8.f)1) Update on Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project , r
Meeting Date: 12/15/2009
Agenda Item: ��
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C�ty Counc�l Agenda Re ort `�
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274
Action Requested: None—receive an update from staff on the status of the Zavoral
Mining and Reclamation Project EIS.
Deadline/Timeline: N/A
Background: • The City Council approved a Final Scoping Decision Document
for the Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) for the Zavoral
Mining and Reclamation project in April, 2009. In August, 2009
the City hired AECOM as the consultant to complete the EIS, and
AECOM completed a work plan for the EIS based on the Scoping
Decision Document. The City published a Notice of Intent to
Prepare the Environmental Impact Statement in the EQB Monitor
on September 7, 2009.
• The Scoping Decision Document identified and described the
project alternatives that will be analyzed in the EIS, the issues that
will be analyzed, and the proposed schedule for the EIS.
• On December 1, Tiller Corporation sent a letter to the City
indicating that they are proposing changes to the Zavoral Mine
project as described in the Scoping Decision Document. The
changes include the following:
o Tiller is proposing to eliminate the processing activities
that were originally proposed as part of the project at the
Zavoral site.
o The aggregate material mined at the site will be transported
to the Scandia Mine site, located on Manning Avenue near
225th Street. This site is also operated by Tiller
Corporation. The material would be processed at that site.
Tiller indicates in its letter that the material that will be
transported to the Scandia Mine site will replace aggregate
material that is currently transported to the site from
deposits in Chisago County, Minnesota and Polk County,
• The revision would change the EIS alternatives and analysis, and
will require changes in the Scoping Decision Document and the
work plan for the EIS.
Page 1 of 3
• According to the Rules for the Environmental Review Program the
procedure for amending the Scoping Decision is for the RGU (the
City Council to approve a revised Scoping Decision Document
and publish a revised Notice of Intent to Prepare the
Environmental Impact Statement that includes the revised Scoping
Document in the EQB Monitor(Minnesota Rules 4410.2100,
subparts 8 and 9). The process to revise the scope does not
include a requirement for a public hearing.
• The elimination of processing activities at the Zavoral site and
transfer of the proposed processing to the Scandia Mine site will
affect several elements of the EIS:
o The changes will require revision of the alternatives to be
examined in the EIS from four to three. Alternative#3—
Impacts of Washing and Alternative#4- Impacts of
Seasonal Scheduling of Processing Activities would be
eliminated. Tiller is proposing a new alternative that
would examine the potential impacts of compressing the
length of time that the Zavoral Mine would be operated to
up to five years, rather than up to 10 years as proposed in
the Preferred Alternative. The proposed alternatives to be
examined in the EIS would be amended in the new scope
to include the following:
o Alternative#1 –Applicant's Preferred Alternative
o Alternative#2–No Build Alternative
o Alternative#3 –Revised Schedule
o The scope of the EIS analysis and consultant work plan
would be revised in several areas. Staff and consultants
are currently working with the proposer to revise the scope.
The revised scoping document is expected to be available
for the City Council's review at the January 5, 2010
• One of the issues for the revised scope is how the EIS would
include analysis of the potential impacts on the Scandia Mine site
from transferring material to the Scandia Mine site and processing
it there, instead of at the Zavoral Site. Some guidance has been
received from the EQB staff that the city should include the
analysis of all potential impacts at both sites in the EIS. Exactly
how that should be done is still the subject of discussions between
the proposer and the city staff and consultants.
� The first meeting of the Project Advisory Committee(PAC)was
held on December 8, 2009. The handouts for the PowerPoint
presentations made at that meeting are attached and have been
posted on the city website. The PAC will meet three more times.
The dates for the next two meetings were set(Wednesday,
February 3, 2010 and Tuesday, Apri127, 2010 from 4:00 p.m. to
6:00 p.m.) The third meeting will be schedule for when the draft
Page 2 of 3
EIS is available for review.
• Meeting notes from the PAC meeting are being compiled by the
consultant team, and will be provided to the Council and posted on
the website as soon as they are available.
• One of the issues raised at the PAC meeting was whether the city's
review of the mining project Conditional Use Permit(CUP)
application(which has been suspended during the environmental
review) was properly based on the former city Comprehensive
Plan. The CUP application was made in 2008,before the adoption
of the current plan in March, 2009. The city has been advised to
review the application under the plan that was in affect when the
application was submitted, which allows mining as a conditional
use in agricultural areas. Members of the PAC questioned
whether a written legal opinion regarding this matter was
available, and whether Tiller's recent modification of the project
would affect that opinion. The City Council may wish to discuss
Recommendation: No action is requested. Staffwill be available to answer questions
about the progress of the EIS, and will also provide any additional
information that might be known following a meeting with the
proposer scheduled for Tuesday, December 15.
Attachments/ • December 1, 20091etter from Tiller Corporation
Materials provided: . PowerPoint Handouts, December 8, 2009 PAC Meeting
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(Zavoral EIS Update)
Page 3 of 3
TILLER Tiller Corporation
mid its opemting divisions
CORPORATION Barton Sand&Gravel Co.
Commercial Asphalt Co.
Corporate Office: Barton Enterprises,Inc.
PO Box 1480 general:(763)425-4191
7200 Hemlock Lane,Suite 200 facsimile:(763)425-7153
Maple Grove,Minnesota 55311 web: www.tillercorp.com
December 1,2009
The Mayor and City Council Members of the City of Scandia
14727 209�Street N.
Scandia,MN 55073
Re: Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project
Dear Mr. Mayor and City Council Members:
Tiller Corporation(Tiller) recently conducted addiHonal exploration activities within the
proposed m;,,;ng limits of the Zavoral Mining and Reclamation Project(the Project). This
was done to obtain a better understanding of the deposit and to develop a mining plan
needed for the Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)being prepared for the Project. The
exploration reconfirms that this is an excellent deposit of sand and gravel and after
evaluating the Project deposit more thoroughly,we have determined the material meets the
requirements of add rock for our existing Scandia facility. Most recently,add rock for this
facility is being obtained from deposits in Chisago County,Minnesota and Polk County,
Tiller has also heard the comments and concerns expressed by the Scandia community
during the Environmental Assessment Worksheet process and EIS scoping process. Sorne of
the concerns have focused on impacts to water resources from aggregate washing activities,
impacts from noise and dust created by processing equipment and visual impacts from
stockpiles and processing equipment. Tiller firmly believes these concerns and all other
concerns can be adequately addressed through the EIS and City permitting processes.
However,we understand the community has concerns and after considering our need for
add rock at our existing Scandia facility and understanding that the deposit contained
within the Project can meet those needs,Tiller has decided to use this deposit as an add rock
source. This decision will eliminate the need for processing at the Project site. In other
words crushing,screening, aggregate washing,stockpiling of aggregate material and
transporting finished aggregate materials internally for subsequent processing are being
eliminated as proposed activities for the Project.
This Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Noveinber l],2009
Pnge 2 of 2
With this change,activities proposed at the Project site will primarily consist oE clearing
vegetation and overburden from the areas to Ue mined,exca��ation of raw aggregate
materials,transporting the raw aggregate materials from the Project site and reclamation
activities. These activities have always been proposed as part of the project.
Please understand,the decision to use the deposit from the Project site as an add rock source
for our existing Scandia facility does not impact this existing facility. As stated above we
currently obtain add rock from deposits north and northeast of the Project site. Add rock
from the Project site will replace add rock from the other locations. Simply changing the
source of add rock will not have an impact our existing Scandia facility. The amount and
type of processing at our existing Scandia facility 11as always been determined by market
demand and it will continue to be determined by market demand.
Tiller believes the decision to use this deposit as an add rock source is positive and
beneficial to both the community and the Project. Please contact me if you have questions
or need additional information. I may be reached at(763)425-4191.
Tiller Corporation �
Michael Caron
Director of Land Use Affairs
c: Anne Hurlburt,City Administrator
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
��'-�t� - Thank you for being involved
PAC Meeting 1
Zavoral Mine& Reclamation � � _ _
Project EIS �
_ �
_ � � � � _
, .
Agenda �����
■ Introductions
■ Review PAC roles,responsibilities,&schedule
■ Overview of EIS,CUP,��,��9 P�o�esses PAC Members
■ Gravel mining
■ Til�er proposal
■ EIS content
■ Recent developments&scoping implications •Introductions
■ Group identfication of issues&concems •Brief summary of what made
■ NeM steps you interested in serving on
■ Public questions PAC?
City & Local Representatives Agency Representatives
■ Jed CheStnut ■ Jim Shaver-Camelian-Marine-St.Gdx Watershed Distrid
■ Bfll Clapp � JIm Larsen-Metrapolitan Coundl
■ Lisa Schlingerman ■ Melissa Doperalski—MN Depanment oi Natura�Resources
■ Kristin Tuenge ■ Karen Kromar-Minnesota Pdlution Control Agenq
■ Mlchael Whlte ■ JIII Medland-NPSSt.Croix National Scenic Riverway
■ Thomas Krinke-Scandia Planning Commission ■ Jyneen Thatcher-washington Conservation Distria
■ Dan Seemon-US Army Corps of Engineers
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
� -
����� PAC Roles
- PAC Roles & � �
Responsibilities . . . � ;�,�P,� y
•.: •e�s e���
mmpetlon meswes
�ReWe�w DroR EIS,,
�� tia�:
■ � . . .:r:�,:.,,,:, � . . ,�.,,..,.
PAC Support PAC Input
` � ■ Input&results of PAC discussions will be
collected&documented in meeting notes
&posted on Ciry's project web site
� �` ■ PAC members are encouraged to
communicate with others in
community/agency to broaden outreach&
� � information exchange for EIS
PAC Responsibilities PAC Meetings
■Timely review of materials ■4 meetings(Feb 3,Apr 27, May/June)
■ Participation in all meetings ■4-6 pm
■ Representation of communiry&/or agency ■ Next 2 meetings
as a whole ❑Focus on technical issues as information is
■ PrOviding non-voting, advisory input to City devetoped during preparation of EIS&
potential mitigation measures
Council ■4"'meeting
❑Review&comment on the draft EIS
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
■� ,.�:� ■,� .�,,..
, .
PAC Protocol PAC Protocol
■ Meetings are for PAC to receive ■All members need to have in front of them
information, ask questions, &discuss any information a PAC member refers to
issues during a meeting.(If you have something
■ Questions from public allowed at end of you intend to refer to, please bring copies
meeting;comment cards are available for each member)
■ If ineeting extends beyond scheduled ■Anne Hurlburt is the point of contact for
ending time,will continue only if majority of information sharing between meetings
PAC members can remain
(contkiued) ����
PAC Protocol �'^�
■ PAC meeting notes comprise written Overview of
documentation of PACs advisory role
■ PAC members are likely to comment on PI'OC@SS@S
EIS when published as individuals/or as
agencies Environmental Review(EIS),
CUP, 8 other permits
Environmental Review Process Environmental Review Process
■ EQB Rules required EAW for project to ■ Ciry held public meeting to"scope" EIS
determine whether or not it had potential (April 7, 2009)&approved a Scoping
for significant environmental impacts, Decision Document(April 21,2009),which
which would require an EIS determined required contents of EIS
■ EAW completed(Dec 2008) ■ City is preparing EIS, approved contract
■ City Council determined EIS required with AECOM(August 2009)
(Mar 2009) ■ EIS process will take about 1 year
� � • • � • � � •' i ���
• • . � � EISAnalyses
C�ty 8 A�COPA collec�da:a 8 conduc!ar•alyses
req_�red Cy Scop�ng Dcasion Documentt�
rorrplcl��heFIS Nr.z'twoPACmcelmGswi'I
•• - revoWe arounc these analyses.
� • •' • • • ' ' • •�• '• . .- . . �'
Oraft EIS Preparation �.�'�
� � �• � • Crty 8 AECOM orepare Ihe draH GIS nAC w�il
provitic revicw commentson he tlra!t EIS atthe
� " - " 4'PAC mceLng.pnor to pubhc distrmuUon.
• •'
� • - •• • -• - .• - - DawmentPreparallonComplete �'���
Dreft EIS is completed for public nolice.
- • •. •
- i i��
Notifica6on in the EQB MonAor City 8 AECOM Prepare Final EIS Document �
CRy provitles necessary informahon to publish City B AECOM respontl to comments,ob;am
noticeof draft EIS m EOB MonRor,newspaper any req�ued addilionai information.8 prepare
final EIS oocument.
PublieCommeMPeriod Begina City Distributes Final EIS
W�en Eo8 Mon�tor Is pubhsnetl oNicialiy Cey shall provide copms of the final E!5 to all
not:ci�g availa6�lityofthe tlrah EIS,publ.c � oe'sons rece,v�ng cop�es o'!�e tlrafl Ei5&aoy
comment penotl(typically 3D days)begins ne�sen whc submiL•ed su6stantwe commen�s on
Durmg this time interestetl parties can review t�c crafl cIS,and to the ez!ent possib��.c,to aoy
EIS 8 submitwntter commenisto Ci!y pe�son recuestlnq,he Onal FIS
Pu6licCommentPenod Ends,City Reviews � City Notices Final EIS Availa6ilily �
Comments , rity sends nolice tc CQ3 Momror d newspaper
.VJher p�6iic comrent oeroo is over,C�ty E o�ava-labi ity Gomment period on Final
AECOM ieview al fime y R substentrve 'Decision&Resoonse to Cor�me�tsentls no
�tomments Thc City&ALCUM�esportl tc socne-than 10 business tlays alte�pu�l�ca:ion
suhstantrve comments of ro[icc
CitymakesElSAtlequacyDecision-an � �
EIS is edequate it • • •
Adtlresses potentially signifiwnt issues
raise0 m scoping,prov�tlesresponses to
substantivecommenlsrecervedduring �' ' - � �
draREIS review concernmg issues raised �
in srnpin9 was preparetl In compliance ' • -• .�• • �
with procedures of the ed an0 parts I
4410.020010 4410.8500. 1 1: •- • • • 1
.• - � • - �' - •• - •�-
CflyNoHficationofFinalDecidon • : - -• ' - -• •
Citywill notity ell persons receiving
copres Mthe final EIS pursuarrt of its � ���• • • • ��
atlequecy decis�on withm trve days
�Public noBce ef the decision shall be - � _�� � �- �-�
:published in the EQB Mondor
• • ' •" • • ' '•
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
Other Permits s�
■ EIS is not a generic permit application, it
does not replace permit applications or
supporting data requirements GI'aV@� MlClltlg ���
■Tiller will need to file any necessary permit �
information directly with permitting
agencies (By Tiller Corp.)
■ Ciry&other permitting entities may not
issue permits for project until EIS has
been completed
Saravel Minina 101 Every yeer—�2,�te pounds ot ne.w mmerou muat ee proWdea tor
Productlon of Constructlon Aaareaates e�r enon In die UnneO steles to meKe the mxqs we uee,ev�ry ay
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f � t 'Economically viable
;� � + ��" ? — deposits M sand and gravel,
��`,� �r or bedrodc appropriate for
` i crushing,are where they
/ 4u �h are,whether oonvenient a
wcwc; ` � � %/ ns.,va, __—
�,,.�,., ' not'
��!/L1�� � �� __ � (Southwick et al.,2000)
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hrke.Notr�Irnaiheas��cPoenedfraMrbirgsuAbtrofiM � �
s AM�ivs bM.
Sarthwick et al.2000
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
� �
' 'A pit in sec6on 18
�.T * - 'The availability of tlie � /• near the intersecUon of
' ,� best remaining Superior- t � luinnesota FGghways
,�. lobe sand and gravel 95 and 97 produced
,� � ' . . . deposits in eastem -� - �� samples that average
$, hr II -.� Washington and centrel _, !�y�;„. a 025 percent each of
; Y3�`� �� � Dak�a counUes,is shale,iran obde,and
� + threatened by suburban �� unsound chert."
' r - "r• Sp2NA' r r _'r 1
� '"= � (Southwick et al.2000) , . y
,,,:. '.� (SoWiwick et al.,2000)
�t., $��� �.
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Exnosed mining face �rain size asmtu�on and aassi�cauon cnart
w � Num�na�*rJ_4oa�«nbm� vnal�wanwnaaeam
�,����! .:,''"R� •DemOnsVales Me �� ae .ae
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gladal deposits ��� � �e_�ceu. ��, •To meke a producl,matufal
. � o��, must be aoAed eaading to 115
��` • u -- �. groin size
•Note the range of grain j �x . . u.�"-` �I
� SIZES: �Oe C� M�W j
�a cewnm •Material is passed thraqh
�. �"`�", � �M1v"�n and •F�"'a�•�a..e-�..a�.av.w .m aso xo ,� �� F sieves(sc�eens)roachievethe
.9` t y�"�� �� oa no :c - - 1° requlred grein size disfrib�Non
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�-a�� �;,-iv• . ��'^�. IacicirgapBrtiWlergraln .�.,e ems� n u ���"��0 �
� size mey need to brin9� �mw r. .
- "add rotk'to supplement ��.�.'� am� . - r .. . e[ .-___
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0000a[ oa wn �
Base Surfacirg Aggregate
Evampk d varkry d podurn Tolal Percert Passing
Cl�l Clu3 Clul CL� Clrf M6
• Bagged Portland 4ment �'
• Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement(must be washed) ����� - - - - - -
• Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Seal Coat ��e� - - �� �� - -
• Coarse Aggregate for Concrete »3^•^ _ _ _ _ _ _
• MortarSand ��x��
• Base and Surfacing Aggregate(Gushing requtred for qass 5 °"'� �� ��
end CI235 6) �wmnl 10° - - 90-10° B0'10°
• Stab(IiiingAggreQate ���� es-ss. s�-sa - - w.uo was
• Aggregate Backfill •.a"•,, m.es. �sw 3�-iao asioo »-w >s�ro
• Aggregate Bedding ����
200mm 25-'IO 35�5 30.IU0 OI00 SOdfO A!J
• CoarxfilterAggregate�nofinn—Generallyrequkes �""�
• washing) �««> io<s uao sw sas ioas io-w
• FineFilterAggfegate '6�'"' e.o-is.o s.au.o s.o�io.o . . n.aioo �.a-v.o
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PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
operations Overview-Mapb Grove,MN ComoaraNva Loeal Water Usaae
;:r'�'�:. . . . .
_ Pert�itled
• ,;� MG/Year
�° Abrahamson 7.3
Barton Sand ,�8 0
and Grevel
Eco Bakken $$,Q
-;�; Forest Hills 37.0
Gdf qub
city a Forest 2g50
Asld Rockc The Modern Plan �� #
❑Add Rock allows grovel mining lo operate elfiqeMly.
❑Add Rock dces nal exlentl C�e life of a minirp operatbn,k�steaA�R albws the f
producers lo use 100%of the materiel to make e producl—ALL of Ihe rosource T i I I e r s P ro posa I
is utllized.
O The amount d Atld Rock requked Is e functlon oF gradations exisdng at the
mine,an0 the malerial specification required for specific prpducts.
OAggregale is too precbus a msource to bt go to wasffi.
Tiller's Mining Proposal Tiller's Mining Proposal
■Operate sand&gravel mine on site of ■ Maintain minimum 3-foot separation
dormant, unreclaimed gravel mine between bottom of excavation&
■ Mining&restoration of 64 acres within groundwater table
114-acre Zavoral Site ■ Mining area&processing activities located
■ Mine to average depth of 15 feet&expand outside St. Croix River District Zone.
limits of past mining by 8 acres ■About 4 acres of previously-mined area in
St. Croix River District Zone&scenic
easement area reclaimed in first year
(continued) (continued)
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
Tiller's Mining Proposal s�.,�, �..
■ Mining conducted on seasonal basis,
typicallyfrom April through mid-November E�S COntent
■ Develop&reclaim site in phases
■ Duration of mining up to 10 years
Scoping Decision Document
_ . `
Project Alternatives EAW Items Screened &
Removed from Further Review
■ ApplicanYs preferred alternative • Item 15:Water surface use-impacis to boating&
■ No-build altemative recreationa/use
. Item 18:Water quality:wastewafers-impacts to
muniCipa/or on-site sewage treatment
Sca/e of Magnitude Alternatives sysrems
■ Item 22:Vehicle-related air emissions
■ 3 washing altematives(based on water use) ■ Item 25a:Archaeological,historical,or arcnitecrura�
■ Impacts&seasonal scheduling of processing resources
■ Item 256:Prime or unique farmlands
■ Item 28:Impact on infrastructure 6 public services
■ „;�:,: � �,.
Topics to be included in EIS: Topics to be included in EIS:
■ Item 17:Surface water quality&quantity
■ Item 9:Land use/potential environmental ■ Item 19:Geologic hazards&soil conditions
hazards/reclamation p/an ■ Item 20:b-Solid waste&c-Hazardous waste,
■ Item 10:Cover types storage tanks
■ Item 11: a-Fish,wildli/e,&ecologically-sensitive ■ Item 21:Tra�c
resources 8 6-Threatened&endangered ■ Item 23:Sfationa source air emissions
species rY
■ Item 12:Physical impacts on water resources ■ Item 24:Odors,noise,&dust
■ Item 13:Water use ■ Item 26:Visual Impacts
■ Item 14:Water-related/and use management districts ■ Item 27:Compatibility with plans&land use
■ Item 16:Erosion&sedimentation ■ Item 29:Cumulative impacts
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
� �,..r
�� �f^l Tiller's Revised Proposal
` ■ Cost-benefit related
Recent ■ Recent additional characterization of
Develo ments deposit indicated use as add-rock for
p Scandia Mine site
■ Reinitiating use of Zavoral site well at
No processing at Zavoral site levels suitable for washing gravel would
require significant investment to address
DNR water appropriation requirements
■ ■
Tiller's Revised Proposal Tiller's Revised Proposal
■ No washing, processing,or stockpiling at ■ Dec 1, 2009-Tiller proposes changes to
Zavoral site project
■ Load aggregate into trucks&haul to ■Changes will:
Scandia Mine site for processing ❑Affect EIS alternatives 8 analyses
■ Reduces impacts at Zavoral site ❑Require changes in Scoping Decision
■Add-rock is currently brought to Scandia Document&AECOM's EIS work plan
Mine site from other locations
(cont,,wea� (�onr,x,ea/
■ ■
Tiller's Revised Proposal Revised EIS scope & work plan
■ Eliminate on-site processing activities originally City staff contacted EQB&reviewed state's
proposed for Zavoral site rules regarding EIS process to amending
■ Transport aggregate mined at Zavoral site to scope of the EIS
Tiller's Scandia Mine site for processing
■ Tiller indicates material transported will replace
aggregate material currently transported to
Scandia Mine site from deposits in Chisago
County,MN&Polk County,WI
(Minnesda Rules 4470200§8)
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
