05_30_2006_TBMinutes_WORKSHOPMay 30, 2006
On the above date a Workshop was held to review the Draft of the Comprehensive Parks,
Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan. In attendance were Board Chairman Dennis
Seefeldt, Michael Harnetty, Michael Hinz, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. Planning
Commission members Chris Ness, Peter Schwarz and Donnette Yehle. Park and
Recreation Committee members Deb Campobasso, Ron Couture, Sarah Kilgriff and
Karen Schik. Vera Westrum of Sanders Wacker Bergly, Inc. presented the draft plan.
The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to guide New Scandia Township's strategy for
preserving, enhancing and developing a park and recreation system. A comniunity survey
was conducted in 2004 that gathered feedback from approximately 39% of New Scandia
residents. Over half the respondents rated the importance of open space and recreation to
their quality of life. The survey summary is attached to the plan appendix.
Ms. Westrum reviewed the plan for those in attendance. A Park System Plan was
identified which divides the Township into four park service areas. Recommendations for
proposed improvements and development of new park areas were reviewed. It was
suggested that use of the word "trail" in regards to bike routes is misleading as identified
on the maps. Ail off-road trail should be designated as such, whereas those routes that
follow a paved shoulder of a road are not considered a bike trail, but rather need to be
identified as a "bike route", All trails should be identified as to the use, i.e. hiking, biking,
In answer to Supervisor Hametty's question as to what does this plan lead to, Ms.
Westrurn responded that the plan is a framework to preserve open space and ecological
features, and to establish and provide useable facilities for the residents of the Town. The
planning extends out to the year 2025. This plan provides a basis for the Township to
agree on prioritization of projects to undertake. This can also be used as a tool for
developers in which to designate park land and trail easements.
It was suggested that all plats issued in the past 30-40 years be reviewed to gather an
inventory of all park land and trail easements, so that they can be added to the maps. The
office staffwas directed to begin this inventory.
Deb Campobasso will collect any corrections and additions to this draft and forward them
to Ms. Westrum. A public information meeting will be scheduled to coincide with the
public hearing to adopt the final comprehensive plan. It is planned to hold the public
information meeting on Julyl 8, 2006 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. The public hearing will
follow that same evening during the Town Board meeting.
Meeting adjore'.
1�renla Eklund
New Scandia. Township Deputy Clerk