05_24_2006_TBMinutes_WORKSHOPMay 24, 2006 Workshop Meeting
In attendance were Dick Thompson and Berry Farrington of TKDA, attorney Dave Hebert,
RLPC member Kurt Hadland, Town Board members Dennis Seefeldt, Mike Hinz, Blair Joselyn,
Nancy Madden, and Planning Coininissions members Donnette Yehle, Peter Schwarz, Kevin
Nickelson. Chris Ness and James Malmquist were absent.
Dennis Seefcldt called the meeting to order. Ordinance No. 88 amending Ordinance No. 74
pertaining to the zoning and subdivision regulations of the town was discussed first. Dick
Thompson presented the second draft of the ordinance. Changes made to this draft included
Section 2 (3) (C) list 3 as a separate item; (F) rewording to "Preservation or establishment of
woodlands and forests..." (H) add word "or" after "features"; (J) add "roads and property" to
end of sentence; and (K) replaced word "proposed" with "potential". Percentage points were
assigned as follows: A=5%, B=10%, C=25%, C3=5%, D=10%, E=25%, Fâ L= 10%. It was
decided that greater importance should be encourage for community water systems and open
space orientation (C & E). An additional two bonus point items were added to emphasize habitat
restoration and providing long -tens stewardship of open space. Both points were assigned 10%.
There was some discussion as to whether or not some of these bonus points should be required,
not just recommended. Berry Farrington then walked the group through a matrix of these points
as applied to an existing development. Altogether, four examples were provided. There was also
some discussion as to the meaning of the word "preservation" and how that can be applied
through a management plan.
Next, Peter Schwarz presented a summary from his ad -hoe work group regarding a tree
preservation ordinance. His workgroup reached the conclusion that a stand-alone tree
preservation ordinance makes no sense, but that it must be part of the overall resource inventory
of a given parcel of land. They recommended hiring a Res ource/Ecologist/Landse ape specialist
without delay. Such specialist would work with the town planner to formulate a preservation
policy. As part of that group, Kurt Hadland added that they are talking about more than tree
preservation, but "conservation subdivision/development" to preserve something important. Mr.
Hadland suggested a Conservation Development pen -nit process in which the town would have
their Landscape Specialist do a complete site inventory from which can be formulated a
conservation plan. After that is done, the Planning Commission would have a pre -concept site
visit, then_a pre -concept workshop would be held. Only after that would an open space plan
come to the full Planning Commission and Town Board. It would save the developer on
engineering fees if they were given more direction prior to making a lot of plans. It was
suggested this not be called a "pen -nit", but an "application". Escrow would be collected to cover
the cost of the resource inventory. Mr. Hadland suggested that such a "specialist" should know
how to talk to developers and persuade them to look at the land in another way, and also be able
to do the inventory work. Mr. Hadland asked the group to consider changing the terminology
from "Open Space Design" to "Conservation Development". Put on next town board agenda to
set inter -views. In the meantime, it was suggested that the town contract a consultant to work with
Dick Thompson on melding the Landscape, Screening and Tree Preservation policies into one
ordinance applying to OSD. Mr. Thompson will get a quote for the June 6 meeting.
May 24, 2006
Ordinance Workshop
Dennis Seefeldt urged all Planning Commission and Town Board members interested to attend a
Conservation Development Seminar coming up Monday, June 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30
a.m. with a continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m., at the Sheraton in Bloomington. Cost is $50.00 to
be paid by the township. The seminar is hosted by ULI Minnesota (Urban Land ;Institute).
Contact Brenda at the office if you want to attend.
Nancy Madden requested the ordinance on accessory structures be changed to allow pole
buildings on Tess than five acres to accommodate the nominal five -acre lots in the township. She
suggested 4.01 or 4.5 acres at a minimum. Put on June, 6 Planning Commission agenda.
Dennis Seefeldt presented a revised plan for Emerald Acres in which the loop in the read is
removed thereby simplifying the street plan. It was decided that the applicant could be invited to
the June 6 Planning Commission meeting, but cautioned that any changes to the already
approved plan could require a whole new public hearing process with everything subject to
change, and that the township has been having workshops to revise the open space ordinance in
calculating density bonuses. One example in the last workshop would have allowed 21 'lots for
Emerald Acres.
Dave Hebert brought up the Adult Use Regulations. It was decided to have a public hearing for
the new ordinance with Mr. Hebert drawing up the required findings. Public hearing should be
set for the July meeting.
FYI â The Incorporation Hearing is scheduled for July 19 and 20, with a public meeting at the
town hall on the 20t' at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Colleen Firkus
Planning Commission Secretary