01_03_2006_PCMinutesJanuary 3, 2006 On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The following New Scandia Town Board Members were also in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. CARLY EVANS & JENNIFER PHELPS -VARIANCE Planning Commission made a motion to recommend to the Town Board to grant the variance to Carly Evans and Jennifer Phelps, 5629 35"' Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417. That part of Govt. Lot 1, Section 8, Township 32. For Lot Size from 2.5 acres to 1.8 acres and Wetland Setback from 75 feet to 39 feet, and Buffer Strip to wetland on the lakc from 50 feet to 40 feet to construct a home on the grounds that the circumstances are unique to the property and not created by the landowner. Conditions are 1) Carefully follow Jyneen Thatcher's recommendations. 2) Welland delineation is finalized during appropriate season. 3) Create I 10 -foot wetland buffer with help from the Conservation District. 4) Do a tree survey. 5) Boardwalk to lake as allowed by the DNR. 6) Work with Conservation District for erosion control. 7) Place a conservation easement for shoreline wetland as delineated on the survey. Findings are the variances would not alter the character of the area. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for Carly Evans and Jennifer Phelps. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. DIAMOND HOME PLAT OF SERENITY -TABLED PUBLIC BEARING RECONVENED Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the Open Space Design Plat of Serenity and Conditional Use Permit for Diamond Homes, P.O. Box 186, Stillwater, MN 55082. NW '/d of the SE '/4 of the SE 'l4 of SW 114 of Section 24, Township 32. This is in conformance to township standards of open space design development. Conditions are 1) The Applicant supplies a Drainage and Grading Plan that shows adequate treatment of ston-nwater. 2) The applicant supplies amore detailed Landscape Plan. 3) Washington County approves the soil borings. 4) The Applicant obtains approval fi-oni the Washington County Public Works Department for the extension of 199"' Street North, across Oalchill Road. 5) The Applicant prepares rules describing how the Homeowners Association will manage the open space. This document will include a description of how the open space vegetation will be maintained to allow adequate site lines at the intersection of Oakhill Road and 199"' Street. 6) That the Applicant drafts a permanent conservation easement to be dedicated to the Township or an acceptable land trustee. 7) That the Applicant addresses comments from the Township Engineer. 8) That the Applicant supplies the plan to the Marine -On -St- Croix Watershed Management Organization and addresses any comments. 9) That the Applicant includes erosion control measures in accordance with recommended practices of the Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District and the applicable Watershed District. All Best Management Practices shall be consistent with the Minnesota Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Planning Handbook. 10) That the Applicant work with the Park Committee to determine any park land dedication. Park fees or dedication to be determined prior to final plat approval. 11) The accessory building on Outlot is removed. 12) Annual report for the town of prairie management. 13) A fifty -foot buffer zone is delineated around the wetland. New Scandia Town Board January 3, 2006 Page 2- 14) No ATV's ormotorizedvehicles on the trails. Findings are that good effort has been made to protect existing trees, and the most environmentally sensitive area is being dedicated to permanent open space. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for Diamond Homes Major Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit. Michael Hinz seconded the motion. Michael Hinz, yes, Michael Harnetty, yes and Nancy Madden, yes. 'Blair Joselyn, no and Dennis Seefedlt, no. Motion adopted. PUBLIC HEARING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODEIORDINANCE NUMBER 87 Planning Commission recommends to the; Town Board to approve the recommendation to the Town Board to: accept Ordinance Number 87, Section 23,5,as amended 6,7,8,9.10 and 11. The following suggestion was also made with the motion that the Tree Preservation Ordinance also is reviewed at the ordinance workshop. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations to accept Ordinance Number 87 for the Amendments to the Development Cone. Meeting adjourned. Do res Peterson t New Scandia township Cleric