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Amend EIS Scope Alternatives
■ Revisit EIS SCOpe to refleCt revised Tiller ■ #1 -ApplicanYs Preferred Altemative(10 years
proposal or less)
■ Conduct formal scope amendment process ■ �-No Build Alternative
■ #3-Reduced mining timeframe(5 years or
■ Notice in EQB monitor �ess)
■ EQB provided guidance that EIS consider ■ Deleted: Impacts of Washing Scenarios
potential impacts at Zavoral&Scandia ■ Deleted: Impacts of Seasonal Scheduling of
Mine sites Processing Activities
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EIS scoping items to be Water Use
modified ■Zavoral Site
■ Project description modifications-add-rock&
timeframe ❑Water use for dust control only-low usage
■ Item 13-Water Use ❑Reduces water use from up to 1,200 gpm
(864,000 gpd)to< 10,000 gpd&<1 mgy
■ Item 17-Surface Water Quality 8 Quantity ❑No water appropriation permit required
■ Item 21 -Tra�c
■ Item 23-Stationary Source Air Emissions ❑Comparison nursery is permitted to use up to
■ Item 24-Odors,Noise,8 Dust �•2 mgy(420 gpm)
❑Potential impacts&mitigation measures of
■ Item 26-vsual Impacts lower usage rate will be addressed in EIS
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Water Use Water Use Monitoring
■ Impacts of current water appropriation levels at
■ Scandia site Scandia Mine site were addressed in Scandia
❑Currently permitted 18 mgy for washing,2 EAW&as part of DNR water appropriation
mgy for dust control permit process
❑Actual usage<2 mgy ■ Annual water use at Scandia is reported to DNR
❑Add-rock is currently processed at Scandia ❑Dust control(daily)
Mine site ❑Hours operating washing plant 8�amount of
❑The EIS will identify&evaluate potential water used(daily)
additional impacts on water use at Scandia ❑Zavoral annual water use reported to City as
Mine site part of Annual Operating Permit
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
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SurFace Water Quality & Traffic
■ Review historic operational data for ■ Review historic operational data for
Scandia Mine site Scandia Mine site
■ Identify if potential for additional impacts at ■ Identify if potential for additional impacts at
Scandia Mine site, including areas of Scandia Mine site(traffic,safety,&
disturbance impacts to downstream water infrastructure)
resources ■ Evaluate any identified impacts&identify
■ Evaluate any identified impacts 8�identify mitigation measures
mitigation measures
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Stationary Source Air Odors, Noise & Dust
■ Identify&evaluate potential noise&dust
■ Identify&evaluate potential for additional impacts of mining only at Zavoral site&
air impacts at Scandia Mine site&mining processing material from Zavoral at
only impacts at Zavoral site. Scandia Mine site
■ Identify mitigation measures ■ Identify mitigation measures
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. Identify&evaluate visual impacts ofi � GC'OIJp (C�@11t1f CatlOtl
� mining only at the Zavoral site& � of Issues &
processing material from Zavoral at �
Scandia Mine site Concerns
■ Identify mitigation measures
PAC Meeting, Zavoral Project EIS December 8, 2009
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sc,� ; EIS Schedule
March 23,2009 Record of Decision&Positive Dedaratlon fa
� EIS puWished in E�B Monita
Apnl 7,2009 Public Scaping MeeUng
Apri121,2009 Final Sooping Decision
Next S te p s December 2009 Revise Scoping Decision Document
Jan-May 2010 Draft EIS preparatlon
Feb 3 8 Apr 27 2010 PAC Meedngs
; MayJune 2010(TBD) PAC Mee6ng-comments on draft EIS
SChed uIG June�luly 2010 Draft EIS Comment Period 8 Public Meedng
July-Aug 2010 Fnal E�S Preparation
Sept 2010 Fnal EIS Adequacy Detertnineti0n
Public Questions