11-12-14 Council Work Session
November 12, 2014
A Work Session meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Randall Simonson,
Council members Dan Lee, Chris Ness, and Jim Schneider. Council member Sally Swanson
arrived at 6:33 p.m. Staff present: City Administrator Kristina Handt, Public Works Director
Tim Kieffer and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
carried unanimously 4-0 by those present.
(RESOLUTION NO. 11-12-14-01)
The results of the November 4, 2014 municipal election were presented in a resolution and
certified as the official results by the Council which serves as the canvassing board for city
elections. Randall Simonson was re-elected as Mayor. Incumbent Jim Schneider and Bob
Hegland received the top votes to fill the Council member terms.
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to adopt Resolution No. 11-12-14-01, Certifying the Results
of the November 4, 2014 City Election. The motion carried 4-0 by those present.
Christine Maefsky, Chair of the Log House Landing Improvement Project Committee, provided
an update on the first two meetings the Committee has held. Maefsky reported that compliance
with the Comprehensive Plan and reduction of erosion and runoff into the River are the primary
concerns that will be addressed in their recommendation of a final roadway design. Maefsky
explained the land use policies and strategies from the Comprehensive Plan which provide direct
and indirect evidence that special provisions should be made regarding roads like the one to the
Log House Landing to protect their scenic qualities and character.
The Committee has scheduled four additional meetings, including a site visit on November 16
at 2pm. It’s anticipated that the Committee will have a recommendation completed at their final
meeting on December 4. Maefsky stated that the Planning Commission agreed to hold a special
meeting to review the final plan in order to make a recommendation to the City Council in
Council member Swanson stated that the Committee is making progress and becoming more
focused with each meeting. They will be discussing the Watershed’s sediment report and
evaluating design criteria at the November 13 meeting.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to accept the timeline and scope of work for the Log
House Landing Committee. The motion carried 5-0.
November 12, 2014
Scandia City Council
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Council member Swanson requested a discussion on Vinterfest because of her concerns that
Corey Roberts, sponsor of the hockey tournament, was not provided accurate information on use
of the ice rink and equipment. Public Works Director Kieffer stated that Mr. Roberts had
knowledge that there would be a cost for reserving the warming house and rink, along with use
of the Zamboni and staff time, if the proceeds were donated to an outside organization.
Administrator Handt clarified that if profits are donated to the city as they were in 2013, the costs
are waived because there is a public benefit. Handt stated that a decision was made by Mr.
Roberts after the October 21 Council meeting to donate proceeds to the rink rather than to
outside organizations.
Council member Schneider asked how the Cub Scout fishing tournament scheduled for February
7 on Goose Lake could be publicized as part of the Vinterfest events. Handt advised that Lisa
Pothen should request to be on the December 1 Park and Rec Committee agenda at which time
they will be finalizing the Vinterfest events.
Administrator Handt explained that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
Capital Improvement Plan on November 5 and brought up their concerns that the Capital
Improvement Committee was disbanded in 2012. The Committee was made up of
representatives of the Planning Commission, city departments, two Council members, and four
citizens at-large. The Council unanimously voted to disband the Committee due to lack of
interest of appointed citizens, and prepared the CIP during budget talks and work sessions with
input from department heads and public responses.
Maefsky spoke on the benefits of having a group of citizens representing different facets of the
community working together to establish a plan for future city expenditures.
Lee, seconded by Ness, moved to direct staff to advertise for members to serve on a Capital
Improvement Committee.
Council member Ness stated that it would be useful to have citizens weigh in on making
equitable decisions for the CIP and not just using the wish lists of the department heads.
Council member Lee added that it would be best to have representation from community groups
on the Committee with their concerns and suggestions about what makes Scandia a better place
to live.
Council member Schneider recommended that the Committee not be stacked with department
heads and staff but rather through citizen involvement. Council member Swanson added that
department heads could submit their plans and this would be scrutinized by the Committee for
their recommendations.
Administrator Handt asked if a Committee of 5 citizens at-large should be formed. Ness stated
that this is an ambitious number but it could start with 5 and be lowered based on the number of
applications received.
November 12, 2014
Scandia City Council
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Handt stated that advertising for committee openings will begin soon so that appointments could
be made beginning February 1. It was suggested that recruitment for the CIP committee be
separated out and done in a promotional way in order to get a better response. Maefsky stated
that she would actively recruit for members to serve on the committee.
Mayor Simonson called for a vote on the above motion to advertise for members to serve
on a Capital Improvement Committee. The motion carried 5-0.
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk