9.c) Accept Donations from Scandia Marine Lions and Forest Lake Athletic Association Meeting Date: 12/15/2009 Agenda Item: �� �' City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`�' St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651)433-2274 Action Requested: Accept donation from the Scandia Marine Lions, the Forest Lake Athletic Association(FLAA) and the Scandia Elementary Parent Teacher Organization(PTO). Deadline/ Timeline: N/A Background: • The Scandia Marine Lions Club has donated new coffee servers for the Community Center kitchen. • FLAA and the Scandia PTO both have made cash donations ($200.00 and $300.00,respectively) earmarked for the Park and Recreation Committee's Family Open Gym program. • The City Council must accept all donations by resolution. Recommendation: I recommend that the Council adopt the resolution accepting the donations, and that a letter be sent thanking all of the organizations for their generous contributions. . Attachments/ • Draft Resolution Na 12-15-09-04 Materials provided: Contact(s): Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (accept donations) Page 1 of 1 12/10/09 CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO. 12-15-09-04 ACCEPTING DONATIONS FROM THE SCANDIA MARINE LIONS CLUB, THE FOREST LAKE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AND THE SCANDIA ELEMENTARY PTO WHEREAS, the Scandia Marine Lions Club generously supports the Scandia and Marine on St. Croix communities with their hard work and financial contributions to worthy causes, community events and facilities; and WHEREAS, the Forest Lake Athletic Association (FLAA) supports the community with their programs and financial contributions to youth and family sports activities; and WHEREAS, the Scandia Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) supports events and activities that make the Scandia community and school a great place for students to grow and learn; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does accept the following donations: Scandia Marine Lions Club�offee servers for the Community Center valued at Forest Lake Athletic Association—$200 cash for the Family Open Gym Program Scandia PTO—$300 cash for the Family Open Gym Progam FiJRTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council extends its thanks, on behalf of all of the citizens of Scandia, to these organizations for all of their generous donations to our community. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 15th day of December, 2009. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk/Administrator