05_02_2006_PCMinutesMay 2, 2006
On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their monthly meeting.
The following New Scandia Town Board members were also in attendance: Chairman Dennis
Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board that they approve the following variance
requests to Gabriel and Mary Jane Hennen, 12366 228"' Street, Scandia, MN 55073; Lot 1 and 2
of Holstein Shores; 1)Lot Size of 2.5 'acres to 0.7 acres, 2)Lake Setback of 100 feet to 78.7 feet to
build an attached garage to the house, 3)Allow the existing garage be moved closer to the road
than the house. On the grounds that the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to
the property and not created by the landowner. Conditions are 1)Soil erosion control measures be
implemented during construction, 2)Storm water drainage be properly directed. Findings are that
the variance will not alter the essential characteristics of the neighborhood.
Nancy Madden made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendations for
Gabriel and Mary Jane Hennen, with an additional amendment that the existing sherd near
the lake be reduced to no more than 120E square feet in size prior to a building permit being
issued. Michael Hinz seconded the motion with the addition that the variances are granted
due to disabilities of the landowner. Motion adopted.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board that they approve a request for a minor
subdivision, to divide a 53,5 acre parcel into a 48.5 acre parcel and a 5.0 acre parcel, for Donna
Larson, 15660 220`' Street, Scandia, MN 55073. Part of the SW Quarter, Section 12. On the
grounds that the subdivision is consistent with the New Scandia Development Code standards.
Conditions are: 1)Wetland delineation of Parcel A be recorded,.2)Minimum of 1.0 acre buildable
land be demonstrated, 3)Drainage easements be provided for any wetlands dedicated to New
Scandia Township, 4)Provide a ininimum,300 feet distance from adjacent driveways to the new
driveway for Parcel A, 5)That all fees be paid to the Township. Findings are that this is a
reasonable request.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for
Donna Larson's minor subdivision with the addition that Park Fees of $1,500.00 be
collected. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to table the hearing for Patrick and Brenda
Melchior, 962 Otto Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102, for variances for new home construction at
19489 Manning Trail, that part of Government Lot 7 (PID 29-032-20-32-0011 and PID 29-032-
20-32-0010). The following variances are required: 1)Road frontage of 0 feet from 160 feet,
2)Lake setback of 85 feet from 100 feet, 3)Lot size of 1.82 acres from 2.5 acres 4)Bluff setback
of 27.7 feet lakeside and zero feet on the west side from 30 feet. On the grounds that several
issues need to be resolved prior to consideration for variances. Conditions are 1)Subject agrees to
a 60 day tabling, 2)No trees be cut until a building permit is issued, 3)No grading occur prior to
the issuing of a building permit, 4)Complete a title search to determine if there are other
easements or encumbrances,;5)Secure approval from Carnelian -Marine Watershed, 6)New
Scandia Fire Chief approves of the road improvements, 7)Township Engineer approves of the
road improvements, $)Change the house construction plans to fit within the OHW and bluff
setbacks, 9)Septic is approved by Washington County..
New Scandia Town Board
May 2, 2006
page 2
The applicants signed a sixty (60) day waiver agreeing to the tabled hearing to allow the Planning
Commission and the Board to give due consideration to the application.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board that they approve the following variance
requests for Bradley B ergo, 19123 Layton Avenue North, Marine, NIN 5 5047. Lot 7, Block 1,
Holiday Beach 2" d Addition: Road Frontage of 75 feet from 160 feet, Lot Size of 0.32 acres from
2.5 acres, Lake Setback of 30 feet from 100 feet to construct an addition to the home. On the
grounds that the home is hexagonal and this addition needs to be where planned to facilitate
efficient use of the current home location and leaves no alternative configuration. Conditions as
follows: I)Applicant pays all fees, 2)Applicant satisfies the Camelian-Marine Watershed District
recon-imendations relative to shoreland restoration, 3)Mcet impervious surface of no more than 25
percent, 4)Obtain permit from Carnelian -Marine Watershed. Findings are that the lot size is not a
condition created by the landowner, there is no location on the existing property that will allow
placing the addition further from the OHWM, the small size of the lot is a pre-existing condition,
the addition is a reasonable use of the property and the addition will not change the character of
the property.
Nancy Madden made a motion to accept the Planning Commission's recommendations for
Bradley Bergo's variances with the amendments that the addition will be no closer to the
lake than adjoining property owners' homes and that the impervious surface area will not
increase. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Mr. Dan Manthey, 14633 Old Marine Trail, wanted to clarify an casement to a 40 acre parcel that
he owns. There is currently no road connecting his property to Oakgreen Avenue. There is a 66
foot easement recorded to access the 40 acre parcel. This is anon -exclusive easement, not for
public use of the road. If Mr. Manthey were to develop the property, he was told that it would be
necessary to blacktop the road. This condition could be negotiable if not developed.
Meeting a 'oumed.
r renda Eklund
New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk