9.b) Scope of Services for Development Code Update, TKDA Meeting Date: 12/15/2009 Agenda Item: � l , � City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve the scope of services and authorize work by the City Planner (TKDA) on the Development Code update. Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The new Comprehensive Plan was adopted in March of 2009. State law requires codes to be consistent with the plan within nine months of adoption of a comprehensive plan • At the December 2, 2009 special joint meeting, the City Council and Planning Commission met with staff and the consultant to discuss a recommended approach to the Development Code update and to give direction on several issues. • For 2010, the draft budget includes $30,000 for professional services for code updates. Updating the code will require a large effort and require that the city accomplish as much as possible with staff resources. A two-phased approach was recommended, which would prioritize the major code changes needed to provide basic consistency between the plan and the code. • The proposed scope of services covers the first phase of the code update and is within the limitations of the budget. It is consistent with the approach discussed and directions given at the December 2 meeting. • City Planner Sherri Buss will be present at the December 15 meeting to help answer any questions. Recommendation: I recommend that the City Council accept the scope of services and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign on behalf of the city. Attachments/ • Scope of Services Dated December 7, 2009 Materials provided: Contact(s): Sherri Buss, TKDA (651 292-4582) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (planning services for development code update) Page 1 of 1 12/l 0/09 T�D�A � �.�_ '� 444 Cedar Street,Suite 1500 Saint Paul,MN 55101 The right time." �r right people.'I': �ight compt� (651)292�400 (651)292-0083 Fau www.tkda.com December 7, 2009 �_._.__-.___—__--_�p_+�.________ ��R��,'�-t'Y;�'�-.� F k�'�a � 5.�.�-�.,r�:,,.��tsr :� Ms. Anne Hurlburt ; �. ` �!�t: ._� � �?`!�l� City Administrator i t City of Scandia � 14727 209th Street North CITY OF �.C,qNp�A � P.O. Box 128 Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Re: Authorization for Planning Services Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Updates City of Scandia, Minnesota Dear Ms. Hurlburt: In response to direction by the City, enclosed please find three originals of an Authorization to provide Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Updates. These are sent for review and approval by the City. Please return two originals to this office for confirmation. A fully executed original will be returned to you. We look forward to serving the City of Scandia. Please feel free to call me at (651) 292-4582, if you have any questions or desire additional information. Sincerely, '��i.�,,t� �,c� � Sherri A. Buss, RLA hn (Jack) W. Griffin, P . Project Manager ce President, Municipa ervices SAB:JWG:mIc I Enclosures An fmployee Owned Company Promoting Affirmative Action and Equal Opportuniry � CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO: Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates, Incorporated 444 Cedar Street, Suite 1500 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Pursuant to our agreement dated March 15, 1988, you are hereby authorized to proceed with the professional services described as follows: ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE UPDATES I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Scandia approved its new Comprehensive Plan in 2009. The plan includes significant changes to the City's land use plan, zoning plan and districts, goals and policies that impact its performance standards and other elements of its zoning and subdivision ordinances. The ordinances require significant updates to reflect the Comprehensive Plan and the City's incorporation. The City requires updates of the zoning and subdivision ordinance. This work will be done in close collaboration with the City Administrator. The City Administrator will update the Administration Chapter of the ordinance, and will take the lead in completing much of the update of the Subdivision Regulations. TKDA will take the lead on the following tasks: • Update the Zoning Districts and Development Options, including Ordinance sections on Districts, Uses, Overlay Districts, and Development Options. • Update the Environmental and Surface Water Management elements of the Subdivision Ordinance. • Update the Zoning Map to reflect changes from the Comprehensive Plan and Planning Commission and Council direction during this Project. • Facilitate meetings with the Planning Commission and City Council for this Project. -1- II. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED TKDA shall provide the following services: A. UPDATE THE ZONING DISTRICTS AND DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS 1. Review the Future Land Use Areas and Development Options proposed in the Comprehensive Plan; develop a verbal and graphic summary of relationship to current Zoning Districts and facilitate discussions with the Planning Commission and City Council to determine future Zoning Districts. 2. Develop draft sections of the Zoning Ordinance for each district, including purpose, uses (primary, secondary, interim), lot requirements, and other standards. 3. Develop draft sections of the Zoning Ordinance for overlay districts, conservation subdivisions, PUD's or similar special districts. 4. Facilitate meetings with the Planning Commission and City Council to review the draft sections of the Zoning Ordinance, develop consensus, and finalize the Zoning Ordinance based on the direction from the City. B. UPDATE THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT ELEMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 1. Review the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan related to environmental issues and surface water management, and the rules and standards of the local Water Management Organizations related to local ordinances. 2. Develop the draft elements of the Subdivision Ordinance for envirorunental and surface water management, and discuss the draft with the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Finalize the environmental and surface water elements of the Subdivision Ordinance based on direction from the City, and integrate them with the updated Ordinance. C. UPDATE THE CITY'S ZONING MAP 1. Complete a draft Zoning Map based on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 2. Update the draft map as needed during the Project for discussion, and create the official Zoning Map based on Council recommendations. D. MEETINGS I. Facilitate meetings with the Planning Commission and City Council for each of the Tasks A-D to develop recommendations and consensus for each element of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. Present final recommendations on each task to the City Council. Up to eight meetings assumed for this task. 2. Meet and coordinate with the City Administrator and other staff as needed to develop the work products. Up to four meetings assumed for this task, and additional coordination through telephone and e-mail communications. 3. Meet with the local watershed management organizations to develop the surface water management elements of the ordinance to be consistent with the District and WMO plans. Up to two meetings assumed for this task. -2- III. ADDITIONAL SERVICES If authorized in writing by the City, furnish or obtain from others Additional Services of the types listed below which are not considered as basic services under this Authorization. Additional Services shall be billable on an Hourly Time and Materials basis and such billings shall be over and above any maximum amounts set forth in this Authorization. A. Additional meetings with the Planning Commission, Council, Watershed Organizations and staff. B. Completion of additional tasks, such as development of additional Performance Standards for Land Uses. C. Completion of additional maps or graphic materials not specified above. IV. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES These responsibilities shall be as set forth in our Agreement and as further described or clarified hereinbelow: A. Designate one individual to act as a representative with respect to the work to be performed, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define policies, and make decisions with respect to critical elements pertinent to the Project. B. Provide the format for the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance in Microsoft Word format. C. The City Administrator will update the Administration Chapter of the ordinance, and will take the lead in completing the update of the Subdivision Regulations, and incorporating the environmental and surface water elements developed by TKDA into the Subdivision Regulations. D. Provide reviews of materials furnished by TKDA in a reasonable and prompt manner so that the Project schedule can be maintained. E. Coordinate all meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council, and mailings for those meetings. V. PERIOD OF SERVICE TKDA shall begin services upon receipt of the executed Authorization and complete services within nine months thereafter. -3- VI. COMPENSATION Compensation to TKDA for services provided as described in SECTION II of this Authorization shall be on an Hourly Time and Materials basis in an amount not to exceed $29,500. A detailed Project Fee Estimate is attached. Approved at a meeting of the City Council on , 2009. By Attest Consultant Acceptance by , , 2009. Authorized TKDA Representative -4- TKDA Project Fee Estimate Client: City of Scandia Date: � � "' 12/7/2009 P�ojeCt: Update Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Prepared By: Buss , , ate , ,, Task • r�> � ., , �� . Estim d W � d Person Hours Re uire No. Task Description _ . , Sr Planner - Planner • : To}��g` �' ��: A Update Zonin Districts and Development Options ,. ,,�.,.. - :._:.. 1 Develop raphic and verbal summa $ 4 �2 2 Develop draft sections of Zonin Ordinance--districts 40 24 3 Develop draft sections of Zonin Ordinance--overla s 24 24 4 FinalizeZonin Ordinance �2 $ 2� B Update Environmental and Surtace Water Elements � '''�"f �`'�`+""''�` , ;�; �at�,vat��-�cu.�*�� 1 Review issues and WMO rules 4 4 2 Deveiop draft for Subdivision Ordinance 28 12 40 3 Finalize environmental and surtace water elements of ordinance g 8 C Update Zonin Map x:�, ; ��-��.�=r 8�s� �.f+� .r.�„ 1 Complete draft Zonin map 2 4 6 2 Complete final Zonin Map 4 2� 24 F Meetin s ;f , � "' ,, ",. `�,�.�:��.�^�° � n i'• ::i ,v�acM.�i �+S �i�k.,� rc��,x�k t,.+a�;:: 1 Meetin s with PC and Council(8 meetin s--preparation) 16 16 2 Meetin s and Coordination with Staff(4 meetin s ptus coordination) 24 24 3 Meetings with WMO's(2 meetings) $ 8 Total Person Hours ��$ 96 2�4 2009 Estimated Billin Rate/Hr x Muttiplier $ ��� $ 79 ��; . ;� 20 09 Total Billabie for Charged Time $ 19,758 $ 7,584 27,342 •. , � - ' . . ��, '" '��'i'��J. y f'5a' �S�;'Z'� F �R �`'�+ y � . . ' ��" •" -" — � � ! ry a t Ex`�enses.:,; -;���� ��7w t = ; . Ik..: .�,rm.�.':1 :�� �. ! �y v ., . . :e y l Tnvel&Subsistencs(TS) $ s�0 s � � Meetings(14�5105 fee) $ 1,470 �* ;, � +', Total Pro)ect Fees $ 29,412 y � - � .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . � . w,N. i . .. ,. ..,..... I' r .. ... . . . �. ROUNDED-TO $ 29 500