05_31_2006_TBMinutes_SPECIALMay 31, 2006
On the above date, a special meeting of the New Scandia. Town Board was held at 4:00 p.m. hi
attendance were Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty
Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. Town Attorney David Hebert was also present. Acting Clerk
Brenda Eklund read the Notice of Hearing. Given notice to attend were Gary Hogle and Jan
Hogle, members of the Park and Recreation Committee. The meeting was designated as a closed
meeting. Gary Hogle and Jan Hogle had the option of opening the meeting to the public. Both
Gary Hogle and Jan Hogle did request that the meeting be open.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and consider allegations pertaining to the actions of
Gary Hogle and Jan Hogle as members of the Park and Recreation Committee. Supervisor
Harnetty was contacted by several people in attendance at a May 1, 2006 Park and Recreation
Committee meeting. It was stated that this meeting turned volatile and disruptive. On May 8,
2006, Supervisors Harnetty and Madden conducted separate interviews with seven people who
were in attendance at the May lit Park Committee meeting to investigate these allegations: The
summary of these interviews were given by Harnetty and Madden. The opinions of those in
attendance at the May 1St meeting concluded that the committee meetings are not professionally
run, there is underlying tension, a facilitator is needed and micromanaging is disrupting the work
of the Activity Director, Gary Hogle and Jan Hogle were given the floor to respond. Jan Hogle
stated that the entire May I" meeting was recorded and transcribed. All Board members did
receive <a copy of this transcript. Jan Hogle felt that the transcript did not contain these findings.
Gary Hogle felt these proceedings were not necessary and that the committee meeting did not
unfold as stated.
At 4.30 p.m. the open meeting proceeded as stated in the hearing notice to further discuss the
charges and determine what actions the Board will undertake.
Supervisor Harnetty would like to see the conflictive environment of the committee resolved. He
feels that members new to the group are left feeling uncomfortable and unable to go forward with
the work of the Park Board. Supervisor Hametty stated that Gary Hogle's and Jan Hogle's
conflictive style does not serve the committee or the community well. Supervisor Joselyn stated
that the Park Committee has a history of conflict. Supervisor Madden pointed out that in past
years several committee members have left as a result of frustration. Chairman Seefeldt felt the
Park Committee operates in a manner that is getting worse. The Board does not need nor want
non-functional committee. Supervisor Hinz asked about the number of years each have served.
Gary Hogle has been a member for twelve years. Jan Hogle was appointed in 2004. Generally
appointments are made for a length of five years.
Supervisor Joselyn stated that he would like to go forward with a warning to Gary Hogle and Jan
Hogle in the form of a written reprimand and notice of what is expected. If any further problems
arise, the Board may follow with appropriate action. The remaining Board members felt that Gary
Hogle and Jan. Hogle should be given the option to resign from the Park Committee. A response
from Crary Hogle and Jan Hogle will be accepted at the -June 6, 2006 Town Board meeting. If they
choose not to resign, a dismissal from the Park Committee can be decided upon by the Board.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at<5:10 p.m.
renda Ekl d q�'"
New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk