02_14_2006_TBMinutes_WORKSHOPFebruary 14 2006
The purpose of the meeting was for the Town Board and the Planning Commission to
review possible changes to the Development Code. Towyn Board members present WCre
Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Mille Flinz, Nancy Madden, Blair Joselyn, and Mike
Harnetty. Planning Commission members present were Chairman Chris Ness, Jim
Malniquist. Donnette Yehle, and Peter Schwarz. Also present were Township Attorney
Dave Hebert and Township Planner Dick Thompson.
MaJor Subdivision Approval Process
Blair Joselvrt introduced a series of issues (problems) in regards to the current process cel
approvina a subdivsion plat. The question of a pre concept nrceting wvith the developer.
subcommittee of the Board and Planning Commission, "Towyn Planner, representatives
from the Rural Landscape Preservation Cornmittee;and Parr and Rec, a professional
design consultant, and possibly the Town Engineer was addressed. In this illeeting all
agreement on the general layout of the project, the focal point, and preservation of open
space would be decided. Discussion included the fact that the decision to flan is Lill to the
rights of the owner and developer, but they do need to follow set guidelines. It mai' be
possible to employ a Landscape Architect to work for the Township in settin+- these
01-iidelincs. Mike I-larnetty felt that it is critical to have goad, accurate inforination in
regards to inaking decisions as to lard preservation. It was the consensus of those present
to change the 100% density bonus given to developers when planning a cluster. They
would like to see a 25% bonus given for a cluster. then adding one additional lot for
community well. one additional lot for community septic. and possibly additional logs
awarded for°preservation of environmental Issues.,it was felt that developers must
understand that they need to meet the township goals and have to ';art, Lie up" their case
for bonus lots. A decision to consult with three professional design firms was made, 131aiir
Joselyn has` information from Applied Ecological Services. 1lo singtot7 Koeglcr Group,
and Stephen Mastey, and will plan a future meeting, with these consriltants to get their
insight into ]low the Board can proceed with changes. Planner Dick Thompson will
further research the issue and will gather information as to what neighboring
com unities' ordinances cover, and also what the pros and cons of changing the process
would be.
Adult Entertainment
Qin the issue of adult entertainment business becoming established in the town. it was i'elt
that the language in the Development Code must be worded in a way that strongly
discourages them frorn operating in the community. Dave Hebert pointed out that their
use ear -riot be prevented, only the location can be restricted. Surrounding conununities
currently have ordinances in place regulating the location and licensing of adult
businesses_ Tile consensus of the Board and Connnissio n was for Dave Hebcrt to draw up
an ordinance regulating adult oriented businesses.
February 14, 2006
Town Board and Planning Commission Workshop
Page 2
Tree Preservation
Curt Fladland, representing the Rural Landscape and Preservation Committee. has
submitted a proposal specifying what a developer needs to do when replacing wooded
land (in regards to species and quality of trees). The Development Code Currently has a
removal policy in place. Curt Hadland was asked to review the current ordinance and
recommend il'the language needs to be strengthened in regards to a restoration plan of
Additions to Agenda
An introduction to Planner Dick Thompson's Draft Study on Community Residences was
presented. Mr. Thompson commented on the review as 1`61lows: The definition always
refers to these as adult foster care facilities. State laws are very specific, and homes
serving six or fewer residents must be a permitted use in appropriate districts. New
Scandia lists them as a use with a Certificate of Compliance. Group homes are licensed
through the Washington County Department of Human Resources. It was suggested that
a representative from the County Dept. be invited to speak to the Town Board. and
explain why Scandla has a higher per capita concentration than other communities. Froill
a zoning perspective, the Township cannot impose more restrictions oil their location to
schools, playgrounds, etc., as they are a permitted use. Some types of community
residences that are licensed through the Department of Corrections may be addressed
through an ordinance.
A follow-up Workshop has been scheduled for March 13, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. Mike
Hinz made a motion to adjourn and the meeting adjourned.
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Brenda Eklund
Recording Secretary