) 1.008337 (3.90%) Percent change in number of households over last year 0 • Percent change in total market value of all p property types as a result of new construction 0 2010 certified LGA p 2010 Base Levy $1,304,508 $1,293,722 Special Levies 2010 2009 Bonded Indebtedness $303,803 $380,000 PERA Employer Contribution Rate Increases $4,986 $4,451 Wages & Benefits of Police & Fire Personnel $217,102 $182,720 To recover LGA & MVHC unalloted in December 2008 $36,602 To recover MVHC reimbursement unalloted in July 2009 $61,647 Total Special Levies $624,139 $567,171 Totat Levy Limit (Estimate) $1,928,647 $1,860,893 � 2 11/24/2009 • The following table shows the total tax levy of the City of Scandia/ New Scandia Township in recent years with the percentage increases from the previous year. The 2010 preliminary maximum levy is shown for illustration only. It may change based on the final levy limit determination and the final budget. Property Tax Levy History Local Tax Year Total Levy Increase Rate 2003 $1,238,136 -1.10% 2004 $1,301,182 5.10% 2005 $1,368,150 5.10% 28.036 2006 $1,483,752 8.40% 26.551 2007 $1,533,930 3.40% 23.996 2008 $1,703,589 11.06% 25.092 2009 $1,860,893 9.23% 28.521 2010 Maximum $1,928,647 3.64% 28.276 The impact of the proposed levy increase on Scandia taxpayers is reduced because the city gains tax base from the Metropolitan area Fiscal Disparities Pool. The Fiscal Disparities portion of Scandia's levy will increase by 27.9% from $93,049 in 2009 to $119,053 in 2010. After fiscal disparities, the local share of the levy will be a net increase of 2.4%. The tax rate for Scandia • would decrease slightly from 2009 to 2010 due to an estimated 3.3% increase in local taxable value. To determine how much of the levy is available for city operations, the amount of the tax levy available in 2010 must be reduced by$76,146, the Governor's unallotment of 2010 MVHC. The following table shows the maximum amount of the property tax levy available for General Fund operations in 2010, as compared to the 2009 budget. 2010 2009 Maximum Budget % Change Total Levy $1,928,647 $1,860,893 +3.66% Less Debt Levy -$303,803 -380,000 Less 2010 MVHC Unalottment -$76,146 Available for City Operations and $1,548,698 $1,500,892 +3.18% Capital Funds The draft General Fund operating budgets propose total spending of$1,974,256, with a need for $1,517,553 in property tax revenue after taking into account all other funding sources. Approximately$30,000 would be available for other uses. Staff recommends that this $30,000 be contributed to the Capital Improvements Fund (compared to the $25,000 proposed in the August draft budget.) � 3 11/24/2009 • Budget Format The draft 2010 budget is divided into the following fund and departmental budgets: � � , General Fund(101) Departments within General Fund: • Administration &Finance(41000) • City Council(41110) • Elections (41410) • Planning&Building(41910) General Funds . Police(42000) • Fire(42200) • Public Works(43000) • Uptown Water and Sewer(432l0) � Parks(45000) • Community Center(45180) 2004 Blacktop Project(304) (for historical data only) Debt Service Funds 2007 Blacktop Project(307) Fire HaIV Public Works(310) Capital lmprovement Fund(403) • Capital Fuods Parks Capital Improvement Fund (404) Equipment Replacement Fund(405) Enterprise Funds 201 Sewer Project Fund(602) The major expenditure categories in the budget are: Personal Services (100) Costs related to employees including wages, salaries, retirement contributions and all other benefits. Materials and Supplies (200) All of the"things"that the city purchases, such as office supplies, parts, fuel, sand & gravel, etc. Contractual Services and Charges All types of services and functions performed by or (300-400) provided by those other than employees. Capital Outlay(500) Projects, equipment or furnishings with a useful life of three years or longer and cost greater than $500. (Capital outlay items with a life of five years or longer and cost $10,000 or greater would also be listed in the CIP.) • 4 11/24/2009 • Debt Service (600) Principle and interest payments on short- or long-term debt. Transfers (700) Transfers from one fund to another. Budget Assumptions: Expenses The draft expense budgets contain the following common assumptions for the following costs in 2010 compared to 2009: Salaries and Wages +0% Health Insurance +18.5% (city contribution to premium) City contributions to HSA as approved 10/6/09 PERA 7.00%(up by .25%) Insurance(Property& Auto) +3% Insurance(Liability) +3% Worker's Compensation +3%over 2009 actual (Nov. 2009 data) Fuel +3%of 2009 YTD Expense Utilities +3% � The 0% wa e rate increase assumes n - g o cost of-lrvmg ad�ustments (COLA.) The state has suggested,but has not required, a wage freeze. Last year's CPI-U fell 2.1%over the last year (July to July) due to primarily to dropping energy prices. Most cities (based on a survey of about 80 taken in early August) are planning for no COLAs unless they are already bound by union contracts. How successful negotiations in unionized situations will be at obtaining 0% increases has yet to be seen. Many cities that have performance or longevity steps built into their salary plans will be honoring those plans. Scandia does not have a salary plan with steps. The total cost of each 1% increase in wages for Scandia's regular full- and part-time employees would be approximately $3,500 per year. The assumptions concerning insurance are based on the forecast of 2%to 5% increases by the League of Cities for property, liability, auto and worker's compensation. Actual costs may be available before the final budget is adopted on December 15. As expected, the City received a significant (18.5%) increase in health insurance premiums for 2010. During the last year the city's experience rating has not been good, but the renewal rate was held down somewhat by participation in a large pool. Total costs for health insurance will be reduced somewhat as an employee formerly taking family coverage will change to single coverage in 2010. • 5 11/24/2009 • Budget Assumptions: Revenues The following assumptions were made about revenues for 2010: Property Taxes Property tax revenues will be limited by the levy limit adopted by the state legislature, as discussed above. Licenses & Permits 2010 license and permit revenues are expected to be similar to 2009. Intergovernmental The only intergovernmental revenue assumed at this time is the Revenues recycling grant. The city will receive no LGA (or MVHCA) in 2010. Charges for Service Charges for services will increase, primarily for collection of costs for preparation of the Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project EIS. Fines and Forfeitures Revenues are based on 2009 experience, which were down somewhat from 2008. Other Income Interest income is expected to continue to be very low. Budget Assumptions: Capital Projects Several projects in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) are included in the draft budget, as follows: � Proj # CIP Project Name Cost Status CC-OO l Community Center Interior $10,000 Community Center Budget Improvements, Flooring F-010 Rescue 5179 Replacement $177,336 Equipment Replacement Fund (Complete$200,000 project started in 2009) PR-002 Wind in the Pines Park $12,000 Park Capital Improvement Fund PW-002 Street Maintenance Program $250,000 Increase Public Works budget for Contractual Road Maintenance and Repairs from$200,000 in 2009 PW-007 Tiger Ditch Rear Mower $17,000 Equipment Replacement Fund Replacement A-0001 City Meeting/Office Space Study $18,000 Capital Improvement Fund PW-011 Salt/Sand Storage Shelter $60,000 Capital Improvement Fund Overview, General Fund The focus of budget discussions is typically on the City's General Fund, which represents the operating budgets of the City's major functions and departments. The draft general fund budgets • propose total expenditures of$1,974,256, with $456,703 to be financed from revenue sources other than property taxes and $1,517,553 property tax revenue needed. 6 11/24/2009 • The preliminary 2010 General Fund operating budget shows an overall increase of 1 1.12% from 2009; however, if the $236,250 in expenses attributed to the Zavoral Project EIS are deducted (which caused the Planning & Building Department budget to double) the proposed 2010 general fund budget is actually 2.17% less than the 2009 budget. The following table compares the 2009 adopted and 2010 proposed budget for each of the General Fund Departments, with and without the EIS expense. With EIS Expense Without EIS Expense Deparhnent 2009 2010 Draft Change 2010 Draft Change 41000 Administration& Finance $347,719 $350,080 0.68% $350,080 0.68% 41110 City Council $19,883 $19,539 -1.73% $19,539 -1.73% 41410 Elections $495 $5,870 1085.86% $5,870 1085.86% 41910 Planning& Building $200,327 $401,929 100.64% $165,681 -17.29% 42000 Police $117,366 $120,717 2.85% $120,717 2.85% 42200 Fire $353,145 $357,233 1.16% $357,233 1.16% 43000 Public Works $586,271 $594,369 1.38% $594,369 1.38% 43210 Uptown Water& Sewer $27,330 $10,476 -61.67% $10,476 -61.67% 45000 Parks $67,445 $52,I 85 -22.63% $52,185 -22.63% 45180 Community Center $56,651 $61,860 9.19% $61,860 9.19% General Fund Total $1,776,632 $1,974,256 l 1.12% $1,738,006 -2.17% • Overview, Other Funds The City will make payments on two bond issues in 2010. The debt service budget will decrease from $540,098 to $304,228, or by 43.67%. The proposed tax levy budgeted is the total cost of principal and interest plus the statutory 5% coverage. The largest expense from the Equipment Replacement Fund is completion of the Fire Rescue Truck replacement begun in 2009. The fund would receive the revenues from the issuance of equipment certificates. Debt service would begin in 201 l. It would also receive $80,000 in transfers from the General Fund operating budgets, double the funding in 2008 & 2009. The CIP has identified a significant shortfall in the Equipment Replacement Fund. The budget allocates $30,000 in property tax funding to the Capital Improvement Fund. No revenues to the Parks Capital Improvement Fund are projected. T'he following table shows the fund balances expected in the three capital funds at the end of 2009, and the proposed 2010 expenses and revenues. 12/31/2009 2010 2010 Fund Balance Expense Revenue Net 401 CapitalImprovements $193,715 $78,000 $31,377 $147,092 404 Parks Capital Improvements $21,868 $12,300 $162 $9,730 _ 406 Equipment Replacement $28,818 $194,336 $280,324 $114,806 . Total $244,401 $206,636 $311,863 $271,628 � 11/24/2009 • Summary Tables The tables on the following pages summarize the preliminary draft expense and revenue budgets by fund and department, and compare the 2006, 2007 and 2008 actual expenditures, the 2009 budget and the draft 2010 budget. Current year data has been updated to show year-to-date expenses and revenues through November 19, 2009. • • 8 11/24/2009 • � • 2010 Proposed Budget 2010 Proposed Expenditure Budget Summary by Fund and Department Personal Materials& Contractual Capital Fund Dept. Description Services Supplies Services Outlays Debt Service Transfers Total % 101 41000 Administration& Finance $166,921 $5,750 $174,009 $3,400 $350,080 41110 City Council $19,539 $19,539 41410 Elections $4,400 $500 $970 $5,870 41910 Planning&Building $84,047 $1,400 $315,266 $300 $916 $401,929 42000 Police $120,717 $120,717 42200 Fire $107,317 $38,775 $163,099 $48,042 $357,233 43000 Public Works $145,936 $68,771 $351,064 $28,598 $594,369 43210 Uptown Water&Sewer $10,476 $10,476 45000 Parks $21,983 $3,150 $24,108 $500 $2,444 $52,185 45180 Community Center $4 390 $7 500 $39 970 $10 000 $61 860 General Fund Total $554,533 $125,846 $1,199,677 $14,200 $80,000 $1,974,256 75.17% 304 2004 Blacktop 307 2007 Blacktop $184,845 $184,845 310 Fire Hall/Public Works $425 $118,958 $119,383 Debt Service Funds Total $425 $303,803 � $304,228 11.58/o � 401 Capitallmprovements $18,000 $60,000 $78,000 404 Parks Capital Improvements $12,300 $12,300 406 Equipment Replacement $194 336 $194 336 Capital Funds Total $18 000 $266 636 $284 636 10 84% 602 201 Sewer $59,668 $3,645 $63,313 Enterprise Funds Total $59 668 $3 645 $63 313 2 41% _ All Funds,Total Expenditures $554 533 $125 846 $1 277,770 $280,836 $303 803 $83 645 $2 626 433 100 00% 21.11% 4.79% 48.65% 10.69% 11.57% 3.18% 100.00% 1 of 1 EXPENSE SUMMARY 10:30 AM 11/24/2009 • i • • • • 2010 Proposed Budget 2010 Proposed Revenue Budget Summary by Fund and Department Intergovem- Licenses& mental Charges for Fines& Special Other Fund Dept. Description Taxes Permits Revenues Services Forfeitures Assessments Revenues Total °/, 101 General Fund 41000 Administration& Finance $304,926 $11,105 $7,585 $3,075 $10,000 $13,389 $350,080 41110 City Council $19,539 $19,539 41410 Elections $5,870 $5,870 41910 Planning&Building $92,079 $35,600 $274,250 $401,929 42000 Police $�2p,7�7 $�2���� 42200 Fire&Rescue $305,525 $20,832 $30,876 $357,233 43000 Public Works $568,709 $24,511 $1,149 $594,369 43210 Uptown Sewer&Water $8,144 $2,332 $10,476 45000 Parks& Recreation $46,210 $5,275 $700 $52,185 45180 Community Center $45 835 $16 025 $61 860 General Fund Total E1,517,553 E46,705 528,417 s356,344 s10,000 515,238 a1,974,256 73.24% 304 2004 Blacktop � 307 2007BIacktop $184,845 $32,274 $2�7,��g � 310 Fire Hali/Public Works $118,958 $1,585 $120,543 � Debt Service Funds Total $303,803 $32,274 $1,585 $337,662 12.53% 401 Capitallmprovements $30,000 $1,377 $31,377 404 Parks Capital Improvements $162 $162 406 Equipment Replacement $280 324 $280 324 Capital Funds Total $30 000 $281 863 $311 863 11 57% 602 201 Sewer $8,436 $63,389 $71,825 Enterprise Funds Total $8 436 $63 389 $71 825 2 66% All Funds,Total Revenues $1,851,356 $46,705 $28,417 $356,344 $10,000 $40,710 $362,075 $2,695,606 100.00% 68.68% 1.73% 1.05% 13.22% 0.37% 1.51% 13.43% 100.00% 1 OF 1 REV SUMMARY 10:28 AM 11/24/2009 • • • 2010 Proposed Budget Expenditure Budget History Total Expenditures by Fund and Department Variance, 2009 Projected 2009 from 2009 2010 Change, 2009 Fund Dept. Description 2006 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Budget Projected Budget Proposed Budget to 2010 101 41000 Administration& Finance $279,829 $340,079 $316,368 $347,719 $335,261 -$12,458 $350,080 0.68% 41110 City Council $20,288 $17,419 $18,188 $19,883 $18,603 -$1,281 $19,539 -1.73% 41410 Elections $4,353 $295 $5,521 $495 $470 -$25 $5,870 1085.86% 41910 Planning&Building $137,653 $128,202 $213,034 $200,327 $153,522 -$46,805 $401,929 100.64% 42000 Police $86,965 $95,589 $106,321 $117,366 $117,366 $120,717 2.85% 42200 Fire $282,303 $278,605 $323,643 $353,145 $314,101 -$39,044 $357,233 1.16% 43000 Public Works $941,343 $565,080 $360,005 $586,271 $437,660 -$148,611 $594,369 1.38% 43210 Uptown Water& Sewer $40,579 $39,945 $14,879 $27,330 $17,628 -$9,702 $10,476 -61.67% 45000 Parks $57,435 $42,473 $34,768 $67,445 $56,044 -$11,401 $49,644 -26.39% 45180 Community Center $56,662 $44,780 $52,923 $56 651 $41 187 -$15 464 $52 447 -7 42% General Fund Total $1,907,410 $1,552,467 $1,445,650 $1,776,632 $1,491,842 -$284,790 $1,962,303 10.45% 302 2002 Blacktop $206,013 $208,217 $209,561 '�.._ 304 2004 Blacktop $267,480 $250,920 $255,240 $247,920 $247,920 , 307 2007 Blacktop $305,211 $181,038 $181,038 $184,845 2.10% 310 Fire Hall/Public Works $118,605 $120,035 $121,135 $111,140 $111,565 $425 $119,383 7.42% Debt Service Funds Total $592,098 $579,172 $891,147 $540,098 $540,523 $425 $304,228 -43.67% 401 Capitallmprovements $8,329 $30,751 $24,072 $23,000 $18,854 -$4,146 $78,000 239.13% 404 Parks Capital Improvements $2,360 $16,486 $40,000 $24,800 -$15,200 $12,300 -69.25% 406 Equipment Replacement $25,430 $67,664 $61 699 -$5 965 $194 336 187.21% Capital Funds Total $10,689 $30,751 $65,989 $130 664 $105 353 $39 364 $284 636 117.84% 602 201 Sewer $57,579 $70,080 $66,329 $66,329 $63,522 -$2,807 $63,313 -4.55% Enterprise Funds Total $57,579 $70,080 $66,329 $66,329 $63,522 -$2 807 $63 313 -4.55% All Funds,Total Expenditures $2,567,776 $2,232,470 $2,469,115 $2,513,723 $2,201 239 -$267 876 $2 614 480 4.01% 1 of 1 EXPENSE HISTORY 4:16 PM 11/24/2009 • GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT BUDGETS The following section of this report includes the preliminary expenditure and revenue budget for each department in the General Fund. . The narrative preceding each worksheet notes significant changes from 2009 to 2010. • • 12 11/24/2009 � Administration & Finance (41000) This budget includes personnel expenses for the Administrator, Treasurer, Deputy Clerk and Office Assistant, as well as the budgets for a large variety of contractual services such as assessing, auditing, legal, animal control and recycling services. The draft budget shows a 0.68% proposed increase for 2010. A few line items show greater changes, such as: ➢ Auditing and Accounting (301�2010 audit cost per contract with LarsonAllen ➢ Other Professional Services (308)—costs for Northland Securities to complete required reporting on debt issues ➢ Cable TV Franchise Agreement (435�reflects passing on 100%of revenues to the Cable Commission, per their request. ➢ Miscellaneous Contractual (435�has been increased to cover contractual services needed to help bring the city's safety program for all departments into compliance with basic requirements (including written safety programs such as AWAIR, Employee Right to Know, written safety programs, fleet safety program, required safety committee and employee training.) The cost was reduced from the $10,000 in the preliminary budget to $3,300, based on recent contract with SafeAssure. � ➢ Furniture and Fixtures (560}—replacement of three office chairs. ➢ Office Equipment (570)—replacement of oldest office computer; update software so all office computers are working on same version of software; add one small printer. � 13 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 ADMINISTRATION& FINANCE(41000) EXPENSE BUDGET • 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Personal Services 101 Regular Wages&Salaries 116,862 129,147 136,156 109,803 136,156 135,058 -0.81% 121 PERA Coord.Employer Contribution 7,712 8,395 9,191 7,702 9,191 9,548 3.88°/a 122 FICA Employer Contribution 9,439 8,142 8,442 7,052 8,442 8,457 0.18% 126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution 1,707 1,974 1,649 1,974 1,978 0.19% 131 Health Insurance Employer Contribution 6,091 7,504 8,364 7,667 8,364 9,684 15.78% 133 Life Insurance Employer Paid 646 623 640 559 640 625 -2.31% t34 Disability Insurance Employer Paid 439 544 613 513 613 613 0.03% 151 Workers Comp Insurance Premium 1,237 697 767 933 933 958 24.90% Total Personal Services 142,425 156,758 166,147 135,879 166,313 166,921 0.47% Materials&Supplies 200 O�ce Supplies 8,279 2,282 7,000 2,070 4,000 4,000 -42.86% 203 Printed Forms&Papers 1,180 2,000 574 1,500 1,500 -25.00% 210 Operating Supplies 285 500 310 310 250 -50.00% Total Materials&Supplies 8,279 3,747 9,500 2,954 5,810 5,750 -39.47% Contractual Services 300 Assessor 25,556 27,384 28,000 26,792 28,000 28,000 301 Auditing&Accounting 15,818 23,395 21,000 21,960 21,960 25,500 21.43% 1 304 Legal Services 50,802 32,401 40,000 20,348 30,000 35,100 -12.25% 2 308 Other Professional Services 5,769 625 650 1,435 1,435 1,600 146.15% 3 309 Soflware Support&Maintenance 4,528 2,816 3,500 2,410 2,410 3,221 -7.97% 313 Committee&Commission Reimburs 260 180 480 240 480 480 4 314 Animal Control 2,429 1,695 1,900 1,155 1,350 1,900 316 Conference&Seminars 540 750 508 750 750 317 Employee Training 4,021 105 750 280 400 750 319 Other Services 174 354 1,200 478 750 800 -33.33% • 321 Telephone 4,081 3,371 3,150 2,661 3,150 3,000 -4.76% 322 Postage 2,356 3,000 1,999 2,500 2,750 -8.33% 331 Travel Expenses 778 1,514 1,500 1,328 1,500 1,500 351 Legal Notices Publishing 8,904 1,714 2,500 1,656 2,500 2,500 361 Insurance 6,018 5,981 5,832 5,541 5,996 5,708 -2.13% 413 Office Equipment Rental 5,599 4,860 7,000 5,143 7,000 7,000 430 Recycling 29,624 29,260 31,030 26,946 30,000 30,000 -3.32% 433 Dues 8 Subscriptions 4,365 4,962 5,050 4,326 5,050 5,050 434 Youth Service Bureau 5,250 5,407 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5 435 Cable N Franchise Agreement 4,800 4,944 5,280 3,888 5,280 5,600 6.06% 6 438 Misc Contractual 2,685 1,500 4,077 4,077 4,800 220.00% 7 439 Refunds Issued 2,500 5,877 2,500 3,050 2,500 Total Contractual Services 185,391 162,428 172,072 138,672 163,138 174,009 1.13% Capital Outlays 560 Furniture 8 Fixtures 43 639 900 #DIV/0! 8 570 O�ce Equipment 3,940 1,852 2,500 #DIV/0! 9 Total Capital Outlays 3,983 2,491 3,400 #DIV/0! Total Administration&Finance(41000) 340,079 325,424 347,719 277,504 335,261 350,080 0.68% 1. Contract with LarsonAllen 2.Includes$5,100 County pre-trial 8 trial fees for tax court petitions 3. Northland Securities 4.Cable Commission Rep meeting reimbursement 5. Request per letter dated 6/11/09 6. Pass 100%of revenue to Cable Commission 7. Web hosting,recording fees,special assessment billing,Safety Program Consultant 8.Three office chairs 9.Computer,software&printer � '� 1 j 1 of 1 ADMIN 4:05 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget � GENERAL FUND 101 ADMINISTRATION& FINANCE (41000) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Taxes 31000 Washington Cty Tax Settlement 236 661 293,292 300,649 149,164 272,479 304,926 Total Property Taxes 236 661 293,292 300,649 149,164 272,479 304,926 Licenses&Permits 32180 Cigarette 8 Liquor Licenses 19,160 14,632 5,475 5,310 5,582 11,035 32190 Other City Permits 200 485 100 125 125 32260 Gambling Permits 115 405 200 70 70 70 Total Licenses&Permits 19,475 15,522 5,775 5,505 5,777 11,105 Intergovernmental Revenues 33401 LGA/MVHC/AG/PERA Aid 8,742 723 362 985 985 362 33422 Other State Grants&Aids 10,500 5,398 33620 Recyclinq Grant 7,118 7,223 7,000 7,223 7,223 7,223 Total Interqovemmental Aid 26 360 13,344 7,362 8,208 8,208 7,585 Charges for Services 34102 Legat Services 1,427 1,500 1,035 1,266 3,000 34105 Maps 8 Publications 27 60 25 16 16 25 34107 Assessment Search Fees 30 80 50 180 180 50 Total Charges for Services 57 1,567 1,575 1,231 1,462 3,075 35101 Fines 8 Forfeitures 9,574 15,953 15,000 9,768 10,768 10,000 Other Income • 36210 Interest Income 3,622 3,885 10,589 18,957 7,125 2,997 36240 Insurance Refund 808 3,777 0 3,489 3,489 0 36250 Misc.Refunds 4,794 366 150 73 73 0 38050 Cable N Franchise Rebate 5,455 5,618 5,550 4,419 5,869 5,600 Total Other Income 14,679 13,646 16,289 26,938 16,556 8,597 Other Financing Sources 39202 Contribution irom Enterprise Funds 2,239 2,500 2,500 2,500 4,792 Total Other Financinq Sources 0 2,239 2,500 2,500 2,500 4,792 Total Administration&Finance Dept. 306 806 355,562 349,150 203,315 317,750 350,080 • � � �`� 1 of 1 Admin 4:06 PM 11/24/2009 • Ciry Council(41110) This budget assumes no change in City Council compensation from 2009 actual. The ordinance provides for an inflationary adjustment after each election. The contractual services budget sets aside funds for Council education such as Minnesota League of Cities conferences or seminars. • • 14 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 CITY COUNCIL(41110) EXPENSE BUDGET ! 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Personal Services 101 Regular Wages&Salaries 15,519 15,700 16,799 12,357 16,476 16,476 -1.92% 126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution 228 244 176 240 239 -2.09% 127 PERA Defined Employer Contribution 1,275 840 1,255 1,462 824 -1.93% Total Personal Services 16,428 18,188 17,883 13,789 18,178 17,539 -1.92°/a Contractual Services 316 Conference 8 Seminars 1,250 375 375 1,250 1 331 TravelExpenses 991 750 155 50 750 Total Contractual Services 991 2,000 530 425 2,000 Total City Council(41110) 17 419 18,188 19,883 14,319 18,603 19,539 -1.73% 1. Minnesota League of Cities and other training/seminars • • � � � � .7 1 of 1 COUNCIL 4:06 PM 11/24/2009 � i • 2010 Proposed Budget • GENERAL FUND 101 CITY COUNCIL(41110) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: Taxes 31000 Washington Cty Tax Settlement 18 199 18,156 9,912 t8,106 19,539 Total Property Taxes 0 18 199 18,156 9,912 18,106 19,539 Total City Council Dept 0 18 199 18,156 9 912 18,106 19,539 � � � � � � � �� loft Council 4:06 PM11/24/2009 • Elections (41410) 2010 is an election year. The budget assumes that the city will continue to have a single polling place and staff at the same level and pay rates as for the 2008 election. • • 15 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 ELECTIONS(41410� EXPENSE BUDGET . 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Personal Services 199 Election Judge 4 091 4,400 #DIV10! Total Personal Services 4,091 4,400 #DIV/0! Materials&Supplies 200 Office Supplies 295 300 203 Printed Forms&Papers 488 #DIV/0! Total Materials 8 Supplies 295 488 500 #DIV/0! Contractual Services 351 Legal Notices Publishing 472 500 #DIV/0! 413 Office Equipment Rental 470 495 470 470 470 -5.05% Total Contractual Services 942 495 470 470 970 95.96% #DIV/01 Total Elections(41410) 295 5,521 495 470 470 5,870 1085.86% • • �� �� 1 of 1 ELECTIONS 4:06 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget � GENERAL FUND 101 ELECTIONS(41410) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 5,550 495 249 451 5,870 Total Property Taxes 0 5,550 495 249 451 5,870 Total Elections Dept. 0 5,653 495 249 451 5,870 • � � � `� �. 1of1 Elections 4:06 PM11/24/2009 i • ! • Planning& Building (419I0) This budget includes personnel expenses for the Building Official/Code Enforcement Officer, and other related expenses for that position. Reimbursements and training for the Planning Commission are in this budget. The largest impact on this budget is the cost of preparing the Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project EIS. This project, begun in 2009, is expected to cost $236,250 in 2010. All of the cost will be reimbursed by the project proposer. Additional legal fees and planning fees from TKDA will also be charged against the project, as will a portion of staff time(primarily the city administrator.) Revenues from planning charges are expected to be $274,250 compared to expenses totaling $302,250. Because of the cost of the EIS, the Planning & Building Department budget will increase by over 100% from 2009 to 2010. However, if the cost of the EIS would be removed, the budget would show a 17%decrease in expenditures. Non-reimbursable planning services include general staff time from TKDA and other minor costs ($6,000) and $30,000 for consulting fees for implementation tasks related to adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan; specifically, an update of the Development Code, including ordinances relating to water and erosion control. � The operating transfer(720) is a contribution to the Equipment Replacement Fund for future replacement of the vehicle purchased in 2008. The capital outlay(560) is for replacement of one office chair. Permit revenues are expected to remain flat in 2010. � 16 11/24/2009 • i s 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 PLANNING & BUILDING (41910) EXPENSE BUDGET • 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Personal Services 101 Regular Wages&Salaries 27,158 65,817 67,792 59,322 67,792 67,792 0.00% 121 PERA Coord.Employer Contribution 1,697 4,278 4,576 4,004 4,576 4,745 3.70% 122 FICA Employer Contribution 2,078 4,160 4,203 3,678 4,203 4,203 0.00% 126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution 875 983 860 983 983 0.00% 131 Health Insurance Employer Contributi� 1,242 4,488 4,812 4,411 4,812 5,472 13.72% 133 Life Insurance Employer Paid 80 214 192 204 229 220 14.38% 134 Disability Insurance Employer Paid 127 343 380 319 380 380 0.11% 151 Workers Comp Insurance Premium 332 365 247 247 252 -30.96% Total Personal Services 32,381 80,507 83,303 73,045 83,222 84,047 0.89% Materials 8 Supplies 200 Office Supplies 432 750 140 300 500 -33.33°/a 203 Printed Forms 8 Papers 931 1,500 110 250 250 -83.33°/a 210 Operating Supplies 272 500 67 200 400 -20.00% 212 Fuel 446 480 220 260 200 -58.33% Total Materials 8 Supplies 931 1,150 3,280 536 1,060 1,400 -57.32% Contractual Services 311 Permit Fees(Contract Inspections) 31,448 312 Planning Services 29,650 116,861 100,000 18,514 55,159 302,250 202.25% 1 313 Committee&Commission Reimburs 4,950 4,950 4,700 3,650 5,200 5,200 10.64% 316 Conference 8 Seminars 485 500 250 250 500 2 317 EmployeeTraining 615 60 1,000 195 1,000 750 -25.00°k 321 Teiephone 745 1,464 1,444 1,214 1,324 1,300 -9.97% 331 Travel Expenses 686 450 122 122 100 #DIV/0! 351 Legal Notices Publishing 25,868 747 1,000 2,500 150.00°/a 361 Insurance 34 500 370 404 416 -16.85% • 433 Dues 8 Subscriptions 150 100 250 250 250 438 Misc Contractual 1,789 2,500 724 1,000 1,000 -60.00% 3 439 Refunds Issued 778 1,196 1,000 3,981 3,981 1,000 Total Contractual Services 94,891 128,135 112,894 29,020 68,690 315,266 179.26% Capital Outlays #DIV/0! 560 Fumiture 8 Fixtures 852 200 100 300 50.00% 4 570 Office Equipment 1,882 200 -100.00% Total Capital Outlays 2,734 400 100 300 -25.00% Transfers 720 Operating Transfers 508 450 450 450 916 103.56% 5 Total Transfers 508 450 450 450 916 103.56% Total Planning 8 Building(41910) 128,202 213,034 200,327 103,051 153,522 401,929 100.64% 1. General Planning(TKDA$30k reimbursible),Zoning Ordinance Update($30k)and EIS Costs($236,250),Other($6k) 2.Planning Commission education 3.State Surcharges 4.Replace office chair 5.Equipment Replacement Fund • ' f 1,,� ` Ct 1 of 1 PLANNING 8 BLDG 4:08 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget • GENERAL FUND 101 PLANNING& BUILDING (41910) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 0 16 650 88,227 43,945 80,343 92,079 Total Property Taxes 0 16,650 88,227 43,945 80,343 92,079 Licenses 8 Permits 32150 Utility Permits 550 2,100 450 500 600 32210 Buildinq Permits 57 402 49,760 35,000 45,253 45,753 35,000 Total Licenses&Permits 57,402 50,310 37,100 45,703 46,253 35,600 Intergovemmental Revenues 33422 Other State Grants&Aids 0 310 33633 Met Council Planning Grant 7,500 7,500 0 Total Intergovernmental Aid 0 310 0 7,500 7,500 0 Charges for Services 34103 Zoning 8 Planning 51,272 66,661 75,000 19,486 36,123 274,250 Total Charges for Services 51,272 66 661 75,000 19,486 36,123 274,250 Total Planning&Building Dept. 108,674 133,931 200,327 116,634 170,219 401,929 • • � ��.-� i � � � � of 1 Plan 8 Build 4:08 PM 11/24/2009 � Police (42000) Washington County has informed us that the cost of our contract will be increased by 2.43% in 2010. Pending contract negotiations could change the final cost. Staff has added $500 for overtime costs in addition to the contract, which would allow hiring of off-duty officers for traffic control during the Safe Halloween event. • � 17 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 POLICE(42000) EXPENSE BUDGET • 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: 318 Police Contract 95,589 106,321 117,366 54,938 117,366 120,717 2.85% 1 Total Contractual Services 95,589 106,321 117,366 54,938 117,366 120,717 2.85% Total Police(42000) 95,589 106,321 117,366 54,938 117,366 120,717 2.85% 1 .increase per Wash.Cty.plus$500 for special events OT • . � � ��� � , 1 of 1 POLICE 4:08 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 � POLICE (42000) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 84,141 99,638 117,366 58,501 106,878 120,717 Total Property Taxes 84,141 99,638 117,366 58,501 106,878 120,717 Total Police Dept. 87,972 101,477 117,366 58,501 106,878 120,717 . � �`� ��,;i 1of1 Police 4:08 PM11/24/2009 � Fire (42200) The Personal Service budget reflects an increase in spending for wages and salaries, which appear to have been significantly under-budgeted for 2009. Some of the increased expense has been due to several large events. Some of the 2009 cost (assisting the DNR) is expected to be reimbursed. A proposed increase in Medical Training(310) is due to planned recruitment of 4 to 6 new volunteers to replace retiring firefighters. The city contribution to the Relief Association (325) is shown as $75,000, pending discussion by the Council. The operating transfer(720) is a contribution to the Equipment Replacement Fund. This reflects the staff recommendation that contributions to this fund double in 2010. The overall budget increase proposed is l.16%. The debt service expense shown in the 2009 budget will not be required in 2010. No capital outlays are proposed. Revenues to this budget include the fire contract with May Township (second year of a 3-year contract) and the expected pass-through of state fire relief aid from insurance premiums. � Staff is exploring ways to bill some costs of major events (such as fires related to railroads and utility companies) in the future,but no additional revenues have been forecast for 2010. � 18 11/24/2009 � � s 2010 Draft Budget GENERAL FUND 101 • FIRE DEPT(42200) EXPENSE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budqet Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Personal Services 101 Regular Wages&Salaries 68,332 73,436 73,284 70,474 96,885 96,885 32.20% 1 122 FICA Employer Contribution 4,606 5,006 4,544 4,369 6,007 6,007 32.20°/a 126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution 601 1,063 1,022 1,405 1,405 32.20% 151 Workers Comp Insurance Premium 2,892 2,620 2,882 2,847 2,847 3,020 4.79% Total Personal Services 75,829 81,662 81,772 78,712 107,144 107,317 31.24% Materials 8 Supplies 200 Office Supplies 2,477 285 600 624 700 600 203 Printed Forms 8 Papers 158 175 175 209 Medical Supplies 867 210 Operating Supplies 48,533 34,880 35,000 27,381 35,000 30,000 -14.29% 212 Fuel 2,566 3,585 3,600 2,380 3,600 3,000 -16.67% 223 Buildinq Repair 8 Supplies 10,159 5,440 7,500 108 500 5,000 -33.33% Total Materials 8 Supplies 63,734 45,215 46,875 30,493 39,800 38,775 -17.28% Contractual Services 305 Medical Services 1,625 861 2,000 1,750 2,000 3,000 50.00% 2 309 Software Support&Maintenance 337 8,658 4,679 5,000 10,000 15.50% 3 310 Medical Training 3,480 2,923 5,550 3,955 5,550 7,000 26.13% 317 Employee Training 2,293 3,592 6,500 1,740 6,500 4,000 -38.46% 321 Telephone 3,119 3,737 3,300 2,040 3,300 2,700 -18.18% 4 324 State of MN-Fire Relief 29,533 25,103 25,103 20,832 20,832 20,832 -17.01% 325 City Match-Fire Relief 48,873 50,000 75,000 55,000 55,000 75,000 5 331 Travel Expenses 2,195 2,000 2,198 2,198 3,000 50.00°/a 6 334 License/CDL 91 100 46 100 100 361 Insurance 8,552 10,808 9,945 11,060 11,060 11,392 14.55% • 381 Utilities 8,322 7,844 10,000 8,700 10,000 10,300 3.00% 384 Refuse Disposal 353 400 187 400 325 -18.75% 385 Sewer Pumping&Maintenance 1,315 1,402 1,200 485 1,000 1,000 -16.67% 401 Bldg Maintenance 2,931 4,729 6,000 4,170 6,000 3,500 -41.67% 404 Machinery 8 Equipment Repair 6,925 4,101 8,000 11,398 12,398 10,000 25.00% 407 Well Repair&Maintenance 27,289 180 180 433 Dues 8 Subscriptions 935 780 950 660 950 950 Total Contractual Services 117,903 146,144 164,706 129,080 142,468 163,099 -0.98% Capital Outlays 530 Capital Improvements other than Bldgs 6,321 550 Motor Vehicles Capital 15,000 -100.00% 570 Office Equipment 1,118 1,118 Total Capital Outlays 6,321 15 000 1,118 1,118 -100.00°/a Debt Service 601 ShortTerm Debt 21,140 20,590 21,220 -100.00% Total Debt Service 21,140 20,590 21,220 -100.00% Transfers 720 Operatinq Transfers 23,711 23,571 23,571 23,571 48,042 103.82% 7 Total Transfers 23,711 23,571 23,571 23,571 48,042 103.82% Total Fire Dept.(42200) 278,605 323,643 353,144 262,974 314,101 357,233 1.16% 1. Increased Call Volume 2.Physicals,4-6 new recruits 3.Radio user fees from Washington County 4.Reduced number of cell phones 5. Relief Association Contribution 6.More required training • 7.Transfer to Equipment Replacement Fund /� a � 1 tif 1 c�o� � ....... .............._ 2010 Proposed Budget • GENERAL FUND 101 FIRE DEPT(42200) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 198,567 243,950 289,716 144,406 263,826 305,525 TotalProperty Taxes 198,567 243,950 289,716 144,406 263,826 305,525 Intergovernmental Revenues 33401 LGA/MVHC/AG/PERA Aid 7,041 0 33420 Fire Relief from Ins. Prem. 29,533 25,103 25,000 20,832 20,832 20,832 33422 Other State Grants&Aids 4,504 0 33640 Other Grants 353 2,000 TotallntergovernmentalAid 36,927 31,607 25,000 20,832 20,832 20,832 Charges for Services 34202 Fire Protection Services 21,516 22,162 28,428 29,266 35,516 30,876 34301 Damage Repairs 612 0 Total Charges for Services 21,516 22,774 28,428 29,266 35,516 30,876 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 1,078 36230 Donations 5,490 400 10,000 36240 Insurance Refund 1,148 26,177 0 36250 Misc.Refunds 1,299 1,989 360 360 0 TotalOtherincome 9,014 28,566 10,000 360 360 0 • Other Financing Sources 39200 Interfund Operating Transfer 28,700 Total Other Financing Sources 28,700 0 0 0 0 0 TotalFire Dept. 294,725 326,897 353,144 194,864 320,534 357,233 • { ,- L �p a; 1 of 1 Fire 4:09 PM 11/24/2009 • Public Works (43000) This budget includes personnel expenses for the Maintenance Supervisor, Full-time Maintenance Worker, and temporary employees for winter street maintenance (snow plowing.) Engineering services are budgeted in this department, some of which are expected to be reimbursed when related to development review and monitoring. The materials and supplies budget is less than in 2009, due to the cost of fuel compared to the projections that were assumed in 2008. The draft budget for contractual road maintenance work (405) (crack sealing, seal coating, patching, striping, etc.) is shown at $250,000, an increase of$50,000 from the 2009 budget. More investment in road maintenance is needed based on the 2008 Pavement Management Study. The operating transfer(720) is the contribution to the Equipment Replacement Fund, double the 2009 budget. There are no capital outlays proposed. (There is a mower replacement in the Equipment Replacement Fund budget.) Revenues to this budget are primarily property taxes, and reimbursement for some of engineering • fees related to development. We have shown a reduction in revenues for dust control ($4,511 in 2010 compared to $6,123 in 2009. The Dust Control Application Policy adopted in 2008 will be modified to no longer collect from homeowners for this service, as agreed to by the Council at budget work sessions. • 19 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 701 PUBLIC WORKS(43000) EXPENSE BUDGET • 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Personal Services 101 Regular Wages&Salaries 95,298 115,841 116,207 79,254 135,865 94,744 -18.47% 102 OT Reg.Wages 6,940 5,007 3,665 1,342 2,000 4,688 27.90% 104 Temp Employee Wages 3,457 3,775 3,775 4,378 #DIV/0! 105 OT Temp Employee Wages 814 814 #DIV/0! 121 PERA Coord.Employer Contribution 6,414 7,532 7,432 5,440 7,432 6,899 -7.18% 122 FICA Employer Contribution 7,701 7,209 7,432 4,923 7,432 6,654 -10.47% 126 MEDICARE EmployerContribution 1,522 1,689 1,177 1,689 1,556 -7.86% 131 Health Insurance Employer Contribution 11,397 19,537 20,731 19,004 20,731 17,942 -13.45% 133 Life Insurance Employer Paid 562 633 625 415 473 439 -29.75% 134 Disability Insurance Employer Paid 658 1,087 1,326 1,065 1,326 1,326 151 Workers Comp Insurance Premium 13,602 10,325 11,358 7,162 7,162 7,310 -35.64% Total Personal Services 146,028 168,691 170,466 124,373 188,699 145,936 -14.39% Materials&Supplies 210 Operating Supplies 18,595 7,562 16,000 6,413 12,000 75,650 -2.19°/a 212 Fuel 16,747 13,100 26,952 8,166 16,332 16,871 -37.40% 222 Tires 105 2,628 1,000 1,969 1,969 1,000 223 Building Repair&Supplies 278 250 721 250 250 224 Road Maintenance Supplies 15,548 360 3,000 1,402 3,000 3,000 228 Gravel&Sand 31,664 36,718 32,000 21,101 32,000 32,000 Total Materials&Supplies 82,658 60,646 79,202 39,173 65,551 68,771 -13.17% Contractual Services 303 Engineering Services 116,560 61,168 60,000 19,101 30,000 57,500 -4.17% 305 Medical Services 149 214 150 633 633 150 317 Employee Training 75 750 7,150 650 1,150 500 -56.52% 319 Other Services 212 227 227 200 #DIV/0! 321 Telephone 2,893 2,518 2,183 2,205 2,406 2,400 9.96% • 334 License/CDL 82 62 700 116 232 112 12.00% 361 Insurance 8,552 11,707 11,597 8,569 8,569 8,826 -23.89% 381 Utilities 6,405 5,801 9,996 6,351 9,996 10,326 3.30% 384 Refuse Disposal 224 166 435 656 650 292.53% 385 Sewer 1,097 882 323 882 900 2.03% 387 Street Light Utilities 8,111 6,776 9,600 7,377 9,600 9,000 -6.25% 401 Bldg Maintenance 5,309 404 Machinery 8 Equipment Repair 8,898 10,764 12,000 5,845 10,020 10,000 -16.67% 405 Contractual Road Maint.&Repairs 150,011 36,987 204,000 84,926 84,926 250,000 22.55% 1 438 Misc Contractual 14,634 500 #DIV/0! Total Contractual Services 316,370 143,587 311,823 136,760 159,297 351,064 12.58% Capital Outlays 540 Heavy Machinery Capital 20,023 20,023 10,000 9,333 9,333 -100.00% Total Capital Outlays 20,023 20,023 10,000 9,333 9,333 -100.00% Transfers 720 Operating Transfers 14,426 14,780 14,780 14,780 28,598 93.49% Total Transfers 14,426 14,780 14,780 14,780 28,598 93.49% Total Public Works(43000) 565,080 407,373 586,271 324,418 437,660 594,369 1.38% 1 Street Maintenance Progam(CIP Project PW-002) • �J �� a� _ 1 of 1 PW 4:09 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget � GENERAL FUND 101 PUBLIC WORKS (43000) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 566,061 549,152 548,171 273,279 499,185 561,709 31701 Gravel Taxes 15,603 4,175 20,000 4,782 8,609 7 000 Total Property Taxes 581,664 553,327 568 171 278 062 507 794 568 709 Licenses 8 Permits 32150 Utility Permits 500 500 0 Total Licenses&Permits 500 0 500 0 0 0 Intergovernmental Revenues 33401 LGA/MVHC/AG/PERAAid 20,111 10,163 0 0 0 0 Total Intergovernmental Aid 20,111 10,163 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 34106 Engineering Services 68,711 26,767 10,000 3,110 3,432 20,000 34301 Damage Repairs 8,707 p 34303 Dust Control 5,439 6,860 6,500 3,977 6,123 4,511 34305 Other Street Service 200 0 Totai Charges for Services 82,857 33 827 16 500 7 087 9 555 24 511 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 9,150 p 36240 Insurance Refund 1,148 p 36250 Misc.Refunds 76 3,401 p � Total Other Income 10,373 3,401 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources 39202 Contribution from Enterprise Funds 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 149 Total Other Financing Sources 0 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 149 Total Public Works Dept. 695,505 601 817 586 271 286 249 518 450 594 369 � n ; � ' L � ;r-, i �a 1 of 1 PW 4:38 PM 11/24/2009 • Uptown Water and Sewer (43210) This budget includes expense for operation of the sewage treatment system that serves a number of users in the Village area. It also includes costs for maintaining the well that serves the Community Center, Elim Church and Gammelgarden. Expenses incurred in 2009 for demolition of the former Rasmussen home, acquired for future expansion of the sewer system, are generally complete. The budget for sewer pumping has been increased. A new schedule for pumping tanks at more frequent intervals to monitor and preserve the capacity of the system will be finalized and implemented in 2010. The Misc. Contracutal services budget includes funds for testing sewage effluent. The results of the tests will aid in evaluating what improvements to the system will be necessary to meet changing treatment standards in future budget years. This line item also includes funds to abandon the old well and underground tanks at the Community Center, as required by the state Health Department. Revenues are charges to users of the system. • • 20 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 • UPTOWN SEWER 8 WATER(43210) EXPENSE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Contractual Services 361 Insurance 12 136 136 140 #DIV/0! 381 Utilities 125 212 180 144 180 186 3.30% 385 Sewer Pumping&Maintenance 2,520 2,550 2,700 3,267 3,267 5,000 85.19% 401 Bldg Maintenance 12,954 500 -100.00% 407 Well Repair 8 Maintenance 1,756 1,450 90 90 150 -89.66% 1 438 Misc Contractual 1,200 22,500 9,455 13,955 5,000 -77.78% 2 Total Contractual Services 2,645 18,685 27,330 13,092 17,628 10,476 -61.67°/a Total Uptown Sewer 8 Water(43210) 39,945 18,685 27,330 13,092 17,628 10,476 -61.67% 1. RPZ testing 2. Sewage effluent testing($1,000),abandon well($1,500),abandon fuel tanks&restore site($2,500) • • � da� 'I nf 1 I IPT(l1A/N CF\A/F[7 A•F7 D�A��i�oi�nnn 2010 Proposed Budget � GENERAL FUND 701 UPTOWN SEWER AND WATER(43210) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 35,668 1,492 23,433 11,670 21,339 8,256 TotalPropertyTaxes 35,668 1,492 23,433 11,670 21,339 8,256 Charges for Services 34109 Water Usage 283 1,652 332 315 315 332 34401 Sewer User Fees&Hook Up 2,476 1,945 3,265 1,455 1,455 2,000 Total Charges for Services 2,759 3,597 3,597 1,770 1,770 2,332 Total Uptown Sewer&Water Dept. 38,427 5,090 27,030 13,439 23,109 10,588 • • � 0 6� 1 of 1 Uptown 4:19 PM 11/23/2009 • Parks (45000) This budget includes personnel expenses for the part-time Recreation Supervisor and for seasonal employees for the ice rink and summer recreation programs. It assumes approximately the same type and number of programs in 2010 as in 2009. 'The budget incorporates a recommendation from the Park and Recreation Committee that the city reduce its operating cost for the ice rink warming house by lowering pay for attendants to the minimum wage(from $8.50/$8.75 to $7.25/hour.) The budget continues a seasonal position for grounds maintenance implemented in 2009. The cost of the position, $5,550 in the 2009 budget, is proposed to increase to $8,267 in the 2010 budget. We recommend pay be increased, from $8 to $10 per hour to $10 to $12 per hour, and that we budget the position for 4, 8-hour days for 20 weeks. Based on how the position has been used this summer, there is a need for someone who can do more than just mow grass. Maintaining and repairing the equipment and playgound maintenance, for example, cannot be accomplished by the other maintenance workers without reducing priority road maintenance. The budget incorporates increased funding for the winter Family Gym program to expand it from 4 to 6 Saturdays (319, Other Services.) It also includes (440, Events) $1,000 for the Taco Daze/ Dodgeball event, and $500 for another event (such as the snow tubing outing held the last two years.) Some of the costs for events are offset by revenues. • The proposed capital outlay is $500 for purchase of two barbeque grills for the lighted ball field. The Park and Recreation Committee recommended that a donation from the Lions' Ball Park Account be sought for this purchase. The operating transfer is a contribution to the Equipment Replacement Fund for eventual replacement of the Zamboni (CIP Project #IR-002.) Revenues to this budget are generally property taxes, with some revenue from participant fees and facilities rentals (primarily ice time.) Donations are for the barbeque grills, plus a donation from the Lions and/or FLAA for the family gym program. � 21 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 PARKS 8�RECREATION (45000) EXPENSE BUDGET • 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Personal Services 101 Regular Wages&Salaries 2,737 1,514 3,825 1,398 1,500 3,060 -20.00% 104 Temp Employee Wages 9,162 11,330 18,983 11,854 15,000 16,679 -12.14% 121 PERA Coord.Employer Contribution 119 98 258 94 101 214 -17.04% 122 FICA Employer Contribution 835 778 1,414 779 1,031 1,156 -18.23% 126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution 119 331 192 239 286 -13.46% 151 Workers Comp Insurance Premium 445 640 704 576 576 588 -16.48% Total Personal Services 13,298 14,480 25,515 14,894 18,448 21,983 -13.84% Materials&Supplies 200 Office Supplies 50 #DIV/0! 203 Printed Forms&Papers 406 450 309 350 450 210 Operating Supplies 1,760 863 2,200 1,564 2,200 2,000 -9.09% 212 Fuel 212 57 100 150 #DIV/0! 223 Building Repair&Supplies 832 113 1,000 500 -50.00% Total Materials 8 Supplies 2 592 1 594 3,650 1,929 2,650 __ 3,150 -13.70% Contractual Services 303 Engineering Services 1,497 312 Planning Services 6,151 313 Committee&Commission Reimburs 1,460 1,860 1,680 1,560 2,040 2,160 28.57% 319 Other Services 2,362 1,544 3,800 2,499 4,180 10.00% 1 321 Telephone 816 351 Legal Notices/Publishing 244 50 #DIV/0! 353 Sales Tax 255 300 50 #DIV/0! 361 Insurance 4,751 4,682 4,601 2,519 2,748 2,831 -38.48% 381 Utilities 3,724 3,595 4,000 3,946 4,304 4,447 11.16% 384 Refuse Disposal 2,464 3,250 3,000 3,652 3,805 3,550 18.33% 2 � 401 Bldg Maintenance 11,000 8,400 9,000 -100.00% 404 Machinery 8 Equipment Repair 837 1,500 1,673 2,000 1,000 -33.33% 3 406 Grounds Care 133 173 #DIV/0! 438 Misc Contractual 500 #DIV/0! 439 Refunds Issued 2,183 713 500 550 550 300 -40.00% 440 Events 1,042 440 2,000 685 1,500 2,500 25.00% 4 Total Contractual Services 26,583 17,338 32,081 26,239 26,248 21,567 -32.77% Capital Outlays 530 Capital Improvements other than Bldgs 5 000 7,500 7,500 500 -90.00% 5 Total Capital Outlays 5 000 7,500 7,500 500 -90.00% Transfers 720 Operating Transfers 1 355 1 199 1,199 1,199 2,444 103.84% Total Transfers 1,355 1,199 1,199 1,199 2,444 103.84% Total Park 8 Recreation(45000) 42 473 34 768 67 445 51,761 56,044 49,644 -26.39% 1. Includes Family Gym program($1080),Summer program revenue to Lakamaga($2500),misc.repairs($500)speaker for program($100) 2. Trash removal,plus portable toilets 5 mo X$400/mo 3. Zamboni Repairs 4. Winterfest($1000)Dodgeball/Taco Daze($1000)Snow Tubing Event($500) 5.Barbeque grills for lighted ball field(donation assumed) • -� � � ' � t 1 of t PARKS 4:23 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget • GENERAL FUND 101 PARKS 8 RECREATION (45000) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 46,444 36,818 56,395 28,104 51,355 46,210 Total Property Taxes 46,444 36,818 56,395 28,104 51,355 46,210 Charges for Services 34301 Damage Repairs 150 0 34750 Facilities Rental 700 3.565 300 5,654 5,654 1,200 34790 Recreation Programs 11,184 6,537 5,250 6,794 6,794 4,075 Total Charges for Services 11,884 10,252 5,550 12,448 12,448 5,275 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 1,812 0 36230 Donations 500 8,355 8,355 700 36240 Insurance Refund 638 -15 36250 Misc. Refunds 71 5,500 5,506 5,506 0 Total Other Income 3,021 -15 5,500 13,861 13,861 700 Total Parks&Recreation Dept. 61,348 47,055 67,445 54,413 77,664 52,185 • • � / �� 1 of 1 Parks 5:53 PM 11/23/2009 � Community Center (45180) i This budget representing the costs for maintaining the Community Center Building and the "Annex" and part-time staffing for cleaning and monitoring events. The most significant new expense is $l 0,000 for replacement of flooring. Revenues to this fund include rental fees for the Community Center and the Annex, which is leased to the Scandia Marine Lions Club. � � 22 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget GENERAL FUND 101 COMMUNITY CENTER(45180) EXPENSE BUDGET , 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Bud et Notes Personal Services 101 Regular Wages&Salaries 2,600 4,450 4,800 1,770 2,100 4,000 -16.67°/a 122 FICA Employer Contribution 130 163 168 65 130 155 -7.74% 126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution 59 70 26 30 58 -16.67% 151 Workers Comp Insurance Premium 220 173 177 -19.55% Total Personal Services 2,730 4,672 5,258 1,861 2,434 4,390 -16.50% Materials&Supplies 210 Operating Supplies 7,000 3,518 4,000 4,784 5,000 5,000 20.00°/a 223 Building Repair&Supplies 2,500 3,825 2,500 956 2,000 2 500 Total Materials 8 Supplies 9,500 7,343 6,500 5,740 7,000 7,500 15.38% Contractual Services 321 Telephone 550 334 License/CDL 1,000 910 285 910 910 660 56.82% 361 Insurance 3,300 2,895 2,840 1,700 1,700 2,210 -28.51% 381 Utilities 10,800 10,243 17,500 10,023 10,935 11,295 -54.93% 384 Refuse Disposal 1,500 1,498 1,600 1,170 1,277 1,392 -14.94% 385 Sewer Pumping&Maintenance 400 7,652 1,100 5,029 5,029 1,000 -10.00% 401 Bldg Maintenance 14,000 13,626 17,500 10,588 11,550 14,000 -25.00% 404 Machinery&Equipment Repair 67 406 Grounds Care 1,000 84 1,000 407 Well Repair&Maintenance 2,012 1,500 438 Misc Contractual 980 384 353 353 439 Refunds Issued 940 1,184 Total Contractual Services 32,550 40,907 44,893 29,774 31,754 30,557 -31.93% � CapitalOutlays 520 Capital Improvements to Bidgs 10,000 1 Total Capital Outlays 10,000 Total Community Center(45180) 44,780 52,922 56,651 37,374 41,187 52,447 -7.42% 1.Replace floor in hall. � '"- �,:d�_ ') r' . 1 of 1 CENTER 4:12 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget • GENERAL FUND 101 COMMUNITY CENTER(45180) REVENUE BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 26,179 36,785 37,989 18,939 34,594 45 835 Total Property Taxes 26,179 36,785 37,989 18,939 34,594 45 835 Intergovernmental Revenues 33422 Other State Grants&Aids 685 Total Intergovernmental Aid 0 685 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 34301 Damage Repairs 2,770 0 34740 Coffee Sales 30 20 25 25 25 25 34750 Facilities Rental 10,807 15,467 18,637 10,040 11,320 16,000 34760 Cleaning Fees 90 50 0 40 40 0 Total Charges for Services 13,697 15,537 18,662 10,105 11,385 16 025 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 852 p 36230 Donations 10 121 36240 Insurance Refund 510 36250 Misc.Refunds 213 217 16 16 Total Other Income 1,585 338 0 16 16 0 Total Communiry Center Dept. 41,460 53,345 56,651 29,060 45,995 61,860 • • ���� 1 of 1 CommCtr 5:54 PM 11/23/2(1(14 • DEBT SERVICE FUNDS BUDGETS Expense and revenue budgets were prepared for three debt service funds. One fund (2004 Blacktop, Fund 304) will pay off its debt in 2009, but is provided for comparison between 2009 & 2010 debt service. Revenues to the two active debt service funds ($337,662) will exceed expenses ($304,228) by $33,434, which will be added to reserves. A copy of the city's debt service schedules are provided as back-up information to the draft budgets. • • 23 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget DEBT SERVICE FUNDS EXPENSE BUDGET • 2004 BLACKTOP(FUND 304) 2007 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Bud et Expdtrs Expdtrs Bud et Budqet Notes: Debt Service 601 Long Term Debt Principal 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 -100.00% 611 Long Term Debt Interest 10,920 15,240 7,920 7,920 7,920 -100.00% Total Debt Service 250,920 255,240 247,920 247,920 247,920 -100.00% Contractual Services 620 Fiscal Agent Fees #DIV/0! Total Contractual Services #DIVlO! Transfers 710 Residual Equity Transfers #DIV/0! 720 Operating Transfers 665,000 #DIV/0! Total Transfers 665,000 #DIWO! Total 2004 Blacktop(304) 250,920 920,240 247,920 247,920 247,920 -100.00% 2007 BLACKTOP(FUND 307) 2007 2008 2009 11l19/2009 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 • Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Bud et Bud et Notes: Debt Service 601 Long Term Debt Principal 250,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 611 Long Term Debt Interest 32,178 55,211 46,038 46,038 46,038 41,043 -10.85% Statutory 5%Coverage Requirement 8,802 #DIV/0! Total Debt Service 32,178 305,211 181,038 181,038 181,038 184,845 2.10% Contractual Services 620 Fiscal Agent Fees 4,553 #DIV/0! Total Contractual Services 4,553 #DIV/0! Transfers 710 Residual Equity Transfers #DIV/0! 720 Operating Transfers #DIV/0! Total Transfers #DIV/0! Tota12007 Blacktop(307) 36,731 305,211 181,038 181,038 181 038 184,845 2.10% • .. - `� . � ,J 1 of 1 DEBT 4:12 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget DEBT SERVICE FUNDS EXPENSE BUDGET � FIRE HALUPUBLIC WORKS(FUND 310) 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Debt Service 601 Long Term Debt Principal 75,000 745000 85,000 85,000 85,000 90,000 5.88% 611 Long Term Debt Interest 45,035 41135 26,140 26,140 26,140 23,293 -10.89% Statutory 5%Coverage Requirement 5,665 #DIV/0! Total Debt Service 120,035 111,140 111,140 111,140 118,958 7.03% Contractual Services 620 Fiscal Agent Fees 403 425 425 425 #DIVlO! Total Contractual Services 403 425 425 425 #DIV/0! Transfers 710 Residuai Equity Transfers #DIV/0! 720 Operating Transfers #DIV/0! Tota�Transfers #DIV/0! Total Fire Hall/Public Works(310) 120,035 403 111,140 111,565 111,565 119,383 7.42°/a Total Debt Service 407,686 1,225,854 540,098 540,523 540,523 304,228 -43.67% • • , �. r`� `. � , �t e� _ ,� ', 2 of 2 DEBT 4:12 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget • DEBT SERVICE FUNDS REVENUE BUDGET 2004 BLACKTOP FUND 304 2oos 2oio 2007 2008 Total 11/19I2009 2009 Total Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Budget Taxes 31000 Washinqton Cty.Tax Settlement 144,830 152 574 100,000 50,000 100,000 Total Property Taxes 144,830 152,574 100,000 50,000 100,000 0 Intergovernmental Revenues 33401 LGA/MVHC/AG/PERAAid 5,151 TotallnterqovernmentalAid 5,151 0 0 0 0 0 Other Income 36100 Special Assessments 47,677 39,083 44,360 t6,988 48,902 36210 Interest Income 30,064 4,848 2,467 2,311 Total Other Income 77,741 43,931 46,827 16,988 51,213 0 Total 2004 Blacktop(304) 227,723 196,505 146,827 66,988 151,213 0 2007 BLACKTOP FUND 307 2oos 2oio 2007 2008 Total 11/19I09 2009 Total Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Budget � Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 42 000 174,000 87,000 174,000 184,845 Total Property Taxes 0 42,000 174,000 87,000 174,000 184,845 Other Income 36100 SpecialAssessments 0 98,925 45,306 18,428 32,993 31,640 36210 Interest Income 0 -1,647 0 634 36250 Misc.Refund Total Other Income 0 97,278 45,306 18,428 32,993 32,274 Other Financing Sources 39200 Interfund Operating Transfer 32,178 212,396 39300 Bond Proceeds 0 0 Total Other Financing Sources 32,178 212,396 0 0 0 0 Total 2007 Blacktop(307) 32,178 351,674 219,306 105,428 206,993 217,119 � ,� ^V ;� 1 0 2 DEBT REVENUE 4:24 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget • DEBT SERVICE FUNDS REVENUE BUDGET FIRE HALL/PUBLIC WORKS FUND 310 2009 2010 2007 2008 Total 11/19/09 2009 Total Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Budget Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 99,987 127,717 706,000 53,000 106,000 118,958 Total Property Taxes 99 987 127 717 106,000 53,000 106,000 118,958 36100 Special Assessments Other Income 36210 Interest Income 6,377 3583 4,426 0 2,696 1,585 Total Other Income 6,377 3,583 4,426 0 2,696 1,585 Total Fire Hall/Public Works Bond(310) 106,364 131,300 110,426 53,000 108,696 120,543 Total Debt Service 422,094 693,643 476,559 225,415 466,902 337,662 • • ._ � 2 0 2 DEBT REVENUE 424 PM 11/24I2009 • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET Expenditures from the Capital Improvement Fund in 2010 include a study of city meeting and office space needs (CIP Project # A-001, $18,000) and construction of a salUsand storage shelter (CIP Project #PW-001, $60,000) The proposed revenue to this fund is $30,000 from the property tax levy. The projected fund balance at the end of 2009 is $193,715. • • 24 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budgef CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS(FUND 401) EXPENSE BUDGET • 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Bud et Notes: Contractual Services 308 Other Professional Services 5,833 5,833 #DIV/01 312 Planning Services 2,051 3,950 #DIV/01 438 Misc Contractuai 18,000 #DIV/01 1 Total Contractual Services 2,051 3,950 5,833 5,833 18,000 #DIV/0! Capital Outlays 520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs 800 60,000 #DIV/01 530 Capital Improvements other than Bldgs 5,239 23,000 13,021 13,021 -100.00% 540 Heavy Machinery Capital #DIV/0! 550 Motor Vehicles Capitai 14,084 #DIV/0! Total Capital Outlays 20,123 23,000 13,021 13,021 60,000 160.87% Transfers 720 Operating Transfers 28,700 #DIV/01 Total Transfers 28,700 #DIV/0! Total Capital Improvements(401) 30,751 24,072 23,000 18,854 18,854 78,000 239.13% Notes: 1. Meeting/Office Space Study(CIP Project A-001) 2. SalUSand Storage Shelter(CIP Project PW-011) • • , : 1 of 1 CAP IMPROVE 4:12 PM 11/24/2009 • i • 2010 Proposed Budget � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 401 REVENUE BUDGET 2oio 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 Total Actuai Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Descnption Revenue Revenue Budqet Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 48,190 524 0 30 000 Total Property Taxes 48,190 524 0 0 30 000 Intergovernmental Revenues 33401 LGA 1,717 12,567 p Total Intergovemmental Aid 1,717 12 567 0 0 0 0 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 8,139 4,769 3,724 3,274 1,377 36230 Donations 0 0 0 0 0 Total Other Income 8,139 4,769 3 724 0 3 274 1 377 Other Financing Sources 39200 Interfund Operating Transfer Total Other Financing Sources 0 0 0 0 0 Total Capital Improvements Fund 403 58 047 17,860 3 724 0 3 274 31 377 � � �� � 6� � PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET This budget includes one project listed in the CIP ( Wind in the Pines, PR-002.) No new revenues are anticipated as subdivision activity, and therefore park dedication fee receipts, has halted due to the economy. A grant application for Lilleskogen was recently denied by the MnDNR. The projected fund balance at the end of 2009 is $21,868. � • 25 I 1/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS(FUND 404) EXPENSE BUDGET � 2007 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Contractual Services 303 Engineeri�g Services 15,000 2,232 15,000 #REF! 1 312 Planning Services 13,991 #REF! Total Contractual Services 13,991 15,000 2,232 15,000 -100.00% Capital Outlays 530 Capital lmprovements other than Bldgs 2,495 25,000 11,000 12,300 #REF! 1 Total Capital Outlays 2,495 25,000 11,000 12,300 -50.80% Total Dept.Fund 404 16,486 40,000 2,232 26,000 12,300 -69.25% 1. Wind in the Pines$12,300(CIP Project PR-002) • • � {� � 1 of 1 PARK CAP IMPROVE 6:01 PM 11/20/2009 2010 Proposed Budget • PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 404 REVENUE BUDGET 2010 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 Total Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: Taxes 31000 Washington Cty.Tax Settlement 31701 Gravel Taxes 31800 Other Taxes Total Property Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 Intergovemmental Revenues 33640 Other Grants Total Intergovernmental Aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 34780 Park Dedication Fees 42,000 4500 0 Total Charges for Services 42,000 4,500 0 0 0 0 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 1,097 898 688 385 162 36230 Donations 0 0 7,500 7,500 0 Total Other Income 1,097 898 688 7,500 7,885 162 Total Park Capital Improvements Fund 404 43,097 5,398 688 7,500 7,885 162 • � . � •w : 1 of 1 PARK CAP REV 4:13 PM 11/24/2009 • EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND BUDGETS Expenditures from the Equipment Replacement Fund are two CIP projects: a rear ditch mower replacement(PW-0007) for $17,000 and completion of the replacement for the Fire Rescue Truck (F-010) for($177,336 of total $220,000 project cost). Revenues will be from issuance of equipment certificates ($200,000) and $80,000 in transfers from operating budgets (recommended to double from 2008/2009 levels.) The budget does not reflect any revenues that might be realized from sale of old equipment. The projected fund balance at the end of 2009 is $28,818. • • 26 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget EGlUIPMENT REPLACEMENT(FUND 406) EXPENSE BUDGET • (Amended) 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Capital Outlays 540 Heavy Machinery Capital 4,065 67,664 19,034 19,034 194,336 t87% 1 550 Motor Vehicles Capital 21,365 42,664 42,664 Total Capital Outlays 0 25,430 67,664 61,699 61,699 194,336 187% Total Equipment Replacement Fund(406) 0 25,430 67,664 61,699 61,699 194,336 187% 1 Ditch Mower$17,000(CIP Project PW-007),and Fire Rescue Truck($220,000-42,664 spent in 2009)(F-010) � � � ,,i ' 1 of 1 EQUIP REPLACE 4:13 PM 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget • EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 406 REVENUE BUDGET 2010 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 Total Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Adopted Account Description Revenue Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: Taxes 31000 Washington Cty Tax Settlement 0 Total Property Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 687 940 179 770 324 36260 Sale of Equipment 500 500 0 Total Other Income 687 940 500 1,270 324 Other Financing Sources 39101 Sale of General Fixed Assets 33,820 39200 Intertund Operating Transfer 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 80,000 39350 Certificate of Indebtedness 200,000 Total Other Financing Sources 33,820 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 280,000 Total Equipment Replacement Fund 406 34 507 40 940 40,000 40 500 41,270 280,324 � • c� C-� r� 1 of 1 EQUIP REPL 4:13 PM 11/24/2009 � 210 SEWER PROJECT BUDGETS The 201 Sewer Project Fund is an enterprise fund that does not receive property tax support. User fees must pay the costs of operating the system and provide reserves for operations, major repairs and eventual replacement of system components. 2009 revenues are currently forecast to exceed 2009 expenditures by about $6,000. 2010 costs are expected to decrease about 4.55% from the 2009 budget. Costs vary from year to year depending upon pumping expenses. 2010 revenues are forecasted to exceed expenses by about $8,500. This will allow reserves (which have been deemed inadequate by the State Auditor) to increase. Staff will not be recommending any change to user rates for 2010. • s 27 11/24/2009 2010 Proposed Budget 201 SEWER PROJECT(602) EXPENSE BUDGET • 2007 2008 2009 11/19/09 2009 2010 Change Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '09-'10 Account Description Expenses Expenses Budget Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Contractual Services 311 Permit Fees 505 900 855 855 855 -5.00% 321 Telephone 888 1,162 814 888 888 -23.55% 361 Insurance 2,948 1,075 1,123 1,938 1,938 2,000 78.09% 381 Utilities 2,210 1,353 1,800 1,372 1,497 1,600 -11.11% 386 201 Operation&Maintenance 34,408 58,892 32,750 18,779 29,750 32,825 0.23% 420 Depreciation Expense 30,000 30,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 2 438 Misc Contractual 19,494 19,494 16,000 -17.92% 3 439 Refunds Issued 420 #DiV/0! Total Contractual Services 69,566 93,132 62,729 23,758 59,922 59,668 -4.88% Transfers 720 Operating Transfers 3,339 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,645 1.25% 1 Total Transfers 3,339 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,645 1.25% Total 201 Sewer Project(602) 70,080 96,471 66,329 27,358 63,522 63,313 -4.55% 1.Transfer to General Fund for staff time&grounds care,postage 8 supplies 2.Add to depreciation for long term reserves 3. Operating reserve for pumping in future years • • . -?� c{�: 1 of 1 201 SEWER 4:40 PM 11/24/2009 Proposed 2010 Budget � 201 PROJECT SEWER FUND 602 REVENUE BUDGET 2010 2007 2008 2009 11/19/2009 2009 Total Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed Account Description Revenue Revenue Budqet Revenue Revenue Revenue 36100 SpecialAssessments 13903 3,328 1,500 1,673 4,444 8,436 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 4,948 2,915 2,250 0 1,926 810 Total Other Income 4,948 2,915 2,250 0 1,926 810 Proprietary Fund Revenues 34401 SewerCharges 22,024 57,010 62,579 46,243 61,243 62,579 37250 Sewer Connection/Reconnection Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Proprietary Fund 22 024 57,010 62,579 46,243 61,243 62,579 Total 201 Project Sewer Fund 602 40 874 63,253 66,329 47,916 67,613 71,825 • � ��� , � 1 of 1 201 SEWER REV 4:14 PM 11/24/2009 ' 11/25/2009 Purpose of Meeting? Public Meeting (formerly "Truth in Taxation Hearing) ❑ Purpose: to gather public comment on the City's budget, and the property taxes needed to pay for the 2010 Budget expenditures in 2010 City of Scandia ❑ Meeting held in each taxing December 1, 2009 jurisdiction (county, city, school district, etc.) ❑ Mandated by State Legislature What it is not... City Budget Process ❑ Not a hearing to discuss changes in ❑ June/July- staff drafts budgets market value of property ❑ August- Council workshops ❑ Board of equalization meetings held ❑ September 15- certify maximum in the spring property tax levy O November- county mails proposed property tax statement ❑ December- Public meeting(s) ❑ December 28- certify final tax levy (may not increase) Scandia's Budget Proposed 2010 Spending, All Funds ❑ General Fund Enterprl�e ■ Operations including Administretion,Fire,Police, ceP�tsi F�oa: Planning&Building,Public Works,Parks, �l% z°� Community Center,etc. oene serv�a ❑ Debt Service Funds 12% ■ Street paving,Fire Hall/P Wks bonds ❑ Capital Funds ■ Capita�Improvement, Parks,Equipment G�n��i� Replacement Operatlnp ❑ Enterprise Funds (201 Sewer) 'S% City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 1 11/25/2009 ' Proposed Spending all Funds, Proposed 2010 Spending, All Funds By Category, 2010 ❑ Total proposed �g,�o,� Trandars Porzonal spending: oe�s..���e ,% �ry�ttg $2,626,433 1396 s�.00.� cePrcei zi% ■ +4.48%from 2009 .,,o,,,,,� o�nars Mate��•is o budget 11� S"s%�°s ■ +6.37%from 2008 "��� actual ���°°°•°°° „�.� w�v,u�,i sry� �� .a.. .u.+.� ......... aevro i Proposed 2010 Spending, Proposed 2010 Spending, Debt Service Funds General Fund ❑ Proposed spending: ❑ Proposed $303,503 "°°�°°° _— spending: w� ■ -43.67%from 2009 �""" $1,974,256 "'°°'°°° „�.� ��,.w,� budget „a,, ■ +11.12%from �-� ❑ Retired debt from •� zoo9 budget •�°°°°°° .�.� ■ Without EIS, ���� 2004 road project �.� �, spending would be wo.� •�^^-^^^ $1,738,006-- , •�^�^^^ 2.17%LE55 than �'°°"°°� ,�,„�,�,,,,,,«,�,� 2009 budget .��.�,�«�+�.o Proposed General Fund Spending, General Fund Spending by Function, by Function, Z010 2008, 2009 & Proposed 2010 PUGIIc Parla/ General #700,000 works Comm.Ctr 31% 6% 19% 5600,000 ;500,000 , ;400,000 ;300,000 �200,000 vlannlnp/ �100,000 Bldp 20� ❑2008 ;0 o� Police ■2009 6� @� � P`` �'�� Fire 6% ■2010 �� �o\ a 18"/0 �f.` �� a � a City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 2 ' 11/25/2009 Proposed Spending General Fund, By Category, 2010 Budget Factors- Expenses O No wage increases GP.�� Perwnal ounays n'emrers servims ❑ Some costs increasing faster than inflation 1% a% 2s% ■ Insurance " � ■ Pension costs(PERA and Fire) ❑ Implementing new Comprehensive Plan- ordinance updates ❑ Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project EIS Meteria�a ($z36�250 Ifl 2010) �.. SuPPlies 6�'° ❑ Double transfers to Equipment Replacement conv.ccu.� Fu nd $lr1I1C2S 61% Budget Factors- Capital Projects Budget Factors- Revenues ❑ Contractual street maintenance ($250k ❑ State levy limit on property taxes compared to$200k in 2009) ❑ Interest earnings are down ❑ Replacement of Fire Rescue truck($177,336 ❑ Permit revenues improving but lower than in of$200k project) the past ❑ Salt/Sand Storage Shelter($60k) ❑ No local government aid ❑ Meeting/office space study ($18k) ❑ City pays cost of state MVHCA(Est. $76,146 ❑ Ditch mower replacement($17k) in 2010) ❑ Wind in the Pines Park($12k) � Resc eltruck200k)for replacement of Fire ❑ Community Center flooring ($lOk) ❑ Revenues will offset extra costs for EIS as proposer reimburses city for contractual and staff costs Proposed 2010 Revenue, 2010 Proposed Revenues, All Sources & Funds All Funds by Source ❑ Total proposed so�ow.�9 ahe, revenue: w�,,,,, 5"°"" e,a s°'° $Z,695,606 ��•�t' ��� �% ■ +14.03%from [�arp�sfor 2009 budget "�°°°,°°° Siy% '{- ■ Includes ..,�.� reimbursements for EIS project, "'°°°'°°° � x�caroo•�Ra• borrowing,and „�,,,0 1% raxa� special levies for be% MVHCA '°�,:�.�.��.�.aa.a �i���s unallotments v"""` z� City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 3 11/25/2009 ' Property Tax Levy Property Tax Rate 52.000,000 — �, 29.000% 8.036�Jo Zg o�a o� ;1�800�000 28.000% -���� ;1.600,000 ,«e�a' ....• 27.000% �553% -..—_—. —.- Sl.'100.000 .zx.� _. ;1,200,000 26.000°h 25.092% ;1,000,000 25.00OMo 23.996% �800�000 24.000% - - ;600,000 - - _ �00,000 23.000% 5200,000 22.000% -- - - � 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2D08 2009 2010 Z1•0��% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Property Tax Levy and Rate Property Taxes- Summary ❑ Proposed 2010 levy increase = wma000 xv.000ao aeaaa us .,,,�,,,o ,,.�% � �=76 3.64% (9.23% in 2009) .�,�,� ���% 26.551 ❑ Median change in taxable market �..�.� •���^ '°.°°°'� ss-°°� value per parcel = 0.0% (-5.0% in `��� =5.°°°% . 2009) �� � Z..�� �� =3.�% ❑ Tax Rate will decrease -0.85% �°°°� °z000% (compared to 13.6% increase in p =�.�% �,,�.�,�.�,�,o �,,�.��,�.�m.o 2009) Tax Levy Tax Rate Calculating Your Proposed Scandia Residential Homestead Property Tax Bill Taxes, 2009 Compared to 2010 ❑ Rate is determined by: ■ Total levy less fiscal disparities levy, divided by total taxable property value zoo9 coty zoio ❑ YOUI'teX L�III IS: Home value Tax Proposed Change $100,000 $175.87 $173.42 -1.4% ■ Tax capacity (1%of first$500,000 of market value, rem. at 1.25%)times tax #lso,000 $335.91 $332.23 -1.1% rate, less market value homestead credit S2so,000 $655.96 $649.83 -0.9°/u (.40%of first$76,000 market value less ;soo,000 gi,42634 gi,413.80 -0.9% .09% of rem. value) #�so,000 gz,317.62 �z,297.43 -0.946 City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 4 ' 11/25/2009 Your Proposed Property Tax Bili City Share of Property Tax (2010) (!SD 831,Car-Mar-St.Croix WSO) ❑ Will be affected by: MeYCO1,,,�� Other ■ Valuation changes different than median-0.0% 1.4q% 5•zs°i Councy ■ Classification changes iso sai � ai.ao i 30.11% ._._<-,. � ■ Phase-out of limited market value ■ Homestead credit($0 at$414,000 value) ■ School distrld dlfferences ■ Watershed district differences ■ "Other"taxing districts(Metro Council,Mosquito Control,County HRA,Transit) City :i 31.80'/0 s�a���»eo.R.,..���,o9osxao.i.000a Scandia's Property Tax Ranking Scandia's Property Tax Ranking ❑ 2008 Property Tax on Average Value Home, ❑ 2008 Property Tax on Average Value Home, Cities&Towns over 2,000 Population Cities&Towns over 2,000 Population, ■ $356,273 Avg. Market Value Metro Smaller Cities ■ County taxes: 23/26 ■ $366,273 Avg. Market Value 2/24 ■ City taxes: 85/117 ■ County taxes: 8/9 ■ School taxes: 54/61(FL) ■ City taxes: 21/24 ■ Speclal district taxes: 53/79 ■ School Wxes: 14/18(FL) ■ Total local taxes before state credits: 109/117 ■ Special district taxes: 15/22 ■ Total local taxes after state credits: 106/117 ■ Total local taxes before state credits: 24/24 ■ Total local taxes after state credits: 23/24 Source: Minnesota Citizen's League Source: Minnesota Ci[izen's League Next Steps ❑ Open hearing for comments and Thank you! questions ❑ Adoption of 2010 budget and tax levy at regular Council meeting on For more information: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 (7:00 p.m.) www•ci•scandia,mn.u.s Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 5 � 11/25/2009 Purpose of Meeting? Public Meeting (formerly "Truth in Taxation Hearing) ❑ Purpose: to gather public comment on the City's budget, and the property taxes needed to pay for the 2010 Budget expenditures in 2010 City of Scandia ❑ Meeting held in each taxing December i, 2009 jurisdiction (county, city, school district, etc.) ❑ Mandated by State Legislature What it is not... City Budget Process ❑ Not a hearing to discuss changes in ❑ June/]uly- staff drafts budgets market value of property ❑ August- Council workshops � Board of equalization meetings held ❑ September 15- certify maximum in the spring property tax levy ❑ November- county mails proposed property tax statement ❑ December- Public meeting(s) ❑ December 28- certify final tax levy (may not increase) Scandia's Budget Proposed 2010 Spending, All Funds ❑ General Fund Entarprlae ■ Operetions including Administretion,Fire,Police, CeP�e1 F�nas Planning&Building,Public Works,Parks, llye z% Community Center,etc. u�b�s�r,,;« ❑ Debt Service Funds 12% ■ Street paving,Fire Hall/P Wks bonds ❑ Capital Funds ■ Capital Improvement,Parks,Equipment General/ Replacement Operetlnp ❑ Enterprise Funds (201 Sewer) 's% City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 1 11/25/2009 " Proposed Spending all Funds, Proposed 2010 Spending, All Funds By Category, 2010 ❑ Total proposed spending: «,�^. oe�s.rv�� 7ra3�e,� re�,,,,.� $2,626,433 � - 12% _ ����� H���'� CapRel ------.,— 21% • +4.48%from 2009 o�tiaYs � M+c..Ni.a budget ��� 11�� s�s'n°bp ,�.wa000 ■ +6.37%from 2008 actual ��°°°-°°° .�,� �O Condaaual Sarvioes �...i .o.w .c.wi ..M.�..� 48% Proposed 2010 Spending, Proposed 2010 Spending, Debt Service Funds General Fund ❑ Proposed spending: ❑ Proposed $303,803 '°°°�°°° spending: w� ■ -43.67%from 2009 �� $1,974,256 �;�� budget �,. ■ +11.12%from .�.� ❑ Retired debt from � 2009 budget •�•°°-°°° ��� 2004 road project "°"°°° ■ without Ets, „,,,,,, *m-� spending would be ..».� �.� $1,738,006-- �� �■^^•^^^ 2.17%LESS than "°°•°°° » 2009 budget '°.�:�.�,�..�.�.e �.��.���.��p.o Proposed General Fund Spending, General Fund Spending by Function, by Function, 2010 2008, 2009 & Proposed 2010 Pu61Ic Parks/ General �700,000 Works Comm.CG 31% 6% 19% 5600,000 ;500,000 ;400,000 5300,000 $200,000 P�a����9� #100,000 Bldg 20"/ ❑2008 Police ■2009 #O �` @� �`° P`� �' � Flre 6% ■2010 t4°°� �c�\ a � 18% .d� � t� �� V City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 2 11/25/2009 Proposed Spending General Fund, By Category, 2010 Budget Factors- Expenses ❑ No wage increases GP��� Perwnal TM.�.r�.. s�rv;«. ❑ Some costs increasing faster than inflation o�,c�.�, ,% za% ■ Insurance ive __, �_: ' ` � ■ Pension costs(PERA and Fire) ❑ Implementing new Comprehensive Plan- ordinance updates Ma«�..�� ❑ Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project EIS � �-� Supplies ($236,250 in 2010) 69'° � Double trensfers to Equipment Replacement convectua� Fund Services 61% Budget Factors- Capital Projects Budget Factors- Revenues ❑ Contractual street maintenance ($250k ❑ State levy limit on property taxes compared to$200k in 2009) ❑ Interest earnings are down ❑ Replacement of Fire Rescue truck($177,336 ❑ Permit revenues improving but lower than in of$200k project) the past ❑ Salt/Sand Storage Shelter($60k) ❑ No local government aid � Meeting/office space study ($18k) ❑ Cit pays cost of state MVHCA Est. $76,146 ❑ Ditch mower replacement($17k) in 010) ❑ Wind in the Pines Park($12k) � Resc e�truckz0ok) for replacement of Fire ❑ Community Center flooring ($lOk) ❑ Revenues will offset extra costs for EIS as proposer reimburses city for contractual and staff costs Proposed 2010 Revenue, 2010 Proposed Revenues, All Sources & Funds All Funds by Source ❑ Total proposed Bo ow.�9 , «he, revenue: w�,,,,, S,�°'•' e,o 6°,° $2,695,606 _ ��•�t' :% "'°°'°°°', cnaro.+ro� ■ +14.03%from i $em� 2009 budget �°°°•°°° ,9•,b ■ Includes .��.�I � reimbursements for EIS project, "°°°"°° x�ee �a.,, borrowing,and .,,,,,,, iw special levies for ba% MVHCA ,�„:�.��,�.�,�„ u���s unallotments °en"�u :% City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 3 11/25/2009 Property Tax Levy Property Tax Rate 52.000.000 �, 29.000% 8.036% 2 °�4.8 s1�800�000 28.000% ;1,600,000 �ai a 27.000% � ;1,400,000 ,:x,. ;1,200,000 - 26.000% 25.092% ;1,000,000 25.000% 23.996% ;80Q000 24.00OMo —- ;600,000 - ;400,000 - - 23.000% ;200,000 22.000% - � zoo3 zooa �aas 1006 aoo� zoas zoos zoio �1.000% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Property Tax Levy and Rate Property Taxes- Summary ❑ Proposed 2010 levy increase = �,ppqppp 39.000% .,,,,,,,, ,a,,,�"b" "b�:" 3.64% (9.23% in 2009) "'��° _`.�' ❑ Median change in taxable market uuuam n.000w , i •��� '°.°°°"° �_ � value per parcel = 0.0% (-5.0% in "�'� ".�°" . 2009) �� � z..�� �� _�.�% - ❑ Tax Rate will decrease -0.85% �°^�° _��°°°% (compared to 13.6% increase in �,,�.�,�.�.�,o ��.���,�.��,�.��.�.a 2009) Tax Levy Tax Rate Calculating Your Proposed Scandia Residential Homestead Property Tax Bill Taxes, 2009 Compared to 2010 ❑ Rate is determined by: ■ Total levy less fiscal disparities levy, divided by total taxable property value Zoo9 city zoio Home Value 7az Proposed Change ❑ Your tax bill is: ;ioo,000 gvs.s� $i�s.az -i.a�ia ■ Tax capacity (1%of first$500,000 of market value, rem. at 1.25%)times tax Slso,000 $335.91 $332.23 -1.1% rate, less market value homestead credit S2so,000 $655.96 $649.83 -0.9% (.40% of first$76,000 market value less Ssoo,000 �i,426.34 gi,413.80 -0.9% .09% of rem. value) #�so,000 gz,317.62 gz,297.43 -0.9°10 City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 4 ' 11/25/2009 Your Pro osed Pro ert�/ Tax Bill City Share of Property Tax (2010) p p ) (15D 831,Car-Mar-St.Goix WSD) ❑ Will be affected by: Met Council Ocher ■ Valuation changes different than median-0.0% l,�qr, s.zs^io county ■ Classification changes ISD 831 � � 3i.ao% 30.11% � ■ Phase-out of limited market value ■ Homestead credit($0 at$a14,000 value) ■ School dlstrlct differences ■ Watershed district differences ■ "Other"taxing districts(Metro Councii,Mosquito Control,County HRA,Transit) City j 31.80^/0 s��nw��o.rtr�m���,on.wz.:o.,..000e Scandia's Property Tax Ranking Scandia's Property Tax Ranking ❑ 2008 Property Tax on Average Value Home, ❑ 2008 Property Tax on Average Value Home, Cities &Towns over 2,000 Population Cities&Towns over 2,000 Population, ■ $366,273 Avg. Market Value Metro Smaller Cities ■ County taxes: 23/26 ■ $366,273 Avg. Market Value 2/24 ■ City taxes: 85/117 ■ County taxes: 8/9 ■ School taxes: 54/61(FL) ■ City taxes: 21/24 ■ Special district taxes: 53/79 ■ School taxes: l4/18(FL) ■ Total local taxes before state credits: 109/117 ■ Special distrid taxes: 15/22 ■ Total local taxes after state credits: 106/117 ■ Total local taxes before state credits: 24/24 ■ Total local taxes aRer state credits: 23/24 Source: Minneso[a Ci[izen's league Source: Minnesota Citizen's League Next Steps ❑ Open hearing for comments and Thank you! questions ❑ Adoption of 2010 budget and tax levy at regular Council meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 For more information: (7:00 p.m.) www.ci.scandia.m_n_.us Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator a.hurlb_u_rt�a ci.scandia.mn.us City of Scandia, 2010 Budget Meeting 5