03_14_2006_TBMinutes_ANNUALMEETINGMarch 14, 2006 On the above date the Annual meeting of New Scandia Township was held. Chairman Dennis Scefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden were in attendance from the Town Board. The following Planning Commission members were also in attendance: Chairman Chris Ness, Vice Chairman James Malmquist, Kevin Nickelson, Peter Schwarz, and Donnette Ychle. The Deputy Clerk called the meeting to order and asked for the nomination of a moderator for the meeting. Bruce Swenson was elected. The minutes of the 2005 Annual Meeting were read. Peter Schwarz made a motion to accept the minutes of the 2005 Annual Meeting. Michael White seconded the motion and motion adopted. The Deputy Clerk reported the expenditures for the fiscal year of 2005 were $2,507.183.28. The Treasurer reported the revenue for the year 2005 was $2,269,088.44. Peter Schwarz made a motion to accept the Deputy Clerk's and the Treasurer's report for the year 2005. Michael White seconded the motion and motion adopted. DEPUTY C HOWARD Deputy Chris Howard reported the total number of calls for New Scandia Township for the year of 2005 was 2,776, a 27% increase in calls from the previous year. FERE AND RE SCUE/STEVE SPENCE Fire Chief Steve Spence gave the following report: In 2005 New Scandia Fire and Rescue responded to 209 emergency calls. 135 of these calls were for medical or rescue assistance and 74 were fire or emergency service related, 2005 was the first year that the number of calls exceeded 200. The department currently has 29 firefighters on its roster. Projects for 2005 included: Completion of an online course for all fire and rescue officers which allowed them to adopt N.I.M.S. (National Incident Management System). Hosted the Capital City Regional meeting at which fire department officials from 32 Metro area departments met to exchange information and maintain a united and cooperative communication network. PLANNING COMMISSION/CHAIRMAN CHRIS NESS Chris Ness, Chairman of the Planning Commission, reported on behalf of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission processed two (2) Conditional Use Permits, seventeen (17) variances, five (5) Minor Subdivisions witli 10 lots created, one (1) Major Subdivision [The Sanctuary] with 6 lots created. Total building permits numbered ISO, including 33 single-family homes for an average value of $384,628 per new home. PARK AND RECREATION/DEBT CAMTOBASSO Debi Campobasso, Committee Chair of Park and Recreation reported on turnover within the committee. Four new members were appointed in 2005, for a current total of nine on the committee. Numerous Park Programs were run throughout the year, with a total of 259 youth participants. Three Community events were held: A Community Skating Party, a Dodgeball Tournament, and a Cloverleaf Community Bike Ride, with a total of 455 participants. Improvements to the Hay Lake Shelter parking lot, resurfacing the Community Center tennis courts, and adding a basketball hoop inside the tennis courts have been Park Improvement projects for 2005. The committee has also reviewed the first draft of the Comprehensive Plan. INCORPORATION COMMITTEE/DAVE HEBERT Mr. Dave Hebert reported on behalf of the Incorporation Committee. A Public Information meeting was held in 2005 for public input and questions on the issue of incorporation. it was decided by the committee to present their findings and recommendation to proceed with the process of becoming a city to the Town Board. Following a Public Hearing, the Town of New Scandia has filed with the State Department of Administration to begin the process of New Scandia Township Annual Meeting March 14, 2006 page 2 Incorporation. An evidentiary hearing is forthcoming, followed by the case being presented before an Administrative Law judge. FOREST LAKE YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU Brian Alm and Angela Walker represented the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau. 1N&. Alm thanked New Scandia Township for their support and asked for a continuation of their contract for services in the amount of $5,250. The Youth Service Bureau serves youth and their families to prevent juvenile delinquency. OLD BUSINESS Discussion of adding Audio -Visual equipment to the Town Board Chambers resulted in the following: Jan Hogle made a motion to reinvestigate the addition of a P.A. sound and projection system to the Board Chambers. Dennis Lofboorn seconded the motion and motion passed. NEW BUSINESS Bob Anderson, representing concerned citizens of New Scandia Township, introduced the following resolutions: 1) Moved to resolve that New Scandia elected officials will vote for measures and policies that support our traditional rural community, in which the first responsibility of government and elected officials is to protect the safety and property of cur -rent residents. Jan Hogle seconded the motion and motion passed. 2) Moved to resolve that New Scandia elected officials will complete a major review of New Scandia Township zoning, land use, subdivision, development and building ordinances to ensure that our ordinances comply with the character of our traditional rural community of low-density residential and small farming/agricultural use in an environment that protects the safety and property of current residents. Be it further resolved that such review, amendment and addition to New Scandia ordinances will be completed within 60 days of this annual meeting with an effective date no later than 90 days from this annual meeting. Jan Hogle seconded the motion. Motion failed. 3) Moved to resolve that to keep faith with our traditional community and to protect Scandia residents and those who might live in community residences, our elected officials will vote immediately to extend and expand the moratorium pertaining to the regulation of all licensed facilities. Further, our elected officials will vote to suspend immediately any further licensing of residential facilities of any kind until a task force composed of two Supervisors, two Planning Commission members and four community members has reviewed relevant issues and issued a report with recommendations relating to licensed residential facilities, Pam Anderson seconded the motion and motion passed. 4) Moved to resolve that to support our traditional rural community, our elected officials will review and put in place in the next 60 days changes to our ordinances which allow accessory buildings of sufficient square footage to support all legal agricultural activities that current Scandia residents wish to pursue, including production and hobby farms, including those that pursue personal and commercial rearing of animals, such as livestock, horses and companion animals. "Agriculture" will be given an expansive definition, not just limited to "food and fiber". Jan Hogle made an amendment to this motion to include that the Township consult with Paul Strandberg, lawyer with the State Agriculture Department, as to what ordinances can be enforced. Karen Schik seconded this motion and motion passed. 5) Moved to resolve whereas a strong residential community must have houses that meet building code requirements in order to protect the safety and property values of current residents, Scandia elected officials will strongly enforce our existing building code and any amendments/additions to ensure safe homes that maintain their value. Be it further resolved that elected and New Scandia Township Annual Meeting March 14, 2006 page 3 administrative Scandia officials will respond to the good -faith concerns, reports and complaints of apparent violations of our ordinances and policies with timely, professional and unbiased inspections and with equally timely and strong enforcement, including legal action against violators. We urge our elected officials to review codes in other areas such as Columbus Township that have been successful in preserving safety and value. Dan Peterson seconded the motion and motion passed. 6) Moved to resolve that our elected officials will seek to limit the density of cluster developments. Be it further resolved that our local government will vote to amend our ordinances to lower the bonus ,award from a maximum of 100 percent to a maximum of 54 percent. The density bonus of up to 50 percent will be allowed only if there is showing of permanently legally enforceable protection of significant natural resources or natural features. Mike White seconded the motion. Motion failed. 7) Moved to resolve that our elected officials will put in place a rental licensing program such as the one in the City of Shoreview, MN, allowing Scandia to regulate and inspect all housing that is. rented within our Township. Thecode will ensure that owners of rental housing take the reasonable necessary steps to ensure that the citizens who occupy rental housing units may pursue the quiet enjoyment of the normal activities of life in the surrounding area that are: safe, secure, and sanitary, free from crimes and criminal activity, noise, nuisances or annoyances; free from unreasonable fears about safety of persons and security of property; and suitable for raising children. Mike White seconded the motion. Motion failed. Jeff Peterson °moved that the Town of New Scandia shall amend the current petition of incorporation, by requesting that the newly incorporated city be called the "City of Scandia", and withdraw the request to be called the "City of New Scandia". Jan Hogle seconded the motion and motion passed. Jan Hogle moved to discontinue the contracted legal services of Township Attorney Dave Hebert due to a conflict of interest and to have replaced. within 30 days. Marilyn Hogle seconded the motion. Motion failed. James Malmquist expressed a thank you to the Fire and Rescue Department and to the Sheriff's Department for the fine job they do in serving the community. Howard Hawkinson extended his appreciation to Dolores Peterson for the many years of service she has dedicated herself to as serving as New Scandia Township Clerk for the past 32 years, a position from which she has recently retired. Wyman Detzler made a motion to reconvene the Annual Meeting to August 15, 2006. Mike White seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. f Brenda Eklund New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk