7.a) Park and Recreational Committee _ >
Meeting Date: 12/15/2009
Agenda Item: � � '�
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Receive reports from the Park and Recreation Committee on:
1. Vinterfest (Saturday, February 6, 2010 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.)
2. 2009 Recreation Progams Report
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • Vinterfest is the annual winter community event sponsored by the
Park and Recreation Committee. Alex Bildeaux will give an
update on activities planned for the 2010 event.
• Recreation Coordinator Marty McKelvey has prepared her annual
report on 2009 recreation programs. It was presented to the Park
and Recreation Committee at their December 7 meeting.
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council receive the reports.
Attachments/ . Activity Program Report, December 2009
Materials provided:
Contact(s): Alex Bildeaux, Park and Recreation
Committee Chair(651 433-2121)
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(park and rec committee report)
Page 1 of 1
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• 23449 Quentin Avenue North
. Scandia,Minnesota 55073
l�ZarCy McKelvey, Progra�m Coord�inator
Ci of Scandia MN
Activi Pr ram Re rt
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December 2009
Report to the Cily Council and
Park/Rec�ation Committee
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ActYvities Program S
This report summarizes the 2009 progam that began in January. Compared to previous years, the
recreation programs at Camp Lakamaga and the Scandia's community center had the most
participants due to those who took part in the newly organized adult softball league. One hundred
and thirty-nine preschool/elementary age children and fifty adults participated in all. Progams such
as: hockey, skating, Cleat Kids and the adult softball league relied heavily on volunteer instructors.
Long-term participation trends:
Long-Term Trends in Participation, Scandia
200 __ _�_ .__.__. . _ ___ ----__. ..__ . __ __.__ _ ______--�—._� _.
180 � .��
160 .,:... ,>
168 "�.,°�,.,,,,,�
140 ""
120 149 � ,.. ._.,�, �.a�..�-��. 152
100 �29 #—Total
0 ,
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Further details on the trends are shown in Appendix A
Marty McKelvey Report 2
. ,
Revenue for these programs produced a net gain of$1,737 for Scandia and $1,678.00 revenue for
Camp Lakamaga.
Financial Overview - Scandia Activities
$s,000 __� �__. __ _ _
$6,324 _ . __
$6,000 --
$1,737 ■ 2009
$2,000 -_— $1.563
-- -- -- ■2008
$- --
Revenue Direct E�enses Coordinator/ Net Gain before Net Gain(Cost)
Mgmt.E�s. Coord.E�. to Scandia total
■2009 $6,324 $2,903 $1,684 $3,421 $1,737
■2008 $4,392 $1,638 $1,191 $2,754 $1,563
Informal evaluations by participants and their parents show positive support throughout the program.
The Summary Report contains recommendations for maintenance of the lighted ball field.
Program Report: Success
The largest single activity, ice skating/hockey classes, accounted for 46%participation. The coaches
volunteered their time helping students with skating techniques and providing an enjoyable learning
environment. Continued success is largely due to having the support of the school, the instructors
and having the best ice available.
Camp Lakamaga's facility and staff provided five different kinds of camp activities and also an
evening program for both the child and parents attending together. More sessions offered campers a
more flexible schedule. As expected more students were engaged at Camp Lakamaga however the
parent/child evening programs offered twice a month on the average were largely unattended. The
Sparks and Blast program is the only program that provided an all day camp experience.
Participation for this program improved in the month of August, whereas all other programs finished
registration by the end of July.
Marty McKelvey Report 3
Detailed Activity Enrollment - Scandia MN
70 65 g4 _
ao �. 2009
30 30 28 e 2oos
20 - -
9 g
10 -
� �` � ° ; �-. _i�. � .� ,....�..
� Sparks/Blast
Great Archery/ Bugsl
Ice Skating Adult Softball Cleat Kids Tennis Decisions �COmb' Biking Critters Other
�2009 65 30 28 23 15 9 8 6 5
p 2008 64 0 39 23 15 3 0 0 8
Cumulative Program Enrollment 2005 - 2009
250 _ _._�__-___ _- - _----- _____ -- ____ __ - - - - _._ . __ _ _ _
150 -
50 -
� Tennis/ Great Outdoor
Ice Cleat Tennis Sparks/ Archery Skate �cision Adult Challeng Bugs/ La AN Water
Skating Kids Blast board Softball Critters Crosse Other Works
or s ers
�Cumulati�e 226 137 97 69 47 43 39 30 29 27 26 10 7
Marty McKelvey Report 4
Enrollment and Recommendations
The programs at Camp Lakamaga enrolled 30 students this year compared to six students
participating in 2008 and 29 students in 2007. The biggest surprise is hearing how many residents
are unaware of our community program. While the progam brochures are distributed within the
community, the timing of the brochure during spring break, misses families who might otherwise
receive the brochure in the mail.
Offerings for 2010 should include the return of skateboarding and explore the idea of combining
two activities together such as tennis and archery. The adult slow pitch softball league had a good
beginning without much advertising. Both the Forest Lake Men's and Women's Softball
Coordinator, Bob Gustafson and Kelly Latin, the Columbia Softball Coordinator are very much
enthused about the possibility of promoting a fall league program in Scandia. Camp Lakamaga will
explore new offerings as well and continue camps like Sparks/Blast that have been profitable.
While the program was a success for 2009, there are ways the Board might consider to
improve the program for 2010. The Chair of the Park and Recreation committee had
requested that improvements to the lighted ball field be considered in this report.
Recommendations for discussion:
•Rec. #1 — Continued marketing practices by.....
Targeting past participants when mailing the new brochure and distributing the brochure
after spring break has finished.
•Rec. #2— Continued promotion of the program during the summer months by.....
Placing advertisements in local papers and using the community events section to
list each camp's description.
•Rec. #3 —Evaluate improving safety of the lighted ball field playing field by.....
Placing a pitching rubber 65 Ft. away from the plate for Women's Slow-pitch and the
Adult Fall Softball leagues.
Adding another layer of aggregate to the infield area.
Fixing the home plate placement so that it aligns with the right and left field foul posts.
The progam offers a variety of activities and continues to be invaluable to the community. In my
fourth and final year as Program Coordinator, I have enjoyed the opportunity to work with the
wonderful people of Scandia. Thank you for giving me this experience.
Marty McKelvey Report 5
Appendix A ;
Long-Term Enroliment Trends in Most Popular Programs at Scandia
�o . ___----�_.___._� _ . __. _____.__ __._.___ ___..____�___ _ ___ _
��� '
50 - =N�Ice Skating
40 �� ��Cleat Kids
' �Tennis
� �-Sparks/ Blast
20 "�°'�- �� ��� ' �—Tennis/Archery or Arch/Biking
0 —�
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Long-Term Trends in Smaller Programs(Enrollment)
35 _ _ _ .. _ - _ _ __ _ ___ _ __. --__ --- - -... __,__ _ . ._
25 � ---+�--�Skate board
� Great Decisions
20 --- Adult Softball
15 ` �" "" ``�'° f----, -- -- Outdoor Challengers
� �� k- Bugs/Critters
10 - .— �� �
'� / La Crosse
5 -�
0 ,_ _ — _ i _''�""'�-�_ �
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Marty McKelvey Report 6