07-17-2018 MeetingJuly 17, 2018
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Christine
Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call
was taken. The following members were present: Council members Bob Hegland, Steve
Kronmiller, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City
Administrator Neil Soltis, Engineer Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Andy Pratt, Fire Chief Mike
Hinz, and Treasurer Colleen Firkus.
Lakes Center for Youth & Families
Matt Howard, 18 -year representative and newly appointed Executive Director of Lakes Center
for Youth & Families, gave a brief presentation of their organization's services to the
community. The Center takes a three -pronged approach in providing support to about 1200 youth
and their families: 1) Therapy — counseling provided at a Master's level, 2) Diversion — keeping
kids out of the court system through effective intervention (13 youth from Scandia were served
in this area), and 3) Enrichment/Youth Development with a focus on workforce and career
training. Howard also pointed out that 65% of their funding is private through grants, fund
raising events, and donations, while 35% comes from state, county and local municipalities. The
Council thanked Howard for his organization's service to the community. The Mayor also
expressed the City's appreciation for Deputy Brandon Yetter, the recipient of the Lakes Center's
James Trudeau Law Enforcement Award.
John Lindell, 11240 218th Street, requested the City take action to regulate the Tiller mine by
stopping Tiller's mining into the ground water and dealing with a chemical spill in 2017.
Nancy Stalland, 19356 Meadowridge Trail, asked up an update on the requested speed study on
her road. Deputy Yetter reported that he is working with the city staff to get a post installed on
which to attach a speed box. He has been unsuccessful in recording vehicle speeds with a stand-
alone speed box. Yetter also plans to put out a speed trailer as a deterrent when one becomes
Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) June 19, 2018 Regular Meeting
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) 2018 Crack -filling project — Contractor's request for payment #1 & final
e) 2018 Road Improvement project — Contractor's request for payment #2
f) Resolution 07-17-18-01 Appointing Election Judges for August 14, 2018 Primary Election
and November 6, 2018 General Election
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g) Resolution 07-17-18-02 Establishing employee pay rates for 2018 and increasing pay rate
for election judges.
h) Special Event Permit — Tour de Hugo Community Bike Ride, September 22, 2018
i) Filling expiring term on the Economic development Authority Board
j) Special Event Permit — Taco Daze — September 8, 2018
k) Application for Excluded Raffle Permit, Gammelgarden Museum, Running of the
Meatballs, September 8, 2018
Hegland, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion carried 5-0.
Terry Gorham reported that Vinterfest will become a Scandia Marine Lions event and that the
pickle ball courts are coming along well and they are looking forward to a pickle ball tournament
at Taco Daze. Mayor Maefsky commenting on the July PRC minutes asked how the PRC was
viewing the trail system for Lilleskogen Park and whether consideration is being given to the
connection to Olinda Trail. PRC is working with Scandia Elementary to pursue that designation
as a school forest.
Building Official Chuck Preisler submitted the building activity report. In June, 63 permits were
issued at a valuation of $1,527,306.00. Year to date, six new home permits have been issued.
Soltis pointed out that of the 212 permits issued year-to-date, 126 were for reroof and siding
from last year's storms.
Deputy Yetter was honored to get the Lakes Center's James Trudeau Law Enforcement Award
and appreciates the opportunity to work with the kids in the community. Fat Cat Triathlon went
smoothly with only one heat stroke incident. National Night Out is coming up August 7th at the
Community Center. Yetter has also issued some citations at Wind in the Pines Park to non -local
Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 24 calls in June — 6 fire related
and 18 rescue calls. The new brush truck arrived and they are transitioning over from the other
truck. Scandia Fire and Rescue will be providing funeral services for Scandia's former fire chief,
Jim Finnegan, on July 19th in Dresser, Wisconsin.
Bolton & Menk Engineer Goodman reported that the large culverts are completed on Oakhill so
the detour is done. The next detour will be starting on 199th to replace large culverts. The first lift
of blacktop went down on the race route prior to the Fat Cat race. Also, Goodman pointed out the
evening prior to the race, the inspector and contractor did a walk-through of the race route after
the storm to make sure it was a safe route. The road project is progressing well.
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Attorney Andy Pratt announced that Attorney Dan Burns will not be taking over as Scandia's
City Attorney as Burns took a position with another firm. Pratt anticipates another attorney will
be assigned to Scandia.
Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson was absent. Soltis commented that Public Works did
prep work for the Fat Cat. The department is short-staffed as an employee is on light duty but has
been assigned to mark all culverts and signs with a GPS unit to be added to Scandia's GIS. The
Log House Landing was cleaned up after the storm and work was done to re-establish the check
dams there and clear out the infiltration basins. A part-time person was hired to help with light
City Administrator Soltis requested a meeting date for canvassing the election results.
Councilmember Ness suggested moving the date of the work session to November 14 and
canvassing at the meeting. The Council agreed to the change.
The landscape project on Highway 97 and Olinda trail intersection is progressing with the area
prepped and compost hauled in today.
The Community Leadership Team for the tourism assessment had their first meeting July 16.
Their next task is to recruit other people to complete inventory forms provided by the University
of Minnesota Extension Service to record scenic attractions, cultural and historic attractions,
recreational attractions, special events, other attractions and visitor services. Then a team of
experts will analyze the data and in advance of a community meeting in late September or early
Holiday light pole decorations came in.
A notice of a public hearing on August 9 at 4:00 at their district office was received from the
Comfort Lake/Forest Lake Watershed District on Bone Lake regarding 6 drained wetland
restoration projects in Scandia.
Carnelian Marine Watershed District reported that hybrid milfoil has been found in Goose Lake.
They are looking at a couple of different options from a widespread herbicide to kill everything
or wait to see if the native vegetation will be able to control it.
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has sent a notice of a public hearing on September
12, 6:00 p.m. at Wyoming City Hall regarding Frontier Communication's practices. Soltis
suggesting posting on our website as it has been a topic of interest.
There has been a problem with bulk emails sent out from the City website being rejected due to a
change by Gmail to their security against spam.
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Mayor Maefsky requested moving forward with Green Step City's initiatives. Soltis said Council
resolution was to take actions to achieve Step 2. Maefsky requested that a discussion on getting
to Step 3 be added to the Council work session agenda.
Engineer Goodman said the favorable bid on the project would enable the City to add 3.14 miles
to the project and remain under the State statute which limits change orders to 25% of the bid.
The contract would increase $780,518.45 and be completed within the time provided in the bid.
The scope of work includes Mayberry Trail, 205th and Meadowbrook Avenue. Schneider,
seconded by Hegland, moved to approve Change Order #1 for 2018 Road Improvement
Project. The motion carried 5-0.
Engineer Goodman reported on the quotes received to complete the ditching and culvert cleaning
on 182"d Street and recommended awarding the work to Peterson Excavating for $15,442.50.
Goodman indicated the ditch that was there has filled and the work should mitigate water
running across the road onto lake properties. Concerned neighbors, Sharon LaPointe, 19215
Larkspur, Mary Wittenburg, 18990 Layton, and Dennis Rowland, expressed concerns about the
impact to their properties and what future plans were for the area. Staff replied that this is
deferred maintenance on the ditches and culverts and no road reconstructions projects are
planned. Before trees were removed, the affected property owner was notified. Engineer
Goodman indicated they would send out notices to residents prior to starting the maintenance
Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to award the Peterson Excavating bid for the Bliss
Addition ditching improvement project. The motion carried 5-0.
Soltis reported that the County CDA has created a Pre -development Finance Fund to stimulate
development, overcome obstacles, and identify barriers to development. The EDA is seeking
support for a grant to evaluate the feasibility of a community septic system and the Fund will
provide $1 of grant funding for each $0.20 of local funding. Providing a community septic
system would allow for a higher level of development and uses for the undeveloped parcels in
and around the current Village Mixed Use and Industrial zoning districts. Council member
Schneider cautioned the Council asking if the city wanted to get involved in another city sewer
and all the maintenance costs that goes along with that. Kronmiller indicated the study would
include all the costs involved in such a system.
Kronmiller, seconded by Hegland, moved to adopt Resolution 07-17-18-03 supporting the
application for funding from the Washington County CDA Predevelopment Finance Fund.
Soltis reported that when Big Lake Estates was platted in 1973, Outlot A was deeded to the
Town of New Scandia to fulfill the requirements for open space on the plat. In 1988 the County
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Board of Commissioners designated an area needed for future public use as the Big Marine Park
Reserve which includes Outlot A. The County has acquired property over time and in Scandia
currently owns the parcels to the north and south of Outlot A and is working to purchase the 3
lots across Margo from Outlot A. Soltis recommended the Planning Commission review the
request for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and then have the Parks and Recreation
Committee comment.
Maefsky, seconded by Ness, moved to refer the request to the Planning Commission and
the Parks & Recreation Committee.
Soltis reported that when the Rohe parcel (18855 Manning Trail, was split off the adjoining
property to the south, the parcel less than 4 acres had a minimum frontage of 240'. As a part of
the transaction the Rohes deeded 0.36 acres to the City in order to maintain a parcel size of less
than 4 acres. The parcel transferred to the City is adjacent to the parcel where the drainfield for
the Bliss community septic system is located. The Rohes are seeking to acquire the parcel;
however, the minimum frontage for a parcel of 4 acres or more would require 300' of frontage.
The Council discussed the precedent that would be set by creating a non -conforming parcel.
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to take no action so a non -conforming parcel would
not be created. The motion carried 5-0.
Soltis reported there is an August 3rd deadline to make a recommendation for the open positions
on the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District Board. Council decided to discuss at their
next work session. Council member Kronmiller noted Scandia was not solicited for a
recommendation on the most recent CMWD's appointment.
Soltis reported that Scandia Parks & Trails has declined to move forward with project at the
former Rasmussen property that had been approved by the Council. They found the site was not
suitable once the site was evaluated during the growing season. The Friends suggested moving
some Lilleskogen plantings and incorporating them in the MnDOT Landscape Partnership
planting at 97/01inda. But since there was already an approved design at that site, Soltis
recommended two sites along Olinda Trail. One along the skating rink and the other by the
Settlers monument. Pending approval from the FSPT full board and City Council, they would
like to move forward with the skating rink site this year.
Kronmiller, seconded by Ness, moved to modify the letter of agreement with Scandia
Friends & Parks to proceed with plantings along the skating rink. The motion passed 5-0.
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
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Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Firkus