8.b)1) Request for Resolution of Support for East Metro Regional Firefighter Training Facility � Meeting Date: 12/15/20 9 Agenda Item: �� d � City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Adopt resolution supporting state bonding funds for design and construction of an East Metro Regional Firefighter Training Facility. Deadline/Timeline: N/A Background: • A coalition of fire departments from the Ramsey and Washington counties are planning to build a regional center that to provide a state-of-the-art facility for fire safety training&management. • The Scandia Fire Department has requested that the Council adopt a resolution in support of this proposal. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council adopt the resolution. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution No. 12-15-09-03 Materials provided: • "Maplewood Proposes Building$6M Fire Training Facility for East Metro Fire Departments", St. Paul Pioneer Press, 11/27/09. Contact(s): Jim Finnegan, Fire Chief(651 433-2225) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (firefighter training faciliry) Page 1 of 1 12/04/09 s CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO. 12-15-09-03 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUPPORT FOR STATE BONDING FUNDS FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN EAST METRO REGIONAL FIREFIGHTER TRAINING FACILITY WHEREAS, a coalition of fire departments from the East Metro Counties of Ramsey and Washington are planning to build a regional command and training center in the near future that will provide a state-of-the-art East Metro Regional Fire Training Facility for fire safety training/ management and meet the needs of other public safety disciplines that will benefit all cities and other municipalities, and WHEREAS,the fire departments are seeking support and funding from the state and others to see this project come to full fruition; and WHEREAS,the fie deparhnents are seeking support from all communities in Ramsey and Washington counties due to the interest in state funding for the facility; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the City Council of the City of Scandia, Minnesota does hereby support and recommend the concept of the East Metro Regional Fire Training Facility; and that the City Council of the City of Scandia, Minnesota expects and anticipates that Scandia will benefit generally and possibly directly with the addition of this facility to the East Metro for training and management purposes; and that the City Council of the City of Scandia, Minnesota therefore supports the consideration and subsequent award of any grant by the state or their designee for the purposes of planning,building or mobilizing such a facility. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 15th day of December, 2009. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk/Administrator M�plewood proposes building $6M fire training facility for east metro fire departments - TwinCities.c... Page 1 of 2 ' ■ ■ ■ w i n i i es • co m Ma lewood 1'� Q$@$ difficult to keep up with national standards, in part p p p because of a lack of training facilities.ThaYs the b u i I d i n 6 M f i re reasoning behind Maplewood's proposal to build a g W $6 million regional facility that would serve firefighters in the east metro—mainly an estimated trai n i ng faci I ity for east 1,400 firefighters in Ramsey and Washington metro fire departments counties. Maplewood Fire Chief Steve Lukin said the closest City looks to state for half of$6M cost cuRent available space is in St. Paul."The problem with that is,that facility was built to train just their By Nancy Ngo department,"Lukin said. "By the time you can book nngo@pioneerpress.com space and get your firefighters all there,your training time is limited." Updaled: 11/27/20C�9 07:53:59 AM CS7 The city of Maplewood has submitted a bond proposal asking the state to chip in half the money it will cost to build a new facility.The remainder of ��b"' the project is expected to be funded through grants ,donations and partnerships. Lukin said$2.2 ��4 million of that amount has been secured. ..,.'.,W'.1'� , . � � �ri '+� If the state approves the bond proposal in this next ;�_, legislative session,the facility could be open as - _ early as spring 2011. >. , ' ��" -, ''Kt; ;�;. The facility would be used by fire departments in Ramsey and Washington counties that choose to participate under a joint powers agreement. Other operating revenue would come from a partnership with Century College to provide training to students st. Pau�Fire Chiet rim aut�er carries an oxygen tank after refil�ing it after a and from renting out faeilities, Lukin said. drill Monday November 16,2009 at the department's training grounds on Energy Park Drive.Butler has joined a class of 20 new recruits and will be part of the rookie class for the 13 week ordeal.(Ploneer Press:Chris Polydorof� The training campus would be built on a 10-acre vacant parcel on the west side of Minnesota 5 and Water rescue. Hazardous materials management. In Minnesota 120. In addition to classrooms,the addition to putting out fires,firefighters say they are campus would feature freestanding buildings for being asked to do more than ever before. bum and rescue training.They include a mock two- story home with an attached garage and a seven- story strwcture that would serve as practice for At the same time, local fire chiefs say it can be rescues from apartments, businesses and other Advertisement ------------------------------------------- � ------------------� ; • • •• [x�nus zrrrn� ; � � ; �5� each � ; 1 ���������� �"•r o � 4�6"Kodak�nstant priMs ; ; tnk caom■ra.ro.d lor w by n.ooynr nop ; i sM arlr rW r vod 1 to�sed,wnrd►rvened � � pvd�ed�oid v rchtibd by Ysr.Lw�t me aRer , � m Mi�lEle rt T �� Q ' � , �"xr't v�ice i�me�1/rc�u�Pet/4' ��� 9858�011 1882�4 74 I i & B -030B-4DD5-8d , .�.,_.._.._____..�.___.._._._.__.._.__._,___. Print Powered By (rd I�or r�iatDynamics� http://w�vw.twincities.com/minneapolis/ci_13875392 12/4/2009 Maplewood proposes building $6M fire training facility for east metro fire departments - TwinCities.c... Page 2 of 2 � . ■ ■ ■ win i ies • com multistory buildings. training times for his 45-person department. He hopes his firefighters will have more access with a Traditionally,firefighters practice putting out fires new facility,especially considering the departmenYs by using old homes acquired for training. increasing demands. East metro regional "We're being asked more and more to incorporate a lot of different disciplines,"Anderson said. fire training facility "Firefighters don't just put out fires anymore." The dty of Maplewood hopes the state will fund half of the Nancy Ngo can be reached at 651-228-5172. cast of a$6 million�ire training facility that primerily would senre Washington and Ramsey opunties. . � o'�c � � fh 0,� Y Co.Rd.B % 40thSt, � MAPLEWOOb F�Aowsr Avr. � 34tli 5� �a�. � Q �. � �`� ' N PIONEER PRESS Oakdale Fire Chief Jeff Anderson said the new facility would give firefighters more up-to-date training. "Houses today are being built with lighter-weight materials.They bum faster and hotter,"he said. "This will give us more latitude in the type of training we do." Anderson said it can be difficult to coordinate Advertisement ,-------------------------------------------------------------� � • '+ L7VIRt!2127/t� ' i � � � ��� V�V� � � I wit�purchase of twenty-five � " � ; � 4x6"Kodak instaM priMs ; � it�k ca�qm�r�rrd�f!or w b)fi�onrmr nop ; � si�utry�d r rod�mpeQ Karrrd k�rwMtsd. � �pp�r[f�ed dd v rdiabd by�Isr.Lant me dlm �� ; i iN delemtini P+rewet bEY. teM valut.UIIH (�] ' E ; i d'O���o�b►� �t0r+trtAleet yoir One ~ � � � yo�rx,�vkrl�do�a�Mrcepasq 98,SB-0113-1$82-d67d-03Q6-4045-8-0 , _ ._ _ .. . . ,. Print Powered By (1`d�Fc.�� �r�atDynamics '. http://w�vw.twincities.com/minneapolis/ci_13875392 12/4/2009