03_21_2006_TBMinutesMarch 21, 2006 Treasurer Colleen Firkus administered the oath of office to appointed Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund administered the oath of office to elected supervisors Dennis Seefeldt and Michael Harnetty. Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund called the meeting to order. The following Board members were present: Michael Hametty, Michael Hinz and Dennis Seefeldt. Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden were absent. The election of a Chairman and Vice -Chairman was postponed until a full board is present. Michael Hinz made a motion to nominate Dennis Seefeldt as temporary Chairman. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion passed. PUBLIC FORUM Bob Anderson informed the Board of a bill being introduced in a hearing to the MN House of Representatives on March 24, 2006 in regards to community residences. Citizens are continuing to gather information such as police reports in connection with group homes in Scandia. Pam Anderson presented a summary of police reports concerning the group home on the east portion of 240"' Street, On behalf of concerned residents of New Scandia Township, Ms. Anderson asked the Board to review the summary of repeated 911 calls to this home and use it as an impetuous to move forward and protect the citizens of Scandia, Beryl 140-11ADY-Sor. Btwi!4 UalveFso , as a representative of the Bone Lake Association, presented two requests. 1) That a member of the Board attend the Forest Lake/Comfort Lake Watershed meetings to present the results of extremely poor water conditions in Bone Lake. Ms. Halverson felt there could be a better likelihood that action be taken to find ways to improve the water quality of the lake, as their association has been petitioning the Watershed for two years to take action with no results. 2) That the Board be conscientious in their approval of homes being built in the vicinity of Bone Lake. Ms. Halverson felt that too many variances are being granted to lake lots, thus increasing run-off and potentially harming the water quality. Board member Dennis Seefeldt suggested that Mr. Larson, the Township representative to the Forest Lake/Comfort Lake Watershed, be invited to the April 4"' Town Board meeting to talk about these issues. Jay Warmington, a property owner adjacent to the newly approved development Serenity, asked that a deed restriction be placed on each newly developed lot that requires all structures be set back at least 50 feet from the rear property line. Township Attorney Dave Hebert stated that restrictive covenants can be written into the Developer's Agreement, which can be made stricter than the Township Ordinances. AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2005/DAVE STENE, EIDE BAILLY Mr. Stene reported that New Scandia Township is in good standing in regards to financial position. The general fund balance increased $23,000 from 2004, As both revenues and expenditures came in over budget, the Township should consider amending the budget during the year. Internal control appeared appropriate. In the auditor's opinion, no changes are necessary; New Scandia Town Board March 21, 2006 page 2 the estimates in depreciation are reasonable, long term planning is adequate, and the operating system is working well. BOARD OF AUDIT Michael Harnetty made a motion that New SCandia Township acknowledges that the Board of Supervisors has accepted the Auditor's Report for the year 2005 and has also reviewed the reports presented by the Clerk and Treasurer for the year 2005. The Board accepts both reports and approves submittal to the State Auditor. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion passed. POLICE DEPART NT Deputy Chris Howard was asked about enforcing Ordinance 85, pertaining to trucks using engine braking. No tickets have been issued. Howard Hawkinson asked Deputy Howard to patrol Oland Avenue more frequently, as Mr. Hawkinson has noticed a high amount of traffic using excessive speed in this area. Deputy Howard will patrol this area more closely. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Steve Spence informed the Board of a grant application which will be submitted to the Department of Homeland Security to cover the costs associated with converting to the 800 MHz radio operating system. All Washington County Fire Departments are participating in the application, If successful, the cost of the radios will be reduced from $60,000 to S12,000. A request for Board approval was made, with need of two resolutions from the Board stating these facts. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve Resolution 03-21-06-01, Designation of the National Incident Management System as the Basis for all Incident Management in New Scandia Township. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion passed. Michael Harnetty made a motion to approve Resolution 03-21-06-02, Promoting the Use of Intrastate Mutual -Aid Agreements. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion passed. TOWNSHIP ENGL\TEER/TOM PETERSON Final estimates to patch and overlay 350 feet of frontage road at Highway 97 and Olinda Trail, Ozark Avenue, Ozark Court and Lofton Court and to reclaim Olinda Lane totaled $262,425. Michael Hinz made,a motion to approve the plans and specs, and to authorize an ad for bids for the 2006 Street Repair. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion passed. Discussion on how to repair Melanie Trail included a request to first do soil borings to see if the road can be reclaimed. Rebuilding would not be done this year. The ongoing problem of culvert run-off from 182" d Street onto the Greg Wessels property was addressed. Mr. Peterson will gather quotes to install a pipe to handle the discharge. Estimates may run between $5,000 - $ 10,000. It was suggested that the Carnelian -Marine Watershed may offer a grant to cover a portion of the repair. New Scandia Town Board March 21, 20006 page 3 Mr. Peterson was asked to ,look into a survey of Pilar Road North to check for easements. E AMBULANCE COMMITTEE A letter written by Nancy Madden was read by Michael Hinz stating the committee's recommendation to not grant the Marine Fire and Rescue a $25,000 donation. It was felt that the funding should come through bonding, and that the New Scandia Fire Department should come first if there are extra funds in the budget: Michael Hinz made a motion to send the Marline Fire and Rescue Department a letter declining them request for funding. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion .and motion passed. HORTICULTURE SERVICES Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bies expressed their concerns regarding the Horticulture Services business that Syd Stephan operates from his residence at 22200 Meadowbrook Avenue. Photos were presented to the Board showing numerous trailers on the property storing equipment for a possible snowplowing and landscaping business that Mr. Stephan's Certificate of Compliance does not allow. The constant use of the heavy trucks and equipment is damaging the nearby roads. The Board indicated that they have the option of revoking the C. C. if necessary. The Board will further investigate this operation. CABLE BROADCASTING OF TOWN BOARD MEETINGS Linda Beyer of Lakes Area Community Television, at the request of the Forest Lake Cable Commission, presented information in regards to the taping of Town Board meetings for cable: access TV. Government meetings can be taped twice per month at no cost. Ms. Beyer would first do a free test taping during;a Board meeting using the LATV equipment. If additional sound equipment were needed or changes to the meeting room were necessary, those costs would be the responsibility of the Town, Michael Harnetty made a motion to allow LATV to tape the April 4th and April 181h Board meetings as a test at no charge. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion passed. HAY LAKE SCHOOL HISTORICAL SIGN Washington County Historical Society has requested to move the Hay Lake ;School sign from its current location at the front of the school to the corner of Old MarineTrail and County Road 3; As this is a public sign and there are no restrictions in the Sign Ordinance against this, it was decided to allow the Historical Society to relocate the sign.: AMENDMENTS TO PATRICK REICHERTS VARIANCE A variance to construct a home in the Bliss Plat 2" Division was granted to Patrick Reicherts at the March b, 2006 Planning Commission meeting on the condition that Mr. Reicherts connect into the 201 septic system. Upon research done by Mr. Reicherts with Pete Ganzel from Washington County, it would be preferable to have a private system, as there is room on the property. The variance also read Lot Size from 10.0 acres to 2.0 acres. Due to the lot combinations that are required to construct the home, the Lot Size variance must be adjusted. New Scandia Town Board March 21, 2006 page 4 Michael Hinz made a motion to amend the March 6, 2006 Planning Commission minutes to allow a private conventional septic system be installed. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion passed. CONSENT AGENDA- Michael GENDAMichael Hinz made a motion to approve the following consent agenda: 1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for Town Board 02-21-06, 03-06-06, 03-14-06- Annual and 03-06-06 Planning Commission. 2. Balance January 31, 2006 $2,011,008.19 Receipts 20,972.48 Expenditures 392,236.87 Journal Entry -38,765.98 Balance February 28, 2006 $1,600,977.82 Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and the motion passed. WASHINGTON CONSERVATION DISTRICT CONTRACT Michael Hinz made:a motion to approve the 2006 contract with Washington Conservation District to assist with administration of the Wetland Conservation Act. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and the motion passed. SOLUTION TO WATER RUN-OFF OVER THE ENTRANCE TO THE COMMUNITY CENTER A proposal to build a gable or roof extension over the front entrance to the Community Center to better control the icy conditions on the sidewalk caused by snow melt was discussed. It was decided to have the Deputy Clerk contact local builders Dan Booren and Walter LaRouche to give construction quotes on bow to direct the water away from the sidewalk. TOWNSHIP CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT It was discussed that opening a credit card account through the Township so that purchases can be made with businesses in which the Township does not have an established credit account would be a better option to running a single check as needed. It must have a list of authorized users, a low credit limit, and not be removed from the office. The Treasurer and Deputy Clerk were asked to look into this. FOREST LAE E YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU Michael Hinz madea motion to approve the contract with the Youth Service Bureau in the amount of $5,250 for the year 2007. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and the motion passed. TOWNSE11P LEGAL PAPER FOR THE, YEAR 2006 The following quotes were submitted for the Legal Paper to New Scandia Township: Country Messenger $5,20 per column inch; Press Publications $6.45 per column inch; Forest Lake Times $8.00 per column inch. New Scandia Town Board March 21, 2006 page ;5 Michael Harnetty made a motion to designate the Country Messenger as the Legal Paper for the year of 2006. Dennis Seffeldt seconded the motion. Michael Harnetty yes, Dennis Seef+eldt yes, Michael Hinz no. Motion passed. WEED INSPECTOR FOR THE YEAR 2006 Michael Hinz made a motion to appoint John Morrison as the Weed Inspector for New Scandia Township for the year 2006. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion passed. DEPOSITORY FOR THE YEAR 2006 Michael Hinz made a motion to designate Security ;State Bank, Mainstreet Bank, and the t V4 Fund through the League of Minnesota Cities as the legal depositories for New Scandia Townhip for the year 2006. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion passed. Michael Hinz made a motion to adjourn.. Brenda Eklund New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk